"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Looking good sunkiss! I've definitely noticed more bloat too, but I'm sure it's just that -- bloat -- and I'll have to wait longer for a real bump...
So ladies, I thought I'd give an update since I haven't posted much for a while now. To be honest I just feel guilty complaining about my pregnancy symptoms in a thread that has suffered so many losses :( But I've been feeling pretty dang terrible lately.

I'm currently on day 3 of a migraine. I've been sleeping probably about 11 hours a night, and still nap throughout the day. I feel constantly sick. It's been wearing on me emotionally. I feel like a whiny brat or something, I guess this is the point where I look back on wanting "symptoms" and want to smack myself! I over think, I'm already scaring myself about the possibility of PPD since I have had issues with depression in the past. I know, that is the last thing I should be thinking about right now but when I feel down I start thinking about all sorts of negative thoughts. I've been through so much to get to where I am right now, I just want to be happy and excited about this all so I feel guilty that I'm not feeling happy and excited right now. Part of me is trying to convince myself it's normal to feel down since I've been feeling so terrible lately but another part of me is saying "what the heck is wrong with you! you should be happy and excited right now!" Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful to be pregnant and that the bean is healthy. I don't know, I guess I've just had unrealistic expectations about what pregnancy would be like.

Any words of wisdom?
I totally understand, MrsMcD. I've been feeling fed up with feeling sick all the time, too. I was so looking forward to being pregnant but with no baby here yet it sometimes feels like the only thing that has changed is that I feel crummy (and anxious) every day and we've stopped having sex...and it's been going on for weeks. If there were no baby at the end of this -- or, even, no promise of soon feeling more secure about the future or of sensing a tiny person moving around inside my belly -- of course I would be upset about these changes. We're doing this now because what happens in the near future is supposed to be worth it. That bothers me on some level because I don't like living my life that way -- if I'm unhappy I don't generally think it's wise to say "I bet the future will hold something different." But in this situation, I really think that's the case. The future IS supposed to hold something different -- in particular, getting to experience the joy of becoming a parent. So I think it DOES make total sense to feel frustrated right now, even though this is something you (and all of us) really wanted. What does it say about you? Not that you're ungrateful, that you don't really want to have a child, or that you won't be a happy or good parent; just that you prefer to feel physically healthy! And don't we all!

Sorry to write a novel, but this is something I've been thinking about the past few days too. :hugs:

One thing that has been helpful to me has been reading through some journal posts written by a friend during her pregnancy (years ago). I bet you could do the same with second-tri or later pregnancy journals on this site that were started in first tri. My friend felt so crummy during first tri but she did naturally feel better and more excited later on, and I know she thinks the whole experience is totally worth it. Reading about that boosted my confidence that I don't have to feel guilty about complaining about my symptoms now, and once I feel better physically my slight mixed feelings about pregnancy will naturally go away.
im happy u brought this up MrsMcD123 because i have been feeling some of it too, did i not say we would look back on these symptoms and say ugh this is what we were asking for ha ha, 1st tri is so tough with the hormone changes our bodies go through, i didnt experience some of these symptoms last time and if i did they were not as intense so some of this is new for me too, good thing is we only have a few more weeks in 1st tri and things will balance out in 2nd, my symptoms still have not been too bad but honestly its very much more intense than last time, i hardly felt pregnant with my daughter until i felt her move...oh just wait until u feel that, all the crappy feeling u going through right now will not matter anymore, good things to look forward to ladies and u dont have to feel guilty about feeling crappy, its totally normal, i complain to my OH sometimes n get a lil bitchy with him then i feel bad but he understands its not me just the hormones...there has been something else that has been bothering me and i havent really said it out loud cause i dont want to sound ungrateful either for my blessings but i feel almost guilty to luv rainbow although i do so very much, im so happy, thank u God for this miracle but part of me is sad because Olivia is still suppose to be in my womb, i was due 3/1/12, i feel like i am cheating on her for loving rainbow and sharing her space when she was suppose to be there, i dont think that feeling will go away until i pass my due date, then i can let go and have true closure, i know she sent me this miracle because she know how my heart was mourning for her everyday and she didnt want me to be in pain but i still cant help feel that way, by no means would i ever do anything different, i am so happy that i decided to try again, i am so ready to be a mommy on earth and i know these feelings will pass. we gonna get through it all ladies :hugs:

seaweed, we stop having sex also, sex is actually very healthy in pregnancy but i had a lil scare and i rather just be safe than sorry, few days ago after we were fooling around i had a lil brown spotting, i know its old blood but i am freaked out now, it stopped and i didnt have pains so i will ask doc about it, i just feel like my cervix is extra sensitive and i gotta play it safe, thank goodness OH is such a wonderful and understanding man :D
Lots of :hugs: to you sunkiss. I bet you are right that getting through Olivia's due date will be a big change for you. <3

I have a close friend who had a MC scare a few months ago due to sex and placenta previa, which she didn't know she had...I know it's statistically unlikely but because it's so vivid for me it just makes me scared of taking the risk. But, to be honest, it's not just that. I was thinking we would pass the time by doing other sexual things aside from intercourse, but between the nausea and the fatigue I just haven't really felt like it at all. It bums me out because we've never gone even close to this long (at least since we were long-distance, or by now maybe even then!), and I'm still attracted to my husband, just don't really feel like doing it. I'm counting on this to get better in 2nd tri when the fatigue and nausea hopefully go away...
it will all come back in 2nd tri, i felt that way last time in 1st tri, didnt want to be touched especially my breast since i cried to even take off my bra, but 2nd tri i turned a freak again :haha: just fooling hee hee, it really is so normal, who feels like being touched when ur hormones are so out of whack, feel bad for the hubbies but it doesnt last 4eva n they will have their reign again soon enough :D

wow ur already 9 weeks seaweed, cant believe it, feel like we just found out yesterday, time seems to be moving!!
Thank you soo much seaweed & sunkiss!! It's so awesome to have you guys to talk to about all this, and it makes me feel so much better to know I'm not alone. :hugs:

Sex hasn't been going on much over here either. The few times we've been able to it was great, but the constant overwhelming fatigue and sickness just kill any desire. Which sucks because I've actually been having quite a few sex dreams! Man, I can't wait to make it to the second trimester!
hey ladies,

checking in to see how yall r doing, my symptoms brought me back home today, this is what i was asking for right to feel more preggo lol, well i got it now!! the fatigue and nausea was escalated today and i felt so exhausted like i didnt sleep for 2 days, good to know hormones are going strong cause i feel sick, i think it really may be a boy this time cause i surely didnt have these symptoms last pregnancy, he is gonna kick mommy's butt ha ha, well as long as my baby is healthy n thriving i will take the pain for now, will be worth it when i hold that precious baby in my arms, i think i am going to take a break tomoro too, i have been going non stop and my body needs a break, we have to remember a little life is growing inside of us although we cant feel it the symptoms will surely remind us...hope u all are doing well, hang in there ladies :hugs:
I had a pretty good day today. I ate a salad for lunch! It even had a hardboiled egg in it! And I kept it down!! That was a pretty big deal for me. Back to the old nausea and fatigue this evening though :lol:

I'm sorry you are feeling sick, sunkiss! Hope it gets better soon! Definitely take a break tomorrow and enjoy :hugs:
Hi Girls
Been away a bit lately, just so tired and sick I just want to sleep when I can.
9 weeks now...so excited time is moving slowly but surely. Only 3 weeks until I get my scan, date still not confirmed but keep checking the post for my appointment letter.

Me and OH are still having sex, but maybe once a week....when we were trying it was like 4 times a week, I am just to tired or cold...he is the same though so its all ok.

I am still getting serious nausea, not been sick again but its the same feeling day in day out. Seems worse in mornings and evenings and the only thing to stop is eating....not gained any weight so thats a good sign as I dont want to gain too much if i dont need too.
I need to upate my bump pics, I am sure I can feel something but could just be bloat or my belly fat....

We have been naughty and brought some baby clothes....I know I wanted to wait but couldnt help myself, we pretty much have all the clothes we need....its my sisters fault she wanted to go 'window' shopping and then we just brought stuff.

Speak soon ladies xxxx
Good morning ladies :flower:

After 5 full days of headache/migraine, I think it may finally be gone! Hopes aren't too high about that though, it's still early and has all day to start back up again. I'll definitely be taking it easy today though (as usual!)

Man, I don't think I can make it more than maybe 15 minutes without thinking about being pregnant/having a baby. It's pretty much all I think about. I have to admit I've been freaking out about it lately! I know it changes EVERYTHING so it's kinda scary. Luckily me and hubby have really good friends that had their first baby 5 months ago so it's nice having their perspective on things and knowing that we'll have babies at the same time :) I'm actually due within a week of when their baby was born so they'll be pretty much exactly a year apart! They have a little girl, so part of me is hoping for a little girl so we can get all their hand-me-downs :blush:

2 and a half weeks until my next appointment! Not positive if I'll get another ultrasound (hoping!) but at the very least we should be able to hear the heartbeat by then so I'm super excited. At that point I'll be 11w5d so we decided that if everything goes well, we will start spreading the word! Can't wait until we can do that!

Hope you are all feeling well today, make sure to drink lots of water (I'm having trouble with that!) and get in as many naps as you can! :hugs:
Hello ladies!

It's been 5 days since anyone has posted, how are you all doing out there?

I've entered into a state of total paranoia. Right around the 9 week mark my symptoms all started to fade and I'm not feeling very pregnant anymore and I'm scared to death. My next appointment isn't until the 28th and I have no idea how I'm going to be able to make it that long! Time is absolutely DRAGGING. I'm now wishing that I had ordered that fetal doppler as soon as I got the ultrasound like my original plan was, but I was so reassured at the time that I thought, why bother? Now it's been 3 weeks since my last appointment, and it will be 2 more until my next and I'm losing it.

How are you all holding up??
Hey ladies, I'm exhausted but wanted to say hello and send you all some :hugs:, hope everyone is doing ok. I'm totally with you, MrsMcD, my appointment is the 28th too and I've been feeling sooo impatient...I feel like the end of first tri is so close and yet soooo far, and I can barely wait.

I'm actually glad to hear your symptoms faded :hugs: I understand feeling worried, but as I'm sure you've heard, it's totally normal for them to go away around 9 weeks since hormone levels start dropping around that time as the placenta takes over. Mine are still here, but they keep changing. They're getting a bit more predictable in terms of what time of day they hit (worse in the evening), and I've found myself able to sleep a bit better, which is amazing. Now all I want is for the awful food aversions to go away so I can eat like a normal person again.

Though it's been quiet here, I've been thinking of you all...hope everyone is well. :hugs:
Hello Ladies

Sorry not been on here much lately, just for the odd post here and there.
10 weeks now whooooooo. Still waiting on a letter for my scan appointment, If i havent got one by next week I'll be calling the hospital...I want to see my baby lol.

I am suffering soooo much, I have constant nausea all day i am eating something every 30 minutes (fruit or a mint) just to stop the sick feeling in my mouth.

My constipation got so bad I saw my Dr as it was hurting and occasionally bled, I have haemaroids -- common in pregnancy so am on special medicine for that, got to drink lots of water and eat plenty of fibre. I also had a lump under my arm checked, blocked milk duct he said from where my breasts are growing...they feel HUGE.

So all in all im having a pretty crappy time of it but still so happy to be going through it, every time I get to Thursday i get all excited as I'm one more week further.....I'm a PRUNE lol xxxxxxx
hey girls!!

it feels like ages since i last updated, so sorry i've been away so long, i was so busy with packing and moving and the move is finally done as of yesterday wooohooo :happydance: lol, i'm so happy for this new start, now time to unpack n get settled, whew i forgot how much work this is, im glad to see u ladies still here n doing well, i have been doing good, not too much to report, still have slight nausea, not daily and everyday i am still exhausted, nipps are still really sore, i have a backache too but i think thats from the packing, i didnt have to move anything or clean, OH and mom are a lifesaver but i had to organize and pack a bit..i have a dating scan tomorrow and so happy to see my lil rainbow, oh speaking of rainbow i have a story for u ladies, so for vday OH sent 3 dozen long stem roses to my job, he is so super sweet, luv him so much, so i look at the card to see where they came from and it said rainbow florist, i said awww he found a florist named rainbow to order for me how sweet *tear*, so later that eve i said hunny that was so sweet to find a florist named rainbow to order the roses from, he said i didnt order from rainbow, i ordered from ftd, i said well the card said from rainbow florist and showed it to him, he said wow they outsource to local florist for deliveries, wut is the odds they would pick a florist named rainbow out of all the florist in my area, unbelievable, just another indication everything is gonna be alright :D

MrsMcD123 dont worry bout the symptoms hun, the same happens for me, they come n go n vary in severity, some days i dont feel a thing and next day i am like oh crap its back lol, so enjoy those good days :D

i cant believe already this is week 10 for us, wow 1/4 of pregnancy is complete ladies wooohooo :happydance:

oh i missed my 9th week belly pic cause i like to take it at the top of the week so i will post my 10th on sat, i will come back tomorrow with a sono pic if i get one, pray for me ladies, u know we always worry for every scan!!
hey girls!!

it feels like ages since i last updated, so sorry i've been away so long, i was so busy with packing and moving and the move is finally done as of yesterday wooohooo :happydance: lol, i'm so happy for this new start, now time to unpack n get settled, whew i forgot how much work this is, im glad to see u ladies still here n doing well, i have been doing good, not too much to report, still have slight nausea, not daily and everyday i am still exhausted, nipps are still really sore, i have a backache too but i think thats from the packing, i didnt have to move anything or clean, OH and mom are a lifesaver but i had to organize and pack a bit..i have a dating scan tomorrow and so happy to see my lil rainbow, oh speaking of rainbow i have a story for u ladies, so for vday OH sent 3 dozen long stem roses to my job, he is so super sweet, luv him so much, so i look at the card to see where they came from and it said rainbow florist, i said awww he found a florist named rainbow to order for me how sweet *tear*, so later that eve i said hunny that was so sweet to find a florist named rainbow to order the roses from, he said i didnt order from rainbow, i ordered from ftd, i said well the card said from rainbow florist and showed it to him, he said wow they outsource to local florist for deliveries, wut is the odds they would pick a florist named rainbow out of all the florist in my area, unbelievable, just another indication everything is gonna be alright :D

MrsMcD123 dont worry bout the symptoms hun, the same happens for me, they come n go n vary in severity, some days i dont feel a thing and next day i am like oh crap its back lol, so enjoy those good days :D

i cant believe already this is week 10 for us, wow 1/4 of pregnancy is complete ladies wooohooo :happydance:

oh i missed my 9th week belly pic cause i like to take it at the top of the week so i will post my 10th on sat, i will come back tomorrow with a sono pic if i get one, pray for me ladies, u know we always worry for every scan!!

That is soo awesome about the rainbow florist!! Definitely a sign :) Yeah my mind has been so back and fourth about my symptoms easing up, one minute I'm panicked thinking the worst, the next minute I'm smacking myself cause it's such a typical worry :dohh:

I was going to wait to take official belly pics until I could tell for sure I was showing (since I'm a bigger girl anyway) but I think I'll be taking one very soon and then start weekly pics so I can compare :) Who cares if I'm a bigger girl? No point in trying to hide it right? Besides, even if it's bloat I can definitely tell my tummy has gotten a bit bigger, and it sure isn't weight gain. Haven't gained a pound, in fact I've lost a few. My "loose" jeans have gotten quite snug on my tummy.
hey girls :hi:

sorry im late on the update, things have been crazy here, with the move and i have a very sick auntie that is dying from cancer, its really sad, my mom twin sister but we are dealing with it the best we can, just praying for her to not be in pain nor suffer. the sono went really well, i saw rainbow moving for the first time, just melted my heart, i didnt expect to see my baby move, i was just so happy to see the heartbeat but the movement really made it so much more real. i was suppose to be 10 weeks but they dated me 10 weeks 2 days so baby is doing really well with dates now, they wont change my due date because its so close, i truly believe i was no more than 10 weeks 1 day though cause i know i ovulated on cd 19 or 20 so i can change my date back to the 13th :happydance:

i do have a couple of issues to report and i am just praying that it will not effect my pregnancy in any way, i am not too worried about either of them for now, my pap did come back with abnormal cells a very low grade though, i had this 20 yrs ago and they did a colposcopy and biopsy and the treatment was to freeze my cervix to remove the cells, since then all my paps have come back normal, i took a pap july of last yr (6mths ago) and it was normal so this has just happen, i spoke to my regular ob about it and she said i can have a colposcopy done if i want but they cannot treat me during pregnancy and it can wait til after i have the baby and it will not effect the baby nor will i get cancer with such a low grade in this time frame, that made me feel so much better whew!! other thing is on the sono doc saw a very small bleed, i dont know exactly where it is but it was on the opposite side of baby, i am assuming it was the uterus, she asked if i am spotting and i told her i was a few weeks ago very brief and little and it was brown only when i wiped, she said she believes it may have happened when baby implanted and its nothing to worry over..i am sure my high risk is going to want to keep an eye on it to make sure it goes away, i read this is very common in 1st tri and usually resolves itself, she did say my cervix looks good, nice and long and that made me feel so good, honestly i am not too worried, just a tad but i have such a great feeling for this pregnancy, like i know everything will be ok this time :D

ok gonna post rainbow pic now!!
amazing how quickly they develop, last time looked like a beautiful blob and now u can clearly see baby's body parts :cloud9:


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Hi Ladies

Hope your all well. Lovely pic sunkiss, cant believe you have had two scans and I havent even had one yet....I am still waiting on my appointment letter from the hospital, if i havent got it by Thursday ill ring the hospital myself....cant believe were nearly at the 11 week mark....been waiting so long to get this far, 1 more week and ill be a plum lol!!

MrsMcD know what you mean with the rounding out on the tummy area, ive not gained any weight but by lower tummy feels rounder and firmer....I am a bigger girl too. I love feeling it hoping its baby and not just fat lol.

I told some more family members on the weekend, seeing as i probably wont see them now till april, were all over moon and totally didnt expect the news.

I managed to get OH into a baby store yesterday and we had a look at the cots and prams, the one i like we veto'ed right away as it looked like the baby was down on the ground. We did see a lovely icandy one that we both liked....I know its still early days and I wont be getting it soon but at least my sister can start saving (shes offered to buy it for us)

Speak soon, hopefully ill have an scan appointment next time we speak


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