"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

Amazing pic, sunkiss, thanks for posting! :cloud9: Glad you are feeling good, the issues you mentioned really do sound like nothing to worry about so it's great to see you so positive :hugs:

It's funny, we're dancing around more or less the same due dates! Mine is officially the 15th based on ov, but I was dated consistent with the 13th (and my tickers are based on the 11th which is the LMP date). It sounds like they're going to keep the 15th b/c it's close enough. I'm impatient to get to second tri so I've been counting based on the 11th, but at some point when I get to a week I really like and wouldn't mind extending, I plan to take a few days extra and shift to the 15th :lol:

I definitely feel rounder, but I don't think it's my uterus yet...think I would be able to tell if it were a true bump, and it still feels like it could be bloat. Still, even though I can still fit into my regular clothes, I got some new maternity clothes and started wearing them for comfort on some days. Also, I do think I felt some round ligament pain this morning! I burped :lol: and felt a sudden sharp pain in my groin that went away after a second. First time I've felt that. So that was interesting!

Other than that, just waiting waiting waiting for my appointment next Tues...no scan but probably doppler. I'll be 12 weeks based on LMP and 11+5 based on dating, so if we hear that heartbeat I'm going to tell a few more people. I feel like I'm just holding my breath until then.

Hope everyone is feeling good today :hugs:
sunkiss, AWESOME picture!!! Blobs with heartbeats are great, but when they actually start looking like babies, that's soooo exciting! Did you get to hear the heartbeat?

So it does look like we're all probably due within a week of each other :) My DD so far is September 13th, that's based off of LMP and also my last ultrasound. My next appointment is next Tuesday which will put me at 11w5d. Not sure if I'll be getting an ultrasound but we should at least be able to hear the heartbeat :) If all goes well, we will start spreading the word which I *can't wait* for! I've been trying to think of cute ways to announce on Facebook (once we've told everyone that's important). Not sure what we'll do yet though. But man I can't wait! I also can't wait to start working on registering! We'll be getting mostly gender neutral stuff so we're going to start working on that early. Can't wait to find out the sex but man we have a ways to go for that!

Physically I've been feeling better lately. Still tired, still getting headaches every day but the morning sickness is gone. My nipples have been dry and peely, anyone else? My husband also made a comment yesterday that they are starting to look a little bit darker. Man, part of me hates feeling so positive about this pregnancy just in case, but things really do seem to be right this time. Oooooh I can't wait until next Tuesday so I can *really* get excited!!
Hi ladies, how is everyone? :hugs: Hope you're all feeling better this week.

I'm wondering, are any of you showing? This week I think I suddenly started looking slightly pregnant! It's very exciting, but a mixed blessing until Tuesday, since I know some of my friends are suspicious and it makes it harder to keep things a secret. Also, my chest has grown noticeably -- one of my friends commented on that the other day :dohh: I hate having to try to hide these things when I like and feel proud of how I look! Tuesday can't come soon enough!!
Hey Ladies

How are wel all? I have a rotton cold so am miserable. Cant taking any meds so am on hot water and honey.....

I am so pissed with my hospital, 11 weeks and still no scan date, I called athem and they said oh your only 11 weeks, we'll probably book you next week for around 13 weeks or so....grrrrrrrr I just want my scan to see baby is ok.

I feel like I am showing a bit, my lower tummy is rounded out and firmer than normal but I keep telling myself its just fat lol. I cannot wait to have my lovely baby bump.

On a great note my sister in law had her 2nd baby today, a girl...not sure of weight etc but sooooo excited as she will have a play mate when our little one is born.
I wouldn't say I'm quite showing but I've certainly noticed my tummy getting bigger! It doesn't feel firm so at this point I'm sure it's bloat and my uterus shoving my fat upwards :) I don't think my boobs have gotten any bigger yet but my nipples have been really dry and peely for the past couple weeks, I'm having to lotion them up whenever I get out of the shower!

Seaweed, my next appointment is on Tuesday also! I have no idea if I'll be getting another ultrasound but I really really hope! If not, I better at least get to hear the heartbeat or I'm going to lose it. I'm so paranoid now about having another MMC.

c1403, that's awesome your babies are going to be so close together!! The closest in age baby we will have in our life will be almost exactly 1 year older. And unfortunately the closest in age cousin will already almost be 7. But that's okay :)

I'm so tired of not being able to scream it to the world!! I want everyone to know :) Are you all going to be making any sort of announcement on Facebook once you've told everyone important in your lives? I am, I want to do something cute but I'm not sure. Also not sure how cutesy my husband will want to be about it. I was thinkin it would be really cute to recreate the movie poster for the movie Knocked Up with my husbands face, but I think that idea will probably be a little too much for him.
I wouldn't say I'm quite showing but I've certainly noticed my tummy getting bigger! It doesn't feel firm so at this point I'm sure it's bloat and my uterus shoving my fat upwards :) I don't think my boobs have gotten any bigger yet but my nipples have been really dry and peely for the past couple weeks, I'm having to lotion them up whenever I get out of the shower!

Seaweed, my next appointment is on Tuesday also! I have no idea if I'll be getting another ultrasound but I really really hope! If not, I better at least get to hear the heartbeat or I'm going to lose it. I'm so paranoid now about having another MMC.

c1403, that's awesome your babies are going to be so close together!! The closest in age baby we will have in our life will be almost exactly 1 year older. And unfortunately the closest in age cousin will already almost be 7. But that's okay :)

I'm so tired of not being able to scream it to the world!! I want everyone to know :) Are you all going to be making any sort of announcement on Facebook once you've told everyone important in your lives? I am, I want to do something cute but I'm not sure. Also not sure how cutesy my husband will want to be about it. I was thinkin it would be really cute to recreate the movie poster for the movie Knocked Up with my husbands face, but I think that idea will probably be a little too much for him.

Its funny, we have massive gaps with babies in my family then all of a sudden a there is a outburst of pregnancies and then it settles down for a few years again lol. I have one baby due every month from Feb - July then me in september lol so lots of baby mates lol.

When I stand up I think i can feel/see a bump but when i sit down its just my fat lol.

Nearly at the 12 week mark I really hope I have my scan date through in the next few days.

I wouldn't say I'm quite showing but I've certainly noticed my tummy getting bigger! It doesn't feel firm so at this point I'm sure it's bloat and my uterus shoving my fat upwards :) I don't think my boobs have gotten any bigger yet but my nipples have been really dry and peely for the past couple weeks, I'm having to lotion them up whenever I get out of the shower!

The first thing I noticed was my uterus "shoving my fat upwards" as you put it, haha :lol: Initially I figured it was bloat, but it didn't change size or shape and was still there when I didn't feel bloated. Then a few days later I started being able to feel my uterus.
I'm envious that your boobs have not gotten bigger :lol: I know some people like that side effect of pregnancy, but I really did not need the extra 2 cup sizes!

Seaweed, my next appointment is on Tuesday also! I have no idea if I'll be getting another ultrasound but I really really hope! If not, I better at least get to hear the heartbeat or I'm going to lose it. I'm so paranoid now about having another MMC.

I know what you mean. My situation is the same. I'm hoping if they can't find a heartbeat with a doppler I'll be able to get an ultrasound, otherwise I will definitely be asking if I can be referred for one ASAP.

I'm really finding it hard to wait for Tuesday. It's just such an important milestone and it will be so amazing to be able to tell people. I had about four different dreams about it last night and woke up at 5:30 very excited. I really don't like feeling this way because the outcome is still uncertain and I feel like I'm setting myself up for a huge fall if something, God forbid, is wrong :nope: I don't tolerate uncertainty very well! Maybe it's lucky I have a work deadline on Tuesday so I will hopefully be somewhat distracted from counting the minutes!

Are you all going to be making any sort of announcement on Facebook once you've told everyone important in your lives? I am, I want to do something cute but I'm not sure. Also not sure how cutesy my husband will want to be about it. I was thinkin it would be really cute to recreate the movie poster for the movie Knocked Up with my husbands face, but I think that idea will probably be a little too much for him.

Haha, that is so cute! Please tell us if your husband agrees to that :lol: I am not planning to do anything on facebook for a while, but my husband and I were talking last night about how it's possible someone will post something on my wall (or "timeline," whatever :wacko:)...I guess if that happens I won't delete it. If I do announce something on facebook it will probably be in the form of a photo with an obvious bump once I'm showing more, or an announcement of the sex after we find that out.
Had my NT scan done on the 24th. I was 11+5 but the LO was measuring 12+4. The EDD they calculated was 9/3/11, but I'm sure my dr is going to keep it at 9/9/11. Doesn't matter because the baby will come when it's ready. I will post my scan pics after I find my digital camera. I haven't unpacked it since I moved last month. Hope everyone is doing well.
So glad to hear your baby is doing well, shantehend! Congrats on being in the second trimester!! :happydance: :happydance:
hey girls,

sorry havent updated, been going through fam issues with my sick auntie, she passed on today, cancer took her from us, was my mom twin sis, im happy she is no longer in pain anymore, was hard to see her that way, now have to prepare a eulogy, my mom asked me to do it, kinda nervous, never did it before but i will pray to God for strength.

rainbow is doing well, seen my doc last week friday and she told me not to worry about that small bleed on scan, she said she doesnt even think its a bleed more like fluid which is normal and she scheduled me for a coloposcopy regarding the abnormal cells, she is not worried about that one either which made me more at ease...i have my nt scan friday coming, excited as i get to see rainbow again :D

aww sorry u still dont have a scan yet c1403, that really sucks, i really hope they get u a scan really soon, i know u want to see ur little baby so bad!!

i didnt get to hear the hb last scan MrsMcD123, havent heard it since my 2nd scan at 6 weeks but i could see it beating strong..i hope to hear it again at the nt scan!!

congrats on ur scan shantehend :happydance: hope to see the pics soon!!

i dont know but to me i am not looking to preggo yet, i just have this bloat at the end of the day, not firm enough yet but i was the same way with my daughter, was bloat for me until week 15 then i could start to see a lil bump, i have gained some lbs and clothes are tight now so i will be getting some more maternity things asap!! my doc will see me again in 4 weeks when i am 15 weeks and will begin measuring my cervix at that time, she said 2nd tri will start at 14 weeks, 2nd tri varies i noticed with different sites...this site also starts 2nd tri at 14 weeks, so i will have to follow that.

well ladies glad to see u are all doing well, time is surely moving for us, praying our beans stay safe n snug, chat with u ladies soon :hugs:
So sorry about your auntie, sunkiss. :hugs: Please take care of yourself.

Looking forward to hearing about your NT scan next week!
I'm not even sure if I'll be getting a NT scan, I declined the blood work (I've heard soo many stories about false positives, and I don't want to worry any more than I need to!) so I'm not sure if they will still do the NT scan without the blood work. I sure hope though! If they don't just do it, I'll definitely ask to have it done. So glad yours went well shantehend! Can't wait to see the pic :) And I'm so sorry for your loss sunkiss, what a difficult time for you and your family :( *hugs*
Thinking about you today MrsMcD :hugs: please let us know how it goes!! How are you doing? I'm soooo nervous...
Thinking about you today MrsMcD :hugs: please let us know how it goes!! How are you doing? I'm soooo nervous...

Thank you, thinking of you too :hugs: I'm extremely nervous too and feeling icky this morning. What time is your appointment? Mine is at 5:45PM.
Mine is at 4:15 PST, so just a bit later than yours. So long to wait...
Mine is at 4:15 PST, so just a bit later than yours. So long to wait...

I'm PST too :) Today is definitely going to be a long, long day. AHH. I just want to sleep and wake up an hour before the appointment!
Oh, why did I think you were on the East Coast? Well, I hope your day is going ok! I just got through a presentation at work, so it's so far so good...hoping for more good stuff in a few hours!
How'd it go, hon? :hugs: Glad to say mine was great...heard that heartbeat loud and clear! Couldn't be more excited about starting the second trimester (or starting it in 2 days, or 4, depending on how you count, but the doctor said once the heartbeat is audible the risk is similar to 2nd tri risk).
Went great!!!!!!! We got a quick ultrasound, got to see the baby and heard the heartbeat! 170bmp. I was really surprised how fast he was able to pick up the heartbeat, it was pretty much right away. He also said, and he said he definitely wasn't certain, but we ALL saw what appeared to be a lil penis! But he also said that his daughter had what looked like a big penis up until about 16 weeks so we can't be sure yet :) I'll post the pictures after dinner :)
Wow, how incredibly exciting!! :happydance: I can't wait until we find out something about the sex...I feel like I'd like to know even uncertain guesses, but I could see that being a bit frustrating, too. But I hope it's not! Have a great dinner...congrats :flower:

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