"Full Circle" TTC-BFP April 2013 Bump Buddies

cant believe we are 13 weeks ladies :happydance:, next week officially 2nd tri but i know some sites n docs say 2nd tri starts now, i wonder how they determine n come up with the weeks...how have u ladies symptoms been? i still have sore boobs n a little fatigue, a lil gassy depends on what i eat n still bloated...i have gained a few lbs too cause appetite is crazy ugh lol, still not showing enough for others to notice but def have grown, i bought some new maternity clothes and i feel so much more comfy now.

sorry to hear about the brown discharge c1403, but u are right not to worry, it is very normal, i had some too and it past whew..how is the discharge now? yay ur scan is only 5 days away wooohooo :happydance:

awww that is such a cute idea for fb MrsMcD123, adorable gender neutral things u have, so what was the reaction? everyone excited i know :D

hey there Krippy, so good to see u hun, i've missed u, how are u doing? please come back n update on how things are going :hugs:
Hey ladies! So great to hear from you all! <3

We had our NT scan yesterday, baby is low risk which is a huge relief...and also...like MrsMcD, we all saw a boy nub! :yipee: I was so excited to find out, of course it's not 100% at this stage but I totally believe it. I've been thinking it's a boy all along. I love getting to use pronouns other than "it" and thinking of him as our son! :happydance:

We measured consistent with September 12th so I've gone ahead and changed my tickers to the 13th...my official due date is still the 15th but the 13th feels like the "real" date to me. So happy 13 weeks to all of us! :happydance:

The other thing I found out is that my placenta is lying quite low at the moment...the tech said not to worry about it at this point, and she said it was too early to diagnose as a previa, so I'm just hoping it moves up by birth time (I know most of them do). And I'm glad I know so I can be extra careful!

I hope you're all feeling well this week :hugs: I have been consistently well in the middle of the day, not as bothered by odors, and not sleeping quite as much (only 10 hours instead of 12!), but morning and evening are still iffy and I still have plenty of food aversions...I also think I've actually been vomiting more often the past few weeks than before (2-3 times a week now). I'm hoping the MS goes away soon, because I'm tired of it!
I've also started having 2nd tri symptoms like more frequent round ligament pain, and foot cramps. And my bump is growing! I can't wait until I can feel movement, my placenta is posterior so hopefully it will be earlier than 20 weeks :cloud9:

Hope you're all doing well! Here are some pictures of our kiddo. Being sick isn't as bad now that I know this adorable thing is what's causing it!
Man 2 more weeks and you get the sex sunkiss! I can't wait to hear what it is! :) Heck yeah on the maternity clothes, I bought some too and I'm soo much more comfortable, no more having to unbotton my pants when nobody is looking! lol

Seaweed eater- YAY TEAM BLUE!! Tbh I had no idea what you were talking about when you mentioned the angle when I was talking about my ultrasound but I've looked into the "angle of the dangle" and going by that, I think even more now that mine is a little boy too :D It definitely looks like it's pointing upwards rather than straight out like a girl nub. I feel really sure it's a boy and I'm dying to go by some cute boy stuff but I'd hate to do that and then find out it's a girl so I'm fighting the temptation until the anatomy scan :)

As far as symptoms go, I've been feeling quite a bit better, much more energy lately, much less indigestion. My nipples haven't really been sore since around week 9, but they are more sensitive which is making certain things a little more fun if you catch my drift! lol My mornings are still a little blah, my stomach is usually super bloated in the morning and I have this new weird thing where for the first hour or two I'm awake, I gag over everything. I've been more mucous-y in the mornings, I always have to blow my nose and THAT makes me gag, smells make me gag, sometimes I just think about gagging and gag. I've gagged until I've thrown up a few times, luckily on an empty stomach so it was pretty much just juice or milk.

I went out and bought a body pillow today since sleeping has been getting more uncomfortable. I tried it out when I got home, between my knees and to keep my arm up, and stuffed a regular pillow to my lower back and it felt so good! The back pillow even more than the body pillow for the front, I feel like I've been missing out on comfort! I'm looking forward to trying it out tonight, hopefully it makes a difference in how I feel in the morning.

Okay so I've got to admit, I've been STALKING this thread. I check like 5-6 times a day lol Anyone else stalking? hehe
Hey All

Only 4 more days until I get to see my baby,so excited.

Not had any more discharge so am feeling much more relaxed about it.

I have brought some maternity clothes already lol, I cant work out if my bloat is baby or fat. Heres my 12 week pic. Havent taken one yet for 13 weeks.

Ooooh sunkiss not long till you find out. We are still certain we want to wait and have a suprise although everyone is saying boy for us too lol

Ooops pic didnt upload


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Missed you too SunKiss...Have to admit I never left just didn't have much to say. :) Just having fun listening to all of you ladies!

Great news though...My thyroid levels are normal and we are going to TTC this month. I am just waiting for AF to get here and off we go...Hoping it will be easy for us and so excited to have something positive to look forward to.

Other than that I have been working out lots...every mon, wed, and fri at 5:30am. It has been killing me but I have been eating better, sleeping better, and I have already lost 1 pound. That 1 pound might sound trivial but with my thyroid problems I think that is pretty good!

Body pillows are the bomb Mrs. McD...I still sleep with mine and I am not preggo. My DH feels like it is a third person in the bed though...It drives him nuts! lol

Glad for you happy news about your low risk babe seaweed...love scans that are happy news.

Great pic C...Don't worry I wore stretchy things at around the 10 week mark with RJ. I was huge!

Talk to you soon girls and I will keep you updated on my progress~
its so good to hear from u Krippy, i often think of u, bree and jewelz...oh that is fab news about ur thyroid wooohooo u can start again next cycle :happydance: i wish u all the best hunny, cant wait to hear the great news of ur :bfp:

awww congrats seaweed, very cute pics of ur lil kiddo :happydance: its crazy that we all are leaning boy, well u and MrsMcD123 basically just about had it confirmed on scan, mines is just a feeling, wow will be so interesting to see if we all have boys on sept 13th ha ha!! i dont know too much at placenta previa but i'm glad its nothing u have to worry about at this point, sounds like its plenty of time for it to move up :D

i swear my new mattress OH just got me feels like a big cloud, i am sleeping in so much comfort now, i was asking him for one of those pillows but i dont think i need it now since the bed is a big pillow top cloud..makes a big difference when ur preggo to have that extra comfort :D

awww cute lil bump brewing there c1403, i am about that size or a lil bigger i dont know bump from bloat at this point, i think we are at that in btwn stage where the uterus is pushing up above the pelvic line now, over the next few weeks real baby bump will surely set in.

i did have some cramping earlier this week and i was worried about it, it wasnt severe or anything and i did not have bleeding but u know for everything we worry, then i started reading the development stage for my weeks and there the answer was, all it is was stretching and growing pains, that was the uterus expanding cause the pain was also in my pelvic area..so look out for that ladies if it hasnt happen already...i know some of these things happened last pregnancy but i cant remember at wut stage lol, i have total pregnancy brain, thats a whole diff story ha ha!!

things are looking great for us ladies, i still keep u all in my prayers that it stays that way :hugs:
So glad to hear all is well with all of you -- C, that you have not had more discharge, and Krippy, that your thyroid is normal, and that several of us have had great scans and are starting to feel less sick. :happydance:

Thanks for the heads up about the stretching, sunkiss...I have definitely felt more stretchy and slightly crampy feelings in the past couple of weeks (concurrent with my bump starting to really show). I'm glad I have gotten to see and hear from kiddo multiple times around the same time so I'm not as worried.

Going to the doctor later today to have my throat looked at...just a minor side effect, but I had some pain while I was vomiting yesterday evening and it's been painful to eat since, afraid I have injured my esophagus somehow. The crazy things that happen in pregnancy! I'm sure it's nothing serious and either way I just feel blessed to have gotten to this point.
Second trimester today (according to US standards), wooohooo!!!! Hopefully time will tick faster. I know most of you are excited and want to enjoy the time, so no offense to anyone. But this is number 7 for me and after the initial hyperemesis I am just ready to be done. I'm going to love my baby like I love my other children, but this is my last pregnancy. I just cant do it anymore. Anyway, enough of my ranting. Hope you ladies are doing well and enjoying your pregnancies!!! Glad most of you are doing much better than I am.
I am so excited and nervous, Tuesday is just around hte corner and I get to see my little baby. :-D

Will post a pic asap

How did your scan go today, C? :hugs:

Just noticed it's 6 months to our due date for the September 13th girls! :flower:
Ohh can't wait to hear about the scan today!

6 months, I can't believe it! This really is going by quickly :)

So I got some extremely exciting news today!! Every year, the Ellen DeGeneres show does a big Mothers Day special, they fill the audience with first time mommies-to-be and they give away *thousands* of dollars worth of gear to everyone in the audience. I just applied yesterday and got a call today, I'M IN!!!!! I can't believe it! Every year Huggies has given 6 months supply of diapers, last year Whirlpool gave high-efficiency washers and dryers, an HD camcorder, baby clothes, a travel system, crib, baby food, mommy jewelry, carriers, and tons more :) I got so excited that I started to gag and dry heave after I got off the phone :) It's being filmed on May 10th so two more months! WOO!

So how is everyone feeling? I've been doing better for the most part, still getting headaches and now I'm gagging over everything but nothing too bad :)
Saw GP yesterday and we have a green light for TTC this cycle! Yaaaahhh! So ready for my rainbow! Hope you all are doing fantastic!
Can't believe you are going to be on Ellen! She is my fave! I am so jealous!
Wow, that's amazing news, MrsMcD!! What a cool experience...and of course lucky you to get all that gear :D

Krippy, so glad to hear you are ready for TTC! Hope you see that BFP soon!!
Hi All

Scan went perfect, baby is measuring exactly as it should (same dates as LMP) so I am in the September 13th club too.....

I almost started crying as soon as she put the jelly on but heard heartbeat right away, was nice and strong. Then we saw baby, who was being really stubborn and wouldnt turn to face us....kept kicking out and stretching but wouldnt show us their face lol. The sonographer pointed out the heart which was beating away, kidneys, bladder, 2 feet and 2 hands....was amazing. I had to go empty my bladder and then she tried to get a clear image of hte face (otherwise I was going to have to go for a walk and come back)....Baby turned for about 2 seconds so she quickly got a shot and then it turnedaround again....obviously camera shy.

So happy and realaved, we got 4 pics in total (i only paid for 2 so over the moon about that). Sent pics to my mum and sister right away, mum was crying as she was so releaved and hasnt slept for 2 nights bless her. Also announced on facebook....

All in all BEST birthday ever xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here are the pics


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Saw GP yesterday and we have a green light for TTC this cycle! Yaaaahhh! So ready for my rainbow! Hope you all are doing fantastic!

Good luck hun, sending lots of sticky baby dust xxxx
Ohh can't wait to hear about the scan today!

6 months, I can't believe it! This really is going by quickly :)

So I got some extremely exciting news today!! Every year, the Ellen DeGeneres show does a big Mothers Day special, they fill the audience with first time mommies-to-be and they give away *thousands* of dollars worth of gear to everyone in the audience. I just applied yesterday and got a call today, I'M IN!!!!! I can't believe it! Every year Huggies has given 6 months supply of diapers, last year Whirlpool gave high-efficiency washers and dryers, an HD camcorder, baby clothes, a travel system, crib, baby food, mommy jewelry, carriers, and tons more :) I got so excited that I started to gag and dry heave after I got off the phone :) It's being filmed on May 10th so two more months! WOO!

So how is everyone feeling? I've been doing better for the most part, still getting headaches and now I'm gagging over everything but nothing too bad :)

So exciting..... I have gagged a few times, but that was when I had to clear up after my cat who was sick YUCK xxx
What beautiful pics C! I am so happy for you! Do you still think you are having a girl? Did you see any parts or lack there of? lol

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