Gallery O Tests

Katie, I have never once thought that you were being selfish at all, never ever. I think everyone has their times when something is going in and a bfp is kinda a big deal. You are totally fine.

Mummylove, your chart looks great. It could be implantation or it could just
be a normal surge in progesterone. If it's implantation you should be able to see a bfp in a couple of days. Wasn't it babyhopes that had a big temp rise the same day as her bfp??? I loved your videos, it totally made my day. She is sooooo adorable.

Babyhopes, thanks, I am so proud of my family. If I never ever get to have another I will feel good about what I have done with my years.

Andrea, I'm going to be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting and watching when your o time comes.

Babyhopes, do you want to add your chart back on your siggy? I miss it.

Braij, I can't believe you are already so close. I will keep you in my prayers. Please update when you can.

Daisy, it's still super early. That is one serious evap, huh? That looks real. I'm praying for you dear.

Amanda, the dress is precious. Do you like yellow? Just curious. She's going to have a huge wardrobe if you keep at this.

Amber, I totally don't get how these diapers work. It looks great, has a great fit, and I love the fabric. If you snap this diaper smaller would it be bulky on a tiny baby? I've never seen these. Can you take more pics of it snapped differently? I'm trying to understand how it works.

Cami, how are you feeling today?

Patty, how are you today?

Mari, your headache still gone?

I know I'm forgetting someone. Please forgive me. I still don't feel right. My dh came home for a few hours to help with the kids. I took my shower and went to cook breakfast and my stomach started turning again. Every time I think I'm getting better I feel yucky again. This is getting old.

Hope everyone has a happy day.


I'm doing ok I guess I took another test today and its negative I mean is it possible to have like a light light line but it could be evap maybe I'm just wishing that it would be positive you are you doing?...hope your doing well...:hugs:

:hugs::hugs: I hope you get a BFP soon hun,I am also waiting I am 7dpo and got 3 bfn this am well one looked like maybe but other 2 nothing so much of been evap.
How many dpo are you? FX :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Daisy, you can't give up yet. I'm waiting for your bfp. Would you mind putting your chart on your siggy so can stare at it whenever I want. :). Did you figure out the blue dots?

Cami, haven't you said you didn't feel well several times this week? Maybe this has been going on longer. Dothey have you on bp meds? How's the eating iron rich foods going? I know I've mentioned it before, but my youngest had severe anemia for a long time. He was released from the hematologist last summer. When I was looking through pics s few days ago I noticed his eyes look anemic again, although he doesn't act it. Yesterday he saw my blood sugar meter out and he keptsaying pokie and trying to poke his finger. It's been a really long time since I checked his hemaglobin myself, he had it done by vein at the dr a few months ago. Anyway, I checked it and he let me and didn't cry or flinch or anything, he's such a big boy. It's a little low again, but we'll hit it hard.

Oh, wanna laugh at me? During the night I went to turn over in bed and pushed with my elbow. I felt a crunch of something breaking. I always keep my iPod under my pillow, in it's case. I thought for sure I broke it and my elbow has a little cut. It wasn't my iPod, it was a capillary tube. They spilled when I was checking his hemaglobin. I'm such a ditz.

Patty, I'm sorry about the bfn. I know how it feels. Maybe next month will be our turn.

Well, I have no more news because I'm done testing. There isn't any reason to now.

Sorry I was having a cow earlier, I guess it was my day to lose it. I ate a while ago, chicken and rice as bland as it gets. Really that's all I've had the last 3 days, I didn't eat at mcds when we went either. My dh said my color looks better. I so hope I'm over whatever this is.

Katie, please say hi and let us know you're okay.

Hey girls just caught up on like 11 pages it seems of reading :) miss you all bunches :) and hope for the best for everyones situations :) LOVE YOU ALL!!! See you soon! OPK's are getting a TINY bit darker :) woohoooo getting close to O day an I have all sorts of PAINS
I swear I wrote something an hour ago...I thought I sent it but apparently not.

Sorry I haven't been on today. We got our income tax in so did some bill paying and a little bit of shopping. It was fun, but we sure did get tired. lol

I didn't get a chance to read everyone's previous posts, but I will catch up soon.

10, I will do a quick video tomorrow describing how the diaper works. Its actually really cool. I really like making them. :haha:

Well ladies, I know I just got on, but it's late. I will be on more tomorrow. Have a good one! :)
So sorry ladies I am been tired all day!!!!!!!
Daisy and 10 :( sorry for the bfns!!!!!
Daisy just because I got mine at 7dponight (really 8dpo morn) that isn't normal sweetie and uhhhh Ithink there are two in me!!!!!! Please don't get down!!!
Nikki!!!!!!!! My GOODNESS THAT is so scary!!!!!! Take care of yourself!!! :) hugs baby girl!!
Amber when do you start the clomid?
Andrea how are you feeling on the meds... feeling crazy yet! LOL You will!!!
Clare!!!!!! Ok I don't understand.... Why are you loosing your job??
10 I am sorry you haven't been feeling well!!! :( feel better sweetness!!!
All of the other ladies here big :hugs: I love you all!!!!!
Update me please dinky and Rosa where are you in your cycles?
OK as for me.... LOL I got my progesterone back from yesterday as we all know at 11dpo it was 36 well yesterday (13dpo) it was 57.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really thinking twins now... in fact I will be surprised if there is only one.... I guess I am warming up to the idea!
Preggie ladies Amanda, Mari, Cami, Claire, mal and if I missed you I'm sorry I am soooo tired!!! How are you all feeling!!!! Love you girls!!!
Hey katie.glad to see your okay. You're going y to be tired a lot. I think that's a good sign of a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

I start clomid on day five so soon. I can't wait.

This is my first message from my new phone. I love it!!
So sorry ladies I am been tired all day!!!!!!!
Daisy and 10 :( sorry for the bfns!!!!!
Daisy just because I got mine at 7dponight (really 8dpo morn) that isn't normal sweetie and uhhhh Ithink there are two in me!!!!!! Please don't get down!!!
Nikki!!!!!!!! My GOODNESS THAT is so scary!!!!!! Take care of yourself!!! :) hugs baby girl!!
Amber when do you start the clomid?
Andrea how are you feeling on the meds... feeling crazy yet! LOL You will!!!
Clare!!!!!! Ok I don't understand.... Why are you loosing your job??
10 I am sorry you haven't been feeling well!!! :( feel better sweetness!!!
All of the other ladies here big :hugs: I love you all!!!!!
Update me please dinky and Rosa where are you in your cycles?
OK as for me.... LOL I got my progesterone back from yesterday as we all know at 11dpo it was 36 well yesterday (13dpo) it was 57.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really thinking twins now... in fact I will be surprised if there is only one.... I guess I am warming up to the idea!
Preggie ladies Amanda, Mari, Cami, Claire, mal and if I missed you I'm sorry I am soooo tired!!! How are you all feeling!!!! Love you girls!!!

Yes i will place my chart in my sig it actually has 4 days until membership expires i thought it already had Ughh
Glad Katie you came on I was nervous and hope you feel bettter soon :hugs::hugs:

Andrea hope your doing well EXCITED to see you O soon and hope you catch the egg
Amber glad your almost ready for ur start on clomid
Hugs 2 u all I amheading to bed in a few
Morning ladies. My temp dipped abit this morning but not that much. Got :bfn: on a test. But it is still early
Well I did my own tarot tonight... not recommended but oh well. And three times the ace of wands came up :( can be a good card if the right way up, but mine was reversed all three times, and can signify problems conceiving.... I really must not look too much into this!!!

How are all you lovely ladies tonight??? x

can u get mine too?!!! PLEASE!!!

Too be able to do one for you, I'd need your name, d,o,b and a question you want to ask the cards, bear in mind this way isn't always entirely accurate as the thing with Tarot is to get a 100% acurrate reading you need to have shuffled and touched the cards.
But I'd be more than happy to try for you x
im losing my job it was covering maternity leave but was given the impression she wasnt coming back :( Now she is in October possibly sooner!!

My temps are still up im 4/5dpo.................:hissy:

Kate:whens ur scan? x
Hey ladies i hope your all ok!

I cant believe its only midday im ready for bed already lol i think im going to go for a nap :)
Hello ladies! Just an update on me, I had my gender scan this morning and the woman said she's 80% sure we're on team :pink:!!!!! Lol, looks like I'm going to have a baby girl! I'm so excited but trying not to get too carried away because I've to go back in 2 weeks to check again!!!

Oh, please don't post anything on my Facebook, I'm keeping it secret! xxx
Good morning. Katie, rest whenever you can, it's normal to be tired.

Amber, our tax money is already gone but it was fun shopping. I feel bad about it being gone but not guilty. We got caught up on things we needed and had been putting off. We spent over $1,300 at Sam's and most of it was groceries and not junk food either. I was sonorous of myself for getting it put away in 24 hours. I had to, my girls had friends coming.

I'm really sorry I broke down yesterday, it always makes me feel so foolish and now I want to hide. I should just hide on my breakdown day so I don't feel ashamed. I think I feel better, I haven't tried to get up and get moving yet though. I'm a little afraid of what the house looks like after being in bed all day yesterday.

No testing for me today, I already know and my temp dropped a little. Af should come tomorrow. I want her to hurry, but I may be able to plan the timing for o better if she's were a little late. I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Mummylove, that wasn't enough of a drop to matter considering the amout of increase yesterday.

Clare, glad your temps are high. I love watching charts. ;)

Andrea, when are you heading home?

Cami, hope you are feeling better.

Stacey, have a good day. You got up at 6am?

Hi Daisy and Zoie.

Have a good day everyone. If you don't hear from me that's a good sign. I hope I feel better, I think I do.
Congrats Claire!! You sound so excited, makes me smile. Girls are lots of fun, boys are too. :). Hugs, I'm so happy for you.
Good morning. Katie, rest whenever you can, it's normal to be tired.

Amber, our tax money is already gone but it was fun shopping. I feel bad about it being gone but not guilty. We got caught up on things we needed and had been putting off. We spent over $1,300 at Sam's and most of it was groceries and not junk food either. I was sonorous of myself for getting it put away in 24 hours. I had to, my girls had friends coming.

I'm really sorry I broke down yesterday, it always makes me feel so foolish and now I want to hide. I should just hide on my breakdown day so I don't feel ashamed. I think I feel better, I haven't tried to get up and get moving yet though. I'm a little afraid of what the house looks like after being in bed all day yesterday.

No testing for me today, I already know and my temp dropped a little. Af should come tomorrow. I want her to hurry, but I may be able to plan the timing for o better if she's were a little late. I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Mummylove, that wasn't enough of a drop to matter considering the amout of increase yesterday.

Clare, glad your temps are high. I love watching charts. ;)

Andrea, when are you heading home?

Cami, hope you are feeling better.

Stacey, have a good day. You got up at 6am?

Hi Daisy and Zoie.

Have a good day everyone. If you don't hear from me that's a good sign. I hope I feel better, I think I do.

please dont' say your sorry hun for breaking down we all need to do it sometimes and we know that everyone here cares and its ok to share our feelings because we all know how it feels and we can help support you through it all...sending you lots of hugs your way...:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Daisy, you can't give up yet. I'm waiting for your bfp. Would you mind putting your chart on your siggy so can stare at it whenever I want. :). Did you figure out the blue dots?

Cami, haven't you said you didn't feel well several times this week? Maybe this has been going on longer. Dothey have you on bp meds? How's the eating iron rich foods going? I know I've mentioned it before, but my youngest had severe anemia for a long time. He was released from the hematologist last summer. When I was looking through pics s few days ago I noticed his eyes look anemic again, although he doesn't act it. Yesterday he saw my blood sugar meter out and he keptsaying pokie and trying to poke his finger. It's been a really long time since I checked his hemaglobin myself, he had it done by vein at the dr a few months ago. Anyway, I checked it and he let me and didn't cry or flinch or anything, he's such a big boy. It's a little low again, but we'll hit it hard.

Oh, wanna laugh at me? During the night I went to turn over in bed and pushed with my elbow. I felt a crunch of something breaking. I always keep my iPod under my pillow, in it's case. I thought for sure I broke it and my elbow has a little cut. It wasn't my iPod, it was a capillary tube. They spilled when I was checking his hemaglobin. I'm such a ditz.

Patty, I'm sorry about the bfn. I know how it feels. Maybe next month will be our turn.

Well, I have no more news because I'm done testing. There isn't any reason to now.

Sorry I was having a cow earlier, I guess it was my day to lose it. I ate a while ago, chicken and rice as bland as it gets. Really that's all I've had the last 3 days, I didn't eat at mcds when we went either. My dh said my color looks better. I so hope I'm over whatever this is.

Katie, please say hi and let us know you're okay.


thanks so much hun I'm praying for both us to get ours next cycle:hugs:
Hi everyone!!

I'm feeling really naseous today, yet again!

It seems to be a common thing lately!

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