Gallery O Tests

so i just took this opk and its darker that yesterdays. what do you wise ladies think? lol plus sorry if tmi but i have ewcm mised with creamy white and a little blood. ive been having sore boobs small cramps my temp dropped so low this morning. any have any adivise?

One word sweetie.....:sex: NOW!!!!!!

:rofl: You better get off of BNB and start attacking your dh!!! Good Luck and FX'd Tightly!! :D

ok!!!! OK!!!! LOL TURNING on attack mode!!! :rofl:

Your siggy still says "online" so I'm assuming your :sex: in front of the computer! turn your camera on for us at least! :rofl: Get off the computer and go catch that EGGY I still need a Bump Buddy!!!! :D
:rofl: your crazy lol sorry glady but hubby is a little camara shy..:dohh::dohh:
so i just took this opk and its darker that yesterdays. what do you wise ladies think? lol plus sorry if tmi but i have ewcm mised with creamy white and a little blood. ive been having sore boobs small cramps my temp dropped so low this morning. any have any adivise?

woohoo go get that eggy girlie :happydance:

i hope i did im gonna :sex: all the time hehehe
Such good news in here lately! Bring on more!

Can I ask for opinions? I'm confused... I put my own crosshairs in on my FF chart and I've had a few odd things... Someone suggested in my journal that I could be preggo if I actually ovulated. I hadn't even considered it, tbh. So, now I'm wondering what might be going on. I don't care either way, but I'll feel like a tool for taking BCP if I am. I can't afford not to take it for the last few doses though... The chances seem very slim of pregnancy... I don't even know for sure that I ovulated. Grrr.... I sort of wish I still hadn't considered the even remote possibility! Any input?

try to take a hpt just to see. dont torture yourself lady. why did you take a BCP?

I'm on 7 days of BCP to force a cycle so I can start my ICSI treatment next month.

Such good news in here lately! Bring on more!

Can I ask for opinions? I'm confused... I put my own crosshairs in on my FF chart and I've had a few odd things... Someone suggested in my journal that I could be preggo if I actually ovulated. I hadn't even considered it, tbh. So, now I'm wondering what might be going on. I don't care either way, but I'll feel like a tool for taking BCP if I am. I can't afford not to take it for the last few doses though... The chances seem very slim of pregnancy... I don't even know for sure that I ovulated. Grrr.... I sort of wish I still hadn't considered the even remote possibility! Any input?

I'd test Megg! If your expecting a bfn then you'll be okay if it comes back bfn, but think of the JOY you'd feel if it comes back bfp!!! Test! Put your mind at ease and TEST! :test: for us!!!

But, at most, I'm 7dpo... That's just not feasible to think it would tell me anything anyway... not for a while still.

ohhh ok. i took fertili tea when i was not getting my :witch: and it brought it on. now look at me im hoping im ov now cause that will me it brought it on about 2 weeks early!!! i say you give it a try, Cant hurt anything right?
Sweetalida I have been crazy today we had abd party at my uncles for my cousin and my little man got hurt on a treadmill....he got burned the kids were playing on after told not to and he fell and it burned his leg like road rash.... My 10yr old niece didn't see him behind her and she turned it on.... :(

omg! poor littile guy!!
Our chart link isn't working anymore mummylove. I hope you're not out.

Roas, I'm glad to see your temp dropped. Any o signs yet?

Andrea, getting closer. That was a steep drop but it's still not quite s low as your lowest pre o temps last cycle. I can't wait to watch your chart.

some like watery cm and sore boobs(just a little) cramps( just a bit) but thats about it. my temp stayed almoest the same as yesterday tho is that bad?
10 I sure hope that is your bfp Katie sorry for your little man:hugs: thanks I'm feeling much i just hope the kids don't come down with it that was a mean bug i had so happy it's gone
First... A big :wohoo: for 2 lines on some of our girls' tests! :yipee:

Megg, it looks like you o'd and I think it's right. I'll look again. If they are giving you the progesterone only bcp wouldn't that raise your temps? Which days were you taking it? I'm glad to see you back.

I started taking it on the 23rd. Its not progesterone only bcp and its never raised my temp before. Plus, all the temps to the right of my crosshairs are classically 'post-O' temps for me... and some of them were taken prior to starting the bcp.

I've had enough people tell me that the bcp won't hurt anything... So, I think I'll just stop worrying until I have a reason.

I really, really hope your line wasn't an evap! I don't think it looked like an evap! :hugs:
Megg, so good to see you back :) How are you feeling hun?
Alida, congrats again!
Kate, poor little guy, really hope he's okay, how are you?
Clare, Don't stress to much about the drop, it could be nothing and recover again tomorrow... Hoping it's an implantation dip!!!
10, I really hope that's not an evap, test again!!!
Everyone else, hope you're all okay. Thinking of each and every one of you :) :hugs:
Megg, so good to see you back :) How are you feeling hun?
Alida, congrats again!
Kate, poor little guy, really hope he's okay, how are you?
Clare, Don't stress to much about the drop, it could be nothing and recover again tomorrow... Hoping it's an implantation dip!!!
10, I really hope that's not an evap, test again!!!
Everyone else, hope you're all okay. Thinking of each and every one of you :) :hugs:

I'm okay... How are you? :hugs:
Answer is probably as bad as frer. I'm so scared to poas again.

Answer is worse than FRER I'm still peeing NEGATIVE on Answer but ALL the other brands have a nice line(not super dark likes Kate's yet but obviously there!) I am still testing but stopped photoing them! :D
Yes I have a history of preeclampsia with my last three pregnancies that weren't miscarraiges. This time it has gone up and down, so not sure what is going on. Only 15 more days max for me, then they will induce for sure. Hope I don't have to wait that long though, being on bedrest is hard with three other kids.
10 I have never had an evap, but I am sure they happen. But that looks too dark for an evap. I don't think I have ever used blue dye tests though.

Wow I'm sorry, that is not fun at all. I'm scared of bedrest again I'm not sure you can really have true bedrest with little ones in the house! :D I hope this time goes by fast!
Megg, can't you just ask for a beta because you O'd?

mummylove, you're definitely not out.

Andrea, be safe and I'm really sorry things are so hard on them right now.

Rosa, your chart looks good. Those two higher temps still look like the ones that are out of place but they won't matter now.

Well, obviously my test last night was an evap. I can't believe I lost sleep over that. Here are this morning's, still no af...

Did I tell ya'll why I didn't look at my test on time? I was visiting my dd two hours away. I was feeling off all day but I have since I was sick. Then, my little sis sent me a pic of her test, she's pg, yay!!! Anyway, I forwarded it to my dh with a note saying she's pg but he failed to read the note. He was so devastated when he realized. Just the whole thing is pretty cruel really. I'm so glad I didn't show him that evap now. Oh, so I stopped and got a test after leaving my dd, they didn't have anything good at Walgreens. I did it in the bathroom at Burger King, looked at it for about a minute. I could see a slight line but couldn't tell the color. I threw it in my bag and was going to look again after I ordered. My dh called and said hurry home, storms are coming. I just left. I ended up driving in tons of hail. I mean the highway was covered like gravel and it was so scary. I came home and went to bed, but kept getting up and down not feeling right. I tried gas X, then I fell alseep again, I tried ibuprofen, fell asleep again and woke feeling nauseous. I went to the bathroom, took zofran and then remembered the test. I had just looked at it when I posted last night. It's hard taking pics at night.

I think I'm going to try to sleep a little more. I'm so tired after all of that.
I have to post and run again. Long crazy and even scary day and I'm not caught up. I've never used these, Walgreens blue dye, what are they supposed to look like? Is this an evap? I hope someone is awake...
I've never gotten an evap on Walgreens brand but I've used them a couple of times! I really don't think that can be an evap! :yipee: I think you should get a digi! Serious, I know I was skeptical at first when Kate said they were the best but I trusted her bought a pack of 5(I had a coupon!) and I got bfn the first one I used cracked the test open and there was a faint line, didn't think much of it threw it in the drawer. next day another bfn, cracked it open and the line was darker(no squinting on any of the lines either!) I'm more hopeful now. Next day BFP!!! Get a digi! By the way my FRER was so light I could hardly see the line would never have noticed it if I wasn't looking for it! Good Luck! :yipee:
thats not an evap:yipee:
iv just tested and i see 2 lines :shock: holding off few days cos maybe evap :)
I so hope it's not an evap!!! :wohoo: I can't wait to see pics!! This is going to be a great cycle for everyone!! I so hope and pray this is your forever bean!!!!
Megg, can't you just ask for a beta because you O'd?

mummylove, you're definitely not out.

Andrea, be safe and I'm really sorry things are so hard on them right now.

Rosa, your chart looks good. Those two higher temps still look like the ones that are out of place but they won't matter now.

Well, obviously my test last night was an evap. I can't believe I lost sleep over that. Here are this morning's, still no af...

Did I tell ya'll why I didn't look at my test on time? I was visiting my dd two hours away. I was feeling off all day but I have since I was sick. Then, my little sis sent me a pic of her test, she's pg, yay!!! Anyway, I forwarded it to my dh with a note saying she's pg but he failed to read the note. He was so devastated when he realized. Just the whole thing is pretty cruel really. I'm so glad I didn't show him that evap now. Oh, so I stopped and got a test after leaving my dd, they didn't have anything good at Walgreens. I did it in the bathroom at Burger King, looked at it for about a minute. I could see a slight line but couldn't tell the color. I threw it in my bag and was going to look again after I ordered. My dh called and said hurry home, storms are coming. I just left. I ended up driving in tons of hail. I mean the highway was covered like gravel and it was so scary. I came home and went to bed, but kept getting up and down not feeling right. I tried gas X, then I fell alseep again, I tried ibuprofen, fell asleep again and woke feeling nauseous. I went to the bathroom, took zofran and then remembered the test. I had just looked at it when I posted last night. It's hard taking pics at night.

I think I'm going to try to sleep a little more. I'm so tired after all of that.

That's the worst evap I've ever seen then! Holy cow! :( I'm sorry, honey!!!

No... I can't get betas just because I O'd. My fertility clinic only has betas run after treatment. And, I'm sort of blacklisted from my normal doctors because I'm going through the clinic. My GP won't do anything that's even mildly pregnancy related because of my connection to the clinic. And, my OB/GYN can't do anything unless the clinic releases me... which they won't do unless I have a successful ICSI cycle again. If I don't see AF after I stop the pills, I'll test. If I get a BFP, I can then have cause to ask for betas. But, I don't yet have cause. In fact, I'm 99% sure that its just the BCP causing some side effects. No worries!
Andrea I'm sorry it wasn't a great trip. I will keep your family in my prayers. :hugs: try not to stress it will all work out for them. You know stress can affect your cycle so STOP! :D Seriously I hope they get some good luck flowing their way.

MommyLove - I hope this doesn't mean your out. I don't know much about charts but I hope it's implantation dip(is that possible?) FX'd

Rosa - Your so funny! I hope you did it! Now the dreaded TWW! FX'd!!!
The Bad weather will be here this afternoon! UUGGHH! I'm scared we don't have a storm cellar. Well I'm off to run errands before the bad weather! Will be back later.
Megg, so good to see you back :) How are you feeling hun?
Alida, congrats again!
Kate, poor little guy, really hope he's okay, how are you?
Clare, Don't stress to much about the drop, it could be nothing and recover again tomorrow... Hoping it's an implantation dip!!!
10, I really hope that's not an evap, test again!!!
Everyone else, hope you're all okay. Thinking of each and every one of you :) :hugs:

I'm okay... How are you? :hugs:

Yeah feeling a little better. Still getting lines on my hpts but barely there now, all bleeding has stopped too. I'm still in complete shock about the lack of bleeding and pain I experienced, just makes it feel all so unreal :( :hugs:
CONGRATS SWEET ALIDA!!!!! I'm so happy for you. How are you feeling?

Horrible headache this morning but I think that is the low pressure with the storms and the fact I got little to no sleep last night. I woke up pretty nauseous ate a banana and sat down, feeling better. Boobies hurt! :D All good signs I think! I didn't have MS with Alida, but I did have this horrible headache so maybe it is preg related?? :wacko: doesn't matter it's not going anywhere from what I can tell :(
Feel better 10! Sorry your not feeling good.

Stacy I am glad your feeling better!

Megg hang in there! sorry your feeling ill too.

Kate how is your boy doing this morning? I hope the doc gives him the all clear!

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