Gallery O Tests

I am sure the pitocin makes it much harder. My last 2 babies i had pitocin and they were very painful and my epidural didn't work either time. They were both fast and furious. Something a little more paced and calm would be nice this time.
I am sure the pitocin makes it much harder. My last 2 babies i had pitocin and they were very painful and my epidural didn't work either time. They were both fast and furious. Something a little more paced and calm would be nice this time.

Pitocin is said to make them harder and faster. So Ill put out good thoughts out there that your little bub will come on his own! :hugs:
I've been gone for 2 days and I got all caught up in an hour. Y'all are being quiet.

Hi Emmu, hope I spelled that right.

Andrea, I wouldn't take that as an absolute neg. Be on the lookout, you just really never know. I barely get a pos at all.

Katie, I'm praying for you and believing that your baby/babies are perfect and healthy in there. I'm praying for Gaige too. How's he doing by the way? Is it healing quickly? My dd had a burn and you could watch new skin grow on the outside edges and every day I could see more. It looks pinker. Gradually the scab shrunk as the skin grew from the outside edges towards the middle. She healed faster treating it with bactroban rather than neosporin. I think hers was starting to become infected at first and the neosporin wasn't the right one for the germ. The improvement were much faster with the bactroban. Is he handling it okay?

Mummylove, you have a few higher temps in your lp. Were they affected by anything? Drinks the night before or sleeping later? It looks like you are still in.

Babyhopes, I saw something on the first test you posted but it looked slightly to the right of that little dot, closer to the control. The next pic you posted has a fewtests, it lookslikesomething could be beginning to form on the bottom one. Good luck, I can't wait for you to get your bfp and sticky baby.

Katie, I agree that it's very normal for those numbers to slow down, especially when they were increasing so fast.

Megg, you so o'd and I am really looking forward to stalking your chart.

Beckie, you can o and get pg pretty quickly after a mc. Hope you catch that eggie.

Cami, I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Are you resting? I can't wait to see your pics. When do you go back to your dr?

Sbmello, hi. Hope you get your bfp soon.

Hi Daisy. Taking your maca?

Amber, I am so liking your microscope. I want one, I may feel a little bit jealous but wouldn't want to admit that. Your magnification is better. You can see the sections of the sperm better. You can see the shape of the head, the head is half clear... Something I've never noticed, the ridges at the base of the tail. I love the video. I can't wait to see more, shhhh I'm comparing. Now that sounds really weird. I think there are more videos on YouTube. I agree that I wouldn't want to encourage o to come quite so early. How much soy are you taking? You're already done taking it? You may want to adjust next time but with your recent later o's it looks like this is a good thing for you. Fwiw,my 11yo was a cd11 o. I believe it was accidentally affected by soy, I was using soy lecithin to help with my diet.

Hi pambolina. You are very welcome here. Did you say you are charting?

Rosa, I looked at your chart right when I first started reading and my jaw totally dropped. I'm not sure what to think. Your two recent bleeds, your last af and now, at least one of them is breakthrough bleeding. Remind me what you are taking???? You are only doing epo and maca, correct? Let's brainstorm after you remind me what you are taking. Don't panic, it's going to work out.

Nikki, I see something on every test nowadays but I'm pretty sure you're not pg yet because you need to o first. Your temps are leveling out a little bit more. It's soooo hard waiting. I know it is. I wish I could make you o now.

Amber, I live the diapers. You did an amazing job and you did it so quickly too. Thank you for making them!!!

Amanda, I love the tutu. Great work. I haven't made one yet but my dd wants one too. How much are you haying for the tulle? It's $2.29 here, is that good?

Stacey, I see you put down the books to be creative too. Great job. Y'all need to go into business. They're so frilly and beautiful. Was this your first time making them too?

Hi Patty!

Mari's having a girl!!!!! A sweet little girlie girl in tutus and bows.

Megg, was it you that had crazy sex related dreams when pg last time?

Afm, we had a bday yesterday, my ds turned 14. My dh got into my bag and found my envelope of peesticks I was going to throw away anywhere other than home. He Asa the big evap and the subsequent tests which some of those had evapped too but nothing like that one. My dh was sobbing, he thought I was pg, I told him I wasn't. He's never wanted it this badly before and it makes me feel a bit inadequate. He already thought I was pg before that, despite me telling him I wasn't because I've been so sick. Well, I'm still not feeling well, still very sensitive to food smells and I actually did get sick, not just feeling sick, during the night last night. I'm stil not eating normally or even close to normally. I did call my dr about adjusting my femara so I don't o so early again, he hasn't called back yet. Also, we are leaving for. 14hr road trip next week. I will likely o while we are gone. I'm really worried about how that will work out. I'm also worried about my losing my cool in front of mil/fil. I lf I have a lose it moment it's always right before o, we're going to be in tight quarters and I already feel a bit yucky towards them. Please pray that I can keep my cool.

Zoie, what day are you on? Why do I have such a hard time following you? I'm really sorry.

Nite girls.
Braij, they stripped your membranes? As in the pulled the bag of water away from the cervix and uterus as far as they could reach? Are you in the hosp? How far are you dilated? You are in my prayers. I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics.
They did it at about 2pm today, so almost 8 hours ago. I am just home now. Lost some plug and what seems to be a bit of bloody show. Also a few cramps but nothing big. I was a 2 before, but she stretched it to a 3. I don't think anything will happen before induction, but at least it will cervix for induction.
If you get cramps like a period I'd go ahead an go in thats a sure tell sign :) I had no clue since my first was c section my water broke an I didn't dilate a CM :( at had a csection....

with second I was having period like cramps not too bad got to the hospital an I was 5 CM and 6 hours later had a baby LOL ;) was really crazy but I swear one minute I was barely cramping by the time we got to the hospital 30 minutes later I was screaming an hunching over in the hall ways to get to the 2nd floor an I refused to ride a wheel chair LOL.....

GL AN FX baby comes soon :) :hugs:

My bb's just started hurting like I've already O'd???? WTH???


Clomid wasn't TOO bad.....but after taking it for 3 days after MAJOR HOTFLASHES came my way it always happened right before bedtime and I took my pills around 5:30 PM so I bet if you took Clomid later it wouldn't be as bad :) Thats the only symptom I've had from it other than a sore tummy.....just feeling like a period a bit not too bad now my bb's hurt! So its not as bad as you'd think the symptoms an side effects are worth a baby in my case I suppose 11 months of waiting is TOO LONG :( for those of you who have waited longer I duno how you go on day to day this is getting harder an harder :(
Sorry I haven't been on much I've been a debbie progesterone came back and had fallen to 23.4 so I freaked! My doctor is giving me an ultra sound on friday and I started progesterone I'm taking 200mg by mouth at bed time.....
I hope everyone is well I dont want my attitude to bring you all down. Dont get me wrong I'm fine but I'm just blah and also so tired I took a3hr nap today....
gaige is ok it is healing but he is still hurting but he seems a bit better.
The, only thing that has kept me encouraged is I read online (baby med I think) that progesterone levels fall after eating by as much as 50% yesterday was the only day I ate before getting my bloods done..... So heres hoping! :)
Love you ladies
Your friend,
Katie....I hope your okay darling I really LOVE you and pray for you and we aren't friends on here we are all SISTERS at heart :) just far away from each other.....I will be praying my heart out for you!

I wonder oh how I wonder if AF is coming? I sure feel like it hips are KILLING me an I am in the "cleaning mood" that I always get before she shows up to hurt my feelings all over again hips hurt so bad I've got legs propped up :( ehhhh how I hope it stops because tomorrow is spring cleaning time at our house :( ohhhhh how I pray this isn't going to be AF coming early as ever :(
No andrea sweets clomid has your hormones all fired up.... I think you are good just keep sexing it up.
Thanks you girl I'm being as positive as possible....reminding myself that my numbers rocked face why would it go south now...i dont think it will. I still "think" bubbers is healthy.
I'm cramping so bad right now I think AF is seriously coming really :( this totally sucks even looked it up an its "possible" I just really hoped this would work but emmm...anyone know much about Metformin? I mentioned it to my mom today an shes like that can help? I was like YES WHY? Shes like because I have about 150 pills that I never took because they prescribed it to her TWICE a day an she only takes it ONCE a day an she gets it refilled TWICE a month LOL so she has LOTS of pills an had no clue it would help me LMAO....I'm thinking of trying some to see what happens? Any ideas??? I'll do anything at this point!!!!

I am cramping so badly is that NORMAL ON CLOMID??? My legs are crampy, my hips, OMG I swear AF is here somewhere :( I'm shaking my tummy hurts so bad :(
I've been gone for 2 days and I got all caught up in an hour. Y'all are being quiet.

Hi Emmu, hope I spelled that right.

Andrea, I wouldn't take that as an absolute neg. Be on the lookout, you just really never know. I barely get a pos at all.

Katie, I'm praying for you and believing that your baby/babies are perfect and healthy in there. I'm praying for Gaige too. How's he doing by the way? Is it healing quickly? My dd had a burn and you could watch new skin grow on the outside edges and every day I could see more. It looks pinker. Gradually the scab shrunk as the skin grew from the outside edges towards the middle. She healed faster treating it with bactroban rather than neosporin. I think hers was starting to become infected at first and the neosporin wasn't the right one for the germ. The improvement were much faster with the bactroban. Is he handling it okay?

Mummylove, you have a few higher temps in your lp. Were they affected by anything? Drinks the night before or sleeping later? It looks like you are still in.

Babyhopes, I saw something on the first test you posted but it looked slightly to the right of that little dot, closer to the control. The next pic you posted has a fewtests, it lookslikesomething could be beginning to form on the bottom one. Good luck, I can't wait for you to get your bfp and sticky baby.

Katie, I agree that it's very normal for those numbers to slow down, especially when they were increasing so fast.

Megg, you so o'd and I am really looking forward to stalking your chart.

Beckie, you can o and get pg pretty quickly after a mc. Hope you catch that eggie.

Cami, I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Are you resting? I can't wait to see your pics. When do you go back to your dr?

Sbmello, hi. Hope you get your bfp soon.

Hi Daisy. Taking your maca?

Amber, I am so liking your microscope. I want one, I may feel a little bit jealous but wouldn't want to admit that. Your magnification is better. You can see the sections of the sperm better. You can see the shape of the head, the head is half clear... Something I've never noticed, the ridges at the base of the tail. I love the video. I can't wait to see more, shhhh I'm comparing. Now that sounds really weird. I think there are more videos on YouTube. I agree that I wouldn't want to encourage o to come quite so early. How much soy are you taking? You're already done taking it? You may want to adjust next time but with your recent later o's it looks like this is a good thing for you. Fwiw,my 11yo was a cd11 o. I believe it was accidentally affected by soy, I was using soy lecithin to help with my diet.

Hi pambolina. You are very welcome here. Did you say you are charting?

Rosa, I looked at your chart right when I first started reading and my jaw totally dropped. I'm not sure what to think. Your two recent bleeds, your last af and now, at least one of them is breakthrough bleeding. Remind me what you are taking???? You are only doing epo and maca, correct? Let's brainstorm after you remind me what you are taking. Don't panic, it's going to work out.

Nikki, I see something on every test nowadays but I'm pretty sure you're not pg yet because you need to o first. Your temps are leveling out a little bit more. It's soooo hard waiting. I know it is. I wish I could make you o now.

Amber, I live the diapers. You did an amazing job and you did it so quickly too. Thank you for making them!!!

Amanda, I love the tutu. Great work. I haven't made one yet but my dd wants one too. How much are you haying for the tulle? It's $2.29 here, is that good?

Stacey, I see you put down the books to be creative too. Great job. Y'all need to go into business. They're so frilly and beautiful. Was this your first time making them too?

Hi Patty!

Mari's having a girl!!!!! A sweet little girlie girl in tutus and bows.

Megg, was it you that had crazy sex related dreams when pg last time?

Afm, we had a bday yesterday, my ds turned 14. My dh got into my bag and found my envelope of peesticks I was going to throw away anywhere other than home. He Asa the big evap and the subsequent tests which some of those had evapped too but nothing like that one. My dh was sobbing, he thought I was pg, I told him I wasn't. He's never wanted it this badly before and it makes me feel a bit inadequate. He already thought I was pg before that, despite me telling him I wasn't because I've been so sick. Well, I'm still not feeling well, still very sensitive to food smells and I actually did get sick, not just feeling sick, during the night last night. I'm stil not eating normally or even close to normally. I did call my dr about adjusting my femara so I don't o so early again, he hasn't called back yet. Also, we are leaving for. 14hr road trip next week. I will likely o while we are gone. I'm really worried about how that will work out. I'm also worried about my losing my cool in front of mil/fil. I lf I have a lose it moment it's always right before o, we're going to be in tight quarters and I already feel a bit yucky towards them. Please pray that I can keep my cool.

Zoie, what day are you on? Why do I have such a hard time following you? I'm really sorry.

Nite girls.

Yes i did it was fun and the girls love them that was my first time making one i looked them up last night after seeing the one Amanda made can't wait to make DD tomorrow
Some one told me today that 'GOD' decides who will have a baby and who wont.
Wants wrong,what did I do wrong!:cry:

The only thing you did wrong was listen to some asshole who would say that to you! Ignore the morons, honey! That's bullshit! :hugs:
10 the tulle I picked up here was 250 for 15 yards. I used all 15 of pink and all 15 of purple. for the one I made for Mari. then the Elastic.
I've been gone for 2 days and I got all caught up in an hour. Y'all are being quiet.

Hi Emmu, hope I spelled that right.

Andrea, I wouldn't take that as an absolute neg. Be on the lookout, you just really never know. I barely get a pos at all.

Katie, I'm praying for you and believing that your baby/babies are perfect and healthy in there. I'm praying for Gaige too. How's he doing by the way? Is it healing quickly? My dd had a burn and you could watch new skin grow on the outside edges and every day I could see more. It looks pinker. Gradually the scab shrunk as the skin grew from the outside edges towards the middle. She healed faster treating it with bactroban rather than neosporin. I think hers was starting to become infected at first and the neosporin wasn't the right one for the germ. The improvement were much faster with the bactroban. Is he handling it okay?

Mummylove, you have a few higher temps in your lp. Were they affected by anything? Drinks the night before or sleeping later? It looks like you are still in.

Babyhopes, I saw something on the first test you posted but it looked slightly to the right of that little dot, closer to the control. The next pic you posted has a fewtests, it lookslikesomething could be beginning to form on the bottom one. Good luck, I can't wait for you to get your bfp and sticky baby.

Katie, I agree that it's very normal for those numbers to slow down, especially when they were increasing so fast.

Megg, you so o'd and I am really looking forward to stalking your chart.

Beckie, you can o and get pg pretty quickly after a mc. Hope you catch that eggie.

Cami, I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Are you resting? I can't wait to see your pics. When do you go back to your dr?

Sbmello, hi. Hope you get your bfp soon.

Hi Daisy. Taking your maca?

Amber, I am so liking your microscope. I want one, I may feel a little bit jealous but wouldn't want to admit that. Your magnification is better. You can see the sections of the sperm better. You can see the shape of the head, the head is half clear... Something I've never noticed, the ridges at the base of the tail. I love the video. I can't wait to see more, shhhh I'm comparing. Now that sounds really weird. I think there are more videos on YouTube. I agree that I wouldn't want to encourage o to come quite so early. How much soy are you taking? You're already done taking it? You may want to adjust next time but with your recent later o's it looks like this is a good thing for you. Fwiw,my 11yo was a cd11 o. I believe it was accidentally affected by soy, I was using soy lecithin to help with my diet.

Hi pambolina. You are very welcome here. Did you say you are charting?

Rosa, I looked at your chart right when I first started reading and my jaw totally dropped. I'm not sure what to think. Your two recent bleeds, your last af and now, at least one of them is breakthrough bleeding. Remind me what you are taking???? You are only doing epo and maca, correct? Let's brainstorm after you remind me what you are taking. Don't panic, it's going to work out.

Nikki, I see something on every test nowadays but I'm pretty sure you're not pg yet because you need to o first. Your temps are leveling out a little bit more. It's soooo hard waiting. I know it is. I wish I could make you o now.

Amber, I live the diapers. You did an amazing job and you did it so quickly too. Thank you for making them!!!

Amanda, I love the tutu. Great work. I haven't made one yet but my dd wants one too. How much are you haying for the tulle? It's $2.29 here, is that good?

Stacey, I see you put down the books to be creative too. Great job. Y'all need to go into business. They're so frilly and beautiful. Was this your first time making them too?

Hi Patty!

Mari's having a girl!!!!! A sweet little girlie girl in tutus and bows.

Megg, was it you that had crazy sex related dreams when pg last time?

Afm, we had a bday yesterday, my ds turned 14. My dh got into my bag and found my envelope of peesticks I was going to throw away anywhere other than home. He Asa the big evap and the subsequent tests which some of those had evapped too but nothing like that one. My dh was sobbing, he thought I was pg, I told him I wasn't. He's never wanted it this badly before and it makes me feel a bit inadequate. He already thought I was pg before that, despite me telling him I wasn't because I've been so sick. Well, I'm still not feeling well, still very sensitive to food smells and I actually did get sick, not just feeling sick, during the night last night. I'm stil not eating normally or even close to normally. I did call my dr about adjusting my femara so I don't o so early again, he hasn't called back yet. Also, we are leaving for. 14hr road trip next week. I will likely o while we are gone. I'm really worried about how that will work out. I'm also worried about my losing my cool in front of mil/fil. I lf I have a lose it moment it's always right before o, we're going to be in tight quarters and I already feel a bit yucky towards them. Please pray that I can keep my cool.

Zoie, what day are you on? Why do I have such a hard time following you? I'm really sorry.

Nite girls.

:wacko: Ok so I went to sleep for 2 hours and now am back up Ughhh I hate broken sleep and now I dont feel tired..I m off the Maca until Friday when AF should be gone :)
Pretty excited about having all my charts and TTC diary ready for the meeting with my NEW doc on 11th Next friday :happydance::happydance::happydance: I want clomid :happydance::happydance::happydance:
bfn today 10dpo,obviously an evap now its thin a grey grrr. i really want to start adoption process but dh says no :cry:
I've been gone for 2 days and I got all caught up in an hour. Y'all are being quiet.

Hi Emmu, hope I spelled that right.

Andrea, I wouldn't take that as an absolute neg. Be on the lookout, you just really never know. I barely get a pos at all.

Katie, I'm praying for you and believing that your baby/babies are perfect and healthy in there. I'm praying for Gaige too. How's he doing by the way? Is it healing quickly? My dd had a burn and you could watch new skin grow on the outside edges and every day I could see more. It looks pinker. Gradually the scab shrunk as the skin grew from the outside edges towards the middle. She healed faster treating it with bactroban rather than neosporin. I think hers was starting to become infected at first and the neosporin wasn't the right one for the germ. The improvement were much faster with the bactroban. Is he handling it okay?

Mummylove, you have a few higher temps in your lp. Were they affected by anything? Drinks the night before or sleeping later? It looks like you are still in.

Babyhopes, I saw something on the first test you posted but it looked slightly to the right of that little dot, closer to the control. The next pic you posted has a fewtests, it lookslikesomething could be beginning to form on the bottom one. Good luck, I can't wait for you to get your bfp and sticky baby.

Katie, I agree that it's very normal for those numbers to slow down, especially when they were increasing so fast.

Megg, you so o'd and I am really looking forward to stalking your chart.

Beckie, you can o and get pg pretty quickly after a mc. Hope you catch that eggie.

Cami, I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Are you resting? I can't wait to see your pics. When do you go back to your dr?

Sbmello, hi. Hope you get your bfp soon.

Hi Daisy. Taking your maca?

Amber, I am so liking your microscope. I want one, I may feel a little bit jealous but wouldn't want to admit that. Your magnification is better. You can see the sections of the sperm better. You can see the shape of the head, the head is half clear... Something I've never noticed, the ridges at the base of the tail. I love the video. I can't wait to see more, shhhh I'm comparing. Now that sounds really weird. I think there are more videos on YouTube. I agree that I wouldn't want to encourage o to come quite so early. How much soy are you taking? You're already done taking it? You may want to adjust next time but with your recent later o's it looks like this is a good thing for you. Fwiw,my 11yo was a cd11 o. I believe it was accidentally affected by soy, I was using soy lecithin to help with my diet.

Hi pambolina. You are very welcome here. Did you say you are charting?

Rosa, I looked at your chart right when I first started reading and my jaw totally dropped. I'm not sure what to think. Your two recent bleeds, your last af and now, at least one of them is breakthrough bleeding. Remind me what you are taking???? You are only doing epo and maca, correct? Let's brainstorm after you remind me what you are taking. Don't panic, it's going to work out.

Nikki, I see something on every test nowadays but I'm pretty sure you're not pg yet because you need to o first. Your temps are leveling out a little bit more. It's soooo hard waiting. I know it is. I wish I could make you o now.

Amber, I live the diapers. You did an amazing job and you did it so quickly too. Thank you for making them!!!

Amanda, I love the tutu. Great work. I haven't made one yet but my dd wants one too. How much are you haying for the tulle? It's $2.29 here, is that good?

Stacey, I see you put down the books to be creative too. Great job. Y'all need to go into business. They're so frilly and beautiful. Was this your first time making them too?

Hi Patty!

Mari's having a girl!!!!! A sweet little girlie girl in tutus and bows.

Megg, was it you that had crazy sex related dreams when pg last time?

Afm, we had a bday yesterday, my ds turned 14. My dh got into my bag and found my envelope of peesticks I was going to throw away anywhere other than home. He Asa the big evap and the subsequent tests which some of those had evapped too but nothing like that one. My dh was sobbing, he thought I was pg, I told him I wasn't. He's never wanted it this badly before and it makes me feel a bit inadequate. He already thought I was pg before that, despite me telling him I wasn't because I've been so sick. Well, I'm still not feeling well, still very sensitive to food smells and I actually did get sick, not just feeling sick, during the night last night. I'm stil not eating normally or even close to normally. I did call my dr about adjusting my femara so I don't o so early again, he hasn't called back yet. Also, we are leaving for. 14hr road trip next week. I will likely o while we are gone. I'm really worried about how that will work out. I'm also worried about my losing my cool in front of mil/fil. I lf I have a lose it moment it's always right before o, we're going to be in tight quarters and I already feel a bit yucky towards them. Please pray that I can keep my cool.

Zoie, what day are you on? Why do I have such a hard time following you? I'm really sorry.

Nite girls.

I do soemtimes av a drink in night and i always av to get up for a wee in night i get up around the same time everyday cus with going gymso it could be around 7-30 to 8am
Good morning ladies :) Hope everyone slept well last night.....

For me:

No ovulation yet...I'm thinking tonight or tomorrow sometime :) Getting close :) I suppose its gonna happen sometime LOL I don't think Clomid would stop me from ovulating???

I'm exhausted :( doing all this spring cleaning makes me sleepy....I have so much to do an not enough energy to do it all :( GRRR lol
I never have a perfect sleep lol i get up at least 3 times in night

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