Gallery O Tests

I'm not an early tester, girls. I know... BLASPHEMY! I don't fit on this thread at all, eh?
Meg, it's good your not an addict. LOL We love you all the same, and you DEF fit in here. No one belongs more than you :hugs:
I never provide pics of tests anymore. LOL But, thank you for not booting me out for not being an addict! I just prefer not to waste money on them until I know they'll be accurate. So, 14dpo is the best day for me to start testing... if I don't see AF, that is.
I wish I had that much self control! I need to be more like you, then I'd have some $ to spend! lol :haha:
I just like blissful ignorance sometimes... LOL

I don't even really know what I want the test to say. Every possible outcome is scary! Pregnancy comes with worry. Not being pregnant and no AF yet is super scary. Not being pregnant, getting AF, and having to start treatment again is scary too. Its like there's no "safe" option in my head. I suppose I'd prefer to worry about the viability of a pregnancy than the other options... but its still all very scary!
pambolina, i think you should try soy isoflavones they are a more natural version of clomid i dont think they have any side effects

10 - Dont worry if it wasnt for my CBFM i wouldnt be able to keep track either lol im on CD10
The cramping has eased but a nurse friend of mine told me that she had a friend who had HORRID cramps while on Clomid....but hopefully it goes away soon its worse than AF really an I've been nearly in tears hurting in the middle lower part of belly right above pubic bone an felt stretchy crampy feelings down clue what my body is doing I almost wanna pee on more OPK's but I just know its going to be another negative like its been so far :(

Hope you all have a wonderful night but its nearly bedtime for me we cleaned out our entire garage to the FULLEST an I'm exhausted thinking I need to have a yard sale I have so much garbage that could be someone elses treasures :) lol night all XOXOXOXOXO

Megg can't wait til you test....Katie can't wait til I see US pics :)

To everyone else I wish I could remember everything I just read lol I'm gonna have to start writing notes down before posting :) love you all though an will see you tomorrow an will have brand new OPK's tomorrow morning hopefully positives an will show pics :) LOVE YOU ALL NIGHT NIGHT!!!!

Chicka you passed me in our cycles lmao you were behind now ur ahead because of my Clomid :( oh well you get to test first this cycle I still love you though :)
The cramping has eased but a nurse friend of mine told me that she had a friend who had HORRID cramps while on Clomid....but hopefully it goes away soon its worse than AF really an I've been nearly in tears hurting in the middle lower part of belly right above pubic bone an felt stretchy crampy feelings down clue what my body is doing I almost wanna pee on more OPK's but I just know its going to be another negative like its been so far :(

Hope you all have a wonderful night but its nearly bedtime for me we cleaned out our entire garage to the FULLEST an I'm exhausted thinking I need to have a yard sale I have so much garbage that could be someone elses treasures :) lol night all XOXOXOXOXO

Megg can't wait til you test....Katie can't wait til I see US pics :)

To everyone else I wish I could remember everything I just read lol I'm gonna have to start writing notes down before posting :) love you all though an will see you tomorrow an will have brand new OPK's tomorrow morning hopefully positives an will show pics :) LOVE YOU ALL NIGHT NIGHT!!!!

Chicka you passed me in our cycles lmao you were behind now ur ahead because of my Clomid :( oh well you get to test first this cycle I still love you though :)

well we will see what tomorrows temp is might have all been a fluke...who knows. lol It feels weird me ovulating so early...
I hope none of you mind me posting a question here but I've been lurking this thread for a few months now and just really find all of you extremely knowledgeable and I'm just wondering if any of you know what could cause a gradual decline in the amount of blood in my periods and the length of my periods? I used to be a normal flow and 5 day kinda gal but in the past year, I've gone from barely bleeding and having only 2-3 days of any blood. Should this concern me or can it hinder my chances on conception?
I dont have a answer for you BUT wanted to say welcome. Im sure someone can at least give you some ideas
I hope none of you mind me posting a question here but I've been lurking this thread for a few months now and just really find all of you extremely knowledgeable and I'm just wondering if any of you know what could cause a gradual decline in the amount of blood in my periods and the length of my periods? I used to be a normal flow and 5 day kinda gal but in the past year, I've gone from barely bleeding and having only 2-3 days of any blood. Should this concern me or can it hinder my chances on conception?

Wish I could help you on this hun...I have no idea. I think this question would probably best be answered by your Dr. They would best know all the little details that may or may not have an affect on your periods. I hope you get some answers soon!! :hugs:
I hope none of you mind me posting a question here but I've been lurking this thread for a few months now and just really find all of you extremely knowledgeable and I'm just wondering if any of you know what could cause a gradual decline in the amount of blood in my periods and the length of my periods? I used to be a normal flow and 5 day kinda gal but in the past year, I've gone from barely bleeding and having only 2-3 days of any blood. Should this concern me or can it hinder my chances on conception?

Sounds mostly hormonal to me... but it would be worth getting checked out for polyps/fibroids/etc. It could be hormonal that your lining isn't building up like it used to, and that could hinder conception. If you aren't shedding your lining properly, then you could be retaining tissue you should be that could turn into polyps and whatnot. That could also hinder conception. Of course, it might not be either of those things... But, it would be best to get checked out by a fertility specialist to find out if there is an underlying cause!
Sometimes I wonder why we have doctor's....I mean...half the freakin time we're having to take things into our own hands.....

I decided to cancel my appt for the 15th and go with the Fertilaid and might take longer to conceive with Fertilaid but it will give me a chance to lose weight in the process and help regulate my cycles WITH ovulation....Provera is KILLING me ya'll....I don't want to go through another cycle on that stuff.....I don't think I could handle it!!!!
If this is what your instincts tell you to do then you made the right choice sweets! :)
Lol megg I won't encourage you to test but I can say as you know if it were me I'd be testing lol ;)
Ashes.. first off welcome... and as Megg said sounds hormonal too me as well... I would get checked by a Dr. hun.. it is probably something easily taken care of but yes if it is hormonal it could hinder conception.. :hugs:
OK Well I apparently have gotta call the doctor tomorrow I'm full blown "sick" now......its AWFUL....I don't know if vomiting is normal while taking Clomid but it apparently isn't liking me too much right now as I've got another hot flash :( Gonna TRY an sleep this all off but I've got this weird feeling in my tummy that something is "not right" :( I duno? Just want to cry an scream and I feel like AF is coming my hips and my legs are IN PAIN :( OMG Cramps are now full swing :( an I feel like I'm gonna die :( WHY ME?????
Sometimes I wonder why we have doctor's....I mean...half the freakin time we're having to take things into our own hands.....

I decided to cancel my appt for the 15th and go with the Fertilaid and might take longer to conceive with Fertilaid but it will give me a chance to lose weight in the process and help regulate my cycles WITH ovulation....Provera is KILLING me ya'll....I don't want to go through another cycle on that stuff.....I don't think I could handle it!!!!
If this is what your instincts tell you to do then you made the right choice sweets! :)
Lol megg I won't encourage you to test but I can say as you know if it were me I'd be testing lol ;)

I honestly don't know what my instincts are telling be honest I never knew there was anything else out there to help in this department accept what the doctor gave's kind of overwhelming....

Can't someone just TELL me what to do....LMAO! Kidding...kidding...Maybe Clomid would be the best thing....I feel bad putting my husband through the awkwardness of SA!!! I wish I could "assist" but I know I can'*heavy sigh* Okay....I was talking to my husband as I was writing this and he decided he'd rather go through the doctor....I had decided to cancel my appt but luckily I forgot to actually MAKE the phone the appt is still set....It will be intresting to know what his count is....even he's gotta tell you ladies...I'd feel so alone and lost if it wasn't for BNB.....I still plan on ordering the Preseed and like 100 opk'

I feel like I'm nearing OV or even AF....been cramping alot today....but still no change in the CM department :shrug: So we'll see!
Andrea, and anyone else taking Clomid or Femara. This site says that you may not get an official + opk while using it. It says to consider anything close to the color of the control line a +

Megg, can you just test? You only have a pregnancy chart to compare so it's not really objective to compare. I see now that you don't want to until 14dpo. Is it less stressful for you that way? I would want to know. Tomorrow would be a great day to test. :)

I'm sure you'll update, right Cami? I'll be looking for your update.

Braij, you'll do great. It'll just be different. You'll learn how to juggle everything, you'll see. What are your kids' ages?

Clare, I totally see that, I hope you posted another before I finish reading.

Amanda, bored is a naughty word around here. You're lucky your excused, I'd have to put you to work. :)

Oh yay!!! I see it on the next test you posted too Clare.

sbmello, I see it, what time was your pic taken? How are you feeling?

Amber, it sounds like you took a lot of soy to me. I took 120mg and thought it was too much. I ended up with an ovarian cyst, which I heard it can cause but I couldn't say it was from that. I was having messed up cycles at the time anyway. Look at your bottle, it will have an amount per capsule and an amount of soy isoflavones per capsule. I took 120mg soy isoflavones, it would have been more had I counted only the capsule size.

We're going from Kansas to New Orleans. It will be a long ride.

Rosa, I'm so sorry you are going through this. By the books I've read, it's not af if it didn't come after O. I know that kinda doesn't mean anything because it's still bleeding. If it were me, I'd wait until CD5 to give my body a chance to tell me what's going on and where I'm at. Then I'd shock the heck out of it and tell it who's boss. I'd do soy if it looks like your temps stay lower. I'd give it until CD5 though which is a little longer just to give it every chance. It may have been O like Amanda said, or just you gearing up to. I've had this happen before. It can happen, I'm so sorry. It's very tormenting.

Andrea, I think tomorrow is your O day.

Rosa, I'd like to read the site you were reading about maca. Could you post a link? I really don't think that it was the maca messing you up, but it could be. It's so hard to know with it happening only once too. Kinda like what I said about the soy could have caused my ovarian cyst, but at the same time, I can't say that because I was already out of whack. Your body is still trying to figure out what's going on. I think it would be safe to wait it out a bit longer. Just take lots of notes about what happens when, your chart will do. This way you can compare and get a better idea of what's going on.

Holy temp drop Stacey. That's a huge O dip. Get your bding in girl.

Pambolina, are you charting? It's so much easier to see what's up that way.

Nikki, your temps are leveling out again, look for fertile signs.

Amber and Andrea, I'll be anxiously watching your charts for a temp rise. I hope you were able to be Andrea, I think you're Oing. Owie, sorry.

Ashes~ are you on tww site too by chance? My af has become progressively lighter over the years, I'm getting about 2.5 days of bleeding at af. It's nice to have it lighter. My dr. said that as women age some get heavier and some get lighter and it's normal. I mentioned that I was worried about the lining not being thick enough, he wasn't worried about it and said my ultrasound was normal, it had measurements on it. It was lower than most I've heard though. That's why I chose Femara over Clomid though, Clomid can thin the lining and reduce cm.

Cami, I'm glad your kitchen got a thorough cleaning. Doesn't it feel good???

Well, someone speak quickly. I've been deep in though, on my knees in prayer. I was supposed to start the Femara again today. All along I've questioned if I needed it, I think I jumped the gun going to the dr. as my cycles were gradually becoming more normal on it's own. I've done 3 cycles now, my normal O day is CD17-18, and I O'd on CD15, 14, and then 12. I feel like 12 is too early. I called to ask if I should adjust, I've felt like I may be taking too much, or maybe different days would be better. I finally talked to the nurse again today and she said that the dr. said that it's fine for me to be oing on different days, she didn't acknowledge that I was Oing progressively earlier. She didn't get it.

I feel like I'm to a point that I'm not expecting anything anymore. I just expect a bfn, even though I hope a little it's usually only short spurts. I feel like I need to be more positive, I need to expect my body to do what it's supposed to and expect that it will happen at some point. Feeling this way can't be good. I need to cange my attitude. I'm terribly afraid that if I don't take it that I will have to sit out on April's O, my dh will be out of town twice. If I stay on the current schedule it should be fine. Even saying that, it's like saying I know this month won't be my month and planning 2 O'd from now really seems kinda pitiful.

Unless someone smacks me over the head, I'm considering this a leap of faith to not take the Femara this cycle. I want to see where I'm at really without it. I will take a low dose of soy. I hope I'm not so nervous this way that I won't O on time that I mess it all up.

Katie, HIIIIIII!!! Hope Gaige is healing, can we see another pic of his leg? Counting down until your sono.

Hi Mari. Thinking about your and your baby girl. Show me what kind of bows you like.

Amanda, do you like the big ones or little ones? Headbands or just bows? If you find something online that you like send me a pic.

Nite girls.
Pambolina, how about ordering one of those SA condoms??? That's what we're planning on doing if possible, we don't have an appt. yet.

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