Gallery O Tests

I'm feeling the same way...just waiting by the phone for my results as well...Sometimes I think they can take for granted the torture that we go through in waiting for news :(
Good luck for your results!
I have been reading, just not much time to post.
If you saw a motorcycle laying on its side :( an two people laying on the ground with it wouldn't you think something is "wrong" well about 20 cars drove by an no one helped so me an DH managed to get up on our feet an we are ok just road rashed all over :( he's way worse than I am :( an gas leaking everywhere :( its been a terrible day so far...thankfully we are OK :)

fb ladies please don't mention on fb his parents would have a FIT!
Oh no Andrea! Hope you are both ok.
Baby is doing good. He was up from 2am to 7am last night. Luckily hubby was home to help.
We are :( hubby was embarrassed but he really couldnt' help it when it rains here there is a lot of sand that gets on the road....and that happened....and normally the city cleans it off the roadway so it doesn't cause accidents....well DH went slow through it an we still didn't make it the most horrible part was watching all those cars go by an no one check to see if we were hurt or anything :(
aww hugs hun cant believe that i wud stopped if i could drive :D glad your ok tho
Andrea sorry to hear that glad you and dh are ok people can be so rude
I wouldn't say rude I'd say "not caring and selfish and too worried about their own selves to worry about others" :( just kind of hurt my feelings an pride of living in the US.....I've seen shows on TV where they put these screaming kids saying your not my dad your not my dad an no one out of like 10 couples did anything to help the kid....they didn't know it was a set up on a show.....but they learned it was an were embarrassed to say they did nothing to help the kids being abducted!
yea i have seen shows like that my doctor wants me to try soy he doesn't want to give me clomid if he doesn't have to ughhhhhhhh but i lost 4 lbs yay but my b/p is up lol
Awww Stacey that is no fun...Clomid has told AF to go away....I don't feel AF coming whatsoever I bet she'll come tomorrow though an I wish she would so I can use my CBFM :) I can't wait :) it needs to hurry up!!!
i know what you mean i don't feeling her coming but i'm sure she will be here first thing in the morning for me ugh so i'll go out and get some soy tomorrow after work for you i hope she is 9 months late
Look out girls, I have two hands on a real keyboard. Lets see how long this lasts before someone needs me. I'm going to start way back because I haven't been on so much, I'm sure not in the right order.

Braij, I'm so glad that you are Max are doign well. He is so beautiful. Sometimes those really fast births can be traumatic. Mine were. It's like going from A to B with almost nothing in between. Hi baby, where did you come from? I remember feeling like I was going to die and thinking I must have such a long time ahead because I was only to 4 and it hurts so bad and you can't even imagine how you could get through more time at that point. Fast births do feel traumatic, I remember trying to piece everything together in my head over and over again, I couldn't comprehend what happened when, who was where, who did what. It makes it all seem like it wasn't even real. You still don't get the experience that you had in your mind even when it goes fast. It feels so shocking and startling. Just take some time for yourself and snuggle the baby as much as you can, it'll all be okay. Having a baby is such a wonderful experience, but it can get to you when it doesn't go as you planned or expected. I know you love your baby, and I know you won't let the experience get you down. Life is full of challenges, isn't it? Hugs, send more pictures, he's so gorgeous.

Daisy, all of that stuff that you went through with your dd. I never got a pm from you regarding that. I saw so much love from everyone as they shared their own experiences, it was so sweet. I think you handled everything beautifully, it's so hard. Most everyone has btdt to some extent or in some way. You did what you had to do, and your dd is growing up and most do go through some sort of thing as they're breaking away from their parents. I wish they didn't have to. I know that you wrote about giving up on ttc, but I hope that you don't. You still have time at this point, but if you wait too long you may not have a chance at all. There are still other things to try, you can't win if you don't play.

Rosa, you have me stumped. I'm just going to have to watch and wait. You didn't do soy yet, right?

I know someone wrote not to do soy and maca at the same time, but I just did. :) My chart doesn't show O, but I'm pretty sure that I did. I suppose I'll know I did if af shows on time.

Beckie, I'm not glad that your lo got sick but itsn't it nice to know there was a good reason for his behavior? I can't wait to see your next tests.

Megg, I'll just watch for your next video. I already know how tough you are.

Amanda, I think it was before I left but I was so busy then packing, Amelia's pics. Those were the most beautiful sono pics I've ever seen. They were so clear and showed so much detail. She's so beautiful. The bonnet is adorable, very sweet. Will she wear it for something special or all the time? I love bonnets. I bought one on eBay that was knitted or crochet I don't remember, but it had marabou all the way around it, I LOVED it!!! I'd buy another if I could find one like it. I should get it out and take a pic, I mean it's so precious.

Amber, I looked at all of your diaper sets as I read but didn't comment. They're adorable. You've got some great boy ideas with those shoes and the hats. You are a fast sewer too. I can't put out nearly as many items as you do. I've been collecting preemie patterns, I want to make some NICU clothing. I would be expecting another preemie if we have another. Have you tried taking a different kind of test? Your opk is still so dark, I wonder if because LH and HCG are so similar that you are picking it up on the HPT. I know it's not supposed to work that way, only the other way around. I've had it happen when I accidentally took an HPT instead of an OPK, it showed a super faint line. I'd try a different kind of test, and I'd definitely keep doing both. I'm curious. I haven't looked at your chart yet. I don't know why, I looked at everyone else's. Sorry.

Pam and sbmello, hoping your dr.s call with great news. Sorry you have to wait like that.

Claire, your little boy is sooooo beautiful. I love pretty boys. He's a keeper, that's for sure. :)

Sweet Alida, how are you doing? How did it go when you surprised your dh with the news? I still haven't heard?

Andrea, I'm sorry that you've had such an eventful week. I'm glad that you and your dh got everything worked out, your letter was beautiful and obviously heartfelt. I think that everyone has had struggles in their marriages, and it's never perfectly easy. Sometimes, I want to share when things happen because it hurts, but then my second thought is that I'm not portraying a good image of what marriage is supposed to be. I feel like if I say things about our struggles then I'm giving others the idea that marriage is always hard, at the same time, if you say nothing you give an unrealistic idea that life is perfect and that makes others think that they are the only one. I really think that everyone has had their fair share of struggles in life. When life gets overwhelming then it's time to change life. Doesn't it seem that depression is almost a normal part of life too? How many people can you name that haven't had depression at some point in their life? I don't think I can name a single person. It's all in what you do with it, how you handle it. Again, if life gets overwhelming, then change life. There are some things that we may never be able to change about our lives, but there are always going to be areas that we can change to make things happier. Sometimes, we have to just decide to be happy where we are.

A little story, not this trip we just made but a few years ago we made the same trip and the kids were whining and tired and cranky, so was dh for that matter. We stopped at a stream and we announced that we were going to play in the rocks. My then LO jumped out and said, you mean these rocks???? She picked up a piece of gravel from the parking lot, not the pretty rocks down by the water we were talking about. I guess the moral to the story is being happy with what you have, these rocks are great and they are fun too, although not as pretty as those other ones down there.

I had so much fun on this trip we just made, my assigned seat in the 15 passenger van was in the far back between two car seats. My two little ones were happy, never cried and I had a blast playing with them and keeping them in a good mood. Not once did I hear them complain about getting back in their car seats. It was a 14 hour drive, although we didn't do it in one day. They did awesome, I can't wait to post some beach pics. I haven't even looked at them yet. I'm all bruised up though, we had stuff packed everywhere in the van. I had to take a huge step over stuff to get to my seat, it was hard getting back there but I didn't mind. My dh joked that I needed a sports bra to ride back there, it was so bouncy.

Pambolina, where's your chart? I remember you talking about your parts humming, I was guessing that was O time. What cd are you on? What dpo?

Katie, I soooooo remember what you are talking about. Try to keep something in your stomach all the time. Even if you wake up at night, if you're not feeling yucky keep eating and nibbling. Do high protein before bed. If your mouth is watering too much, I hate that, it will delay vomitting if you spit it out, gross I know, but it may help. I wouldn't be online either feeling that way. It makes it hard to do anything. I don't think that a little less sxs means anything at all at this point. It may just be that you are getting used to things. My ms sxs are worse between 6-10 weeks, usually I notice feeling a bit better at about 9-9 1/2 weeks, definitely not all better. I'm sure it's different for everyone, I get super sick when I'm pg and usually end up hospitalized and dehydrated. I remember with my 4 yo, I got so sick I was almost dilerious. I could hold nothing down and was in the hospital for a few days and I actually thought that being pg was going to kill me and felt a bit of regret because I felt so guilty leaving my other kids. I had a bit of that feeling of OMGoodness what have I done? I'm sure if I got pg again I'd go through the same thing. It's not fun being sick, that's just all there is to it.

Mari, how are you and your sweet baby girl?

Nikki, I don't know what's up but I'm just going to watch and wait with you. I think your wisdom teeth could have messed with your temps. Sorry about losing your purse, did you call to see if you left it at the dentist's.

Andrea, I'm glad that you and your dh are okay after your motorcycle accident. OUCH!!!

Zoie, what cd are you on? Your chart?

Babyhopes, is having a baby!!! It sounds like you are doing great, your last tests looked so pretty.

sbmello, congrats if I haven't told you already. Hope the dr. has great news, can you just increase your prometrium dose?

Cami, I can't wait for you to have your baby. How are you feeling today?

mummylove, I thought you must have already O'd when you spoke of pouncing him at lunch. Now you are getting a line on your opks, he better look out, huh?

Rosa, if your dr found group b strep he must have tested for it, right? He probably checked your urine, maybe even had to send it off for that? I have a friend who gets it in her urine all the time, but she has kidney issues anyway. It's not something weird or anything, it's just not supposed to be there.

Stacey, hugs, I'm sorry you feel af is coming.

Who did I forget? There are so many important people on here. I'm sorry.

I'm going to post pics, I hope later. As soon as I get through my camera, but for now I have to fold some laundry. I'm still not caught up on the laundry from our trip. My opks, I saved a couple of the darker ones, it never truly got + but I marked the darkest ones as +. I really think that I O'd, or else my temps would go back down. I shall wait and watch.

Have a good day girls.
Stacey, I took Femara 3 cycles prior to this one. It's supposed to work like Clomid with less side effects. I did O earlier, last cycle being on CD12. This cycle I didn't take the Femara, I took maca and soy and I still O'd on CD12 or CD13, not sure yet, I'm pretty sure I did O. I really believe that the soy is just as powerful as the Femara. My usual O day is CD17-18. When I did soy last time by itself I O'd on CD16. I know it's not much of a difference, but I could definitely tell a difference. It may just do the trick.

Andrea, I've heard of girls doing the metformin but I don't understand what it does for ttc. Do you have any good info?
mummylove, I thought you must have already O'd when you spoke of pouncing him at lunch. Now you are getting a line on your opks, he better look out, huh?

Have a good day girls.

I was horny anyway lol and i knew i wouldnt see him till sat so was just give that egg a chance if i ov b4 i see him but i doubt i will ov b4

I just read on a website that you start on 500 mg for one week then up it to twice a day at 500mg then the third week you up it to 1500 mg a day....I duno? I've no clue but its sitting in front of me and I'm thinking why not just take it what could it really hurt? LOL....Hmmmm no clue but I can try it I suppose LOL

Here is a video of Peyton our bird LOL thought I'd share :) oopsy i posted the wrong one here is the one I wanted LOL
Here are some more pictures and my birth story if anyone is interested.

I went to my doctors appt on Thursday March 10th. They did a growth scan and estimated baby to be 9lbs 5oz, which was concerning to them as the biggest baby I have delivered was 6lbs 6oz. So when I went to see my doctor I was a little suprised when she suggested inducing me the next day! I was expecting it to be at 39 weeks, which would have been Tuesday March 15th. So I hurried home and called everyone and got babysitters etc set up. I took something to help me sleep the night before, since I knew I wouldnt get any sleep otherwise. I still ended up waking up at 4am. Took a shower, had a light breakfast, and called L&D to see if they had room for me. I was soooo disapointed when they said they were very busy and they would call me later in the day. Well after several more phone calls back and forth, and them telling me I might have to wait for the next day, I took a small nap. I woke up and realized my phone was not in a service area. So I hurried and called them back and they said to come in right away! So we hurried out the door. When we got to the hospital I went up to the room, I was worried they would send me home again if I didnt hurry. Hubby got the kids off with the babysitter and him, my 11 year old son, and my cousin came up to the room. By then the doctor had already been in and broke my water. I was 2cm dialated when she broke it at approx 12pm. They then started an IV and started fluids and pitocin. For the first hour I was feeling fine, besides losing huge amounts of fluid. It was rather funny, because my husband who watched the whole birth with no problem, was actually gagging at the sight of the amniotic fluid. After that I started to get small contractions, nothing horrible. Then they started getting more uncomfortable. I asked for some IV pain meds, and they helped me to relax and breath through them better. Then it started to wear off, so I asked for the epidural. I have a history of the epidural not working at all for me, but I wanted to try it again. Once he was done the pain in my stomach from the contractions slowly went away. At this point my son and cousin were in the waiting room. I was still feeling some pressure below my waist, but I could breathe through it. Everyone eventually left the room besides my husband. Then the pressure started getting really bad. They had to turn the pitocin off because my body was overreacting to the pitocin. I was having way to many contractions, with barely any rest inbetween. When I received my epidural I was 4+cm, when I started feeling the pressure she checked me again and I was 7cm. This was within about 20 min. Then everything is kind of a blur. I was in so much pain, I could feel everything and the epidural was not working at all anymore. Next thing I know my husband was running down the hall for the nurse and she was calling the doctor for delivery. The doctor got there and checked and I was 9cm, she set up then I was 10. Then I started pushing and it was horrible. I had about 10 sec beak between each contraction, and I had to push with each one. The babies heartbeat was dropping down to 90 because he had no breaks from being squeezed. So they put oxygen on me and a vacuum on his head. He was finally born at 408pm weighing 8lbs 7oz. He was very pale when he was born and the NICU had to come down and stimulate him, but he was fine after that. I ended up having 2 small tears that had to be stitched. Sorry so long! Congrats to anyone who read all of this!


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