Gallery O Tests

Never apologize for being honest, especially here. We are all entitled to have our own opinions, and I think it's a good thing to share them. Even though we might not all agree on everything other's say/think. How BORING would that be if every one's opinion was exactly the same as the next? lol

Sometimes the ladies on here can get a bit emotional and take it out on their keyboard...don't think to much of it. That might be the best way they know how to express them self. It's all good. I don't think any harm was done. I think there is truth and understanding in a bit of what everyone posts on here.

And def, DEF, don't NOT post what is really on your mind. As far as this thread goes, there really isn't a "TMI" here. We are woman ttc which is going to consist of some things that might be "weird" or gross to some, but to us it's 100% normal. :haha: A person NOT ttc might think..."OMG, I have nasty stringy snotty goop coming outta me! HELP!" and we would all be cool and calm..."Oh, that's just EWCM, no biggy. That means it's time to start having sex!" :sex: :rofl:
OMG we have all gone as far as what some of us wear in the bedroom to get the OH/DH fired up while ttc LOL as we all know it can seem a chore after a while...

That reminds me...he katie, do you suppose thats what got ya preggers? your little outfit lol If I remember right we were talking about that the month you got your BFP lol

As far as speaking your mind...Ive been apart of this thread from pretty much the start, and I have issues speaking my mind sometimes. The one time I did it was taken WAY the wrong way. So I get not wanting to speak your mind in fear of what others are going to say. But I also think that those of us who understand the stress and also are adults are able to take the time we need and come back :D
Thats so true!!! Some of my friends would tell me to shut up if I started talking about my cervical mucous. LOL!!!
The girls on here are like "Oooh, how far can you stretch it between your fingers?" LMAO!!! :rofl:
Hello i hope everyone feels better. well my appy is tomorrow im gonna ask for clomid if he says no im gonna treaten his life jkjkjk :rofl: no but seriously i dont know what im gonna do if they dont help
Hello i hope everyone feels better. well my appy is tomorrow im gonna ask for clomid if he says no im gonna treaten his life jkjkjk :rofl: no but seriously i dont know what im gonna do if they dont help

I hope you get the clomid! It's nice to have a plan! :rofl: for threatening the doctor! :haha: that is too funny, but felt the same way at times! :D

Kate are you alright? You haven't been on much lately. How are you feeling? Is the Zofran helping? I'm calling my doctor tomorrow. I thought I could tough it out until next week,, but I'm not going to make it another 5 days. Not chasing a 2 year old around and being this sick. I hope you feel better soon.
Well I'm always honest with my posts....I just take extra care on how I word things and how much I<~~~And I go alittle crazy with the LOL's to show that I'm lighthearted and joking/laughing.....

I read somewhere that you increase your chances of have multiple's while on Clomid if you have PCOS and a high BMI and taking Metformin....Makes me kind of giddy to think that MAYBE I could have twins....AWESOME! I know there are risks but I like thinking of the
lol....I'm not looking forward to the upped dose....makes me feel very sick and lightheaded and foggy....I have a hard time focusing when I'm on more than 500mg....I've already told the doc what it did to me and she said "Well Metformin is horrid stuff!" LOL gee thanks doc!
Well I'm always honest with my posts....I just take extra care on how I word things and how much I<~~~And I go alittle crazy with the LOL's to show that I'm lighthearted and joking/laughing.....

I read somewhere that you increase your chances of have multiple's while on Clomid if you have PCOS and a high BMI and taking Metformin....Makes me kind of giddy to think that MAYBE I could have twins....AWESOME! I know there are risks but I like thinking of the

Hey there!!! I am on first cycle. Im on CD 12. Took mine from CD3-7. Ive read that it increases the chances of multiples too. I would love a set of twinsies. Im on ly on 50mg. If it doesn't work this cycle, I think my GYN is going to up me to 100mg! So excited. Im still waiting to O though. My last cycle lasted 2 months exactly. So Im not sure when I'll O. Hoping its soon though. Im getting Impatient...LOL!
Well I'm always honest with my posts....I just take extra care on how I word things and how much I<~~~And I go alittle crazy with the LOL's to show that I'm lighthearted and joking/laughing.....

I read somewhere that you increase your chances of have multiple's while on Clomid if you have PCOS and a high BMI and taking Metformin....Makes me kind of giddy to think that MAYBE I could have twins....AWESOME! I know there are risks but I like thinking of the

Hey there!!! I am on first cycle. Im on CD 12. Took mine from CD3-7. Ive read that it increases the chances of multiples too. I would love a set of twinsies. Im on ly on 50mg. If it doesn't work this cycle, I think my GYN is going to up me to 100mg! So excited. Im still waiting to O though. My last cycle lasted 2 months exactly. So Im not sure when I'll O. Hoping its soon though. Im getting Impatient...LOL!

So how is the Clomid treating you? I read it's got some nasty side effects! I think twins would be awesome but with my weight issues I gotta be realistic, it would be to risky for me! I'm starting to get impatient myself...I want to start my period already!! LOL! I'm ready to start using my CBFM and give my doc the good news....I can't wait for next month when I can start my Clomid....I'm finally making a dent in this whole TTC we'll end up being Clomid bump buddies!!!!!:happydance:
Well I'm always honest with my posts....I just take extra care on how I word things and how much I<~~~And I go alittle crazy with the LOL's to show that I'm lighthearted and joking/laughing.....

I read somewhere that you increase your chances of have multiple's while on Clomid if you have PCOS and a high BMI and taking Metformin....Makes me kind of giddy to think that MAYBE I could have twins....AWESOME! I know there are risks but I like thinking of the

Hey there!!! I am on first cycle. Im on CD 12. Took mine from CD3-7. Ive read that it increases the chances of multiples too. I would love a set of twinsies. Im on ly on 50mg. If it doesn't work this cycle, I think my GYN is going to up me to 100mg! So excited. Im still waiting to O though. My last cycle lasted 2 months exactly. So Im not sure when I'll O. Hoping its soon though. Im getting Impatient...LOL!

So how is the Clomid treating you? I read it's got some nasty side effects! I think twins would be awesome but with my weight issues I gotta be realistic, it would be to risky for me! I'm starting to get impatient myself...I want to start my period already!! LOL! I'm ready to start using my CBFM and give my doc the good news....I can't wait for next month when I can start my Clomid....I'm finally making a dent in this whole TTC we'll end up being Clomid bump buddies!!!!!:happydance:

That would be awesome! A Clomid Bump Buddy....LOL!
You know, I really haven't had any side effects from it. My vision got a little funny. I dont really know how to describe it. But you know how when you spin around in circles a few times, then when you stop you feel like your vision is still trying to adjust even though you can see clearly? Thats the best way I can describe it. But it wasn't. At the time I honestly didn't relate it to the Clomid, I chalked it up to my usual headaches causing it.
But Ive also read that some side effects don't kick in until you start to O. So we shall see.
How do you use the CBFM??
Hello ladies,I caved and tested as I have been sooooo tired and nauseous and was BFN.I know I know 8dpo is early I was just HOPING and PRAYING to see something,I snuck off to the dollar tree for dog treats and TESTS lol....I picked up 5 tests one for everyday from today until saturday IF I see a line by Saturday I will break the digi out :)
I kinda of have a feeling this is my month but kinda dont lol wow that sounds crazy just like I feel.I had a pretty good day,Did alot of running around brough oldest DD for her driving exam she failed but we rescheduled for next week and will be practicing more.Andrea (DD) has been doing ALOT better and has been coming with us for more family outing including going with us to (younger DD) chorus concert tonight.We all had a great time :) I am blessed and hope all of you waiting to get a BFP soon..DO!!! I have been blessed 2x so if GOD came to me and said ok Daisy you get a BFP OR the ladies on bnb who have never had a child do...WITHOUT hesitation I would say
I care for each of you and am blessed to have a place to come to.For sharing and my tantrums and would like to think maybe I can even make some of you smile and laugh :)
Sweet dreams to you all and remember NEVER GIVE UP!!!
How is everyone feeling?????? Good I hope

************ Would like to add I feel maca has improved my overall well being I have more energy and so does DH we takes 3 (525)mg a day for 2 weeks and while I am ovulating we take 4-5 capsules to boost our odds,I have also read mens sperm can be helped with ilk and certain foods.I am NOT trying to give anyone false hope but my Uncle had 1 testical and has 4 kids....Amber NEVER give up!! He has swimmies and it just takes ONE!!!
Andrea, I'm so sorry. It doesn't matter what the tests say if in your heart you believe this is a mc, and it does sound like a mc to me. If in your heart you believe that it is your heart will hurt like it is, despite what the tests and dr's say. There is no denying tht line. I often see light lines on your tests but this was more. Your last test prompted 3 tweaks. I'm really sorry tht you are hurting emotionally and physically, and I have to cut you some slack just understanding the position that you are in right now.

Beckie, sorry that af came. I am sure you'll get another bfp soon.

Mummylove, it does look like you o'd. I'd like to see your temp a bit higher to be sure. I'm betting on your ch tomorrow.

Rosa, good luck tomorrow.

Sb, you are in my prayers dear.

Pambolina, I noticed your temp, I'm still thinking af is coming. I hope so.

Daisy, I never once thought that you were selfish. I hope and pray your temp dip doesn't mean af, please God let it be an implantation dip.

Nikki, your opk is pretty dark, I say bd. Your ferning is partial and I would expect to see more. I think you're very close. Yay!

Hi Stacey!

Mal, I was wondering how you were doing. Enjoy your sono, that's so exciting.

Cami, hope you and Caleb are having lots of snuggle time.

Braij, thinking of you too.

Best of luck Megg. You are awesome.

My bfns are on my chart.

Amber, I may have to pm you for that formula. I want to get a new microscope after seeing yours. I'd have him do maca and passionflower. Passionflower helps with prostate issues common in older men.

Katie, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say...

I can't take the fighting, seriously I can't. I can't come read and cry for an hour over girls treating each other this way. It hurts me so. I'm sure most of you think it's rediculous but I've never been one who could let it roll off my back. I see all sides and even if I can't I can try.

I wish you all many blessings. I do mean that. If anyone needs me please pm me. I can't come back, and please don't ask because that hurts too.

Andrea, I'm so sorry. It doesn't matter what the tests say if in your heart you believe this is a mc, and it does sound like a mc to me. If in your heart you believe that it is your heart will hurt like it is, despite what the tests and dr's say. There is no denying tht line. I often see light lines on your tests but this was more. Your last test prompted 3 tweaks. I'm really sorry tht you are hurting emotionally and physically, and I have to cut you some slack just understanding the position that you are in right now.

Beckie, sorry that af came. I am sure you'll get another bfp soon.

Mummylove, it does look like you o'd. I'd like to see your temp a bit higher to be sure. I'm betting on your ch tomorrow.

Rosa, good luck tomorrow.

Sb, you are in my prayers dear.

Pambolina, I noticed your temp, I'm still thinking af is coming. I hope so.

Daisy, I never once thought that you were selfish. I hope and pray your temp dip doesn't mean af, please God let it be an implantation dip.

Nikki, your opk is pretty dark, I say bd. Your ferning is partial and I would expect to see more. I think you're very close. Yay!

Hi Stacey!

Mal, I was wondering how you were doing. Enjoy your sono, that's so exciting.

Cami, hope you and Caleb are having lots of snuggle time.

Braij, thinking of you too.

Best of luck Megg. You are awesome.

My bfns are on my chart.

Amber, I may have to pm you for that formula. I want to get a new microscope after seeing yours. I'd have him do maca and passionflower. Passionflower helps with prostate issues common in older men.

Katie, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say...

I can't take the fighting, seriously I can't. I can't come read and cry for an hour over girls treating each other this way. It hurts me so. I'm sure most of you think it's rediculous but I've never been one who could let it roll off my back. I see all sides and even if I can't I can try.

I wish you all many blessings. I do mean that. If anyone needs me please pm me. I can't come back, and please don't ask because that hurts too.


10 your leaving this thread??????
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I am very sad now that 10 has left the thread.....:( :( :( :( :( :(
What is happening to us?????
So sad.................................................
I am beside myself,I really am :(
I feel like we just lost a family member :(

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