Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

Ladies: I'm also glad to share in this journey with you all. I'm so happy we are getting there. :yipee:

As for birthing classes. I took them with DD, so I'm not doing them again. They really helped me. Not the newborn care, but the breathing techniques, what to expect during and after delivery. We also toured the hospital. I took them with DH and it was good that he got involved. He was a perfect labor coach. :)

I did tour the hospital with my PG SIL, as I did deliver DD there. But, since they have did a whole new birthing unit. They have nice tubs and showers and all rooms are beautiful and private. I'm excited about having my birth experience there. :)

I do plan on taking a breastfeeding class. And I wish DD was old enough, we'd do the sibling class.
How's everyone doing? :flower:

AFM, I ordered a MaternaBelt Maternity Support Belt from Amazon, and it should arrive Thursday this week, I just checked and it may be here before then! Oh how I hope so, I really need it! My inner thighs are killing me, and they say it's the round ligaments so hopefully the belt helps me. Last night I got up to pee and I actually heard a bone pop when I got up, I guess my thighs? :dohh: I was so sore :nope: when I went back to bed I put a pillow between my legs and that helped lots, I felt much better when I woke up this morning :thumbup:
Today at work a friend of mine was telling me about a friend of hers that had her baby by c-section on Friday, :nope: total horror story. She said her friend got a spinal tap and for some reason they went beyond the air pocket and her friend started feeling hot from her back to her neck and head! That she could not breath and all this time my friend was in the waiting room freaking out because she hadn't heard anything about her friend for 45 mins. She said when she was allowed to go into the room the doctors were alreay operating and her friend was in tears scared to death :nope:. Then when they got her in a room, they gave her pytocin to contract her uterus, so there she was with an open C-section wound and having contractions :dohh:. Hearing all the stuff that can go wrong even during a planned surgery, makes me want natural birth more and more. Gosh I hope all is ok and I can have a natural birth.
OMG - That's so scary!!

Any of you seen Pregnant in America? I just watched the first half (before being interrupted by DH) ... and I thought it was pretty good. :)

I am already feeling so huge and stiff - I can't imagine 3 more months of growth! Yikes!
Yikes, I've seen Pregnant in America and The Business of Being Born. I liked both movies, I know they are biased documentaries but I personally loved them and got a lot of good info from them. I am planning to watch them again. And yeah can you imagine 3 more months of feeling stiff and huge LOL. I am sure we'll cope of course but I need help, I kinda want to walk around holding up my belly with my hands :haha:
Hi Ladies, how is everyone feeling? I can't believe I am 26wks today. One more week before I enter into the 3rd trimester of this amazing journey. Baby has been kicking me more frequently now. I have to admit, watching her kick me from the outside is a little weird...much like that movie 'Aliens' :rofl:. All jokes aside though, I'm enjoying every minute of it and I can't wait to meet my little munchkin. Even though I am due on Jan. 22nd, I will be having a scheduled C-section (because of my history with fibroid turmors) on Jan. 3rd which means I get to meet my little princess sooner :happydance:. So it looks like my D-day will be in 11wks & 2days!!!

Leinzlove...I am also planning on taking breastfeeding classes. I haven't gotten the chance to schedule a tour of the hospital yet, but plan to very soon as it is located in a brand new facility.

Yikesbaby...I so agree with you. I also feel huge already and my back is starting to ache :wacko:. I can only imagine how much bigger I will get by the end of this journey.

Hang in their ladies!!! We're almost on the homestretch! So glad we're in this together :flower:
mimi - We have the same due date... I am envious that you will meet your LO so much sooner than me. :)

I met with my MW this moring and it turns out it's not in my head... I have grown exponentially!! I gained 8 lbs in 3 weeks!!! According to my MW 20 lbs at 20 weeks is normal, so I don't feel too bad. I've gained exactly 20 lbs and I measure exactly 25 cms... but I still feel massive. I blame it on the Halloween candy! LOL

Anyone else gaining as much as me??
Mimi, I am just 2 days behind you, I'll be 26 weeks Thursday. Time flies huh? Can't believe you'll meet your baby in less than 12 weeks!! :happydance:

Yikes, I weighed 21 lbs heavier at my 23 week appt, so I am am right with you. I blame it on food point blank :haha: and not being able to excersise since I got pg due to spotting :dohh: I also feel massive and it's getting hard to get out of bed in the morning. I am trying to walk more in the evenings with OH.
Anyone's OH gaining weight with the pregnancy? Mine actually has a 4 month sympathy belly :rofl: He is so worried about the weight he is gaining with me, I think it's cute and it will come off as soon as I have the baby.

I purchased a Maternity support belt on Amazon Friday, and it arrived today, I can't wait to try it out! My co-worker said I looked like I received an early Christmas gift :haha:
LOL - Sorry mimi - I realized I am a week behind you!! :dohh:

Emmediva - I keep joking with DH that he's going to gain a sympathy belly, but I think he's actually losing weight he's so nervous. LOL :haha: I am happy to hear that I am not the only one already feeling big!!
AHHHHH! We are all on the verge of getting huge I think! Ha. I weighed myself yesterday and had also gained 20 pounds in total. Yikes! They say you are supposed to gain 25-35 pounds, so I am worried about staying in that range at this point. And my back is also sore (worse when I am standing all day at work). Also, my husband has def been putting on some baby weight too. Honestly, it's nice to have a buddy to lose it with after the baby comes...
Hie grlz,, i also cant believe i m 25 weeks now ..There was a time when we all used the same forum to pray that our 1st 2 months pass by safely & that our little bean sticks & Here we are !! Soo close to our destination :)

I have gained 18 lbs. so guess we all r on the same track ..Getting huge week by week . Not sure how much more BIG will we get !!

Major issue these days for me is Gas & Burps.. I cant get rid of it,, how much ever early i eat dinner or sleep with head elevated.. With a TUMS every night gas is riding high..they say last trimester is worse...dont know how much more will my gas factory produce ? :(

Yikes & Emmediva - Thanks for the movie names, i haven't seen any but ordered Business of Being Born from library yesterday, hopefully shall see it on weekend. DH is more conscious of this weight these days than i am..weighing scale outside our bath tub is his fav place :)

Mimi - thats great u get to meet ur princess early :)) so the countdown begins !! I am enjoying the kicks too .. they r just such an amazing feeling .. i can see my belly move too :)

Leinzlove - Thks for the info ...i will take the hospital tour & the child birth classes ,, heard the breathing techniques they teach will help in labor !

BTW any of you made baby registry ? I visited Babies R Us on weekend & started with mine.. its soo exciting !!
aanch - Business of Being Born is awesome! You can find Pregnant in America on Youtube. It's divided into 6 parts I think. :)

DH and I have signed up for Lamaze classes, and I've downloaded Hypnobirthing tracks, the shower has been scheduled.... this is starting to feel super real.

I think I am going to hire a doula... I think DH is overwhelmed by the prospect of being my coach, as neither one of us knows what to expect and we're having a home birth, so no drugs for me. :) My MW recommended one... I really hope we click with her.
I'll have to check out both. Thanks Yikesbaby! How exciting is it? This is REAL! :)
Aanch, my baby registry is also complete and I have my baby shower scheduled for November 3rd. I am looking forward to getting time to hang out with my friends and family.

Yikes, where'd you get the hypnobirthing tracks? I think I want to look into purchasing some too. I am planning a natural birth as well but in a hospital.

As to Business of Being Born and Pregnant in America, you can find both on Netflix, thats where I've watched them :thumbup: Can't believe I'm 26 weeks today!!! Getting much closer to holding Jonathan in my arms :cloud9: His kicking, rolling etc is getting stronger by the day. This morning I went to pee around 4:30 a.m. and could not fall back to sleep because he was moving so much and kicking me in the cervix :haha:
Yikes & Emmediva...I haven't seen either show, but hear they are great! I think I will check out both of them. I used to watch One Born Every Minute on Lifetime until they cancelled it...Grrr. I hear it's still on in the UK though.

aanch...yes, the kicks are absolutely amazing. Last night, I think she was doing somersaults in my belly :rofl:. As for the baby registry, I have made a preliminary list but have not officially registered anywhere yet. I'm thinking DH and I will register during the first week of November. We were going to register at Babies R Us until we checked out that store BuyBuy Baby. I love that store!!! Most likely, that's where we will have our baby registry.
Question for you ladies that are past 25 weeks, are you guys feeling more tired and peeing more frequently? I find that once I hit 25 weeks the fatigue hit again and this week I've had to go the restroom more frequently. I guess it's cause the 3rd trimester is just around the corner?
Question for you ladies that are past 25 weeks, are you guys feeling more tired and peeing more frequently? I find that once I hit 25 weeks the fatigue hit again and this week I've had to go the restroom more frequently. I guess it's cause the 3rd trimester is just around the corner?

I am 25 weeks tomorrow and I pee all the time and it's only getting worse. Sometimes recently I can go 3 times in half an hour and need again straight after I've been. Had my urine tested today and all was clear!

I hope you are all doing well xx
Cautious, yeah that's how I feel now! Sorta like the first trimester, but a little worse because when I stand up gravity pushes the baby down and I REALLY have to go then! And his kicks are getting stronger, it is SO uncomfortable when he kicks down there, I have to stand up, lay down or jump a little to get him to move :haha:
Emmediva – There's a hypnobirthing book you can buy that includes a CD, however I cheated and just downloaded a torrent of the tracks. :) I know what you mean about the cervix kicks!! LO has been facing the floor and kicking/punching down all week!! As for the sleepy stuff – I've been exhausted this entire pregnancy. LOL The last week or two have been hard though.

mimi1979 – I watched a part of a One Born Every Minute episode on Youtube... it's scary!! LOL Good luck with your registry. :) I ended up making my own (using DH's blog).
I love the movements... Enjoy them now. It won't be long before they slow down a bit. Baby will run out of room. And also we are about to get miserable symptoms again. It's going to get hard to sleep.

But yay for the home stretch! :)
Grlz i saw Business of Being Born yesterday ... it scared me soo much that i couldn't finish the whole cd.. Just had to stop in between .. may be first time i saw labor being soo intense & painful and the reactions of all women screaming ... Huff... it just scared the hell out of me.. DH said may be i was not ready for it ,, i ll wait another few months before watching it again.. Just wanna concentrate on enjoying my pregnancy for the moment :) Good Luck to all the grlz going in for natural birth ,, pass on some strength to me too !!

Baby kicks are getting more n more with each passing week & the sleeping position more n more complex .. Best sight of the day is seeing your tummy move while lying down before bed... takes away all the tiredness :)

My registry is almost done at babies r us & the dates of baby shower finalized.. 1st Dec for friends n family and Nov mid in Office ... Just sooo exciting & yeah its all real :))

BTW anyone had their glucose test yet ?? i have mine schedule this Friday & every1 around has described it as soo horrible ... every1 says no1 will pass the 1 hr test u ll have to go in for the 3 hrs test ,, either you will puke all the water or u ll pass out with hunger.... Ghoshhh it sounds soo tough... Share your experiences if any1 gave it ?

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