Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

Orwee, they are sharper than OV pains but no stress it's te round ligaments stretching. Plus how about I have a bladder infection :dohh: great! :nope:

Cautious, I had to google IUGR, I hope your baby just takes after you and all is ok. No extra scans for me at the moment. I have a doc appt on 9/25 but it's just a regular check up, probably fundal measurement and heartbeat. I'll probably get info on my ultrasound results then, I hope and pray all is ok. As to not finding out the sex, it would drive me nuts :haha: I am very impatient though lol.

Ladies drink lots of water, they told me UTI's are very common in pregnancy since the placenta pushes on the bladder preventing it from fully emptying :dohh:

Thank you EmmaDiva. The scans were already booked due to low Papp A levels in my 12 week bloods which can cause growth problems due to placenta issues. I think my legs are definitely shorter than everyone I know (apart from children lol) so I guess i'd be surprised if my baby had long legs ;-) all else was on target so they didn't think the legs were a big concern alone. I appreciate the kind thoughts.

I just read your bed issue! Sounds very funny! We just have a standard double but I take most of it over!!
Sas1: WHAT?? Say What?? I can't believe that. :) I'm so worried that will happen to me. I'm almost reserved and I shop lightly. I had an early gender scan at 14+4, told :pink:. Then I went to my 20w anamoly scan and she wouldn't show her bits. I was hoping for conformation. Oh, well I'll be happy either way, just need to think differently. I'll find out at my 3D/4D scan at 28+4.

Yikesbaby: Sleep sounds soooo good. :)

Cautious: Glad to hear things are going well. I'm glad you enjoyed a babymoon. I'm envious. :yipee:

Countrygirl: Yay for your babymoon... I'm envious!

AFM: Busy, Busy here... We just bought a house and are closing on Oct. 5!
I know! But honestly, it's just been a hilarious string of events and we have settled on a gender neutral nursery theme. I actually like the gender neutral colors better i think anyhow. We will check again in a few weeks at my 26 week appointment. You always hear those stories about babies being born a different gender than was predicted with ultrasound... so we shall see. Ha. It has definitely been hard to get a good shot, but hopefully by 26 weeks she will have developed even more and we can be more certain! Currently, I'm team pink!:pink: I will let you guys know next time what happens. It was definitely easier to pick a girls name and we are going with Raegan. Spelled Rae because Rae is my sister and my grandmothers middle name. I think I may have heard of some other people that chose the same name? Has everybody else had any luck in getting your hubbys to agree on a name?
Oh Raegan is such a gorgeous name well done :)

I am team pink too and I have no idea what to call her, so far we have Natalie, Emily, Ilona, Kayla and our first choice Amira..

I am so worried that after all of that she will be born a boy haha
I'm hoping that I'm still team :pink:!

I bought this for Zoela on eBay... $13.99 free shipping. Other sites want between $20-$25 for it. I love it and I couldn't resist!
I'm hoping that I'm still team :pink:!

I bought this for Zoela on eBay... $13.99 free shipping. Other sites want between $20-$25 for it. I love it and I couldn't resist!

What a cute outfit!!! I love it.
SAS1, I love the name you picked out, Raegan is very elegant. It wasn't too hard for us to pick a name, for girl I originally wanted Brianna Elizabeth but my SIL just had a girl and named her Brianna :dohh: so we then went with Sophia Elizabeth. For boy we had 3 names picked out, Jonathan, Jeremy and Nathan, for middle name we wanted Alexander. We settled on Jonathan Alexander although I really like Nathan :blush: OH wasn't too picky though which is good :thumbup:

Leinzlove, that romper is so cute!! I chose one similar to that in blue on Sunday when I did my baby registry. I still haven't really "purchased" anything for Jonathan, I really want to but the voice in the back of my mind (my mom!) tells me to wait till I'm further along. So I think I'll probably wait till 24 weeks when baby is viable :thumbup:

How is everyone feeling? Jonathan is SO active! I can now tell when he sleeps, cause man when he is awake he is kicking, squirming, flipping, oh and he loves to kick my bladder :haha: I told my OH he is probably in there playing football and he was delighted, :baby: isn't born yet and OH is already planning on teaching him football :dohh: LOL
Love Raegan... And I also love Amira! Beautiful names Ladies! We are going Zoela (pronounced Zo Ella).

Emmediva: I don't know how you can stand not buying. I know I can't and my DD#1 is 17months old. So, Zoela already has lots of her big sisters hand me downs.

I have curbed it a bit because I now wish I add more :pink: conformation than a 14+4 scan.

Awww... Jonathan is active. So sweet! I love it! Enjoy that now... It'll slow down between weeks 30-32 when he runs out of room in there. Right now he's the perfect size to swim. :) So, sweet that OH is ready to teach him football. Same thing with my DH and our girls. I definitley love the talking to my belly and the tummy kisses. So heartwarming!
Leiz, it's hard to not buy anything, SO hard! But when I am ready to buy the jinxing it thought creeps into the back of my mind ugh hate it! LOL I am going to get hand-me-downs too, there's already some people at work offering their items, so he is going to have plenty of clothes LOL.
I love belly kisses, you are so right, it is so heartwarming to see our OH's kissing our belly's :cloud9: my OH does that every morning when headed to work, first my kiss then tummy kiss :cloud9:
I am already looking at creating a birth plan, with my preferences for birth, of course knowing fully things can happen that may throw everything off.
cautious - wow, your babymoon sounds lovely! We were only gone Thursday afternoon to Monday afternoon but it was awesome!

Leinz - woohoo for your house closing soon! Are you getting all packed up and ready? Do you have to do anything to the house before you actually move in (painting or anything)? I bought a little jacket similar to the outfit you bought but it's brown and is just a jacket, the ears sold me on it!

SAS1 - I love that name! Very pretty and unique :) We are still working on names but starting to narrow down!

Farida - Amira is lovely too!

Emmediva - It must feel great to have settled on a name! Mine is kicking A LOT too and I love it! Though sometimes he seems to kick odd places that don't feel so good, still wouldn't trade it for anything though. My DH is hoping ours comes out knowing how to drive a tractor/four-wheeler/pickup truck! I can't believe you haven't bought anything yet! Not long until 24 weeks now anyway though.

We picked our crib ladies! Going tonight to order it. Does anyone else have it picked or working on a nursery?
Emmediva: I love the belly kisses. So sweet! And it's really hard not to buy, buy, buy! Yay, for picking out your crib. No nursery plans here...working on DD's toddler room and putting Zoela in the nursery.:)

CountryGirl: Lots of work to do before we can move in. New Roof, kitchen, and painting every room. Set to move in Dec. 1 or shortly before. I've got my work cut out for me. :)

I also love the ears! :) Went ahead and got a white one also in case my gender prediction is wrong.
Hie grlz,, seems like i have been out of touch with everyone for really long now... Visited Washington DC for 4 days at my bro's place,, it was a relaxing break ... Sleeping & eating lovely home made food :))) Since a week i am down with cold & cough ... its soo irritating to keep coughing .. i worry my baby would be getting roller coaster rides when i cough :(

Leinzlove -- Congratulations on your new home & good luck with all the moving and setting up .. Its exciting to set up everything in your home !! Great that u started shopping ,, it soo cute to see those lovely dresses and soo hard to resist. BTW how was your tooth extraction ?? Hope u doing fine..

Sas1- Thats surprising the change of gender ,,gender neutral colors are the best thing at the moment !
Reagan is a cute name... there r soo many great names for grlz :) I & hubby have been looking for a nice Boy name since long and not yet found any !

Countrygirl -- Wow Florida seems exciting ...Enjoy your time ... Hopefully weather wont be brutal on you..

Emmediva -- Sad to hear about your bladder infection ,,, take care girl & the anti-biotics will do their job you will be fine in no time..lots of hugs.. Thanks for the tip : will start to drink lot of water now .
Your bed story was funny... one of the memorable moments in your pregnancy :))) We have a king bed & since last week its alll for me as due to my cough hubby is sleeping in another room !! So i am enjoying all the space !

YikesBaby -- Sleep is my fav passtime too ,,, its the most wonderful thing to do as we are getting big.. Yeah our lil ones are growing at a great pace...however i cant feel its movements all the time.. its only when i go to bed in the night i feel his kicks ... everyone says he is a nocturnal child !! Ohh myyy ,, someone tell me its not that ... I keep consoling myself that may be during the day i am too busy to observe !!

Any home remedies for cough are all welcome.. i am trying ginger tea,, steaming .,, honey with ginger ... Took Robitussin (recommended syrup in pregnancy) ,, cough is just not going ... irritating me to a limit now ... Help help !
aanch - Hope the cough goes away soon!!!

I feel this LO a few times a day:

1) when I am driving to work
2) between 12-2:30
3) between 8-10
4) in bed

I told DH that their patterns in the womb are apparenly supposed to reflect baby's habits later on... and he's convinced I should start going to bed at 7 to see if that resets his/her clock! :dohh: LOL
aanch, so sorry to hear about your cold! I had one in August that lasted three weeks! I found that tea with honey and lemon really helped, plus I went old school and got a vicks vaporizer. It was a life saver! I also used the plain old robitussin and really couldn't tell that it helped at all. Good luck!
Aanch: I'm sorry to hear about your cough. I don't have any suggestions, but I hope it takes a hike soon. :hugs: I'm glad you had a nice relaxing time in DC. :)

As for tooth extraction... It went as expected. Healed now but feels weird to have such a mouth change.

Yikesbaby: Thats not a bad idea bed at 7pm. I've noticed some days baby is very very active and others not so much. I love it though. :)
aanch - I'm just getting over a cold and I loved fresh squeezed lemon juice (maybe a couple teaspoons) with hot water and a spoon of honey. Felt great on my throat and didn't taste bad either. Hope it clears up soon for you :hugs:
aanch...hope you feel better soon :hugs:. Keep doing what you're doing. Be sure to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest. Glad to hear you had a great time in D.C.

Leinzlove...Glad to hear you're doing fine after your tooth extraction. Like you, I've also noticed the same is very active on some days more than others. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I'm happy to have finally reached V-day :happydance:. This has truly been an amazing journey. So glad to share this journey with all of you wonderful ladies. We're getting closer :yipee:
Hey Grlz ,, howz every1 ?? Thanks for all the tips,, my cough is soo much better now !! Though winter has started to kick in so little cold here n there but the bad coughing days have gone :))

Have started feeling the baby movements explicitly in the night but as Mimi said few days he is very active few days he is silent ... I heard we need to track movements from week 28 ,, is it ?

Any of you have had the Glucose test yet ?? Mine is on 26th Oct,, i m just soo scared of it.. Have to drink that sweet water on empty stomach ,,, worried that i might land up puking as my nausea still comes back on empty stomach :((

Are you grlz planning to take the Child Preparation Classes offered by hospitals ? I am in 2 minds whether to take or not.. Some friends are saying its useless some are saying it helps you learn breathing techniques. Any suggestions are welcome ..

Tkcr all of u & yeah we are almost there :)) Its been a wonderful journey sharing with all you lovely ladies & will continue.. We All Rock !!
I took a childbirth class and am currently once class into a four class infant care series. The childbirth class I felt that I really didn't learn anything, but I'm also an RN and had some experience in the area. I would, however, say it was good for my husband to learn about. I can't get him to read for the life of me! The first infant care class was on breastfeeding and I actually found it pretty informative. The talked about breastfeeding as well as pumps and was also really great for my husband to learn about. The cost for classes at the hospital is relatively inexpensive, so I think it is def worth it!
Aanch, glad to hear you are feeling better. I think I did read somewhere that movements need to be tracked from week 28, I think you have to have at least 10 movements in a 2 hour period, if you don't you need to call the doctor right away...

I haven't had the glucose test and like you am not looking forward to it :nope:

I toured my hospital this Sunday and all was good, saw the labor tub/jacuzzi, they won't let me do birth in water but they will let me soak in the tub with the contractions, so I'm happy about that. I am undecided about taking classes, I am doing all the research I can online. Have seen lots of natural birth videos, and recommend you watch Pregnant in America they do exagerate some but have some good facts, like the drug Cytotec causing hemorraging and uterine rupture, I researched it and it is true, it actually says that is one of the risks on the medical information. And they also talk about squatting to push out the baby, this is also true since it opens up the pelvis more. I incorporated this into my birth plan, specifying I do not want to be adminstered Cytotec and that I want to be mobile and have a natural birth if all if ok with the baby. Another good documentary to watch is The Business of Being Born, I am actually going to watch these movies again just to see what tips I can get out of them for natural birth LOL. Hopefully my baby is not breech and there are no problems so I can do it naturally, fingers crossed.

We are so close to the finish line, OMG once we enter the 3rd trimester it is crunch time!

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