Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

Hi ladies! I had my glucose test this morning and should find out results by Friday. It really does taste like a melted freezie! DH made me a peanut butter and jam sandwich to have after :) I don't think I'm due to have any more ultrasounds but does anyone know if there's a way for us to tell how the baby is positioned in there? I feel lots of movement but have no idea what he's doing!
At this point hun... I think baby moves all over yet. He has lots of room. But, where are you feeling movement. Are you feeling jabs? If they are near the cervix, that would be breech position, if they are on the side of you tummy... baby is probably transverse and if they are up higher, baby is probably head down.

Zoela is mostly breech or transverse at the moment. But, theres still lots of room in there and plenty of time to turn head down. Some babies don't even do that until 36 weeks.
Country, I felt what I thought were kicks in the cervix and I thought baby was right side up. Turns out he is head down and he is actually punching me lol. He's kicking me close to my ribs and above my belly button. So without an ultrasound you wouldn't be able to tell lol.
I sure hope Zoela is breech looking right at us tomorrow. Whatever she is please don't be facing the wrong way. Teee-heeee! :)
Thanks ladies! Hope you get a good look at her Leinz! I feel most of the 'jabs' low to mid bump. At my last u/s he was laying side to side so I have a feeling he favours that way (for now) lol!
Baby Zoela weighs 2lbs 6oz, 10 1\2 inches long. She loves playing with her cord and sticking out her tongue. She's beautiful! Absolute perfection! May she just grow and grow while we try to patiently wait...

Also the shadow in the center of her face... is Zoela's foot! She didn't want to move it from her face. I'm sooooo in love! :)

By the way she was laying head down to one side and body at a diagonal going up. Called Vertex...
Leinzlove - Congrats!! She is a beautiful little contortionist! :) You can already see that her face is filling in... (unlike some earlier 3D ultrasounds where they look kinda freaky...LOL). She's gorgeous!
Leinz, the pics are amazing, LOL at Yikes comment "Contortionist" :haha: it's weird how flexible they are!!!

I had my 28 week doctor appt today, sigh, found out I gained 7 more lbs from last month :gun: not happy about that. I need to eat healthier, I've been eating too much junk food. They wanted me to do the glucose test today but I declined seeing that it would be 1hr, I'd rather do it another day and get back to work, they suggested sometime next week. Plus today has not been good, I threw up this morning so my stomach is still messed up :( It's been months since I had thrown up, so it caught me by surprise, although I always gag when brushing my teeth (that triggered it). I asked her about my anatomy results, she said all looked good, baby is healthy. Also asked her about the pain I've been getting in my groin/inner thigh area, she suggested Prenatal Yoga, so I'm going to look into it. She asked me if I've taken any classes, I told her I want to take Lamaze, to which she happily responds "So you want to do natural birth?!" I said "I brought you my birthing plan last appt???!???" :dohh: Oh lordy, my OB/Gyn is loopy...
Emmediva - Prenatal yoga is wonderful! I go once a week! :)
Thanks Ladies! :)

Emmediva: I haven't tried prenatal yoga. I've been taking brisk walks after meals to lower my glucose as I have GD. My dietician got on to me for it. She said I need to do more watching carbs than exercise. I've gained 23lbs this pregnancy and 3lbs in the last 4 weeks. Thats good that all is perfect with baby. I still have the occassional throw up.

AFM: I'll get another ultrasound. However, I don't know when, probably full term. This one I had was private... And they did an amazing job. They let you move certain ways to get better pics and things.
I have glucose test on Tuesday afternoon! I called doctor for directions about fasting, etc. and the (nurse? secretary who answered?) just said not to eat anything sugary the day of the screening...but nothing about fasting before or anything... Thinking I may just eat a normal breakfast and then not drink too much. Anyone know why we wouldn't want to drink water/milk/OJ that morning or eat some kinda' low-sugar cereal?

...looking forward to seeing little man again!
Leinz - Zoela is absolutely gorgeous! I love your 3D pics! They usually do look way more freaky lol

Emmediva - I've gained 'lots' of weight too but my doctor isn't concerned at all and the weight is all in my boobs and belly. It's hard to eat perfectly, just do the best you can. I bought a prenatal yoga dvd and started doing it around week 14 and it's awesome! I really enjoy it.

Dani402 - I was told I didn't have to fast for my glucose test too and I had a cup of tea and yogurt with bran for breakfast then went in and all was fine. I wouldn't eat a box of donuts then go but just eat whatever you normally do and you should be fine. It's a good idea to bring a snack with you for after. I can't see how water would be a bad thing!

I think the third trimester is settling in, honeymoon phase = ending! I'm definitely starting to feel less comfortable, like he's getting stuck in my hips sometimes. I can't eat regular sized meals anymore, just smaller snacks. On the other hand, I'm getting lots of work done on the nursery and the shower is coming up! How's everyone else feeling?
Oh yeah, the third trimester is kicking in! :yipee: Won't be long before our LO's birthdays. Eeeek! So exciting!

Dani: I was told to fast for 2 hours for the first test. I would reccommend no caffiene though that tends to elevate glucose levels.
Dani, I need to schedule mine sometime this week. Am not looking forward to it :nope:

Country, I can't eat normal anymore either. I find I get full faster now. Thanks for the top for the glucose test, I'll eat some yogurt in the morning prior to going in so I don't have an empty stomach.

Leinz, yeah not too much longer to go! I'm ready to meet my baby :)

Question for you guys, it may be TMI but I find myself having 4 bowel movements a day now, it's been since I hit 28 weeks, is this normal? I've also been getting what I think are Braxton Hicks, I feel like I'm going to get my period, and baby gets really active then calms down.
Hi ladies, how is everyone?

Leinz... Your baby girl, Zoela is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Look at that face...what a gorgeous pic.

country...I feel your pain as I am also getting less comfortable particularly at night. I've been getting bachaches. My body pillow provides some relief. Glad to hear the nursery is coming along nicely. Have you identified a theme yet?

Emmediva...Unfortunately, I'm the opposite. I have been more constipated lately...:wacko:. I try to eat a fiber enriched diet, but it doesn't help as much as I would like. Ugh!!! I have also been experiencing Braxton Hicks off and on.

Dani...I haven't had my glucose test yet. I'm not really looking forward to it. Let us know how it goes today.

AFM, last week was pretty hectic with Hurricane Sandy. We lost power for 3 days...ugh!!! So glad though that things are back to normal and that we had a home to go back to unlike many people at the Jersey shore.

Overall, the third trimester has been pretty good so far. Arianna is doing great...she is very active and kicks me all the time! I get to hear her heartbeat every 2 weeks now during my OB visits. I'm loving every minute of it. I received a phone call from my hospital yesterday and my c-section is confirmed for 1-2-13 :happydance:. It won't be too much longer now!

DH and I finally registered at Buy Buy Baby. My baby shower will be on 12-8-12 so we're looking forward to that.

I can't believe we are all on the homestretch. Keeping all of you in my thoughts :flower:
Leinz - Zoela is truly Adorable.. the picture has come out soo nice ! I m sure she ll love to see how she looked in Mommy's womb when she comes out :)

Dani- i did fast for my glucose but it was 8:30 in the mrng so didnt have to be hungry for that long. Trust me the water aint that bad,, you will get through it.. Gd Luck !

Countrygirl - Gd Lck with your nursery :) Oh Boy 3rd trimester has started with lot of discomfort .. Growing belly , swollen feet, back ache,, restroom visits ..u r right so very end of honeymoon phase :)

Emmediva - i m feeling the exact same thing..more bowel movements, i havent felt BH as yet.. may be in few days

mimi - Trust alls well after Huricane Sandy its nice you got power back .. Heard therz another storm hitting east coast Athena ... Tkcrr & Be safe ! Arianna is a lovely name :) Wow... 2nd Jan it is !! u can start countdown now :)

My manager just sent out baby shower invite in office.. its next thursday 15th Nov.. Soo exciting :)) Her invite was soo cute !! Looking fwd to it.. Another shower at my friends place will be on 1st Dec ... These days gonna pass by sooon !!

Grlz i m feeling lot of pain in my lower abdomen near my uterus whenever i get up from chair or bed . Its like a severe throbbing pain ,, have to wait for few min before i start walking .. then it disappears again comes back when i get up from chair... is this normal ??

Its like something heavy on my bladder that pains.. Any1 of u experiencing it ? My next doc apnt is cmng Friday , shall let him know.

Gd Lck Every1... Yoohooo we are all in the last trimester now :))
Emmediva - I haven't experienced the four bowel movements a day, I'm lucky if I get in one! Though I've increased my fiber intake so maybe that'll get things going more lol I've had noticeable Braxton Hicks, felt like my belly was as solid as a rock. I'm sure they'll get more frequent and recognizable!

mimi1979 - Aren't those body pillows absolute saviours? I can't imagine being without it now. We are doing a beach theme in the nursery. It's painted blue with sand shovels on the walls and I've ordered starfish decals to put on the wall above the crib. What's yours going to be like? Why are you having a scheduled c-section?

aanch - I can't say I've felt anything like that but you should check with your doctor to be sure.

Is anyone getting more scans?
aanch - I get that weird pain occasionally! I think it's from baby's head moving into your pelvis... and smooshing your bladder. Fun!! :wacko:

Dani - How was the glucose test? I ended up having mine today! I thought I was going for a regular MW appt and she shipped me off to the hospital to have that and to get re-tested before my Rhogam shot on Monday. I didn't think it was bad at all. The drink is sweet, but is over quickly. I hadn't fasted (and didn't have to) because I didn't know it was today... and I'd had a Maple Cinnamon bagel an hour prior. Whoops! Hope that didn't screw it up. My only challenge with the test was that I felt my energy tanked after that mega sugar rush so I rushed home to eat some food. :) Baby loved the sugar though!

countrygirl - We're working on our nursery too. :) Pics please!! No more scans for me, unless they feel baby is too big/small.

Emmediva - I go through phases of regularity and non-regularity. I would say that given the choice, I would rather go more often. :)

I am starting my hypnobirthing practice and getting super excited about this whole process!! I still can't believe there are only 12 weeks left!
countrygirl...Yes, the body pillow are life saviours. I also don't know what I would do without one right now. I love your beach theme...sounds like you are very creative. As for our theme, we are having a jungle theme. I've already picked out Arianna's crib bedding and it's pink with elephants, monkeys, giraffe's and zebra's. The bed skirt is really cute because it has a combination of zebra and giraffe prints on it. I love animal prints. I'm thinking of having some wall decals as well. As for my c-section, I have to have one because of my history with fibroid tumors. I've already had 2 abdominal myomectomies.
Ok guys... I go back to my OB tomorrow and he is going to check gender, for the 4th time! You may remember the first time he said boy, second girl, last time he was unsure but leaning girl, because her or his legs are always right together and we can't get a good shot! Any guesses?! I am dying for a confirmation!

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