Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

Yikesbaby: That is excellent news! I loved my baby showers the first time around. I didn't have one this time. My Aunt said I should... but really like I was going to ask someone to throw me one. So, I didn't. I do have what I need mostly as I'm having another girl.

Ladies if you want to add me on FB. Please do so. Heres the link My FB.
Hey grlz,, how's every1 doing ? Hope u all had gr8 ThanksGiving! I enjoyed the 4 day break from work :) rested & shopped , that's exactly what I did :) Had Baby Shower in office last week & it was soo much fun ! Got soo many gifts, over whelmed by it. Best one of all was Graco pack and play with sleeper & changer. Have to yet order crib & mattress. WanTed to know if anyone knows which is a good mattress , serta or Sealy or any other brand ?
YikesBaby, funny how baby isn't even here and already taking over the house huh? LOL I'm glad you had fun at your baby showers and got tons of gifts.

Aanch, yay for your work baby shower! It's great that you got a pack and play! As to mattresses for cribs can't help much since I got a bassinet for his first 3 months, I'll get the crib once he's born.

I hope everyone’s Thanksgiving holiday was good. I went home and had a great time with family and friends. The trip is getting harder on me though, I found my pelvic/groin/inner thigh area was more sore the day following the drive :nope: I guess sitting for 4 hours is getting a bit much now. I have my next appointment on Thursday, I'll be 32 weeks, will see bubs again, they want to check his growth and then I’ll meet with a doctor’s aide since my doctor didn’t have any late day appointments that day. At home we are ready for bubs arrival; we just purchased a glider and ottoman at Babies R Us yesterday. I am SO loving it! I could sit there and rock, well glide for hours LOL. Bubs is very active, which I am very happy about, sometimes I'm at the desk and I'll feel a thump, I guess he doesn't like me sitting too close to the desk :haha: Symptom wise, I've started getting heartburn since like Sunday. Do you all have it? I've heard it's normal at this stage?
aanch: I'm glad you had a nice break from work. And also a lovely baby shower at work. I love my pack n play... used it alot with DD. And I plan on doing so again. I can't remember which matress we have for our crib. It was like $80 at Walmart. Worked well for us, since we ended up cosleeping anyways and we still do, and DD is 19 months old. I thought about putting her in her twin bed before babies arrival. But, with our move and Zoela coming... I don't want to add any more change. When will you be going on maternity leave?

Emmediva: They will from now until they move out, take over our houses and lives. :) I'm glad you got to go home for Thanksgiving! That's always nice. :) I've also been getting achy especially after long hours of being active or walking. I'm glad you are ready for baby. And symptom wise... I also have lots of heartburn and I have with both pregnancies. I hate it.

AFM: I had my Reg. OB Appt. yesterday. My blood pressure and all was perfect. I go back in two weeks, and then its every week eeeek. It's moving along for sure. My Dr. starts cervical checks at 35 weeks, Oh goodie.

Thanksgiving was great. I also did a little bit of baby shopping and I'm ready. I still need to pack my bag. Have you guys packed your bags?
Leinzlove, glad to know the symptoms I have are normal. You said your doctor will start cervical checks at 35 weeks, how does that go? I mean is it like a pap smear where they insert the speculum and take a look at the cervix or do they have to examine? I just want to be mentally prepared. I also need to pack my bag, I was thinking of doing that around 34-35 weeks...
Hey ladies!!

DH finished installing the hardwood floor in the nursery! Yippee! Now it's just trim, closet organizer, and curtains and I can start filling it up. I can't wait!!! I am picking up our crib on Friday and hopefully the rest will follow shortly thereafter. :)

Emmediva - *knock on wood* I've been very lucky as far as heartburn is concerned, but the acid reflux is making me crazy. :( A couple of people have recommended things I might try: soda crackers (easy enough), baking soda dissolved in water (ewww)

Anyone else feeling a little less than regular?? I bought lactulose on the weekend but was afraid to use it since we were out all weekend. However, I went out for a pub night with clients on Monday and ate most of an appetizer platter... and the grease worked!!! :) Who knew? Onion rings, fries, chicken fingers, fried pickles and VOILA!! Relief (x3) LOL (Not that I endorse that diet on a regular basis mind you... but it was fun to eat!!)

aanch - I am curious about the mattress too... let me know if you come up with any good pointers! :) I've heard you need to air it out for quite some time before baby sleeps on it... so I want to buy one soon in case the bassinet period is shorter than I think.

Anyone else have a hunch they might go early?? I've been convinced it might happen since the beginning... and now my mom is too. I hope we're right (a little early)... as DH was over 10 lbs. Yikes!!!

We're having a maternity photo shoot this weekend! I am so excited. I don't really have any nice pics of us since our wedding. Anyone else doing this?
Hi Ladies,

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!

Yikesbaby...OMG!!! I had the worse acid reflux last night. I had to sleep propped up it was so bad. I took 2 tums and it did me no justice :wacko:. I hear that milk helps. Perhaps I will give that a try along with soda crackers. Have fun this weekend during your maternity photo shoot. Be sure to post photos so we can see. I thought about doing a maternity shoot, but decided not to.

Leinzlove...Glad to hear everything went well at your regular OB appt. Mine will be on Monday. Thanks for the heads up on the cervical checks. I didn't give that any thought at all. Like Emmediva, I am curious as to how that goes so that I can be mentally prepared too :thumbup:.

Emmediva...I am also thinking about packing my bag around 35 weeks just to get it over with. I know you can't wait to see your munchkin again next Thursday to see how well he is progressing. It sounds like you are all set with the nursery. Do you have a theme for it?

aanch...Glad you had a very relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. That's awesome that you received a lot of gifts from your office baby shower. Those pack n plays are the best! I know you were so happy to get that. My co-workers will be giving me a shower next excited. As for which mattress to get for the crib, I am not so sure but am curious about it as well.

As for me, I had my 32 week growth scan and Arianna is measuring beautifully. She weighs 5lbs and 2oz already and has a head full of hair!!! I have a feeling that she may end up weighing about 8lbs on delivery day. As for symptoms,the acid reflux is now keeping me up at night along with backaches and pee breaks. It's all worth it in the end though. We are on the homestretch. I can't wait for all of us to meet our babies. It really has been an amazing journey.
YikesBaby, eww about baking soda dissolved in water :sick: and nope haven't had problems with regularity LOL.
I think I may go early too, who knows :shrug: glad to know my DH wasn't the only big baby here, he was...12.5lbs!!!! I can't imagine :nope:
How nice about your maternity shoot, we've taken pictures but not professional ones.

Mimi1979, no theme for the nursery since it's not gonna be another room, just a section of our room. When he gets bigger maybe around 6 months, I want to do his room and I am thinking baby looney tunes or winnie the pooh.
Wow 5.2lbs, glad to know I'm not the only one with a big baby LOL. My mom said they usually weigharound 7.8lbs - 8lbs. So that's what our babies will probably weigh. My heartburn/acid reflux has eased off, my doctor had prescribed Prevacid for it though so I carry it with me just in case.

AFM, had my checkup yesterday, Jonathan weighs 5lbs 4oz. I'd had some very light spotting in the morning so they checked my cervix, firm and closed but it has shortened from last checked up, it went from 3cm at 30 weeks to 2.3cm at 32weeks. Anyone know what that means? I've read online that it should be around 2.9 to 4.3cm at 34weeks and as baby puts pressure on it, the cervix shortens and then dilates once it is short enough. I didn't meet with the doctor, it was a nurse practitioner so I am not too confident in her :nope: Have any of you gotten your cervix length measured?
Emmediva: The Dr. just uses his fingers to see how your cervix is. (Dilation, Station and enfacement.) However, I never had any changes prior to labor with DD. The Dr. may also do it, if you are experiencing signs of labor etc.

Station and enfacement usually mean more than Dilation. Especially with first timers, because Dilation happens last.

I have no idea about cervical length? Would that be enfacement? From what I heard though enfacement is usually said in percentages. I'm so happy Jonathan is okay and that the spotting doesn't necessary mean anything.:hugs:

YikesBaby: Yay, I want to see maternity pictures! How exciting! And yay about the nursery floor. :)

I might go early. But, I don't know. My Dr. will want to induce at 39 weeks because I have GD. But, I'm not going with it unless he has other medical reasons, etc. So, far babys measurements are right on... And weight is average or a little below.

I would hope your baby isn't 10lbs! WOW! Hopefully, the Dr. will catch that with bump measurements. That big can be dangerous.

Mimi: I'm so glad your little girl is doing great! Wow! Over 5lbs thats a great weight! :) We sure are getting far... Babies NEXT MONTH! EeeeeK! :happydance:

AFM: Busy working on my house. Moving in this month. It's been crazy! But,
time is flying! :) I've had really really bad acid reflux and heartburn. It's terrible. I've even woke up choking. :(
Leinzlove, Cervical length is effacement, I read somewhere 2cm means roughly 70% effacement, so I am close to that. And yeah can you believe we will have our bundles of joy in our arms next month?!?! :cloud9: seems surreal... About the acid reflux and heartburn, my doctor prescribed Prevacid when I had a bad case a couple months ago, I couldn't keep anything down for 2 days! Can you try that? It's categorized as a B medicine so not bad for baby.

Afm, I have another doctor appointment on 12/11, I will make sure to ask more about my cervix and have them check it out. I DTD with OH yesterday and felt kinda crampy afterwards, it may have been the prostaglandins from the :spermy: which supposedly help ripen the cervix? Have any of you experienced this?
How are you ladies feeling? My pelvic/groin area has still been killing me, it gets better when I am sleeping with pillows between my legs, but when I am walking or sitting OUCH!
I have been having pelvic pain for sure... worse when I first get up. I also feel like the baby dropped this past weekend. I have had a lot more pressure and need to pee and the babys feet seem to kick my ribs a little less. I felt like I needed to brace and support the bottom of my belly yesterday to hold it up when I walked. I wasn't sure if it was all in my head, but then at work today a couple nurses told me that I looked like I had dropped, so I don't feel so crazy. Do you guys think it's early for that? Has anybody else dropped yet?
SAS1...You know it's interesting because my co-worker just said to me it looked like I dropped. Last week, I thought she did drop because of the pressure I was starting to feel in my cervix area and the urge to pee every 5 minutes. I don't think it's too early though because there are plenty of women who drop and don't go into labor for several weeks afterwards.
I've been having the same aches and pains low. And my lower back and hips are killing me. It probably does mean baby has dropped. Won't be long now ladies. :)
Emmediva - Sorry you're hurtin! I wonder if the pain is caused by baby engaging in your pubic bone? Our LO is still vertex/transverse, so I am only guessing!!

I am actually feeling pretty good except for sore feet and some sciatic pain. I am pretty sure I have diastasis recti though, and occasionally I get wicked pains above my belly button that feel like my muscles are tearing. :wacko: Typically only when I bend funny, so I am trying to do less of that. :)

mimi1979 and Leinzlove- Bummer about the reflux. I've started to identify that certain foods (orange juice, for example) seem to aggravate it... and have gotten it under better control. I hope you get some relief soon!

Leinzlove - I am seeing my MW tomorrow and will ask her how accurate the measurements are that she does externally. I don't think I am getting a growth scan?! People are telling me I am not super big (even though I've gained more than 25 lbs) so I don't know what to think. :shrug:

Oh!! Here are the sneak peek pics our photographer sent to me:


Yikesbaby...Love the pics!!! You look beautiful!!!
Hey Grlz,, howz everyone doing ? WOW , We all have reached weeks in 30s now ,, VERY SOON OUR BABIES WILL BE IN OUR ARMS :)

I had my baby shower with friends & family last weekend,, it was soo much fun .. we played lovely games. any of u want ideas i am all for it :) Got many gifts too !! Feeling all pampered .. soo lovely !

YikesBaby - Pics r soo cute ,,, you look very pretty , therz Mommy glow on your face :)

sas1 - i am having lower back pain on & off ... when i get up form bed, bend down but i cant make out if my baby has dropped .. is it something like the whole weight falling on top of your uterus ?

mimi1979 - Exactly the same feeling ,, i wanna pee every 10 min but its not more than few drops when i actually go ... R u having same sensation .. My co-workers have asked me to get it checked .. hopefully not a urine infection ... Thats great Ariana is measuring perfect :) I dont know if my doc will have a growth scan for me !

Leinzlove - I ll continue working till the very end , my co. gives only 6 weeks if normal & 8 for c-section so i wanna save all that for after the baby !

Emmediva - me too having excessive heartburn in the nights , Tums is my best friend now !

My mommy;s coming mid Jan soo excited to see her after a yr :) & i so want baby to wait until Moms here ..she ll be such an emotional support for me !

30+ weeks have invited aches & more aches everywhere... My legs get swollen in the nights,, turning sides is difficult & ooh llaa laaa the acidity with heart burn adds on top.... All this is passing by waiting for our little angels :)
Yikesbaby: Love the pictures! You are lovely. :) 25lbs is great! In the third trimester you are allowed to measure 3 weeks ahead or behind. Babies grow at different rates. I was smaller with DD and she came at 39w weighing 6lbs3oz. I'm sure they will send you for a growth scan if they have any concerns.

aanch: I'm a SAHM, now. But, I definitley wanted to work as long as I could with DD. So, I could have all the leave possible. However, things didn't go as planned and I wasn't allowed working past 34 weeks. I had high blood pressure. Then I decided not to go back. It's crazy how things work out.

I'm glad you had a lovely baby shower! :) I can't believe how close we are all getting to meeting our LO's. I'm so excited!

AFM: I went and got my flu shot today. It gave me this bad taste in my mouth and the needle sight is sore. But, atleast Zoela will have protection. :)
SAS1, I know I’ve dropped, when the US tech was checking me, I could see the baby’s head directly over my bladder.

Mimi, isn’t it crazy when you need to pee, and then you stand up that you feel all the weight on your bladder?! Talk about running to the restroom!!

Leinzlove, my back is ok, it’s just my pelvis, where my left leg meets the bone, OMG, I am in pain when I walk! I don’t know if it’s the relaxin hormone or the baby laying on a nerve but it is SO hard for me to walk! I passed on the flu shot, hopefully I’ll be ok and not catch it.

YikesBaby, the pain is probably from the baby engaging, not sure… I will definitely ask my doctor next Tuesday. Last Thursday I met with the nurse practitioner, so I wasn’t too comfortable with asking her questions, she seemed ditsy… Your pictures are just lovely!!!

Aanch, yeah can you imagine? Not long now till we have our baby’s!! Glad you had fun at your baby shower, it is nice to be pampered huh  I want to continue working until the very end too! I know I read somewhere that it’s only 6 weeks that my company gives however, when I looked at the Employee Manual it stated we can take up to 12 weeks for the birth or adoption of a child… So I have to look into that…
How nice that your mom will be there for you! I don’t know if my mom will be able to make it since I am planning a natural birth… She lives 4.5 hours away so she may miss the birth. I immediately imagined me at night trying to turn sides when you said it is difficult. I feel like a hippo :haha: I can barely turn, but I can’t just sleep on one side cause it kills me in the morning. So I generally do 3 turns, left, right and then left again. I heard it’s best to sleep on your left so I really try.

AFM, I am ready for the baby to get here, his bag is completely packed and 80% of his clothes are washed and put away. Now I need to pack my bag, I’ll probably pack it next weekend. I want to purchase some toiletries this weekend, a robe and some slippers. I’ll also pack my bathing suit, since I want to labor in the bath tub for as long as possible. I’m so excited that the end of the pregnancy is near and I’ll have my lil boy in my arms :cloud9: Question for you all, when you pee, do you feel like the baby pressing down, like lots of pressure down there at the moment of being on the toilet? I’ve felt it for 3 days now… And I’ve also had terrible itchiness on the soles of my feet at night more than anything! And yup still suffering with my left leg/pelvis, it feels dislocated :wacko:

Regarding sleeping, how about on Facebook, there is this page called Mother Moments, and you get lots of info from other ladies, but how about someone posted about sleeping on their stomach at 30 weeks! I was like No Way! I can’t even get into my car if there’s a vehicle too close and the door rubs my stomach, it hurts! Let alone lying on it?! Weird.
Mimi, isn’t it crazy when you need to pee, and then you stand up that you feel all the weight on your bladder?! Talk about running to the restroom!!

I think it's more like waddling to the restroom! LOL :haha:

I saw my MW on Weds and she says the baby is already super low in my pelvis and she's predicting a short labour. Hope so! :thumbup:

Anyone actually doing perineal massage? They talked about it in my Lamaze class but to do it myself seems super awkward and I feel weird asking DH. :blush:
The perineal massage kind of cracks me up... I was reading some recommendation to have your partner help you out with that and I just started laughing... I agree... awkward. ha.

In other news, I saw my OB today and he is starting my disability leave early at 34 weeks (Saturday) so Friday is my last day at work! I am so relieved! The foot pain has just gotten too rough with the all day standing. My boss is going to have a stroke when I tell her, but I honestly just can't take it anymore.

When is everybody else starting their leaves?

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