Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

Thanks Ladies. I'm so glad I got the ultrasound done. :)

Mimi: Wow! January 2nd is less than 2 months away. :wohoo: So exciting! Yay for homestretch and baby shower. :wohoo:

Aanch: Hope your Dr. appt went well. :) Yay for baby shower! Time is going!

Sas1: I hope baby cooperates. Maybe :blue:! Why would they think :blue: and then change it.

AFM: I had my lactation class on Wednesday! I loved it! I'm all for putting skin to skin after birth in my birth plan. I've also started lists for what I'm packing in my hospital bag and figuring out what I'm doing with DD. :)
So... we went to the OBs office and he first says... "Oh that's definitely a girl" then he says, "Oh, well there's a penis"... so he ends up saying he is unsure again and it may be a boy without a scrotum or undescended testicles and that it may require surgery. Or, it could possibly be a girl with a large clitoris that would shrink down in utero. Either way we were totally freaked and he sent us directly to a prenatal testing ultrasound center down the street for a confirmation. Their machines are WAY nicer and it was obviously a boy:blue:.. all parts clearly visible and all normal! What a relief! Plus, they baby is measuring over 3 pounds already and we may be further along than anticipated!
Woohoo Sas1 - I am glad you finally got your answer!! :) A nice big boy!! Yippee!!
Sas1: How awful and scary! Yay for team :blue: and normal. Thank goodness! I don't think 3lbs is uncommon for male fetus at 29 weeks. Zoela was 2 1/2 lbs at 28 weeks and that was a bit smaller than average.

Congratulations! :wohoo:
Sas1, congrats on team :blue: :happydance:

Dani, how did your test go?

Sorry, I've been MIA, I've been swamped at work and at home getting stuff ready for bubs.

I had my baby shower on November 3rd, it was really nice. The food was great, the games played were lots of fun and Jonathan got many gifts. He is one spoiled baby already :cloud9:. My mom made him a handmade crochet blanket and hat, so cute!!! She is going to make him some baby booties and mittens as well, I’m hoping for a little sweater and pants LOL.

This past week I went to get my glucose tolerance test done, I failed both :(. So I am going to have to check my blood sugar levels and watch what I eat. No more donuts, cookies, cake, or refined flour items. I can only eat whole wheat, brown rice etc. At first I was so depressed, I could not believe I was diagnosed with GD :( The first thing that crossed my mind is my natural birth plan is out the window :cry: I’ve heard when someone has GD doctors usually want to induce or do C-Section, latter preferred. I did research and found as long as you watch what you eat, and exercise, the doctor can allow natural birth if the baby is not too big and there are no other problems. It is going to be hard but I know it’s worth it, I want my baby to be healthy and I definitely do not want to develop type 2 Diabetes later on.

This weekend, I went to get the stroller and car seat, I'm out $284.00. Now we need a crib, I wanted a bassinet first, already had one in mind but OH did not like the bassinets, sigh. So we are getting a crib, even though Jonathan will not sleep in it till around 3 months or so! :dohh: I wanted the bassinet so I could keep him close by without having to keep him in the bed with me, but now I’ll probably get a Moses basket or Cot kind to put in the bed with me. Hmm maybe I can try convincing my SO to let me get the bassinet… I really want it and it would be much better, sigh men!! He either thinks it’s too girly, or that it’s a waste of $ since the baby will probably only use it 3 months, but I’ll have him near me at all time so I think it’s worth it… this is the one I want to get;
Did or are you getting cribs right away?

This week I have my 30 week appointment, OMG! 30 weeks!!! Eeek, only 7 more weeks and baby is considered full term!!! I get to see bubs on Thursday at 3:00 p.m. they are going to check to see how big he is, then at 4:00 p.m. I have my doctor appt. I am looking forward to seeing my :baby: again :cloud9: I may get to meet with the dietitian and diabetes instructor this week as well, but so far I don’t have an appointment for that.
Emmediva, yay for the shower!! Mine's this weekend and I am so excited. :)

Sorry to hear about your glucose test. I still don't have my results, but I can assure you I am eating all the wrong stuff right now. :( I don't know why I am struggling so much with my lack of willpower. My gal pal got GD and she met with a nutritionist, starting eating well and looked fantastic!! She ended up not gaining any "extra" weight, so she quickly sloughed off the baby weight.... so there's a plus side to your new clean diet. :)

Our friends gave us a bassinet, but we also got a co-sleeper for right in the bed... which I imagine we will use even more. :)

We had a crib on our registry and someone has gotten it for us... so we're truly blessed, however you won't need it for the first few months if you plan to keep baby close, so you can likely hold off if you want.

Good luck with your appointments!!
We ordered a crib and it hasn't arrived yet. We also registered for a mini co-sleeper to keep in the room with us for the first few months. I would love to have the baby just in our bed with us, but it is just too dangerous. A pediatrician I spoke with said that the only times she has seen SIDS, the baby has always been in the bed with the parents. Yikes! The co-sleeper seems like the next best option. I don't think it's a waste for three months... you can save it and use it for your next baby! Has anybody heard about the angelcare motion monitors? Somebody just told us about them and they are supposed to alarm you if the baby stops breathing...

I am so excited for this baby to get here already! I can't believe it wasn't that long ago we were all talking about our first trimester issues and now we are all so big and close to the end!
YikesBaby, I heard GD is very normal now a days, and that it's really caused by the raging hormones in our body, which inhibit insulin from working correctly but it's still scary. Good to know your friend was fine doing the diet change, did she have a natural birth?
I convinced him about getting the bassinet, told him we could purchase the crib when the baby is a month and then set it up when he otgrows the bassinet :thumbup:

SAS1, I agree with you it's not a waste to use for 3 months, you have baby near by to check on and keep safe. I had a co-worker on FB that lost a baby to SIDS, the baby was 2 or 3 months, so sad... I think she had her in a different room in her crib, she was devastated :nope:
I've hard of the angelcare motion monitors, supposedly if they don't detect movement for 20 seconds I think? They make a sound alerting you? I am thinking of getting one when I get the crib.
We are so close to the finish line!!! It's amazing!

Question for you guys, have any of you experienced lower back pain? I started getting it yesterdy, and OMG it's horrible, I can barely walk/move.
SAS1 - The cosleeper we are using is one that actually rests in the bed between you... like a basket. Did you get the one that attaches to the side of the bed?

We have registered for the Angelcare Motion, Sound and Video mega-monitor. :) There is a woman on this forum who said it saved her child's life... and that was enough of an endorsement for me! I really wanted the video function too, but there's a sound and motion one that's half the price and surely equally effective. :) The only negative thing I've read is that they can go off erroneously and panic you for nothing, which could make you go nuts. Personally, I'd rather over sensitive than under-sensitive!

My hubby is now looking at these monitors by FOSCAM that link to your cell/iPad and allow two-way voice communication so you can speak to the baby from the next room. I am not sold yet. Sounds cool... but I don't think I will be far enough away that I need this.

Emmediva - I had the back pain in the beginning of Q2 and saw an osteopath, which helped a lot! Now I have the beginnings of sciatic pain... so I think I'll be headin back to see her again! Pre-natal massage can help too.

TMI - I also find that if I am constipated that the low back pain can be worse too... so be sure to get lots of fibre. ;)
YikesBaby- Our co-sleeper is the bassinet that connects to the side of the bed. We only have a queen, so after thinking about the ones that go in the bed, I decided that it was unlikely to fit very well and that we might accidentally end up with blankets over the baby without a lot of room in the bed. Plus it seemed like a good idea to have a mini crib/bassinet to take places with us if necessary, like grandparents, etc.

Emmediva- I have had lower back pain on and off since around 20 weeks. It seems to have mostly gotten better, but comes back some days. My biggest problem has been the plantar fasciitis I've developed. I did try wearing one of the back braces they make for pregnancy and it seemed to help some. They aren't very expensive and would def be worth it if you're having a lot of pain. Also, a heating pad on low and warm baths really helped. I have also started getting pain in my groin/pelvis that feels like the whole thing is coming loose and breaking apart. Ha! I think my body is totally loosening up for birth!
I'm using the crib I got as a shower gift for DD. We put her in a twin bed. I will use my bassinet for the first few months. I won't be able to be away from her especially when she's getting up every 2-3 hours to eat.

Emmediva: Yay, for baby shower! I had two the first time around. :) I'm missing them this time... But, I do enjoy buying for baby.

I have the backaches bad now... I got out the heating pad. It helps wonders. :)

It sure is exciting getting to the end. :)
YikesBaby, I agree with you on the monitor, it's best to be over sensitive :thumbup:
I am going to tell my doctor about the pain tomorrow, hopefully she can suggest something because I am dying here. And I don't have trouble with constipation :haha: so that's not it.

SAS1, the co-sleeper sounds good, especially since you can connect it to the bed.I'm going to try a heating pad and baths, I'm just scared to get in the bath tub and then not be able to get up :rofl: I still have the inner thigh/groin pain but the back pain is far worse! I wish we could have one or the other you know? It would be easier to deal with but having both is a nightmare. It was so hard for me to get out of bed, shower and get dressed this morning... I don't know how I'll make it 8 more weeks at work...

Leinzlove, that sounds good, using both is a win/win that's what I figured exactly. Since you have to constantly feed/change them etc, it makes sense to have them close by for the first few months. I am going to save the bassinet and crib for my next pregnancy, we want 2 or 3 children. If the next one is a girl then we'll be done, if not we'll try for a girl the 3rd time :)
And yeah it is exciting to get to the end and get our reward, holding our precious bundles of joy :cloud9: the pain we are going through right now not so much :nope:

I can't wait to see bubs again tomorrow! I hope he is still head down, Leinz, I wonder if he'll be weighing what your ticker says? 3.5lbs or 4lb? LOL since my OH was a big baby.
Mimi -- howz the countdown coming along ?? 2nd Jan it exciting !!

Leinzlove -- My doc apnt went very well,, hearing the heartbeat is the most amazing part of the apnt:)

Sas1--- Yea for Team Blue .. Join the Gang !! Cool you came to know the baby weight.. I am not gonna have any U/S now so wont come to know until the end. I asked my doc & he said by 29 weeks they should be around 2.5 to 3 lbs so its perfect !

YikesBaby -- Good luck for your baby shower.. its such an amazing feeling to be pampered :) Mine is tomorrow at work soo looking fwd to it.. Do let us know how it went

Emmediva-- Great that you had such a lovely shower ..Jonathan's being treated royally .. grandma's busy preparing clothes,, thats so sweet !
Sad to hear about your GD ... be optimistic, the diet change will help you get through your natural birth plan ..All wishes with you :)

We r planning to get a crib in Thanksgiving,, looking for deals around. I never thought of having a bassinet , so am confused now ! My plan was to get a Pack n Play with Basinet for our lower level where i could keep the baby & use its Basinet if needed.. I will google on the angelcare motion monitors,, never heard of them, thanks for letting me know.

Babies r us has few of the cribs on sale on Black Friday check out their flyer..

Doc said the pain in my lower abdomen is because of Uterus streching trying to accomodate baby weight,, also some ligaments streching so basically nothing can be done. But its soo sharp when i get up or move positions... getting used to dealing with it.. Per Doc Every pain is Normal in Pregnancy !

Tkcr Every1 ,, we r almost there :)) Yippie :))
Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing? Well, I had my glucose test this morning. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was. It went pretty fast, although I'm sure it helped that I had my google nexus with me so that I could read and go on the internet. This Saturday, I will be getting a 4d scan so that we can see Arianna in excited!!!

Leinzlove...I hear you about the backaches. I haven't tried a heating pad yet, but think I will after hearing it works wonders for you.

SAS1...We also registered for a mini co-sleeper. I actually preferred that over the bassinet. One of my friends tried to put her baby in a bassinet and she hated it. She actually preferred the co-sleeper. LOL! I guess every baby is different. Hopefully, Arianna will enjoy hers too.

Emmediva...So sorry to hear about your GD diagnosis. The good news is that it usually goes away after delivery. The diet change will definitely help. Sending you positive thoughts. And oh yes, the lower back pain is hitting me full throttle now especially when trying to sleep at night. Granted, the body pillow does provide some relief, but it still aches :wacko: BTW, how did your appointment go today?

aanch...Have fun shopping for a crib next week. I'm sure you will get a great deal. That's the beauty about shopping during that time of the year. Let us know how you get on. And yes, Jan. 2nd is right around the corner. Last night, DH and I went on a maternity tour at the hospital where Arianna will be born. Ironically, I was born at the same hospital, but at a different location. This one is new and officially opened during the spring so it is state of the art.

I can't believe we're almost there! Keeping all of you in my thoughts :flower:
Mimi, I'm using the maternity belt I purchased on Amazon and it's been helping with the back ache, thank God!!! I was so miserable!
I just got out of the ultrasound appointment and he is weighing in approximately 4lbs 6oz :shock: :saywhat: :shock:
I'm waiting on my doctor appointment, ugh they take forever!!
Wow, Emmediva, he's going to be a big boy, I think. :) They gain 1/2 lb a week until birth after 30 weeks. :)

Yay for appt.s going well. Mine went well on Friday. I'm so happy about that. I have diet controlled GD!
Leizlove, yeah I think he is goign to be big, I'm scared as to how big he'll get, since I want a natural birth... I really don't want to be induced or worst yet, have a c-section (shudders at thought). My doctor appointment was good, she thinks I can control the GD with diet too like you :thumbup: I had actually lost 7lbs from last weigh in!! Yay me!! :happydance: the doctor was very pleased with that.
I haven't gained any weight in 10 weeks. I wonder if its from GD. My Dr. isn't concerned though. :) Don't worry to much about LO's weight, the Dr. will be watching you! :)
Hey ladies!! I had my two showers this weekend (one family, one friends) and they were awesome. We have soooo much stuff it's insane. Now if only DH would have some free time to finish the nursery... we could actually put it away. :S It looks like a baby tornado passed through our house. LOL

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