Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

The perineal massage kind of cracks me up... I was reading some recommendation to have your partner help you out with that and I just started laughing... I agree... awkward. ha.

In other news, I saw my OB today and he is starting my disability leave early at 34 weeks (Saturday) so Friday is my last day at work! I am so relieved! The foot pain has just gotten too rough with the all day standing. My boss is going to have a stroke when I tell her, but I honestly just can't take it anymore.

When is everybody else starting their leaves?

I know!! Totally awkward!

My last day at work is Jan 11th... but I am so scared bubs is going to come early and I won't get any rest. I am so pooped! :sleep:
aanch...That's exactly how I feel! I always have the urge to pee every 10 minutes and then when I go, not much comes out...LOL! I don't have a UTI...Dr. says it's normal and only gets worse closer to delivery...Yikes :wacko:

Emmediva...Yes, running to the bathroom is more like it. I have to be near a restroom at all times.

Yikesbaby...Believe it or not, I'm not waddling yet! That may change though over the next week or so. We'll see.

SAS1...I hope your foot pain subsides. Oh the joys of pregnancy. That's great that your OB started your disability early.

AFM...My last day at work was last Thursday. The office gave me a nice shower that Wednesday and my mom gave me a shower this past Saturday. It was so much fun and we received a ton of gifts. We got virtually everything from our registry and more. DH and I are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Unfortunately, I came down with a cold afterwards and am just now starting to feel a bit better. Just when I thought I would dodge that bullet, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Thank God I didn't get a fever, but I had a sore throat, headache, stuffy nose and post nasal drip...UGH! Looking forward to feeling 100% better.

Sending all of you ladies well wishes and lots of :hugs:. We're almost there!!!
Emmediva: It's good that you are about 80% done. I haven't even started to pack my bags yet. I must get on that.

Yay, ladies for starting maternity leave. I went on mine at 34 weeks with DD because of high BP. Now, I'm a SAHM. Won't be long before we all are holding our LO's.

I went to my regular 34 week OB appt. today. My blood pressure was excellent 128/74. (This was when it spiked with DD, so I was very pleased.) I go every week now and next week I have my group B Strep test and I also start having cervical checks for dilation, enfacement and station... My nurse told me to be prepared to go bottoms off from here on out. Exciting Eeeek! It was pleasant to hear "You're in your final weeks." :)

I asked my Dr. if I had to have the group B strep as I was positive with DD. I had an IV with antiobotics with DD during labor. He said "I did have to have the test again, because just because I was positive before didn't mean that I will be this time."
YikesBaby, I’m not waddling yet but I have to get up, prepare and then walk :haha: No longer can I just get up and go, I have to prepare for the pain :nope: I want to do the perineal massage but like you am unsure how to do it, I also feel weird asking my OH to help :blush: When are you due? I see you are a couple days behind me but are taking leave on 1/11, how long do you get off? My company does up to 12 weeks, but I’ve heard normally people take 6 weeks… I think I want to do 8 weeks at the very least.

SAS1, I hope your pain gets better, is it just due to pregnancy? I am not planning on taking my leave anytime soon, I want to wait until I go into labor so I can take as much time off as possible to be with the baby. But who knows as time progresses, if I get more uncomfortable I may change my mind :shrug: if so it’ll probably be a week prior to my due date which would be around January 18.

Mimi, isn’t it crazy how sometimes you feel like you can’t hold it only to get to the restroom and not have much come out?! :haha: How long are you going to be out on maternity leave?

Leinzlove, I went to my doctor appt yesterday and also got told I go every week now, and they will do weekly ultrasounds, I guess to monitor the baby’s size, I was hoping they don’t induce but now am scared that’s where it’s headed if they think he is getting too big.

AFM 34 weeks for me tomorrow ladies, it is getting super close now! I am feeling more pressure down there, and now my left inner thigh doesn’t hurt as bad as before, seems the pain has evenly distributed to the both left and right inner thighs :dohh: How much are your LO’s weighing? I didn’t get an US yesterday so no idea how much my bub weighs now. I’m thinking around 6lbs, hopefully not much more than that… If he keeps gaining 14oz every 2 weeks he will be close to 8lbs by 38 weeks, I hope he gains less than that because I think if it gets to that they will induce…
hey grlz,,

i had another baby shower at Hubby's office today & they invited me to come over :)) Got soo many gifts & they made me feel soo special ! On Cloud 9 ,, haven't received so much pampering in yrs i guess ,, completely enjoying this attention :)) 3 showers in 1 month,, overwhelmed !

Now we have everything needed & mentioned in our registry ... Ordered crib yesterday from amazon , we bought this one: DaVinci Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail, Espresso : It had lovely reviews & we really liked it.. Only thing left is the mattress & mattress pad for crib and we are done :))

Mimi - even i got my urine checked & doc says no infection, its very common to urinate frequently as the baby is sitting on our bladder. So guess nothing to worry for us !

SAS1 - thats great your short term leave starts,, you can rest & put ur feet up.. Try massaging with hot oil in the night,, it works wonders for me !

Emmediva - My co. also offers 12 weeks but 6 is paid & remaining are unpaid.. & i am carrying fwd 2 weeks of this yr so hopefully will be able to manage.. Even i plan to work until the end but as you said ,, you just never know how the last month turns out to be.. We might have to go early !

Leinzlove - Your weekly ob/gyn visits started ,, mine will start from 36 weeks. how r the cervical check exams ? r they painful ? they can check for dilation from 34 weeks ,, thats great.

YikesBaby - I have my Lamaze 1 day intensive class this Saturday , waiting to learn a lot from it. Havent heard of the perineal massage much ,,, will look up in google to find some pointers.

We did the hospital tour last weekend & it was great to see the labor & delivery room and all other facilities. My biggest pain right now is the heart burn & acidity ,, it keeps me up at nights ,, as it is sleeping is soo difficult with the weight falling on 1 side.. to top it all its the heart burn !!

We r almost there :)) Cheers to All of Us !
Emmediva...I was actually laid off because the funding for my program got cut. My boss assured me though that she will do her best to bring me back...most likely under a different position. If that happens, I will not return until May as I want to spend as much time with the baby as possible before going back to work. We also agreed that it would be best for me to return part time (3 days). In the meantime, I can at least collect unemployment which will help tremendously. As for Arianna's weight, almost two weeks ago she measured over 5lbs. My guess is she will be anywhere from 7-8lbs on the big day. Hopefully, they will not need to induce you. Sending you positive thoughts :hugs:

Leinzlove...I am scheduled for my group b strep next Tuesday. Then, I will have one more appointment with my OB on Dec.!!! I can't believe Arianna will be here in exactly 3 excited :happydance:

aanch...I feel your pain!!! The heartburn and acidity is so bad that I have to sleep propped up. The minute I try to lay on my side, I could feel the acid reflux :wacko:. It has not been fun. Finding a comfortable sleeping position is very challenging to say the least. Like you said, the good news is we're almost there!!!
No, my weekly visits and cervix checks start at 35 weeks. My 34 week appointment was the last of bi-weekly visits.

Girls, we are getting soooooo close! My heartburn is terrible also. I also have a hard time bending over and getting up.

Aanch: Yay for another baby shower! How lovely you have everything! :)

Emmediva: Don't worry to much, hun! Bubs is growing just fine. I've also heard that the rate of growth slows down at 37 weeks. It's good that you are being monitored though. Also those ultrasounds could be off. I had one at 37w4d with DD said she weighed 6lbs 5oz and she was born at 39w2d weighing 6lbs 3oz.

Mimi: How exciting! 3 weeks isn't long at all...Eeeeek! I can't believe you don't have weekly visits, though. I also have my group B on Tuesday!
Aanch/mimi - I hear ya on the acid reflux. Brutal isn't it? I think it's because I am so plugged up, but I can't seem to find any real relief on that front. LOL

Emmediva - I am actually starting leave Jan 21 but taking the previous week as vacation... and I am super duper blessed to live in Canada. I am taking a full year off. :)

My newest issue - Carpal Tunnel in my wrists :( Pregnancy sure is full of surprises!! LOL
Yikesbaby: Taking a year off is amazing! You will love it! :) I hope you get some relief for your carpel tunnel.
Yikes - we are so lucky! I'm starting my mat leave January 4 but I'm definitely getting the itch to go sooner.

Sounds like everyone's getting ready! Lots of peeing, heartburn and discomfort lol But we'll all have our babies soon enough, then it'll be new complaints! Is everyone ready for Christmas? I've definitely been preoccupied with baby and neglected my Christmas decorating, baking and shopping...
Hey Ladies,

I have been stalking the whole Forum for the last few weeks hehe, been too busy and tired to do much and then when I finally come on the forum I read and read and catch up then I have to do other stuff and Really would have wanted to chat with all of you lovely mummies instead :p

I see we are all having nearly the same symptoms now! Mostly I am Gassy *tmi sorry* and feel really uncomfy with the extra weight while sleeping, have extreme insomnia and have to pee every 5 seconds hehe, I also feel like I am walking around with an orange between my legs ^^

Soon ladies! soon!
countrygirl - Don't even speak of Christmas!! I feel so unprepared!! I think I am going to buy a case of wine and a case of chocolates and give that to my adult friends... then just do toys for the kids. I haven't a clue what to get anyone this year and we are almost out of time!!! Yikes!

Farida - Welcome! Have you got a wedge pillow? That's helped me to sleep. That and a memory foam mattress topper. :) It's hard to believe how fast the time is passing now, don't you find??

Anyone else have carpal tunnel and if so, any suggestions?? I am dreading my yoga class tonight because my thumbs barely want to move. :(

I've got some seriously swollen ankles today too... oh what fun!
I have all the lovely discomforts to. Heartburn that never seems to go away. Frequent urination and uncomfy sleeping. It's also been hard to get up from sitting and bending over is awful.

As for Christmas, I'm nearly done which is surprising. I was sad I didn't get to put up a tree or decorate this year. We bought a house and move in day was unknown. It was then Dec. 27 and then Jan. 7. I now worry I won't be able to get in there and unpacked before baby is born.
So a couple questions... have you guys already packed bags for the hospital? And did you guys do the waterproof mattress protector on your beds in case your water breaks at night? Sorry, if I asked this before... I can't remember who I asked and if it is really necessary and if so what kind I should get. Ha, as far as Christmas goes, it is definitely not something I am thinking or concerned about (lucky I don't have other children!) because the pregnancy has me completely ignoring certain parts of life. I am just too exhausted to care about a lot. I keep laughing because I think this is the "just wait!" part all the women like to warn you about while you're pregnant!

I am so jealous of those of you in other countries where you can take a year off work! I do, however feel lucky to at least be in California and have the leave that I can take and get paid for a lot of it. Have any of you US residents heard about the affordable health care act requiring insurance companies to cover breast pumps? I need to do more research, but I think we may be able to get those paid for now and they are definitely pricey!

I can't wait till we all start posting about our babies being born soon!
Leinzlove - Sorry you missed out on a tree this year. I ran out yesterday, picked one up, tossed it in the house... and went shopping for all of the missing baby stuff that we need and a few Chistmas gifts.... and now we have plans every evening this week, so who knows when it will actually get decorated! LOL

Sas1 - I bought a mattress cover last week. I plan to put it on the next time we change the sheets (since I forget when we did it yesterday). The advice I was given was to not cheap out too much as you don't want a crunchy one that makes a lot of noise when you move. I think the one I bought was $40. I think it will do. There's a chance my water won't break until labour, but I love my white mattress and memory foam topper and don't want to ruin them, so I went for it. Plus, I am having a home birth, so it will likely do double duty. :)

I need to start listening to my body and slowing down a bit!! We're trying to have a social life now, so going out for lots of dinners, etc... and we ran around ALL weekend, built furniture, took a trip to the dump to toss out the building materials from renovating, attended two holiday parties, etc. and now I am aching all over and wiped!!! Anyone else trying to pack in too much before it's too awkward to do things??

My shoulders are aching? Anyone else? Or is it just from all the physical labour I've been doing? LOL
I guess I’ve been lucky ladies, I haven’t experienced much heartburn (knock on wood) and I’ll be 35 weeks Thursday. Oh and how about after much discussion, postponing and going back and forth, my SO and I are tying the knot on Friday 12/21… We were engaged before we got pregnant and planned to marry around August or September, but then we got pregnant in May and put kept putting it off. After seeing we had to pay on the hospital bill before baby is even born :dohh: we postponed the wedding even more. But finally, we decided it’s best the baby is not born out of wedlock so we are just doing a court house wedding and then once he is around 3 months old, we can do a service to which we can invite friends and family and have a minister bless us. That’s the plan anyways.

Yikesbaby, Wow a year off work!! I wish I could take a year off, but I need to work full time so I can have my full check and also for the insurance Benefits. So sorry you are experiencing Carpal tunnel syndrome. Sounds like you have a busy week, but you’ll have lots of fun visiting and you don’t have to cook! But yeah I don’t have sore shoulders so it’s probably from all the physical labor and running around you’ve been doing.

SAS1, I haven’t done any Christmas shopping yet either, with all the baby items we’ve had to buy plus paying on the hospital bill, we barely have $ left over. As to the mattress protector, I was just thinking about that last night; well to be honest around 4a.m. this morning! For some reason, I kept thinking I need to get something to lay on a comforter or something in case my water breaks :haha: As to breast pumps being covered by insurance, you know, I’ve heard some discussion about it but haven’t looked into it :dohh: it’s gonna be on my list of things to do this week. I purchased a manual breast pump, but I’ve heard electronic is better

Farida, I feel like I have a ball between my legs when I sit, such a weird feeling!
Yikes - I don't have carpal tunnel, all I know is it's important to keep your wrists in the proper position when typing and writing (sorry I'm no help). My upper back and lower back take turns being painful but no shoulder pain for me. Try to stand straight and apply heat!

Leinz - Sorry you don't get to have a proper tree this year, I'll put a special ornament on my tree tonight for you when we decorate!

SAS1 - I have not packed my bag yet but I'm starting to think of the things I want to put in the bag. Don't be afraid to post your list when you do pack yours!

Emmediva - How exciting for your upcoming wedding! Do you have a dress or are you doing it completely casual? Any plans for a nice dinner or anything? Do you have rings? Such a sweet idea :)

Anyone having crazy shortness of breath from simple walks? I was completely wiped from just tidying around the house for 10 minutes yesterday!
Yikesbaby- That sounds like a crazy weekend! My mom was in town a week or two ago and we were running around a lot and it left me feeling totally hungover the next day. I am not surprised you feel worn out! Also, your wine idea is perfect! I just realized I have all these extra bottles of wine in storage and even some wine gift bags, so that should make Christmas a little easier!

Emmediva - Congrats on the wedding! I love a simple small wedding! That's what my husband and I threw together a couple months before ours and it turned out perfect. We just found an officiant online and got married on the beach with a few friends and family. Saved us a ton of money, thank goodness, because I wound up getting pregnant that next week on our honeymoon and we have had plenty of other things to spend money on!

Countrygirl86- My shortness of breath seems pretty random... sometimes from physical exertion, sometimes just sitting or laying in the wrong position. I have noticed that sitting up straight helps a lot.
Countrygirl86, I saw a cute off white dress at a store the other day and am going to go tomorrow on lunch to look. We have rings, it's just going to be some friends and us. We are going out for a nice dinner afterwards, I'll be having water :haha: he can have drinks with our friends :)
I'm out of breath from just walking to the bathroom :rofl:

SAS1, yeah that's the plan just get a minister later so friends and family can witness our vows :)
YikesBaby - Well I have tried normal pillows, but no success, it's not only so much the weight it's more that I have to lie on the left side otherwise I get back pain or sciatica.. grrrr hehe I am sooo tired!!!

EmmaDiva - Haha yes a ball, an orange, or sometimes just an alien poking me not to stand up straight is all the right descriptions hehe

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