GD support thread

Hi everyone

I found out I had GD last Friday after failing the 2 hour glucose test. I've been given a monitor and have to test 4 times a day, fasting level needs to be 5.5 or below and 1 hour after meals is 7.8 or below. Im not having a problem with the 1 hour after meal results but most mornings my levels are slightly over 5.5 and im not sure how I can control this....can anyone shed any light or advise how u keep urs down.

Im 31 weeks pregnant so not long to go but this has made me feel terrible and really low in myself like I have done something wrong...tried explaining how I feel to hubby but its difficult. Just feeling stressed and the tiredness does not help.

Thank you for any advice you can give me I really appreciate it x

It's difficult to control morning fasting numbers as you don't use as much energy (glucose)whilst sleeping like you do during the day!

Try not to eat high carbs meals close to going go bed, or if you can go for a walk to burn off some that energy.

Do you snack in evening after evening meals? I try to eat my evening meals quite early, and if I get hungry later I have a snack fairly low in carbs - that seems to help somewhat.

I know exactly how you feel about feeling bad about being diagnosed with GD, I was the same when I was diagnosed 3 1/2 weeks ago. I felt awful and really down, esp when after the first week when I was struggling with my post breakfast readings, ive since got my head round the fact that I'm not doing anything wrong, its not something we can control - unfortunately its those damn pregnancy hormones!!

I've since been put on metformin at breakfast to control my readings, my dosage was also upped last week as my growth scan showed baby measuring an average of 2/3 weeks ahead :dohh:

Try not to worry, you can only do so much, its not you its those hormones

Hello glad I found this thread as I'm sure all of you have lots of great info for all the questions I'm going to have along this GD journey. I just got the call today that I failed my 3 hour GTT, so here I am. My main concern is that I feel sick all the time with my pregnancies and have a hard time eating most things, so I don't know how I'm ever going to follow a diet. I can only eat what I can eat if that makes sense! And my 24/7 sickness does not tend to go away at 12 weeks like most.

So, here are my first questions so far if anyone could help.
Does having GD mean that I will have more scans than the usual person?
Out of curiosity, how many of you with GD had or are having multiples? I am a little nervous about this as well because I know GD is common in multiple pregnancies and twins run in my family.
Here they dont do the test until 28 weeks not sure why you would have it at 10 weeks only.I didn't get any extra ultrasounds my dr said they will only do that if they think your gaining excessive weight. I only gained 17lbs this pregnancy so no reason for concern but it could be different for you hard to say. Im only having one baby so not sure about the twin thing this is my first time getting GD so im sure someone else will have the answer.
Here they dont do the test until 28 weeks not sure why you would have it at 10 weeks only.I didn't get any extra ultrasounds my dr said they will only do that if they think your gaining excessive weight. I only gained 17lbs this pregnancy so no reason for concern but it could be different for you hard to say. Im only having one baby so not sure about the twin thing this is my first time getting GD so im sure someone else will have the answer.

I actually had the 1 hour GTT at about 8 weeks. It's because I'm high risk...strong family history of diabetes and overweight! They do the GTTs very early if they think you are high risk. Unfortunately...they were right with me.
ah I see makes sense you may get more ultrasounds than being high risk im not really sure sorry
I just got diagnosed on Tuesday, got my supplies yesterday, and the diet plan from the dietician yesterday as well. I am a bit worried about the diet as it doesn't seem to be much food. I think I had more food then this when I was dieting to lose weight. :cry: I am just afraid I won't be getting enough for me and the baby. Can someone give me their plan to see how different it is from my plan?!?!
So, here are my first questions so far if anyone could help.
Does having GD mean that I will have more scans than the usual person?
Out of curiosity, how many of you with GD had or are having multiples? I am a little nervous about this as well because I know GD is common in multiple pregnancies and twins run in my family.

I don't know about the states but where I am in the UK if you can control your GD by diet alone then you don't get any extra scans unless they feel that they are necessary to check growth etc. If you need any medication to help control your GD then you get extra scans at about 32 weeks and 36 weeks to check baby's growth - I had my 32 week scan last Friday!!

As for multiple pregnancies I couldn't tell you I'm afraid!!
I just got diagnosed on Tuesday, got my supplies yesterday, and the diet plan from the dietician yesterday as well. I am a bit worried about the diet as it doesn't seem to be much food. I think I had more food then this when I was dieting to lose weight. :cry: I am just afraid I won't be getting enough for me and the baby. Can someone give me their plan to see how different it is from my plan?!?!

Can't help with that one I'm afraid as we're not given a specific diet to follow, we're just told to make sure we cut out sugar and eat a healthy low carb diet.

I too thought I'd go hungry as tended to eat large portions of carbs such as pasta, rice, potatoes etc but have surprising found it quite easy to cut back without going hungry - I just make sure that I have a bit more protein, and veg or salad etc. If I do find myself going hungry I've found having a healthy snack between meals helps.

I know some of the girls on here do follow set diets given out by dieticians so I'm sure they'll be more help than me:dohh:
To those who have to take insulin at night and in the morning and are having a c section did you take your insulin the night before? I gotta wait for a call back to find out but thought I would ask. I take the slow and fast acting at night and in the morning but I'm not allowed to eat anything or even drink water for 12 hours before and my section is 745 in the morning. I would think if I took my night time with no snack I'm gonna wake up to some crazy low numbers which would also be extra low once I took it again with no food in the am. I have to take my night time one about 10pm before my snack and my am is before breakfast which is usually about 7.
Thank you for all the support and advice, I have to call the hospital with all of my readings tomorrow so i'll see what they say about my fasting levels then
Hello glad I found this thread as I'm sure all of you have lots of great info for all the questions I'm going to have along this GD journey. I just got the call today that I failed my 3 hour GTT, so here I am. My main concern is that I feel sick all the time with my pregnancies and have a hard time eating most things, so I don't know how I'm ever going to follow a diet. I can only eat what I can eat if that makes sense! And my 24/7 sickness does not tend to go away at 12 weeks like most.

So, here are my first questions so far if anyone could help.
Does having GD mean that I will have more scans than the usual person?
Out of curiosity, how many of you with GD had or are having multiples? I am a little nervous about this as well because I know GD is common in multiple pregnancies and twins run in my family.

I was also diagnosed at 10-11wks at first scan through my bloods that were taken that day. I have NO risks whatsoever, normal BMI, uk8-10, no family history etc. they called me in a wk after the scan for a GTT and GD confirmed. Tried diet controlling but by 17 wks no alternative but to go on insulin. I cried at the time, was worried sick but now 36&1 and I've been very lucky, I've had scans every other week and saw my little man more than a 'normal' pregnancy. Have been told will be inducted around 38wks but waiting on date. I'm at hospital tuesday, 36&5 so hopefully find out more. No multiples here, 1 boy :) xx
Hello glad I found this thread as I'm sure all of you have lots of great info for all the questions I'm going to have along this GD journey. I just got the call today that I failed my 3 hour GTT, so here I am. My main concern is that I feel sick all the time with my pregnancies and have a hard time eating most things, so I don't know how I'm ever going to follow a diet. I can only eat what I can eat if that makes sense! And my 24/7 sickness does not tend to go away at 12 weeks like most.

So, here are my first questions so far if anyone could help.
Does having GD mean that I will have more scans than the usual person?
Out of curiosity, how many of you with GD had or are having multiples? I am a little nervous about this as well because I know GD is common in multiple pregnancies and twins run in my family.

I was also diagnosed at 10-11wks at first scan through my bloods that were taken that day. I have NO risks whatsoever, normal BMI, uk8-10, no family history etc. they called me in a wk after the scan for a GTT and GD confirmed. Tried diet controlling but by 17 wks no alternative but to go on insulin. I cried at the time, was worried sick but now 36&1 and I've been very lucky, I've had scans every other week and saw my little man more than a 'normal' pregnancy. Have been told will be inducted around 38wks but waiting on date. I'm at hospital tuesday, 36&5 so hopefully find out more. No multiples here, 1 boy :) xx

Thank you and good is very scary, especially being diagnosed this early because it's a long road of monitering and worrying about keeping it under control.
Very true but there are positives too :) seeing ur baby every other week is the biggest one and also knowing your being looked after well by healthcare professionals. Good luck :) xx
Hello glad I found this thread as I'm sure all of you have lots of great info for all the questions I'm going to have along this GD journey. I just got the call today that I failed my 3 hour GTT, so here I am. My main concern is that I feel sick all the time with my pregnancies and have a hard time eating most things, so I don't know how I'm ever going to follow a diet. I can only eat what I can eat if that makes sense! And my 24/7 sickness does not tend to go away at 12 weeks like most.

So, here are my first questions so far if anyone could help.
Does having GD mean that I will have more scans than the usual person?
Out of curiosity, how many of you with GD had or are having multiples? I am a little nervous about this as well because I know GD is common in multiple pregnancies and twins run in my family.

I was also diagnosed at 10-11wks at first scan through my bloods that were taken that day. I have NO risks whatsoever, normal BMI, uk8-10, no family history etc. they called me in a wk after the scan for a GTT and GD confirmed. Tried diet controlling but by 17 wks no alternative but to go on insulin. I cried at the time, was worried sick but now 36&1 and I've been very lucky, I've had scans every other week and saw my little man more than a 'normal' pregnancy. Have been told will be inducted around 38wks but waiting on date. I'm at hospital tuesday, 36&5 so hopefully find out more. No multiples here, 1 boy :) xx

I am in the same boat, was in GD clinic at 8 weeks and on diet straight away, I was kinda on it before hand any way, on insulin very early but that has been the case through out all my pregnancys if it helps any one feel better my babies have and are healthy :flower:
Ladies my numbers where high after breakfast 160 and it only dropped to 155 a hr later so basically 3 hrs after eating
My numbers have been hard to keep up so I skipped my insulin this morning and they seem to be fine. I'm assuming this is because baby is ready to come out. My breakouts are clearing up i feel better it all makes sense. I have him on weds so I'm gonna monitor my numbers closely and skip my insulin tonight see how my morning fasting numbers are. I won't be able to eat after 8 on weds so I don't see them advising me to take insulin without food since I take it at 10 pm than the next morning but ill have him by 8 so here's hoping it goes ok. I have been having extreme crashes the last week and that's not normal for me with the GD and insulin. It is however normal for me not pregnant cause I'm hypoglycemic so looks like I should be done with all the diabetes stuff soon!
Just wanted to pop in to say good luck with the c-section tomorrow pinktiara!! How exciting to see your boy! :)
Well our little girl was in a hurry to be with us. Violet Jean was born 7th May 2013 @ 2.26am 5pound 2 @ 34 weeks. Both mum and bub doing as well as expected. Violet is on a glucose drip and BGLs of both of us have been fine!
Thank Hun can't believe this is my last day with just one babe! Well I skipped my insulin yesterday morning and last night and my numbers have been completely fine seems I don't need it anymore. Which I didn't think would happen until baby came out but I'm pretty sure I'm back to being hypoglycemic which I have been my whole life but much easier to control than diabetes. Congrats ttcnewb that's awesome !
I've been trying to keep up with this thread but I just wanted to provide an update, I was at diabetic clinic today and have been prescribed 500mg of metformin twice a day, once with breakfast and one with my evening meal. I just feel a bit disappointed really as I only had a few high numbers, but I guess the doctors know best!
Has anybody suffered any side effects with these tablets as my nurse said they could give me an upset tummy.
Hope everyone is ok x

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