1cre8tivgrl, just wanted to add that your pic has a super clear nub on it that SCREAMS pink lol, just so people know what exactely we are looking for. Would you mind if its confirmed pink that I might use it as an exapmle of what to look for?
I'm 12w1d in the picture. I've posted it on Ingender but CC says that she doesn't see a nub. I don't understand. I see one and it's forked. It looks very similar to other peoples' nub shots, so why does no one else see it but me?? This might be my best picture showing the nub. I did post 3 others on page 39. Please let me know what you think. Is this the nub? Thank you!!
Do you have a profile picture of the baby? A profile pic is best at this gestation when guessing gender according to the nub theory.
This is my pic from 12 weeks they zoomed in so baby looks really big, IMO it does anyway. Anyone fancy a guess at what im having??
It looks like it may be forked. Is this the nub? Boy, Girl?? Thanks!!