xxHxx sorry for taking so long, this thread loses me sometimes lol. But I couldn't see any clues in your later picture either sorry
Babydance, on looking again through the pictures if you don't mind I'm gonna switch my guess to blue for you lol. I know its cheating but it just grabs me as blue lol.
Fee n bump, I'm afraid i can't pick out the nub on yours sorry
JennyM, I couldn't see any nub on your pics, sorry
Ellie, looking on our pic 2 it just seems to me that although blurry there is the 2 angled lines making me think blue, but because we haven't got the super clear detail thats not a sure guess.
Kitten, same with yours, as there isn't the clear detail the nub still seems quite visible on pic 1 and if you follow it along it seems to run pretty much in line with the strong white spine line on the pic. The nub line also looks a good long length which you seem to see more on girls.
1cre8tivgrl, just wanted to add that your pic has a super clear nub on it that SCREAMS pink lol, just so people know what exactely we are looking for. Would you mind if its confirmed pink that I might use it as an exapmle of what to look for?
Whitelilly and Cerilou, again I can't see a nub for either of you, sorry.
Chelle81, your pics are so dark but I'm so not sure if that is a guessable nub vivible on pic 3???????? Going back for another look. I can't help but think that it has the slightest of angles to it when I take my first impression. I'd guess 60/40 boy on yours but wouldn't be surprised if it was pink, sorry for the vagueness lol.
Teenmom, again no nub seen sorry
Angel, except from the obvious 3rd leg lol, I'm wondering is that still a prominent boy nub visible underneath it. So a boy guess for you.
Just got to add, please don't be cross if all guesses are completely wrong lol. As we all know the only 100% way of knowing is just after delivery