General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Bdb, sorry about the dog and his sore nail. I wonder if the nailbed is totally"destroyed" why the vet didn't just pull it with local freezing? Nail issues are tough, personally I would not clip it, I'd use a dremmel on it once it's healed. You should be able to dremmel the nail enough back that the quick will withdraw as well. I can sent you some good instructions on dremmels if you need.
I use clippers for regular nails, but dremmel for overgrown quicks or funky nails, or anything unusual.

I would love that information! Thank you. :flower:

Cb- Have you told Dh yet? <3

AFM- Nothing new to report. Brutus is in better spirits. I need to remove his bandages today but I'm nervous to do so. I'm afraid it's going to look even worse than it did on Sunday. I'm just hoping that the antibiotics have began to kick in for him. He's already had 4 doses (1 every 12 hours).
Hope things have improved bdb :hugs:

Fluek good luck on getting in some banging!

Ugh dobs hope you got back to sleep but if you're like me you fall back asleep then are even more tired when the alarm goes off.

Cb tests are looking great! When is your first prenatal appt?
Omg those cats are beautiful!!! Wow your house looks very clean and designer, love the wallpaper! Ugh I miss tall ceilings. Our last house had a vaulted ceiling and I loved it, made the place feel much bigger and open.

Anyway i hope the kitties solve your mouse problem. I think they are cute (especially the rats!) but the fact that they are dirty and possibly carrying diseases makes me a bit disenchanted with them...
Bdb glad the doggy is feeling better :dog:

Keeps I agree with gigs about your house and wallpaper. Super chic. The kittens are so cute! The adults look kinda like mini jaguars or leopards. Not my style but definitely cool.
Those cats are gorgeous and I'm not normally a cat fan. <3

Have you laid out any mouse traps or called a pest control to come try to take care of them? I think mice are adorable but I wouldn't want them taking up residence in my house.
Keeps, cute kitties! Fx they get the mouse problem under control!

Cb, the Toronto trip in the fall would be the 3 of us. We are literally 1000s of km apart in this huge country, I'd be ok to take an additional 3/4 hour trip by train to reach out to fil from Toronto in Ottawa.
Keeps they are gorgeous and I'm not a "cat person". I'm okay with them but I'm allergic to them. Oddly enough almost every patient's cat(s) come to see me. Even the antisocial ones that don't like other people.

Dobby I'm sorry he woke up hungry so early.

Bdb good luck and I hope it looks better today.

Gigs, thanks, I think BD will be a go tonight. Hehe

Pacific Oh wow, I hope the trip goes well. It's a bit scary to think of young children and long trips.

Shae how's your medication reminding going?

CB any updates?? Thinking of you.

AFM, MIL is home. No real answer on the cause of chest pain. She has follow up about the mass on her stomach that showed on CT. Really hoping it's benign!

DH slept poorly. I know it's cause of his mom. He's a big momma's boy. I love that he cares so much for her, but he puts me first. Thank goodness.

Ewcm today, opk nearly positive. I think it'll be positive tomorrowor at worst Thursday. DH is in the mood tonight:)

Saw my VP this morning she said she needed to talk with me. Said she figures I know what it's about. I told her I did. I'll see if she can talk tomorrow or Thursday.

Spoke with our educator as to why she's stepping down from it to audit. Basically she was doing a small part of audit along with education. However we've had a large amount of growth and that small part x10. I hated management before because you were to do essentially 2 full time jobs. She's basically taking that audit part so just need an educator. To my knowledge no one else is being considered so wish me the best ladies :)

Sorry for such a selfish post. Going to go pick V up now.
BDB hope everything goes well with the pup&#8217;s follow up appointment. That&#8217;s so stressful so sending lots of positive vibes that all continues to be on the up and up

Flueks sorry about the poop day. Hope you get some bd in! And hope your MIL makes a speedy recovery and is home soon. FXed for the new position!

Gigs are you just gonna start feeding the local stray lol or do you go to an org that has strays? Lol. We find stray kittens at our school ALL the time and they usually end up rehomed to friends of a coworker who lives in the rural areas and need barn cats because they&#8217;ll just get put down if they go to the local shelter/animal control.

PL glad to hear L was not shy with his grandfather! You should tag along and enjoy a mini vacation.

Keeps LOOOVE them they are so cute! Bengals are probably one of my favorite breeds, but I don&#8217;t know if I could have one. My friend (the one who breeds hers, well studs hers) has to take him out when she exercises her cattle dogs and built him this huge outdoor catio. I need something more low maintenance lol. I&#8217;m about to revoke my dogs because they are just too much these days. Glad you got a good deal! Bummer about the shots though. Hopefully they earn their keep soon! And I agree your house looks so clean and cute!

CIO: Totally thought I would do it to sleep try, but I can&#8217;t. I have no stones. And A&#8217;s personality (minus the growing separation anxiety at home, which I think just boils down to me being gone at work as much as I am) is epic. People compliment all the time that he only cries gently to communicate his needs, never cries more than is necessary (i.e. cries to communicate hunger but as soon as you say ok I&#8217;ll get your bottle/start making it he&#8217;ll stop and wait patiently). Apparently I&#8217;m an authoritative parent and teacher lol which is good? Idk. I say whatever works for you. But I just cannot CIO. All the other parents at my daycare are like let them CIO so I have to constantly remind them I don&#8217;t do CIO and they better not CIO with my kid lol

AFM tonight is A&#8217;s first night sleeping in the helmet. So fxed. So busy at work and what not. I&#8217;m getting nervous because I feel like I&#8217;m doing a shit job at work.
Why do you think work is suffering Dobs? Fx on a good nights sleep! Yeah I can't CIO...whine IO is a little different though. I can deal but not when it goes on too long...but crying I just can't let him be, breaks my heart!

Oh the stray is from a stranger who has been feeding it but can't keep it. I either take it or it'll be sent to the shelter. My goodness do we need it...i went into our shed to grabva hammer and there is rat crap EVERYWHERE, piles in some places! Really hope they stay outside.

Fluek fx on the job! That is so exciting! Does it come with a raise? Hope you make good on that positive opk ;) hubba hubba
Gigs omg hopefully the kitty gets right to work

Idk just feel off my game. I&#8217;m tired. SBAC is coming and we&#8217;ve not prepped rcgunlget i&#8217;m Just nervous I have three IEPs and the resource team complimented me but idk I feel off my game in general
Gigs, fx this cat will work out for you. In my area we have an organization called "Barn cats for barn rats", some of the cats are feral and would not do well in an indoor setting. They are places with the understanding that they will be fed, watered, vetted, and petted if the kitty chooses and spents most of it's time outdoors or in and around barns. (The last one Something our local SPCA doesn't support!). So that shy cats that would not be adopted from traditional shelters still find homes. The farmers here love that organization! Lol, they have placed lots of good hunters!
So leaving out a lot of details... I accidentally left about 8 ounces of breast milk at school for like WEEKS, and the janitor asked me about it today. I apologized profusely and said she could throw it away, containers and all. So she says I am welcome to bring her some fresh milk, and I laugh thinking she's joking like tee hee haha breast milk. But then she says she is being totally serious that if I had any extra milk she would be happy to take it. I didn't know what to make of it so I just walked away because A- I'm tired af and B- there is a language barrier so I really couldn't tell if she was joking or not joking... ... .....
Flueks I think you asked me about med taking? I&#8217;ve been on time so far but it&#8217;s only been 4 days. We&#8217;ll see if I can keep it up. I&#8217;m glad your MIL is doing a bit better btw.

Dobs maybe she has a baby at home and can&#8217;t produce enough milk? That&#8217;s about the only reasonable explanation I can think of. Weird. Maybe it was the language barrier after all?

AFM below is info about my classes and stuff so if you don&#8217;t care about my papers and essays you can skip it lol

I have a bunch of papers due this week. I had my sociology one due this morning which was no problem cuz the 8 page rough draft was due weeks ago and all I had to do was edit it. My history one was supposed to be due Monday afternoon but class got cancelled, which was a miracle because I hadn&#8217;t started the paper. It&#8217;s now due tomorrow afternoon (technically today because it&#8217;s 1 am) and I&#8217;m buckling down for this 5 page monster. Then Thursday I have my religion paper due, 3-5 pages, so tomorrow afternoon I&#8217;m gonna be working on that. Oh and also Thursday in lab we&#8217;re dissecting fetal pigs and it makes me so sad.

This history paper was super open, which is something I both love and hate. We get to choose the topic, yay, but that means there&#8217;s zero guidance on what he wants, boo. He made very few suggestions about topics to use, aka two, but his suggestion of writing about how Napoleon Bonaparte&#8217;s personality led to both his rise and his downfall stuck in my head. The other was Florence nightingale but I don&#8217;t remember specifically what he said about her we&#8217;d be writing. It has to be a thesis-based paper, so I can&#8217;t just spew out facts, I have to argue something. So I decided on the Napoleon thing because I couldn&#8217;t think of any other thesis to argue on my own. History has always been my worst subject. I googled ideas for the paper but not a single site gave thesis-based ideas, like they thought I just had to spew facts.

The issue I&#8217;m having with writing this paper is that the syllabus says we need a minimum of five sources, specifically journal articles and at least one book, and we can&#8217;t use dictionaries or encyclopedias. Well, the library&#8217;s research databases don&#8217;t have anything helpful that isn&#8217;t from an encyclopedia. CredoReference has an encyclopedia entry from &#8220;The Encyclopedia of War&#8221;, and it&#8217;s not short either, it&#8217;s like a few pages. And of course Brittanica is an online encyclopedia despite the fact that the entries are also of sufficient length. So now I&#8217;m forced to wonder if he actually meant physical encyclopedias that don&#8217;t have room to go into detail about things? My only other option is to use non-scholarly articles, like from, which quite frankly I think is a decent source, but he might not think so because it&#8217;s not from an academic journal.

God why.

Anyone else think Napoleon might&#8217;ve been a sociopath?
Dobs no idea whay she would use breast milk for but it's supposed to be magical stuff. I heard athletes buy and drink it. I think you can sell that ish. Yup just google searched and selling is a thing, even articles on how to make a (small especially for your area) living off it :shock:

Shae can you just ask the professor about the sources? I don't understand why published hard encyclopedias would be off limits as I thought they were reputable and fact checked...?

PL there are barn cat programs all around here which is how we ended up with the last cat. Since he was terminal we are a bit apprehensive about another adoption...which i know is silly as any cat could be sick. Also you have to sign papers saying you will return the cat to the shelter if you can't take care of it--I don't like that, rather rehome it myself if it came to that. Lastly they have legal permission to come check on the cat when they want to and we are no so thrilled about granting legal rights to a stranger to come poke around on our property.
Gigs I would but the paper is due today. Also I thought it might be more to do with general encyclopedias having very little detail about things compared to articles and books. Not sure though.

I wouldn&#8217;t like someone coming to check on my cat either. Very weird.

Speaking of pets, two girls here have two guinea pigs living in their dorm (it&#8217;s not allowed but the RA is turning a blind eye). They took them in the hall to play and socialize and exercise etc. I got to hold one of them. Their squeaking is super cute and the smaller younger one ran up and down the hallway. The fat one didn&#8217;t really move lol. Idk how they have room in there for a suitable sized cage. I didn&#8217;t see their room though so idk how they have it set up.

Kinda makes me want a guinea pig, but I also want dogs and I&#8217;d be afraid my dog would eat the guinea pig. SO&#8217;s younger brother got gerbils and the dog ate them while he was cleaning their cage. Whoops. He was pretty horrified.
Maybe idk she&#8217;s menopausal old but doesn&#8217;t matter because I haven&#8217;t pumped since Sat morn and am down to the frozen milk from the hospital

Gigs yeah I would not be ok saying you can come over whenever that&#8217;s creepy. I&#8217;m sure they don&#8217;t but the fact they could ew

Shae I was hella no fun in college. I&#8217;d report them and the RA lol i&#8217;m A b* and a rule follower and a rat. Also idk I don&#8217;t blame the dog for the gerbils I blame your friend. I would never leave my dogs unattended in a room with anything that could spark their prey drive and I only leave arm&#8217;s reach when I am confident that the other animal will run or defend itself, their leave it command is stronger than their prey drive, and even then I would never turn my back to them. I feel the same way about dogs who attack babies. Like wtf was your kid doing in the bite zone to begin with
Sorry I just cannot stand people who think they are the rules or people who get other people/animals seriously hurt as a result of their lack of responsibility
I definitely agree with your Dobs!

Shae i freaking love guinea pigs. I can't own them though other than the fact I have no time for then my heart just can't take owning pets with short life spans (except fish). And guinea pigs have big personalities! We owned a ton growing up. The most significant of the bunch was Squeaker. He was a classroom prt that somehow my mom ended up bringing home to keep (she was a teacher). Squeaker lived 8 years! We were all pretty broken up when he died. Still, should the day cone where obe of the kids begs us for a pet, I hope it's a guinea pig and not a hamster -.-
Dobs- yeah that&#8217;s definitely no fun :p they aren&#8217;t bothering anyone. Regarding SO&#8217;s brother and the gerbils, I agree. It was 100% his fault, the dog was just being a dog.

Gigs- their lifespans are at least better than hamsters, hamsters live what, 2-3 years, and guinea pigs 5-7? Though I&#8217;ve heard of ones living to 10 years old.

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