General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Oops! 🤣

Here’s the ugly cupcake I made to tell the kids.

CB, not really sick anymore but I get small waves of it. 14 weeks. I have a bump, but I’m still chubby from last baby so I mostly feel fat. :dohh:


  • 6DC63B33-6ACF-4F15-A34B-774B31A483CC.jpg
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Woooooot Club Blue!!!! Congrats!!!

Shae idk I feel like being a little impulsive is one thing and not having a strong sense of self could lead to you adopting others’ personas. But i’m not a psychologist. I’m just slow to label people.

Re the mini yes very important to take it on time but the combo you can be off a bit

Fluek that isn’t selfish. How did your dad get the results before your cousin? Or did I misread. Hugs i’m So sorry

Gigs lol that pic comment is hilarious
CB lol I'd say probably just a really strong baby. Plus they say all pregnancies are different.

Dobby my aunt told him. My cousin isn't fully "right" since her 2nd tumor surgery. I can't remember how big it was that time but it was very large. She was paralyzed on half her body, largely unintelligible speech, etc. She had recoveted greatly but was not back to her "normal" self. So I think all goes through my aunt.

Brea congrats on team blue!! I do kind of hope I'm team blue next time.
Fluek - ah, I'm so sorry about your cousin. How old is she? I don't think asking your dad not to talk about it till Saturday is selfish. (Sadly) it doesn't change anything and I don't think anyone would want to you to hold onto a memory like that.

CB - I have to say I did wonder about twins heheheh. You must share more test pics.

Breea - Remind you, you have several kiddos already, right? ETA: I'm such an idiot. Not only did you say, "here's the ugly cupcake I made to tell the KIDS," but I also failed to say congrats on the boy!!!! I guess I was wondering whether this is your first boy.

Shae - I don't know about the potential effect of meds because it's been a while and since having a kid my mind has decided to simply drop some material, but yes it does sound like a touch of mania, if someone can have a "touch" of mania. You probably already know this, but to get a diagnosis of either of the types of bipolar disorder you'd need to be displaying that increased goal-directed behaviour for at least four days (in the case of hypomania, and at least a week for mania), most of the day, nearly every day. And that's in addition to a bunch of other symptoms/behaviours other than depression that it sounds like you don't have (though for bipolar I, depression isn't required). Don't forget that boundaries of what is and isn't considered psychopathology are manmade, and it sounds nice and simple to say we have (or don't have) such-and-such diagnosis, but other than for things like accessing services and ease of communication between healthcare providers, they're not particularly helpful. I think most things are on a spectrum anyway, so yes you probably do have some features of mania but that's probably all that is. I'm actually similar in terms of buying things on a whim or suddenly deciding to embark on large projects that aren't particularly feasible, but over the years I've started recognizing that as a habit and have mostly managed to curb it (plus I really don't have time for stuff like that anymore). I also get a bit manic when getting high. I think, generally, a good and simple measure of whether something is a problem is whether it's interfering with your overall functioning or relationships in any substantial way or causes you a lot of distress. E.g., LOTS of people have some OCD tendencies (checking behaviours, mental rituals, repeated intrusive thoughts, etc.) but if it's not interfering with their lives, it's not really a problem. Wow sorry for rambling! ETA: I should add, for interest, that there are very few disorders where the whole "it's not a problem" thing doesn't hold, like with antisocial personality disorder or the dreaded p-word. So I'll add another caveat for if your behaviour harms someone else.

Blarghhh gotta go study now.
Quickly uploading the latest test lol, gonna reply back shortly:)


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Ooooh Breea how lovely, congrats on baby boy <3 id love a nother boy but i have a sneaking suspicion that its going to be another Girl .. i love that cupcake, it looks like it has a weird face when u look at it hahaa!! Im sure u dont look fat, im glad sickness is minimal :) Breea was yours a planned one/unplanned? Just wondering how hubs reacted.. my SO is awful for receiving unplanned news or things he has no control over (after it&#8217;s happened Lol)

Thankyou Shae
Breeaa congrats on the boy! Forgot to say that earlier whoops!

ETA: oh and Flueks I&#8217;m so sorry about your cousin :(
Cb great line!!! Looks significantly darker to me but i&#8217;ll Keep the t word to myself lol

Fluek so sorry to hear that she&#8217;s been through so much. I agree that you not enjoying your birthday won&#8217;t change anything so you should enjoy your time.

Bree I missed the fat comment and want to echo everyone else that you are not fat! But I feel you there&#8217;s a little more to love post babies/during pregnancy and we are our biggest critics
Brea also forgot to mention sorry you feel fat. I felt like I had a weird bump and wasn't happy with it. I'm sure you look lovely we just are so hard on ourselves.

CB great line!! Your eggo is definitely preggo. I have a very good feeling about this baby for you :)

Dobby and Shae, thanks

Jez hank you too. She just turned 34 a few days before this most recent surgery. So pretty young for all this.

AFM took a nap when V had her afternoon nap. It was glorious. I think she's teething again. I thought I felt something on hrr upper gums. She's been a real champ aboit teething so far so it's hard to tell. Soooo not complaining about that though.
Fluek:hugs: i hope despite the family chaos you have an amazing birthday! How many teeth does V have now?

Dobs omg he doesn't have a touch if exSO's looks does he?! Mini dobby! And the band is also cute! He doesn't look bothered by it whatsoever. Glad you and he had a good time with the marine life! I'd love to take The kids but closest one is 3hrs -.-

Brea congratulations on team blue! I remember the "i swear i'm pregnant not far" days well. I'm sure you look lovely though!

Shae i can relate to a lot of what you said. Sounds more like a personality trait. I have poor impulse control and unrealistic expectations. I am also extremely creative so it leads to me having a bunch of ideas that i can be quite enthusiastic about, but execution is way harder than I anticipate and i give up easily. I don't have it in me to work on any one thing for a long period of time...unless it's something that NEEDS to be done. I also attempted to make myself a costume and failed miserably:haha: that was also trying not to use a pattern! I was being stupid. I've had ideas for inventions, made prototypes, then gave up when I discovered how hard it is to get a paton.

Ok ds1 is back to school tomorrow after spring break. I'm in for a rough morning! Night y'all!
Gigs how many weeks off was it for easter/spring break? Riley has 2 wks.. still got another week yet! I hope Des is ok in the morning & no mini tantrums about getting hus uniform on lol

Afm, had a pee in the night & had some pinky more Red blood when i wiped.. its been darker to light brown since but hardly anything there this morning. I know it can be completely normal but cant help thinking otherwise.. :( getting twingey pokey pains on the left side aswell, like Ov pain feeling, just on/off so its probs stretches & lil spotting from that eek! I doubt it would be anything more as period isnt even due until tomorrow or Weds! I never had pain this early with my Ectopic just weird briwn bleeding but mega cramping, nothing like that now, i forget my bodies lots older & i had loadsa spotting with Riley so i guess i should relax *sigh*
Sounds like normal stuff to me cb. I had spotting with Des too, think about 6 weeks? Your tests are looking great! And it's kind of good you know what to look out for with ectopic so you know this doesn't feel like that. Are you going to test again?

Ugh sooo tired. I hate waking up to an alarm...also Lev sleeping ttn was extremely short lived. He's back to waking up twice. Tried letting him whine it out but he doesn't stop after severl minutes. Just wants a bit of bottle then rolls over and back to sleep.

Hopefully he takes a nice long nap today!
Gigs thank you for sharing that, it made me feel a bit less crazy knowing other people do the same thing. I think you&#8217;re right about it being a personality trait. I just freak out sometimes thinking there must be something psychologically wrong with me, but I generally find tamer explanations.

Sorry Lev isn&#8217;t sttn. My mom did CIO with me but hated it, she would sit outside my room and cry that she couldn&#8217;t hold me. It actually took less than a week for me, first time I cried for probably half an hour and that was when she was bawling outside my room. Second time it was like 15 min, third time like 10, and so on until I just made a little whimper and went back to sleep. I personally would&#8217;ve gone in after 15 minutes but it was the 90s to be fair. Also that was going to bed, not waking at night. She would wait a few minutes if I woke in the middle of the night then go get me. Whatever works for you though, not suggesting you do or don&#8217;t do that. More like thoughts lol.

CB since you spotted with Riley you should totally not panic. Maybe continue testing to keep watching line progression.
Fx Lev has a lovely nap for you today Gigs :thumbup:

Ive had nomore its gone back creamy normal, it couldve been break through bleeding what sometimes happens when periods are due, im off out again shortly to get SO some nice smelling aftershave for his birthday on Friday so i may get another Frer pack, fx lines are proceeding to get darker..

Nuala has not stopped pooping today seriously, 3 in less than an hour & Riley saying he can smell something again :rofl: first poop she ruined her clothes today eurghhhh .. remind us again why we want to have more babies? Hahaa
Crying it out never worked with either of mine, it stressed them out & woke them up more & then i found it took longer for them to get off to sleep, hated it! Plus, Nuala is in a toddler bed, i cant leave her to cry it out as she gets up & plays with her toys lol cheeky monkey!
CB yeah it definitely depends on the kid. Glad spotting stopped, sorry about Nuala&#8217;s poops lol. Have you told SO yet?
Hi, ladies. Yesterday was a very rough day on me, emotionally. I'll try to keep this as short as possible (baby is okay!).

I have a 12 year old mutt, named Brutus, that I rescued when he was far too young to have even been weaned from his mother. He was super tiny and I was super pregnant with my first born. I had no intentions of getting a dog when I was a month out from giving birth, but I couldn't leave him to die on the side of the road, so I brought him home with me.

And that was the best decision I have ever made. <3 He's the ugliest little dog. I say that with all the love. His vet believes he's part terrier, part shih tzu, and part chihuahua. He's got loads of gray hair now and looks like an overgrown rat. But he's MY baby. Has been since before I even became a mom.

For the past two years he's had an issue with one of his toe nails causing it to become largely overgrown and massive, but his vet has never been able to determine why. I take him to get it trimmed routinely. The last time I took him to have it trimmed (approx 2 months ago), just as we were loading into the car to head to his vet, DD2 accidentally stepped on his bad toe. Cue lots of whimpering and a LOT of blood. We got to the vet, got him cleaned up and put on some meds to prevent infections, etc.

Ever since then his nail has looked a lot worse. Almost as if his cuticle could never quite heal right. But it never seemed to bother him. He still went on his daily walks with me, still ran on it, etc.

Well, Friday morning when DD2 and DSS were playing, I think one of the toddlers accidentally stepped on him again. It's the ONLY thing I can think of. I noticed that evening that he wasn't putting any weight on that foot and was hobbling around on 3 feet. I intended to get him in to the vet first thing Monday morning. Only by yesterday morning his toe had swollen up 10x it's normal size and truly looked and felt like it was going to burst at any given second.

I called my parents to come sit with the kids (DH was at work) so I could rush him to the emergency animal hospital. All sorts of scary thoughts were running through my head. Snake bite? Tumor? Cancer? I knew the vet was going to recommend a toe amputation, which I would do in a heart beat knowing it would put me in credit debt.. but Brutus has a grade 4 heart murmur and cannot be put under general anesthesia because of it. :( All I kept thinking was that I'm not going to leave with my best friend still alive. They are going to recommend euthanasia because he's old and we cannot do the one thing to save him because of his murmur.

Initially the vet assumed it was a tumor until I told her that it literally happened within 2 days, to which then led her to believe it was a bad infection. We talked for a long time and decided the best route for Brutus is a round of heavy antibiotics combined with an anti-inflammatory medication and liquid pain meds. I've been praying non-stop that this does the trick for him. She acknowledged that he still has quite a few more years in him due to his mental stability. He's very alert and she called him 'happy go lucky' even with the amount of pain he must have been feeling (yet he never cried out).

I got him home and he was drugged up from a pain injection, but once he came to we were able to get some chicken in him and I began his round of medications. He's okay today. His foot is wrapped in heavy bandages and I'm just so hopeful that his Cephalexin is enough to get rid of the infection and give me my little old man back. I need him here to meet this new baby. He's been in all of my children's lives since day one.

Anyways, maybe that wasn't as short as I was hoping but I needed to get it out.
Bdb pet health issues are the worst, I&#8217;m sorry you&#8217;re going through this. :hugs:

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