General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae no idea, we'll see what the future holds donor wise
Hahaaa Dobby u lucky thing!! Me & SO wanna fo Vegas for our 40th in few yrs time, childless :haha: cannot wait!

You look great considering ur hammered lol u look lovely chick
Here's my devastating "disaster" result of having a baby at 40!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She's 9 months!!! Ugh. Where did the time go? She's definitely approaching 1 year too quickly for me. It makes me sad, and sometimes even broody for the newborn phase all over again, but honestly, I'm way more at peace with her growing than I was with my other two. Charlotte was the missing piece in our family, and she's just an absolutely hilarious and awesome baby girl.


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Hey, J!!! Sorry to hear ex is trying to get with you. Ugh. MEN. Nice to hear you're seeing Mr. Blue Eyes. My husband has amazing blue eyes. <3. He passed them on to our 3 babies, too. :)

Keeps??? She was induced? Anxious to hear about baby boy, and how they're doing as a family of 5...I'd count her SO in there as 6, but it seems he's a proper asshat, so I'm only acknowledging K and her 4 kids in that number. Anyway, I'm curious as to how they're doing.

Future- Good luck on the tests. I got a really early bfp with my son (9 dpo), but a squinter with my youngest at 12 dpo, so you're not out if you're not seeing much yet!

Dobs- Sounds like you had yourself some fun! Live it up - you deserve a few drinks, and a nice massage, too! Sounds heavenly, and I could go for that, definitely!

Green- Sorry you guys are all sick again. I was never sick before motherhood, and really, having toddlers, you're in the worst of it. It WILL get better as their immune systems toughen up. My son was sick ALL the time from 6 months stays, nebulizers, antibiotics, steroids, was awful. I did every immune-boosting trick in the book for my older two - essential oils, garlic, green smoothies, vitamin c, elderberry syrup, etc. Ugh. I've finally accepted that the best way for kids to build stronger immunity is them getting sick. Now, they've seemed to get that stuff out of the way, and they're much healthier than when they were younger.

Jez, CB, Flueky, Bdb, Gigs, Kitty, anyone else I've missed...hi!!! &#128513;

I FINALLY watched the movie Tully yesterday, after dying for months to see it...and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. There was a lot of criticism about the movie surrounding the ending (which I won't spoil for anyone), but I thought it was great. I cried for the first 45 minutes of the film, honestly, because I've never seen such a raw and relatable portrayal of motherhood. As a mom of 3, who has recently had her 3rd, and struggled to keep afloat with my older two kids and their needs, I really identified with the main character. If you haven't seen it, I'd highly recommend it. Charlize Theron was quite excellent in it.
Wookie she looks so happy :)

J welcome back! I hope things work out well with the new guy.

Dobby omg that sounds glorious. Enjoy every moment! You deserve it :)

Also I agree you look amazing to be buzzed.

Boobs, I'm usually a 36c. I was a 38d to 40d with V. My damn ribcage kept expanding. I got down to a 36b which is what I was in high school. I'm back in a 36c. I've gained 2lbs so far. I suppose it's not horrible gain, but I lost in 1st tri before so it's weird to me. Then again I'm usually starving this pregnancy.
Honestly I have no idea what size my boobs are anymore. None of my bras fit properly anymore and I refuse to buy any more ATM as I'll be breastfeeding this little one soon enough, so I'll buy a few maternity ones again as the "old" one have worn out.

J, nice to hear from you. Good luck with the new man, sorry ex is being difficult. How is your situation with your mom these days?

Jez, the snowbirds were amazing. I tried to take pictures and videos but none turned out too well. Haha. I posted some on my Facebook. We got there quite early, but thankfully L played in the ocean until he got hungry then he waited and cuddles with us. Once the planes flew in he actually had a pretty good attention span, only the last few minutes did we have to wonder if we should leave early as he was ready to run around again. The actual show was about 45 minutes! Long for a kid under 2! He had a lot of fun, although thanks to the hazy skies (nearby wildfire) it was sometimes hard to spot them flying in, so we did do a lot of pointing him into the right direction ;)
Because of the airshow, they cancelled our ferry during the airshow, so thanks to the back log we didn't make it home until after 10 pm!! We missed 2 ferries! Make that 2 1/2 hours waiting in lineup to get home. Even though L was super tired, he still behaved really well.

Mw appointment was ok as well. Heard the HB for the first time! L did not like me laying on the exam table and was quite worried for me, my sweet little guy. I also realized that this mw isn't as flexible as my main one. Cant wait to see her in 4 weeks. My next ultrasound is also scheduled for 19 weeks.
Mom is still the regular sh*t stirrer:roll:
She's too old to change so I just avoid her as much as poss when I'm home
Ohhhh ffs i wrote my reply, tapped post & its gone to next thread grr!

2 wks in the school hols & im ready to murder my 6yr old!!! Id be on wine already if I wasn&#8217;t pg!!

Awww Wooks she is so adorable, i love her cheeky chubber smile hehe gawjus!! Cue heart eyes emoji
Hey guys sorry I disappeared for a bit things got crazy with returning to work and ems first birthday party.

Dobs sounds like your having a great time in Vegas!

The scans all look great! Congrats on the boys :)

So much to read and catch up on hehe
Wooks Charlotte is gorgeous!

It&#8217;s totally crazy that people think you can&#8217;t have kids over 40. Plenty of women do it with no issues. Over 50, that&#8217;s different. My mom would love a baby but she&#8217;s in her early 50s now and she thinks it would be too risky plus she&#8217;s starting menopause, and my dad is fixed so that wouldn&#8217;t work. But over 40, it&#8217;s fine. Sure, it&#8217;s slightly higher risk than normal due to &#8220;advanced maternal age&#8221;, but not so risky you shouldn&#8217;t do it, not even close, especially with modern medicine available. Anyone under 50, I think it&#8217;s totally safe to try to get pregnant. Once you hit 50 definitely talk to a fertility specialist and/or OB/GYN for their expert opinion on whether it&#8217;s safe.

AFM, SO is making me a special dinner tonight. He&#8217;s been planning it for like a week now. He works at a restaurant, and there&#8217;s this steak they serve that he loves. He said he thought I would like it, so he asked his boss (the chef) for the recipe, and he&#8217;s gonna make it for me. He told me to show up to his house at 7 pm, not to eat much ahead of time because it&#8217;s gonna be a big meal, and to &#8220;wear something nice&#8221;. That makes me a little suspicious cuz he never tells me to wear something nice, if we go out to eat we both wear casual clothes and stuff, like the only time we&#8217;ve worn fancy clothes together was at a super fancy restaurant or on the formal nights on the cruise we went on. I&#8217;m honestly wondering if he&#8217;s planning on proposing (I was taking a shower and realized the possibility), but tbh I doubt it lol. We&#8217;re that couple who&#8217;s been together so long that we&#8217;re mentally engaged, and he&#8217;s asked me to marry him casually without a ring, but we&#8217;re not officially engaged. So yeah I&#8217;m wondering if that&#8217;s his intentions, but I&#8217;m not getting my hopes up cuz if I do and he doesn&#8217;t then I&#8217;ll be all disappointed, so I&#8217;m just gonna focus on the yummy food he&#8217;s gonna make me and not worry about it.
I've read all but I'm way too exhausted (mentally and physically) to reply. Sorry all.

Got some stuff back about the developmental check for the boys. Both are behind in speach. So I had to attend a class yesterday on how to help them learn. Hopefully it helps. Max (who tested okay and doesn't actually need the autism evaluation) will be getting the autism evaluation because of a family history and because of his tantrums. She said "I wouldn't normally reccomend him but I would never tell a parent no if they said they want their child tested). So I chose to get him tested. She never said that about Michael so I felt like she was trying to say do it without saying it. Plus I'd rather be safe than sorry. I can't imagine how horrible I'd feel if we found out he was mildly autistic in a few years and I chose not to get him tested.
I also now have to take him to get evaluated by a speech therapist (the one who taught the class) since she reccomend it. I'm just exhausted. I know a few of you moms and been through all this and honestly I know in my heart everything will be fine and I know he's not autisic (or very low on the spectrum) it's just a super exhausting time, more mentally than physically.

Um moving. Someone asked. Yes, it will be sooo much more affordable. DH will actually make less working there BUT houses are so much cheaper. We'll be able to afford a pretty nice house and lot.

All moms who EBF- when did your AF show back up? My sister has been breastfeeding her almost 7 month old baby and still hasn't had one. She's in no hurry but she will want to start trying for baby #2 soon. Baby also eats solids 3x a day now if that helps.
My friend EBF and her period came back when her kid was like 4 months old. She EBF until her kid was 7/8 months and the kid self weaned

I pumped quite a bit and still missing AF lol gonna jumpstart her in a few weeks
I didnt get a period the whole time i BF Riley, finished at 4 months & then was another 2 months before Period came along.. Nuala was about the same, coupke months after, just depends on the body i guess..
Pacific will you have to see this midwife again or are you going to see your usual one from now on?

J sorry your mom is still well.... your mom.

I can't see the pics for some reason.

CB sorry Riley is being a poopy. Hope he gives you a break soon.

Purple welcome back! Totally understand how life can get busy :)

Shae oh I'm excited to hear how your dinner date with SO goes! It sounds special in any case.

I personally don't want to be pregnant at 40+ but I don't think it's too risky at 40. I'd just have a tough time coping and it is a higher risk.

Greenie, well I hope it goes well for the boys. They are what 18 months? Seems early to be worried about speech, but I'm no pediatrician. Better safe though I suppose.

I seem to recall M&S was EBF and got her first pp period around 2 to 3 months. Everyone is so different. I was combi feeding and got mine about 15 weeks pp.

AFM V had her first day with our part time sitter. It's once a week for now but if she does well and is reliable we will do her 3 days and other sitter 2 days as well as back up. Well if our usual sitter will agree and I think she will. Anyways, V did great and loved the lady's 6 month old girl. It's very reassuring even though I know it'll be different.

Found out coworkers due date is 2/27 so I'm a little over a week behind her. I told her I wouldn't be suprised if I have a February baby though.

Not much else exciting to say from me
Oh wait!!! A girl at work said I was showing. I was like, "umm, it's just bloat. It's too early for a true bump. I'll try to get a pic later and get y'alls opinion.
Green a friend of mine with twin boys ended up having both in speech. I have mine in speech. Another dormer friend of mine had speech recommended for her boy but didn't take him. Another feiend i have has her boy in speech now (however he is almost totally non verbal). My kid is still behind but coming along so well! His teachers have even commented in it as have my close friends. The other boys have all caught up fine, including the twins. What they all have in common is being first born boys. Many of the moms I've met who have kids with speech delays are first born boys, and most catch up with no issues at all. There is no harm in speech and nothihg scary about it one you get familiar with thw process :) and the kids end up really liking it because to them it's meeting with someone who gives them attention and plays games. It will all be fine :hugs:

Wook omg how cute is she?! I love that she was your missing piece. How's the room sharing going?

J you forgot to warn against your blood splattered tests :rofl:

Dobs ok i'm jealous now! Ugh a warm bubble bath in a tub that fits my body in it sounds amazing.

SIL's u/s it tomorrow. I'm dying to know how far along she is! I'm also encouraging her to get a nub shot so Kit get ready :haha:
Gigs I can't wait to find out how far along she is. Do you think you'll be like, "told you" or relish your victory humbly?

Hmm I do look like I'm pregnant :haha: I've only gained 2 lbs.


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Oh shae was going to say it seems odd to have you dress up for a proposal in private...maybe he's just trying to do something sweet? I feel like you would jave been suspicious prior to now if it was proposal. You seem observant to me :-k Regardless I hope dinner is delicious!
Fluek you're so pretty! I'd say maybe slightly? But I would never guess that if this were the only pic I've ever seen of you. You just look like an average weight to me.

If she's 12-13 weeks as I suspect I will hold my tongue and she will know who's the baby savvy one around here. *smug face* She gave an announcement to our FIL baby is due in March :roll: yeah ok we'll see tomorrow! I was like grrrrrrrl that's a February baby! Maybe like mid to late February at the latest but still!

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