General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Ugh I'm so sorry gigs! I hate credit and bills!!! Like hate it. How can the insurance come after you if it was her fault?? Makes no sense. I'd be giving them hell. If she doesn't pay it should go on her credit. You're not her cosigner. You know what I mean jelly bean?

Also, lol about your SIL. I'm totally the same exact way. I'll go out of my way to prove a point to myself that I was right but I would never be confrontational about it or even being it up. It's just satisfaction that I knew I was right lol

Future- still not seeing anything. You just started ttc again right?

Bdb- yay for school starting! I'm pretty sure once we move I'll be looking into preschool for the boys, they'll be 2.5 years old. I assume it'll be a part time thing similar to your preschool. I know here it's 2 days a week 4ish hours a day.
Ugh I’m so annoyed. The doctor said she was gonna call in a 3 month supply for me, and the pharmacy only gave me a 1 month supply. The guy asked if I wanted automatic refill and I panicked and said yes and now I’m like how the fuck does that help the 3 month issue (which I didn’t actually mention to the pharmacist cuz I hate being confrontational to workers, I just can’t do it). I wanted the 3 month because I’m gonna be at college and I won’t have time to drive home every month just to get my birth control like wtf is that. I’m probably overreacting but I’m really pissed cuz idk who f*cked up but their mistake is gonna make my life way more difficult ugh
Probs the Drs hash up Shae as Pharmacists only prescribe what Drs issue on the script, just give ye Dr a quick call, sometimes its there mistake by just clicking the wrong item.. try not to stress :) i would just let ye bod do a normal bleed out with pads/tampons, i wouldn’t of thought your af would of started straight away though after the iud removal, fx it just spotting hun

So your SIL Gigs is she saying she saud she was more along now than what she said? I hope u get to say “told u so” Lol! Sorry about credit report crap, i hate stuff like that half the time its stupid stuff from yeeeeears ago that was eventually settled but just caused a black mark pffft!! Hope it gets sorted, u have plenty of time before new bub arrives to sort transport, is there a tel number to call to sort the credit stuff out?

Nualas 2nd Birthday tomorrow <3 we&#8217;re all going to the Zoo hehe im excited, its been over 10yrs since i last went, il try n snap some cute pics :)
Gigs, lol at your sil! How silly!! As for insurance, WTH! How does that come back to you?

Shae, you'll just have to go monthly to get your box. No biggie, but should be easy enough to change.

Oh, DH and I are signing for a new car ATM. When we left the hospital with baby L we learned that his baby carrier didn't fit behind the driver seat when DH is driving. With 1 baby that's easy, he goes behind passenger. But baby #2! So we are trading in the Civic for a CR-V Honda. Should have enough room for our pooch in the back too. My dog hasn't had to ride in the trunk for 6 years! Haha. He's used to driving in the cabin of my truck.

J, so weird about ex. Stalker tendencies?? Have you confronted him about it yet?
As for mom trouble, I have learned they don't change and with age get worse. Hopefully that isn't a bad sign for all of us :haha: sorry!
UPDATE: It wasn&#8217;t the doctor. I found a message on the prescription tags that said:
&#8220;The quantity dispensed on this prescription was modified from the quantity prescribed due to prescription insurance requirements&#8221;.

So she prescribed a 3 month supply, but for some weird insurance reason they wouldn&#8217;t give it to me. The reason I&#8217;m concerned is that I&#8217;ll have to switch the prescription to a pharmacy near my college during the school year, but when they have holidays where I have to go home, if the holiday is the same time I would get my prescription, what am I supposed to do? I can&#8217;t just keep switching back and forth between pharmacies every month, that&#8217;s so impractical. I&#8217;m quite confused, because according to my insurance website, oral contraceptives are eligible for 90-day supplies. Maybe it&#8217;s because they haven&#8217;t actually approved the prescription yet? Idk, but it&#8217;s annoying. I tried to ask my mom questions about it since she has experience with this stuff considering she prescribes meds, and she basically said it&#8217;d be fine and she&#8217;s at dinner so she&#8217;s gonna ignore me now. Like thanks a lot. I get that she&#8217;s at dinner, and I wouldn&#8217;t normally care, but I&#8217;m stressed out and my hormones just changed massively and agh.

CB I bet pharmacies never change quantities in the UK because private insurance isn&#8217;t a thing and there&#8217;s no insurance requirement crap. I understand the benefits of private insurance, but personally I&#8217;d much prefer the kind of insurance they use in the UK or Canada. But alas, I live in the US, so I&#8217;m stuck with this.

Can ya tell that I stress out easily? Yesterday I spent an hour doing my nails and getting them to dry only to have them ruined when I zipped up my shorts and I almost cried. I was running late for the dinner and then had to take off all my nail polish all of a sudden cuz it looked awful. I used topcoat that was supposed to make it all dry in under 5 minutes and I gave them 10 for the topcoat to dry (after 15 minutes each for the bottom coats) and it still happened so I was mad as hell. Maybe it&#8217;s PMS, maybe I&#8217;m just a wimp who can&#8217;t handle life. Maybe both.
Wow shae, I&#8217;d be pissed off as hell! The minimum I&#8217;ve ever gotten in the uk was 3 months, I used to be able to get a years supply if I wanted (both my mum and sister get 1 years supply) but I hate the pill so don&#8217;t take it!
Shae I get so stressed out by things like that too! Even minor things can sometimes enrage me and make me want to cry if I’m hormonal. I have no advice except whatever it is you’re stressing about will pass. Can you call your insurance company and ask?

PL glad L enjoyed the snowbirds. That’s impressive that he stayed focused and in one place for so long too.

Gigs you’re a bigger person than I... I’d have found any excuse to rub SIL’s face in it, even if it involved being up front about my pettiness (“I know this is totally petty but I want to bask in having been right all along when I said there’s no way you could’ve been X weeks like you said when you first tested”).

CB happy birthday to Nuala! I bet she’ll love the zoo, and I’m sure you will too after so long.

J I kinda feel sorry for ex hubs but ya... hell-to-the-no on reconciling.

Wooks I forgot to say what a sweetheart Charlotte is. They grow so fast don’t they. I feel like she looks like you from photos you shared ages ago.

AFM it’s mt bff’s wedding tomorrow and I’m giving a speech. It largely consists of making jokes about the bride and I hope it won’t be too much. British humour sometimes doesn’t come off well with a Canadian crowd and I’m not sure what the speech etiquette is over here but I’m gojbf to give it a shot anyway. In the UK you basically get completed defamed in a speech, at least if you’re the groom. Tilly is also a flower girl, which should be interesting because I’m 99% sure she will not willingly walk down the aisle (most likely hide and cling to me) and will not wear the flower crown or hold the mini bouquet. Luckily my friend doesn’t mind either way.
Ooh have a lovely day Jez, im sure she&#8217;ll love the speech & you&#8217;ll pull it off great! & Tilly will be fab! Tbh when very little ones refuse to cooperate sometimes at big events, it makes the day more entertaining, she&#8217;ll love the attention :)

Thats stinky about the Pill 1 month thing & insurance Shae! I second Kit, i used a yrs supply aswell but gad to pop in every 6 months for a bp check & that was it..

Uhh i cant do nail polish anymore for that reason, it drives me nuts! You wanna get yeself a uv lamp & shellac/gel polish, cure it & bam dry nails instantly & lasts a couple wks & doesn&#8217;t chip, its the best thing i ever purchased, dont use it all the time but i love it, u need to soak off the Polish with warmed up Acetone but other than that, cant fault it!
Heres my collage pic of Nuala for her birthday today, Marwell Zoo opens at 10am so we’ll get there anytime after hehe :)


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Turns out my insurance has a 90 day program but it&#8217;s only at participating retailers, and not a single pharmacy within 20 miles of my town, the nearest city, OR my college have that program. So my only option is mail order if I want a 3 month supply, OR paying $15 a month for a 3 month supply from Nurx, which can get you bcp without insurance involved.

Jez, I&#8217;m sure the speech will be hilarious. As long as the bride isn&#8217;t upset, that&#8217;s what matters. If you&#8217;re concerned how she&#8217;ll react, you can always ask her about the type of jokes and stuff.

CB happy birthday to Nuala! Totally missed that. When I get manicures I always get shellac but it&#8217;s so expensive that I&#8217;ve had less than 5 in my life probably. Maybe I&#8217;ll have to invest in the uv light and polish to do it at home. I&#8217;ll have to see how much it is.

Wooks I agree with Jez that Charlotte totally looks like you.
Happy birthday Nuala!!! Aww y'all are going to have so mich fun. What kid doesn't like the zoo???

Jez I say go for it. I gave a speech at my bro's wedding and it had a lot to so with me trying to hook him up with other women :rofl: end point being he did the job on his own just fine, made a great choice, blah blah blah. It was well received. The best speech ever was our best man to hubs. Everyone was laughing their asses off and there was no roasting, just an epic tale of a childhood adventure. I'm going to have to put that thing on youtube.

Shae sorry about the nails. Basically I am mostly unbothered by thing like tgat, UNLESS i'm in a time crunch. Then I get crazy and enraged.

SIL update...she is 14 weeks today!!! I got in a few "i KNEW you were futher along" comments that she ignored/didn't respond to but then I left it alone. Sometimes I think when I talk I'm really bad at explaining thing or she just doesn't get what I'm saying at all. I was trying to explain how she measures behind her last pregnancy by a week because she ovulated in week 3 instead of week 2 and she just didn't understand. She just said "yeah but they moved my date back" i know, that's what i told you they'd do, say he's measuring a week behind..."but he was a week smaller than my original due date" :dohh: ok lady i'm done.

Anyway the nurse got NO good pics! No nub shot at all! But SIL still thinks it's a boy. Guess we'll see.
Gigs omg she sounds like a know it all and won't listen to anything. I hope she's wrong about gender for some reason. I'm feeling contrary today.

I can't believe they are going after you. I wouldnt pay. If they continue maybe see a lawyer??

Shae DH can only get monthly rx. It's a bit annoying, but worse things I suppose. I've encouraged him to do mail order as then he can do 3 month and I think it's cheaper. For you, I vote having it sent to your college town pharmacy for a 3 month supply. Only 4 stops a year and you'll most likely be there anyways.

Sorry about your nails. I hate ruining them after just doing them. I'm also notorious for chipping my polish off so I rarely get them done.

CB hope you all enjoy the zoo. A very happy birthday to Nuala!

Jez I'd say do what you want. I think it'll be great. Hope her wedding goes smoothly :)

Pacific do you have the cr-v now?? Car shopping is fun..... minus the whole financing part and monthly payments.

I'm sorry, I've read but just don't have the energy to go and respond to everyone. I do read though. I slept poorly Thursday and passed out at 8 p.m. got up at 6 a.m. I'm fixing to take a nap too.

I'll try to do better over the weekend.
Flueky we are picking up the new car early next week. Financing should be alright, DH knows the sales manager well, so we are getting a pretty good deal, we are actually reducing our monthly payments by a significant amount.

Cb, happy birthday to your little girl! The zoo sounds like so much fun!
Gigs it sounds like she&#8217;s one of those people who just knows nothing about pregnancy. Though honestly, it sounds like you explained it well, it&#8217;s not complicated, so she might just be a few fries short of a happy meal :shrug:

Flueks none of the pharmacies near my college do the 3-month supply thing with my insurance. :shrug: I&#8217;ll probably mail order it for 3-month packs. I can come home every 3 months, no biggie. Sorry your sleep has been crap.

AFM, (TMI Warning) I brought my little sister to get sushi last night, and had a bunch of leftovers. I ate them at 9:30 am or so, thinking they&#8217;re still good cuz it&#8217;s only overnight, they were in the fridge of course. And then I took my depression pills, which I&#8217;d forgotten for 1-2 weeks straight before then, the full dose, with orange juice and went to the store to get some Arizona iced teas. After I ate the sushi I felt a bit bleh, and after I took my pills I felt even more bleh, and when I got home I was super nauseous and took a nausea pill. I sat up in bed for about half an hour and eventually accepted that the medicine wasn&#8217;t working and I needed to puke. So I went to the bathroom and puked, and it came up my nose too because why the fuck not apparently, and now I feel much better. Not great, but I don&#8217;t feel like I&#8217;m imminently going to puke rice out my nose anymore.

I don&#8217;t think it was the birth control honestly, I think it was the sushi or the depression pills or everything combined. My depression pills haven&#8217;t ever made me puke before, but they&#8217;ve given me awful nausea before, and if the sushi was bad plus the pills irritated my stomach, it sounds like a perfect combo for vomiting. My mom thinks it might&#8217;ve been everything combined, it&#8217;s possible I can&#8217;t handle the pill but it was over 12 hours after I took it that I puked, so it&#8217;s less likely. She says the pill should have broken down and absorbed by now so I don&#8217;t have to worry about it being like I didn&#8217;t take it (cuz if you puke up the pill it didn&#8217;t get the chance to release the hormones) but of course I still have to wait 6 more days before having sex without a condom.
Shae sorry about the puking. I would haaaate that. Speaking puking, our cat pukes a lot and so I’m often telling Tilly that he did it and not to touch it, but I don’t want her to learn the word puke so I always say vomiting. So now I have a child who goes around declaring that “Sessy (our cat) voh-ih-tid” anytime she sees a wet patch on the floor. Too cute.

Can’t you authorize your mum to pick up your pills and mail them to you each month? Or I guess that’s also a hassle.

Gigs! 14 weeks! Oh the satisfaction! I think you’re right that a lot of laypeople are pretty oblivious even to preg info we think is pretty simple. Coz I have two close friends who are currently preg, we talk a lot about it on our friend thread, and our friend who’s in med school said she’s amazed by how much I know and that it’s like OB kinda level stuff. But it’s the kind of stuff all of us in these boards know.

Also, were there any embarrassing or funny stories in the best man speech? I basically poke fun at the fact that she’s a huge talker, mention her funny Romanian sayings, her abrupt departures, and how disturbingly close we are as friends. The rest is all gooey with some jokes thrown in. The talking thing features throughout though, including at the end when I say I better stop because I don’t want to eat into her one-hour speech. Hehehe.

Flueks hope you get to catch up with sleep. I’m sure soon you’ll get a lot more energy back.

PL way to go on brand new car AND cheaper payments

CB that’s a cute collage! It’s been aaaaages since I’ve been to Marwell Zoo, maybe 20 years. Keen to hear how it was.
Oh, re: gel/shellac I do think an at-home kit is a good investment if you have a tough time with normal nail polish. I got one years ago from Sephora and I had lots of fun with it until I got really bad hand eczema (unrelated... I hope) and had to stop using it because acetone is terrrrrrible for eczema.

But acetone shouldn’t be used during pregnancy apparently, plus I’m not sure how I feel about the chemicals in the gel. They (and normal nail polish) are full of a bunch of crap that’s been shown to disrupt hormones, potentially cause cancer etc., and goodness knows what else. For very special occasions (like today) I use a base coat from Whole Foods that’s supposed to be free of the big five harmful chemicals and then (when dry) put gel on top so at least the first layer that’s touching my nail isn’t so bad but I still get the ultra glossy look that dries instantly. Then I peel it off when it’s ready to come off so that I avoid acetone. It doesn’t damage the nail so much since the base coat is not gel. But idk... some people think the polishes that are supposed be free of the bad chemicals may contain just as bad chemicals whose ill effects are so far unknown, so who knows. I swear everything in the world is apparently bad.
Jez she&#8217;s already authorized for it but the pills have to be kept between 65 and 77 degrees F so if it&#8217;s too hot or cold in the facilities and transportation, they&#8217;ll get messed up. Sorry about the eczema stuff.
Who knows Jez, in five uears those chemicals will be known for staving off cancer, ha! The research seems to change almost annually.

The speech was mostly a story of this time when they were kids and hubs threw a rock at a bird to scare it (i think it was a duck) and accidentally hit and killed it. But friend re-told it like it was an epic monstrous beast that hibs defended them from, not unlike a hero slaying a dragon. I can't do it justice but every last guessing was rolling, some crying laughy tears. He had great delivery. i guess. Then my MOH steps up and was just quiet then says "well I don't know how the hell i'm gonna follow up that." :haha: hers was pretty mushy, then just about how hubs and i are two loners that found each other. Pretty accurate.

Shae sounds like it was taking a full does of anti depressants after being off them for so long. Sorry your sushi was wasted.
I think its probs more the uv lamp that would be a cancer causing thing with re to shellac & science research, i probs do mine maybe once or twice rvery couple months.. i think the fumes if Acetone are bad when pg esp if not a ventilated area, i always sit near my back door as its stinky lol

Ohhh she had a lovely day at the Zoo thankyou & thanku girls for the happy bday greetings :) we saw quite a few animals, riley was amazed at the Rhinos & the Giraffes, i love them, they’re so elegant strolling about but maaan they have long tongues:haha: i have a pic of them with their faces in the Meercat board haha il upload. Rileys face cracks me up!

Jez, i havent been there in over 10yrs either, i know the Lion isnt there anymore, I remember that from a school trip, but we saw tigers, Zebras & allsorts :)


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Pacific that's great it'll be cheaper. Send a pic when you get it.

Shae sorry I misunderstood.

Oh that sucks about getting sick. If it was that much later after taking the pill I think it's absorbed and didn't cause it. I'd say it's a combo of things. Regardless hope you are done being sick.

Jez hillarious about tilly and vomitting.

Oh thanks! I'm sure I will it just feels like forever at the moment.

Gigs love the moh response:rofl:

CB haha love the oic and glad you all had a great time :)

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