General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Ugh, wish i could afford that. My boobs have never matched my frame. I'm an average sized girls, i'd say, but my boobs have always been a very small c or large b. But my belly has never matched with that, i have a large polish frame with these small boobs. Ig the rest of my body was small it'd be no big deal but....i feel like i look really disproportionate. On the plus side, the didn't get very big in pregnancy so they didn't shrink much either after breastfeeding, and they look almost the same as they did before i got pregnant, with the addition of stretch marks. I was scared they were going to deflate (i still am worried about that with a second kiddo).

What's the going rate for a boob job these days?
They aren't too bad actually. I think the average for my area is about 6-7k when I googled it. I haven't checked with Kaiser, who I was shocked to see does breast augmentation. My only concern there is as much as I would be interested in seeing what my insurance does or does not cover and sticking to my usual healthcare facilities (their large hospital is 10 minutes from my house), it's not something i want connected to my job haha.

Do boobs deflate? I have heard they sag after breastfeeding, but I have never heard of them deflating.
Yup, evidently that can be an issue with small breasted women. My friend and i were discussing it today as she had this issue. Basically, it's like the skin stretches, and when your breasts receed to what they were, the skin just hangs, like a deflated balloon.

I'm still getting symptoms...being hungry but having no desire to eat...soft poo...boobs only slightly sore....'course all this can be explained. If my boob really start to throb i'll count myself out, but so far they aren't bad. Actually i cringed when my son slammed into them today, only to stop and realize it didn't hurt.

How's your tww coming along Dobby?
It's going pretty crappily. I'm about to start crying, and normally SO would leave work on a break and get coffee with me. He's so busy that he can't. Our townhouse deal fell apart, my students are acting up, and I am tired. I ate like 10 mini snickers today and kept craving them which means I am posing because I don't actually like chocolate, I just crave it when AF is on her way.
I am so sorry to read that �� on my phone, I'll type a proper response in a bit
I am so, so sorry to hear about the townhouse. We did that song and dance last year and it was TERRIBLE. so emotionally rough, and I hate to hear when people go through it. :hugs2: all I can say, which probably won't help, is that what home you end up with will likely be even better than this one. When we lost bids the first time, and when the house fell through this second time, both times we ended up with a home that was even more perfect for us, both time also in better locations (second time we also ended up with nearly twice the property for $7k less). I'd bet you'll find something better!

So what's going on with your students? What grade do you teach?
Thanks. It's not the end of the world, but it was my dream townhouse. The issue is SO and I only qualify for this program this year, and next year we make too much money but not enough to afford to buy on our own because of downpayment requirements. Oh well. Guess we'll just stay where we are, save, and hope in a few years we can afford a single family home now that my student loans are paid off. You are so sweet. I can almost guarantee we won't find something better hahaha. But oh well. It's life. People have it way worse.

I teach second grade. I just have a kid who needs a lot of 1-1 but does not have an aide. He threw multiple hissy fits today, and at the end of the day he accomplished a lot and loves being in my class... but it is so emotionally draining pouring all of myself into this one kid then having to drum up even more for them... It's only day two and I am tiiiired hahah

How are you and the boobs? ;) Any new symptoms?
What a fun age! And yeah, that sounds draining. Is the child special needs perhaps? Or just high needs? Not sure how the classifications work in Cali (here we have special needs, learning disabled, and emotionally disabled). Maybe he's just having a time adjusting and will get a little easier once he's settled in, and also once you get to know him a little better.

About the house, I had the same thoughts about a "prefect house", and we did find some (the first time) that were more ideal than what we ended up with, BUT we got what we needed--a house that needed a little polishing and after 3 years of pretty limited work, we made 100k off of it. That first house allowed us to get this one, and there is no way the other ones would have appreciated as much (due to their locations). So not quite the same scenario, but the point of getting a more perfect house later still stands ;)

Symptoms...well, my left boob feels fine, my right is a bit tender when fondled which is pretty typical. My appetite has been weird...barely any yesterday. Anything I thought of eating made me cringe. I ended up eating sauteed spinach for lunch and again for dinner. I think I had a smoothie for breakfast...? And chips in there somewhere. Today started out the same, i ate a breakfast bar thing for breakfast (basically a niutrigrain bar) because i was in a rush and it was easy to just grab and eat, but felt quesy afterward for a few minutes....that subsided quick. then I was starving at lunch...but again I couldn't think of anything i actually wanted to eat. Finally I realized I wanted marinara sauce (I'm not reading into it, i swaer, i'm not convinced I'm pregnant, but ironically I craved marinara a lot in my first pregnancy haha) so i cooked some peppers, onions, and sausage and doused it in marinara. And that's basically been my song and dance, not really wanting anything but being hungry so I eat. It's abnormal because i'm usually ravenous before my period and DYING for chocolate/sweets, but this has been different. BUT, to logically explain it, I've been a bit nervous anyway and that plays into my desire to eat. I've also been starting to exercise again, which while it usually makes me hungrier, it tends to reduce my craving for sugar.

Wow that was a long rant. Sorry!
He is special needs in a school that historically does not have any population of SN children. So while I have an incredible support staff, he is with me all day. If he hadn't been tested, I would just say he is high needs. He's competing with kids of PhDs and engineers so he is at a disadvantage.

I just love that you went through your symptoms and then tried to explain them away hehe. You're waiting until af is missed right? I'm getting ansy
:( poor guy. Hope things improve all around.

Wait to test until after af is due? Ha! That's funny. I have 6 dollar tree tests under my sink lol. I am a serious POAS addict. The first time i was pregnant, I think I took 11 tests after i got a positive....and it wasn't like I just had them so I figured I'd use them up, I went out and bought more FRERs. I only stopped because my husband asked me to :haha: before that, who knows how much I spent during cycles where i wasn't pregnant! I started at 9dpo, might do that this time tomorrow. I'd wait for the weekend but hubs has NO idea i'm quietly obsessing over this so I wait until he leaves the house for work before I use them. So, if tomorrow's is negative, I'll probably test again Monday. Af is due the 25th.
I lied, i tested this morning :haha: bfn as expected.
AWww yeah esp if you are using cheapies. I think I am sick. My bbt is way high. :( I want to test but I know in my heart it is too earlt
Yes as there's pre ejaculation I don't know any story's tho sorry! But there's a chance.

We use the pull out method well just recently started trying and lets just say oh has failed to pull out so I'm waiting to test soon! I don't know when I ovulate as don't keep track as periods different every month!! Like you we were going to try nearer Christmas but if it's going to happen now I would be over the moon! Good luck xx
Dobby, oh no! What. Terrible time to get sick :( how are you feeling?

Scottish, usually when the pull out method fails it's because the man fails to pull out in time, so I'd say your chances are good! When are you going to test?

I pulled my test from this am back out to check it for an evap (i know, i know...) but a stupid, curved orange (yuck, dry pee) line was right where the test line would be, so i can't even obsess properly :cry:

You can already bet i'll be peeing on a new one in the morning lol; also, this morning was SMU, tomorrow I'll try FMU.

I think all these nerves from testing and anticipating testing is wreaking havoc on my appetite. Still starving but uninterested in eating, and i haven't wanted chocolate, or sugar in general. Wtf. I love chocolate :(
Boobs are hurting now, as usual. I'm still going to test but it's looking ever more doubtful now!
Hi Scottish! I agree, if he pulled out late then your chances are good. I read that the first wave of semen is packed with the most concentrated and most mobile swimmers. So even if he pulled out and got the second wave on your tummy, he sent all the ready for battle soldiers out onto the battle field. FXed!

Giggles, sorry to hear that! But you are not out until AF shows.

I'm feeling okay. Just super tired from work. Took my temp to make sure I don't have a fever (I function really well at fevers of 100, it's 101 that I am miserable) but my temp was 98.7. Shrugs.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that is very interesting Dobby! When do you plan on testing? Sorry if i've already asked :)

Burp-puked in my mouth today (ewwwwww) and have had a bit of acid reflux on and off. I'm sure it's because of my recent eating habits, and my nerves. Hubs was in a bad mood today and it made me feel like a bfp would not be celebrated by him right now...i know he'd come around but i'm so nervous about his reaction. Not that it matters, since i'm not pregnant ;)
It's weird. I tested just now and it was bfn. Hate the new frers, they are deceptive but it is def a bfn. I was trying to hold out until 9dpo but I was bored haha.

Sorry to hear DH is in a bad mood. I hope it passes so when you do get your bfp he can be happy and not panicked. I'm pretty sure my SO would shit a sideways brick if we get pregnant this cycle. I mean... he pulled out for a reason hahaha and especially since work took a turn and the townhouse fiasco. Things are shaky right now.
Wishing you all luck!
Dobby your chart looks good!
Thanks JLM! I see you're in the tww too :) will this be your first kid?

Dobby, I might cave and get some frers but the whole reason i got the the dollar tree brand was to save money and NOT buy frers....i have to go to wal mart today so i guess i'll see if i stick to my guns, heh.

I woke up this morning to my boobs hurting less. I wish i paid more attention in previous cycles to this! Not sure if they wax and wane with pain or they stay really sore....thought they stayed sore...

I also had my first "bfp" dream in a long time (gee, couldn't be because i'm obsessing, could it?) and i was (gulp) pregnant with twins. I'm going to go ahead and say multiples would be a worse case scenario lol

I also dreamed i owed some secret underground society a 11 page paper on how i raised my boston terrier. They had a hatch in my yard with a hidden opening (68 feet left of the well, and 30 feet back....oddly specific lol)

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