Dobs idk how PP works out in California but the ones around here take insurance, so you can go to them without taking funds from people who don’t have insurance and go to PP for that reason. Their website says they take my insurance and I was thinking about calling them to verify before making an appointment (cuz I don’t want my insurance company to freak out at me). Apparently diaphragms can be very hard to find these days. There’s only 2 brands on the market in the US, there was one more years back but the company stopped making it several years ago. One of the two current brands is a one size fits most (usually they need to be fitted) made in response to the lack of options. I think the demand was so low and they stopped recommending them due to the lower efficacy rates (94% really isn’t bad, but I digress) so they just stopped stocking them. Since they need to be fitted, if they stop stocking the fitting kits, then they can’t prescribe them.
I think having all the potential options available is definitely more of a big city thing, and California most likely has a lot of demand for alternative methods and all that jazz. But yeah it’s frustrating to have a lack of access to specific forms of medical care when we’re used to having what seems like really good access to it. Poor access to medical care is a big issue but when people talk about lack of access they’re generally referring to much worse situations than “we don’t stock diaphragms because so few women use them these days”. So it’s definitely from a position of privilege that we think “how come I don’t have access to this one thing?”, BUT it doesn’t make it any less valid that we should all have access to that one thing. It’s still not fair that it’s hard to find them. We just don’t have it nearly as bad as many other people do. I think “being grateful for what we have” is normally a good principle, but when it comes to full access to all options in medical care we shouldn’t just be grateful we’re better off than some, we should demand full access to the options (not just for us, but for everyone), because as patients we have the right to choose any of those options.
Okay I need to get off my soapbox.
I’m really sorry your sobriety isn’t going well. I think you definitely need to sit down with your friend and have a serious talk with her and just be honest about the situation, that you can’t control yourself well around alcohol and when you allow yourself to indulge, it causes a spiral that negatively affects your mental health, your job performance, your ability to safely function, etc. She needs to understand that pressuring you is no longer her trying to get you to live it up, but the effect is now much bigger and much more negative.
I’m sorry about your fat lip, I hope it heals up quickly