General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobby whoops I had it in my head but didn't say it. DH is getting a vasectomy so I'm very thankful I won't be worrying about bc.

As for when I'm going to 1st stop working. Planning on working til due date or she makes her arrival. Whichever is sooner :) I want all my 16 weeks with her and I think itll be harder on me watching the girls ar 38 or 39 weeks than working my desk job.
You know, you probably did at some point but my brain sucks. I was thinking maybe tubal but I definitely would remember you saying that, and then I was too tired to think of what the male version of that was yay!

I so feel that on work being easier than being home lol. And yes! So crazy how we have to work as long as we can because our mat leave is so ridiculously short. Hopefully you stay comfortable over the next few weeks and can make the most of your time home with her
I've dropped for sure. For the past week or so been able to take deeper breaths and less heartburn. I'm peeing like crazy though. Have an appt tomorrow morning. Excited and nervous

Ugh forgot to update. Appt went well. Got a note to give to work restricting travel. I'm also 2cm dilated and 70% effaced with baby head down. I know I can stay like this for weeks but seriously doubting I'll make it to the 15th. I am hoping at very minimum 37 weeks but I'd refer 38 or 39 weeks. Baby will decided when she wants to come though.
Oh definitely. Hopefully you get a few more weeks. But wow 70%! Any guy inklings or contractions so for? Yay for the work note!
Shae thank you.

Dobby prior to my appt just mainly cramping here and there. After my appt I had cramps with a few contractions mixed in for like a 6 hour period. I took it easy as much as possible. Was thankful they fizzled out. I'm going to go over my job duties with two ppl today so wanted that taken care of for sure.
Glad they fizzled! And that’s good that you can cross that work task off your to do just in case she comes next week or the week after. So excited for you!
I think I may be ovulating right now because lord in heaven the sex drive is THROUGH THE ROOF, I don’t think I’ve ever had it this bad EVER.
Aww sounds like o to me haha. My friend is so broody because 4 of her friends are pregnant, but she and her bf aren't ready for a kid. I'm the opposite. I'm on CD 3, and I hate everything and everyone and all I want to do is eat desserts, watch tv, be left alone, and get a massage. :rofl:
Hey ladies. Still alive over here. Just been busy with house stuff and SO always on the friggen computer.

JLM - Belated congrats. Hope everything is progressing well. :)

shae - I feel you on being jealous when people announce pregnancies. I already have 2 kids and I still get all "aww, I wish that was me." lol

Flueky - Wow, you're getting close. Hopefully you'll pop later rather than sooner, butlike you said, she'll come when she wants. :)

Dobby - Glad to hear you finally got some child support money. And I hope you and A are doing well. :)

AFM, we moved our beds over on Oct 3, so we've pretty much officially been living here since then. There's still boxes of stuff to go through and things to sort and find places for, but we're getting there slowly.
SO's cousin had the baby girl on Sept 21 and named her Mila. Thank God it's a name I'd probably never have chosen. Obviously haven't seen her cuz of Covid and that's really all I have to say about that.
Matthew is gonna be 1 in six days. Where has the time gone? He has 6 teeth, can walk with assistance but not by himself yet, is fully on homo milk, and is currently battling a wee bit of a runny nose. But otherwise, he's a happy, healthy, chunky monkey. :)
Unfortunately, we've been dealing with a bit of a 2nd wave and can't have gatherings of more than 10 people indoors. Kinda hard to have a party with those restrictions. Hoping they'll be lifted soon though and we can have a shindig in November, before people go crazy with XMas.
In other news, I literally wrote out a vague plan for the next few years in regards to hopefully having a Spring 2022 baby. Haven't discussed it with SO yet though. lol
And I'm down about 48lbs since July 2nd. :)

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Pretty great job on weight loss!! I think your plan/timeline looks great.

Dobby bahaha you know one of the worst things this pregnancy is how chocolate gives me heartburn.

Shae hope the ramped up O sex drive has calmed down

AFM ugh had contractions yesterday. Not regular enough to go to l&d. I'm having lots of discharge and pieces of plug coming out. I think baby girl will be here in the next 7 days. Just my gut feeling.

In a bad note, I'm gbs+ so not sure I'll get antibiotics in on time since y labors are so fast. Going to request an induction at 39 weeks even though I don't think I'll make it to then. Also going to ask about them placing an IV line and me having IV antibiotics to start at home as soon as waters break or labor begins. Not sure that's an option but it's a thought and worth asking.
Pretty, I echo Flueky! Great job with the weight! And seriously, time goes by so quickly. Awesome pictures. Sorry about SO's computer time. And about the restricted birthday. I'm sure no matter what you end up doing will be great and memorable. :hugs:

Flueky, oh wow! I'm glad you'll at least be past that 37w mark. Keep us updated. :) I'm with you. No harm in asking. Worst they can do is say no, and you never know if they may say yes.

Shae hopefully things have calmed down. Mine are ramping up :rofl:

AFM same old, same old. Had a parent-teacher conference with the daycare LMFAO. I think that's ridiculous, but I wanted to ask them if they think he can stay or if they feel he needs to go to the SDC preschool. But they agreed that he's not that severe and his behavior is manageable. He hasn't pushed anybody in three weeks! He hasn't thrown anything at the new tvs either. So fxed this keeps up.
A little annoyed. Got a call from the supervisor of A's ABA. She was like I'm calling because we have someone who has been exposed to another person that tested positive for COVID. So my follow up question was do I need to be tested? Because I get these dumb exposure notices at work all the time for staff that are infected but I have zero contact with. She says no. But then she asks me if I want to postpone sessions. And I'm like why would I postpone sessions if you're telling me that we haven't been directly exposed to someone? Like obviously if his BS has been exposed then she should go get tested and stay home in the mean time. Otherwise, if she wasn't exposed then she needs to go to work. Plus, if there is a risk I need to tell the daycare and they have to shut down for three days and deep clean. And she's like well let me talk to the BS and let you know. And she was late this morning with a migraine and cramps and not feeling well, which I just assumed she's pregnant or PMSing lol. But it's like wtaf. I know you have confidentiality laws and I'm not trying to get a name here or scream and yell, but cut to the damn chase it's a simply yes you were exposed or no you weren't. Ugh.

So since she hasn't cancelled tomorrow yet, I'm assuming it's fine. But I booked a test for myself during my asynchronous time for good measure. Figure if A has it then I have to have it lol
Pretty congrats on moving and the weight loss! Yeah COVID cases are going up a lot here too, the hospital I have clinical in is in the red for cases.

Flueks I’m sorry about the GBS+. I doubt they’d let you go home with a saline lock and self administer antibiotics, but no harm in asking. You’re a nurse right? So maybe since you have that experience they’ll allow it? I imagine you’d have to calculate an approximate drip rate unless they’re going to rent you a pump (which sounds unlikely). Idk. Worth a shot.

Dobs I’m glad A’s teachers think he can stay at a regular preschool, I think it’ll probably help him with his social skills more if he’s exposed to kids who aren’t on the spectrum (though that’s a guess, I don’t know how that all works). Sorry about the possible exposure issue, that’s annoying that they don’t really know what’s going on.

AFM I’m bleeding and I’m only CD23 so I’m confused but I think my sister messed with my cycle with her teenage pheromones. I have an exam at 9:30 am that I’m not at all prepared for because I slept through a few lectures, so I’m trying to get through them right now.
Dobby wow sorry they were so vague. Hope you guys don't have it. I can completely understand why they can't give a name, but you should get a clear answer about exposure.

Shae, actually it's not far fetched for people to have an INT or other line at home to do antibiotics, hydration, steroids, etc. That was a huge part of what I did in home health was teaching people how to care for their line and administer their IV therapy. True I'd never heard of it for gbs+ but I didnt think it was the craziest thing in the world as it happens very often for other reasons.

In any case, he really acted like it's not a huge deal if I get the antibiotics in on time or not.

Sorry for weird cycles and I hope you do well on your exam.

AFM appt didn't really go great. Can't schedule an induction until I reach 39 weeks, I just wanted to get one scheduled for that week. Wouldn't check my cervix even though I've been having contractions on and off and losing pieces of my plug. Was basically told that I will be doing registration and epidural consult when I arrive in labor. The hospital calls you from their list to pre-reregister you but they are way behind apparently. He said 8 out of 10 he sees registers when they arrive. I explained my concerns with having a fast labor that I'll probably be pushing or close to when we arrive. Said I could call but that I'd probably have to wait on them. Disappointing to say the least.

Buuut, everything checked out good during my appt so that's a plus.

Going to practice the presentation I'm giving today.
Thanks. I feel like I’m getting mixed messages. They put sessions on hold until they can test his BS, but then same breath tell me I don’t need to keep him home. Whatever. I just feel bad because I have to send A to school, so they said he can go then he’s going. I got my test done and annoyed to say Kaiser is still making you do both nostrils and a throat swab lol

Shae oh wow that’s early with the bleeding. Hoping the hormones sort themselves out. And hope your exam went well!

Flueky hugs. I’m sorry that the appointment wasn’t what you had hoped for. Hopefully when the day comes, things will run smoothly. Glad that things looked good otherwise! We forget the stressful bits eventually. Hoping the presentation went well
Flukes oh I know they send people home with antibiotics, but I thought it was for more long term therapy than a single antibiotic infusion, that was more my concern. I’m glad your doctor isn’t worried about the antibiotics, but that’s annoying about everything else. Hopefully baby will stay in a bit longer.

Dobs sorry about the mixed messages and annoying swab.

My bleeding is basically gone today so we’ll see if it comes back or if it was a weird fluke.
Oh that's peculiar. Any word on the diaphragm acquisition?

It is what it is. Luckily, being in the car doesn't allow for my usual pulling away so she was able to get what she needed first go. My nose is still burning though. It is nice that I was able to get tested right away. Good to see they've ramped up their ability to test.

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