Dobs we probably still have some really old sleds at my house, I just didn’t bring a sled to college lol. Haven’t used the sleds at my house since I was like 8 and decided to slide down my ice covered (not snow lol) driveway without gloves and was going very fast and tried to stop myself with my hands. My dad warned me it would hurt my hands really badly and told me not to do it, but I didn’t listen. That was a very bad day
But of course he was waiting at the bottom of the driveway to console me and my torn up hands. I’ve probably gone sledding twice since, and not at my house, but with friends and their sleds. It freaks me out, not having control, last time I was using my feet as brakes basically the whole way down.
Re: weight/bloating, gotcha. I totally understand that. All my weight goes to my hips/butt/thighs and a little to my boobs, but not quite in the distribution I’d like, so I have hip dips. You can’t see them much when I’m wearing underwear, they disguise them, but I don’t like seeing my hips in the mirror without underwear on cuz of the obvious dip. I’m very much a pear shape since filling out. I used to care about thigh gaps and stuff when I was in high school, I starved myself down to 112 lbs at 5’8” and I still didn’t have a thigh gap, so clearly that wasn’t going to happen. I honestly like how I look now at 135 lbs way more than how I did at 112, I had much smaller boobs and a much smaller butt back then. However, I definitely still have parts I don’t like, like my hip dips I mentioned earlier. I don’t gain much weight in my stomach so I don’t have a pooch, but I don’t have a model’s flat stomach either, and I wish my stomach was at least toned-looking. My thighs also make my lower legs look tiny (which they are, to be fair) because weight goes to my thighs. Oh, and I have super wimpy arms. I literally use 5 lb weights at the gym for arms (and I haven’t gone since September). Though that’s for more isolated muscles, when I do the pull-up with assist, I generally can do like 50 lbs of my body weight for sets? I think. I’d have to jump to get myself into a chin-up without assist, and I can hold that for a while, though I’d really rather not
whereas I can do more like 75+ on the leg press (for sets, I could do much more for a single one of course). Anyway, point is, my arms are weak af. I don’t feel the need to lose weight because it won’t make a difference that I’d like, I’d lose my butt and boobs (boobs are the first to go when I lose a few lbs) and I can’t change my bone structure to get rid of the hip dips, it’s the trochanteric depression. There’s not really a muscle there to work out, only in surrounding areas, which won’t fix the issue. But I do wish I could be motivated enough to get in shape. Some abs and at least a little arm muscle would be really nice to have (and helpful in day to day life, really).
Anyway, I’m sorry your ex talked down on you about your body, that’s super shitty and you didn’t deserve that. I’m glad you’re now in a place where you won’t take that shit. Yay for personal growth!