General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

He might. But I also think as much fun as I am that he knows I’d both keep his baby and hold him for child support is probably a good reason to delete my number. I’m over him though.

def planning a lot of couch time I just feel bad for A

I have tons of days. But we have a sub shortage right now. My coworker had surgery at 6am on her wrist and had to come in to work because no subs. My teammate took my class out the other week when I had my appointment because I couldn’t get a sub. I also have the kids doing a play and presentations the week we get back. But at some point I am going to talk to my boss about taking some time off.
Gigs we moved into a little apartment super close to my new job at a hospital. We do have a roommate to bring down rent costs, it’s a 2 bedroom, he’s SO’s friend since middle school. I do hope that many when our one year lease is up it can be just us (especially if I’m pregnant, he isn’t a fan of kids) but we’ll see what happens. We’re on the 3rd floor of a 3 level apartment building in a large complex. We have a sliding glass door and a little balcony. Not a great view, but I can see if there’s snow on my car from my living room :rofl: we moved in at the end of August.

Less than 3 could mean 2, yes. Some labs do less than 2 as their threshold and quantify above that, I guess this lab uses 3 as the threshold. Results literally just said < 3.

Dobs I’m sorry :( this whole week has been a shitshow for you. I hope you’re able to keep A’s high energy appeased and that the quarantine period goes by quickly.
Shae :hugs: sorry you don't deserve to be spoken to like that.

Dobby I hope you can get some time off soon. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this
An hcg doubling simulator shows that if my hcg was 1 on implantation day (the hcg level varies person to person) and I implanted on 9dpo I’d still only have an hcg of 2 on 11dpo (today). I really hope that’s the case.
Holy. So many posts in only 2 days. -.-

Dobby - A little tardy to the party over here, but I'm sorry to hear about A getting Covid.
Hopefully he's doing ok, minus the not liking being cooped for the next week or so. And sorry it means you'll have to wait to bury your baby. Sending you lots of love and health and peaceful vibes. I also whole heartedly agree with not telling TB anything unless he specifically reaches out to you.

shae - Sorry that this wasn't your cycle and that SO was being a real dick. Does he tend to calm down quickly after fights or are things gonna be tense for a few days?

Monroe - Congrats! Those numbers look great. When you said your Dr wants 2 betas, does that mean 2 more after the 2 you've already done or are these 2 enough for her?

Gigs - It's so true about taking down the XMas tree. I just took mine down last night and it's so much nicer to have that space back. lol
Sorry about the boob pain and broodiness. Will low-key keep my FX for a legit oops for you.

Winter - No name talk yet. Or talk about when to have the name talk. lol. SO's aunt and cousin were asking on XMas day, I think trying to get some sort of committal answer, but we won't be telling anyone IRL (except probably our moms) until she's here.
Hope you're doing ok and that baby is nice and sticky. :)

AFM, one more day of work until I get another long (3 day) weekend. Just got word that the kids won't be going back to school til January 5th (knock on wood), so I won't have Monday completely to myself, but at least Alex needs a lot less supervision. As much as I'd like to have a chill day, I'll probably end up using the day to organize and/or deep clean some places. We'll see.
Definitely been feeling some flutters and even a solid mass that keeps me from bending over properly. lol. She seems to like to hang out on my right side. Otherwise, just kinda trucking along and currently looking forward to seeing the official scan report from my MW on the 10th.
Covid case numbers have really been spiking recently in the Greater Toronto Area. Nov 24th was 591 cases, Dec 1st was 780, and today was 13,807. :/ They've put a bunch of restrictions back in place, none of which affect me too much, unless they last into spring. All venues are only allowed to operate at 50% capacity or 1000 people, whichever is lower. Doesn't really bode well for my Avril concert, but we shall see.

E56A7113-65D2-47C9-976D-A90104C66EB7.jpeg 942A386D-6A56-4023-8F21-7F6DCE949863.jpeg
untweaked, visible in person without squinting

I guess my hcg yesterday morning was actually like 2 when they said < 3
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Shae I definitely see that and your chart is nice and high still. It does look a bit triphasic to me. FX. I probably wouldn't tell SO yet as there is something about men and faint lines lol
I crawled back into bed and said “soooo your sperm aren’t weak” (I had previously told him if I didn’t get pregnant this cycle it was probably his sperm not living long enough, he did not take me calling them weak as the lighthearted jest it was meant to be lol). He responded “yay… okay… oh shit” :rofl: I showed him the line and he was like “isn’t there supposed to be two lines?” And I was like “yes, it’s right there” and he was like “I see a shadow I guess” but he’s still assuming I’m right. Digi was negative but not at all surprised.
OMG SHE ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!! Walk us through your emotions!! I knew there was a line on your first test!! Did you drink a lot of water the following day? I had the with ds2, a line, then less of a line, then they started picking up again. Enormous congrats!!

and yes update on SO is something I also need. Remember you’re excited but he’s probably freaking out. Just remind him a baby wouldn’t be here for about 9 months (we know it’s 8 but he doesn’t have to know), I mean that’s almost a whole year to prepare, right? ;)

pretty yay for reclaiming your space! I won’t really start taking things down until tomorrow. I’ll probably leave the outdoor lights up for a few weeks. I love seasonal decor. I need more winter stuff…
Gigs honestly I’m just scared I’m going to have a chemical or a miscarriage at this point. I want to be excited but I also don’t want to make a potential loss worse emotionally. I’m going to feel better when I get a better line and positive blood test + digi, but for the next few days I feel like I’m gonna be waiting for the other pin to drop. Just trying to trust God and his plans.

SO was calmed down this morning so he reacted pretty well considering. He asked me to send him the link to that ring I liked :haha: I told him to give it a few days to see if my hcg rises, he’s wanting to start wedding planning ASAP because he’s super traditional.
Haha. His slow realization and reaction sounds like something my SO would do. Well, tentative congrats and I'll keep everything crossed for you. :)
When is the Avril concert? Hopefully it will be back to low cases by then. :hugs:what was it like locally with covid in May this year? It was all super low here, then. Just hoping everything will be in a good place when you're due.

Giggle- I never commented on your story with your son. I'm so glad that you were cleared before he was born, and could have him knowing all was fine :hugs:jeepers... I'm sure that was incredibly stressful- especially with the first baby when everything is all totally new. So glad he is loved and perfect ❤️

Dobby- I also wouldn't give an update until asked. Thinking of you, and hope you're feeling ok. :hugs:How is A doing? Has he had any symptoms? We called the nurse line about LO yesterday, and interestingly, they suggested a covid test for him. he has no cough or respiratory symptoms. Just the stomach issues. We did an at home test and it was negative. Interesting though that stomach issues alone could be considered a covid symptom.

Shae- sorry about the argument, and congrats on your latest test! Fingers crossed all goes well and this is it for you! :) your age and everything is in your favor re: having a straightforward pregnancy and healthy baby. :)

AFM- feeling numb and hopeless again. Wish I'd lied about my LMP date so that I could have had my scan earlier than 7/8 weeks! :rofl: I only have mild nausea- I had it quite bad with LO and my two recent losses. So :shrug: what that means. I guess the fact I had it with a MMC doesn't make it super reassuring. Still, seems weird either way. Less than a week to the scan. [-o&lt;
Winter I think at this point testing is everyone's go-to, regardless of symptoms. How is your little guy doing now? I hope he's on the mend.

Shae haha I have to laugh about how long you've been waiting for everything and then now how accelerated everything potentially will be. Regardless of WHEN, I can't wait to see what ring and dress you end up with! Is the ring that moissonite one you shared some time ago? Or has your taste changed?

And when is your next test?
eta: what does your test look like now that's it's dried?
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Winter - The concert is May 17th. I can't find an average number of cases per day for last May, but it seems May 29th had 1,057 and the 30th at 1,033. And correction, that 13,000+ wasn't for the Greater Toronto Area, it's for the whole province, but still.
winter every pregnancy is totally different. I had bad nausea with the second and last kid, but none at all with ds1. I'm sorry you're in the waiting limbo! I feel like all will be fine though <3
Winter omicron doesn’t attack the respiratory as hard as delta does. It’s a much more mild variant. It’s main symptoms are headaches, sore throat, and nausea. So most people assume they don’t have covid just a cold. I’ll also say A’s pedi was not shocked everyone’s home antigen tests came back negative but his pcr was positive. She said the antigen tests aren’t all that accurate and that it’s common to see false negatives lately so they are telling people with symptoms or exposure to go get a pcr. Even now, we’re testing negative on the at home test when we both clearly have it. Hopefully he doesn’t have it though and it’s just a stomach bug.

Pretty can’t wait to hear her name and the story behind it. Hope things settle down by the concert. I bet the uptick is just from people gathering at holidays.

Shae I definitely see that and it looks darker than the last squinter. I would have personally waited to tell him with the way frer are lately though. You said you bought two betas? When are you thinking of doing the second beta? I’d ask when you’re testing again but I’m assuming smu lol

re the ring link he should have it either way. But as momma bear outsider, I am concerned at how we went from screaming match saying really mean things to let’s start wedding plan in 12 hours. I do second gigs though I’m excited to see you go through the wedding planning and pregnancy so do share all the fun bridal details. I assumed same ring but gigs does make a good point, is that still the one?
Winter hugs re: waiting for the scan. I hope baby is okay in there.

Gigs it’s the pear halo moissanite ring, not sure which one you guys remember. It’s the same one from the past few years I believe.
I was going to wait until tomorrow to take another test because yesterday SMU didn’t work for me. Though my POAS addiction makes me want to do another lol. It’s still visible dry, no darker though.

Dobs I told him that it’s super light so it’s still a maybe so don’t panic yet. We’ll see. I’m cautiously optimistic, I’m not 100% sure until I get a darker test. I’ve never had this on a FRER before, just super squinters that were probably line eye.
I’m not thrilled with the fight either but at least he apologized, so there’s that.
For sure. And like you said it wasn’t like a I don’t want to marry you/you two are clearly building your foundation for that step so it’s not 0 to 60 just 30 to 60. Well don’t cave with smu with a frer at least. Your fmu does seem to do better. Fxed
Shae I'm glad he apologized. Yes definitely wait til at least tomorrow morning to test. I know progression is much better with every other day but I had trouble not testing daily lol

Also, totally called his non believing the faint line lol. DH did that to me with dd3. He even suggested it was a faulty test :dohh:

Winter my 2nd pregnancy, I only threw up 2x and it was while brushing my teeth coupled with having a lot of anxiety over some big presentations I had to give.

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