Happy New Year!
Welcome tdog! Love that you have such a big family

I would love to have the same, but think we met too late/got started too late. I love their names, too- Heidi has always been on my girl name list. I've known three in my life, and they've all been ridiculously lovely people. Do you want to have another? Would your OH be on board?
I saw a fertility Dr after my last loss just to see if they had any insights. I definitely have pcos- but he seemed to suggest there's a pretty big range of how that impacts fertility.

it also seems like he thinks weight plays a big part into how it all turns out. Who knows. I know so many people who have been diagnosed with PCOS. I kind of think it is one of those things that a) they don't fully understand and b) may or may not even be meaningful! Our grandmothers would never have had any idea if they had it! Glad to see it hasn't impacted you growing your family
So sorry about your loss, Dobby. I hope that you get to say goodbye in a beautiful way, that reflects how wanted and loved she was.
I'm sorry your test isn't what you wanted, Shae.

I'm going to give it to you straight: I think you should take a big step back from all the fertility tracking, early testing etc. It seems to just be a bit of a source of torture for you. To want something so bad, but not be able to have it is hard... And it seems like all your fertility knowledge is just making it harder for you. If you're pregnant, you're going to find out. The beta and everything has just created this huge rollercoaster.

I hope that your OH does propose and you can get excited about wedding planning. I'd love for you to get the baby you yearn for first, but if you have the right man- enjoy him and starting a life together, the baby will come. Basically, i would say stop the charting, and not test again unless your period doesn't show up. It just seems to be causing heartbreak, relationship issues etc for no gain.

you know so much about your body, and your fertility. That will come in handy when you guys do ttc, but I would really suggest a break until you're closer to that point. Start up again a few months before y'all want to try.

i know covid has messed a lot of things up: but go out, travel, be young until the time comes when you're both on board for a baby. i hope he proposes, and you will be a huge step closer to that point.
Nothing too exciting going on here! LO could finally eat a little bit of food last night, which was a relief. Not so worried about the appendix any more. The whole thing is still weird and mysterious. Have never had or seen a tummy virus come on after a week.

Hoping he will be much improved today (still sleeping). My OH was a grump, so we didn't do anything special for NYE. He's mad that I said I don't want to fool around until after my scan. I am worried I'll get the stomach bug and not be able to go

I can be really logical and clever, and then I can be very panicky and worried. I'm the panicky and worried (and illogical) version of myself right now.
Did anyone actually do anything for New Year's? I've never had a good time trying to go out for it

OH and I did have a lovely one when we were dating. He had been to see his family for Christmas, and we hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks- so we met up at a bnb to have a little trip away. We were chatting all night and didn't even realize that midnight had come and gone

ahhh to be young and in love!