General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Awww ty ladies. I love his face but I feel biased LOL. He’s doing well. He was jumping on my bed all morning. Told him it was time to get dressed, and he’d put his head on the shirt then bounce away and roll around laughing. Went on for five minutes before my arms got tired of playing along lol. He did cry at nap time again asking to go to my parents, but other than being sad he’s doing well. So just super relieved

def see that line sorry about the weird period :(. Are you trying this cycle? We need a bio! Give us the tea. Who is tdog? What is her story?
Awww ty ladies. I love his face but I feel biased LOL. He’s doing well. He was jumping on my bed all morning. Told him it was time to get dressed, and he’d put his head on the shirt then bounce away and roll around laughing. Went on for five minutes before my arms got tired of playing along lol. He did cry at nap time again asking to go to my parents, but other than being sad he’s doing well. So just super relieved

def see that line sorry about the weird period :(. Are you trying this cycle? We need a bio! Give us the tea. Who is tdog? What is her story?

I'm Tina I'm 34 have 6 children ages are 17 girl 10 boy 7 boy 6 boy 2 girl and a 10 month old boy, when I was 15 I got told I had pcos th8nk I'm doing OK for that :haha: think the docs may have got slightly wrong:shrug:

We aren't trying tbh we had a opppsie moment I came if injection as my periods were period with it and tbh p'ing me off :shrug: I now have the implant in but I get so so paranoid tbh I have brought cheapies just to double check :rofl: I would love another little girl but your not guaranteed that :cry: xx
Tdog you’ve been on here for awhile haven’t you? I feel like we’ve crossed paths before. Well I guess we’re traveling in the same boat — done with kids but not really :haha:

Dobs which test is which? And holy smokes A has become quite the handsome fellow!!! I also have a little hair envy! And my goodness doesn’t look a thing like dad, got all his momma’s good looks. Glad he is doing well! Hope you enjoy a low key New Year.

shaeee i LOVE that ring!!! It’s beautiful! You know I used to be meh on pear cut but now i love it. Ok so now dress? :D
Getting ready for in-laws gathering so see y’all next year and enjoy your night!!
Dobs yikes if one of those was an indent, that’s one nasty indent. I really hope and pray that I have a darker line tomorrow. AF is due on the 2nd, but I always start spotting 13dpo, so tomorrow I should start spotting if I’m not pregnant. My cervix is not at all high which does concern me but I’ve heard some people say it takes a while for it to actually rise in early pregnancy, so who knows.
Tdog you’ve been on here for awhile haven’t you? I feel like we’ve crossed paths before. Well I guess we’re traveling in the same boat — done with kids but not really :haha:

Dobs which test is which? And holy smokes A has become quite the handsome fellow!!! I also have a little hair envy! And my goodness doesn’t look a thing like dad, got all his momma’s good looks. Glad he is doing well! Hope you enjoy a low key New Year.

shaeee i LOVE that ring!!! It’s beautiful! You know I used to be meh on pear cut but now i love it. Ok so now dress? :D

I've been on here since 2013 :shrug: on and off lmao its strange seeing names/people that were on when trying for 3rd :blush: in my heart it's eanting/not wanting another and in my head is going erm no don't be stupid :haha: xx

Right ladies question this question is I should no I'm old enough and had 6 children sort of one but her goes, cd 3 today and my period is near enough finished already (normally 5-7 day cycle) but just now I'm having these sharp stabbing/pulling pains right in my right ovary is this normal? I've just never noticed it before tbh xx
Ooo tdog interesting I feel you. Can’t say I know much about the efficacy of the implant. I’m too squirmish to think about it lol. Always better to have the cheapies around just in case

Gigs lol whichever one had the dots was the squinter. The other AF came right on cue. Didn’t do a beta but I had one done at CD 6 and it was 0. I don’t think it was a cp though. My bleed was way too light to be a cp and my temp had been trending down the three days prior to AF.

You’re so sweet! He’s really looking more and more like me. Got the best bits of us both really.

HF with the in laws!

Shae was gonna ask if you had checked your cervix. Not that I know. I’m assuming high and closed is the goal? FXed the spotting stays away tomorrow

full disclosure I want it to be a bfp I’m just a little touchy about calling it a loss without a confirmed line *trigger warning*
because my daughter is literally in the fridge because I can’t get a hold of anybody in the ob department due to the holiday to drop her off for group cremation abd I refuse to just flush her down then toilet like she’s trash. I want to bury her but idk if I have the strength to and I can’t for another week
. So I’m just a bit over sensitive about the label at the moment. Praying that you either get your bfp tomorrow or SO has an epiphany and proposes anyway and you’re that much closer to ttc. You are going to be a fantastic mom. You have so much love to give.
I get off stabbing pains and I chalk it up to having pcos. I’ve been scanned, had bloodwork, urine worked, swabbed... everything every time except one time I did actually have an ovarian cyst. Just to be that person, did you test again after the weird period?
Dobs understandable. Without a clearer line I’m not sure I would call it a loss. A questionable cp at best.

Speaking of which, I just tested again with urine that didn’t seem too diluted and it was negative. So maybe this morning’s was a nasty indent after all. Idk. I’ll test again tomorrow morning. Feeling pretty down about it. I didn’t realize indents could be that bad.
@DobbyForever I haven't tested yet tbh I'm abit blah about it my heads mushed about it :haha: I will prob test in morn, see they told me I had pcos, every little niggle I panic about:shrug: I'm I'm very panicky person tho lol xx

@shaescott I had a really bad indent line last week before this weird period started then hardly nothing on any other, sorry to be the downer :( but I'm crossing everything it's a true bfp and the line is nice and strong in morn xx
@tdog I’m sorry to hear about the indent turned weird period. That’s awful. The weird period does make me suspicious though. I echo Dobs, I’d take a test.

After I got that negative this afternoon, I told SO and he was like “well, I’m still gonna propose sooner rather than later. This whole thing was a wake up call, it smacked it to the top of my priority list.” So if I’m not pregnant, at least there’s that.

I talked to my mom about the negative this evening. The convo went like this, M for mom and S for Shae:

M: “Of course it was negative, it wasn’t FMU.
S: “idk I waited until it was decently concentrated”
M: “Not nearly the same thing.”
S: “Does that mean I should stop drinking this wine?”
M: “Yes.”
S: “I feel like I’m probably just not pregnant, what does your psychic-ness say”
M: “Tremulous, like the first whisper of dawn. It feels like the universe is holding its breath.”
S: “English for those who don’t live in abstract thought?”
M: “It still feels potential. Not certain, but not a no. Probably because the divisions happening right now are crucial. You’re in the all or nothing stage.”
S: “If I’m in a stage at all, I might just be waiting for my corpus luteum to finish breaking down.”
M: “I mean, would you want to know if it was a miscarriage versus a period?”
S: “Kinda, yeah. Because if it was a miscarriage I know [SO’s] sperm work.”
M: “So, my intuition says you are pregnant, and the only question is whether it will take. I have a very peaceful feeling that all will be as it should be.”

Not really sure what I’m supposed to do with that but I stopped drinking my wine (after finishing the 3/4 finished glass I’d already been having to have a pity party). I guess I’ll test again in the morning. I worry she’s unintentionally giving me false hope, like what if she’s wrong and no conception took place at all?

Trying to rest in the knowledge that what happens will be for the good, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬
Just found out from my sister that both her and my mom think I’m pregnant but are concerned it’s non-viable. So that’s great. Very encouraging to hear. :cry:
Shae, with all do respect, your kin are not pregnancy tests, and that psychic reading sounded pretty vague to me. The facts are your test was faint, and in the morning you’ll know more. But if this whole situation happened so the universe could kick SO into gear, it sounds like you have a huge silver lining here! I just wouldn’t put too much stock into other people guessing at your fertility. I mean if she thinks you have a non-viable pregnancy, why tell you to stop drinking? To me that’s kind of playing both sides of things. But I’m not trying to bad mouth your family here…

your Mom sounds like a very interesting character. I think I’d just be ticked off if I turned to my Mom for guidance and she responded in riddles, lmao!

anyway I hope you were able to enjoy New Years regardless, though I know this is weighing on your mind. I look forward to your next test :hugs:
Tdog yay for proving the doctors wrong! Do you think the pcos was a misdiagnosis or do you still have it? Could that explain the pinching you are describing?

i saw you believe you had a c/p this past month, maybe the reason for your weird period?

With these crazy frer indents I am still left wondering if our last slip up was am indent or a faint line. I always factored in my symptoms which is why I though cp, but who even knows. I mean dang dobby that was a pretty obvious line and similar to what i saw on mine back in feb.
Tdog yay for proving the doctors wrong! Do you think the pcos was a misdiagnosis or do you still have it? Could that explain the pinching you are describing?

i saw you believe you had a c/p this past month, maybe the reason for your weird period?

With these crazy frer indents I am still left wondering if our last slip up was am indent or a faint line. I always factored in my symptoms which is why I though cp, but who even knows. I mean dang dobby that was a pretty obvious line and similar to what i saw on mine back in feb.

Tbh I think it was a misdiagnosis I'm no doc but I've had no further tests done at all all I remember was I had a scan so p taken and that's when she said :shrug: yea I'm thinking chemical as you said that will explain the weird period after I done that frer that what I thought was a faint line could have been indent, o done a cheapie qell a couple cheapies :haha: they all had faint lines on aswell so I don't no, I no frer have the awful indent line but I didn't think they were very noticeable like some of us woman have been getting in my head surely they are not that bad I no bad enough ‍:shrug: xx

This was my strip test after the frer

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Test this morning was a squinter, so I guess I either got a nasty indent or a CP.

lol my mom was an English major before medical school so she loves to word things like that. It does get a bit annoying when you just want a straight answer.
Test this morning was a squinter, so I guess I either got a nasty indent or a CP.

lol my mom was an English major before medical school so she loves to word things like that. It does get a bit annoying when you just want a straight answer.

So sorry my love it's heartbreaking when does that :hugs: I noticed your twmp has dipped aswell :cry: xx
Honestly, don't really have too much to contribute to these recent posts, but I will wish everyone a Happy New Year. May 2022 be full of health, happiness, sticky beans, and adorable babies.

shae - Glad that SO has come around really quickly. Not a fan of pear shaped stones, but the ring is really pretty regardless. Hope your next test is super positive.

tdog - Welcome! Sorry about your CP. Are you and your SO gonna actively try after this?

Dobby - I feel you on what you said in your spoiler. I dunno how to do a spoiler, so I'll just say I still feel kinda bad for where my MMC ended up. But anyway, I hope things get resolved ASAP, that you and A are well, and that your isolation passes quickly.
Happy New Year! I feel so disingenuous saying that right now, but I do hope everyone had a good NYE/NY plans. And of course that 2022 brings health, happiness, and dreams come true.

Tdog I feel you but pcos has a spectrum. I’ve never had my hormone levels tested, I was diagnosed based on my symptoms and ultrasound. I thought it was off because I was told everything was healthy, but I had pcos. But now that I know more, I saw my right ovary at my last scan and went daaaaaaaaamn that’s a s* ton of follicles, I see why they say pcos. I do have other symptoms: I get a few randomly long chin/lip hairs, my periods are much more painful than average/when I first got them I’d get so sick I couldn’t go to school, and after I gained weight my periods became very irregular. 70% of pcos is just irregular periods. Most women don’t have the more severe hormonal imbalance stuff and/or infertility. I was very regular in my early 20s when I was 20-40lbs lighter, and the closer I am to that weight or if I’m on and off bcp then I’m regular. I also do much better in general on the combo pill. My mood is bette, my weight is better, my complexion, my period flow/cramping... that’s another indicator. I’ve had six pregnancies, 1 baby. I count myself very lucky to be what I call regularly irregular. I’d say only two of my pregnancies were affected by cysts/pcos, my first two. I had a uterine cyst and an ovarian cyst. Other than that, it doesn’t really muck up my life at all. I thought I was misdiagnosed as well at first, but I def have it lol. Maybe ask you doctor to really justify why they diagnosed it or do the bloodwork?

Gigs I mean frer was so much more reliable back in the day. I don’t think I had my usual implantation cramps, and my period was light and I didn’t have any clots or pain. It does make it super hard. I spent so much extra money on tests over this indent situation. But I do believe in intuition and if I’m recalling I do remember it sounded like a cp.

Pretty thanks :hugs: don’t feel bad. My BFF was like if you need me to come over and do it, I’ll mask up let’s go say the word. I think I’m just a little off center. I’ll feel bad no matter what I do, so I’ve circled back to asking the hospital to group cremate her.

Shae :hugs:. I’m sorry that the tests weren’t a bfp morning. In general, my rule is that if a squinter isn’t a line by the 2-3rd day then it’s an indent. Especially with the beta results and temp dip coming on schedule. I have to second Gigs. Intuition isn’t a pregnancy test or bloodwork. Could conception have happened? Of course. We’ll never know. Either way, it’s not an indicator of SO’s sperm quality or your egg quality. What I do know is that you’re hurting and you wanted this, and I’m sorry it hasn’t happened. I do believe things happen at the right time or for a reason, and it sounds like this was the kick in the pants for SO to realize it’s time to take the next step in your relationship. And that next step means you are that much closer to actively ttc.

My ex-fiancé (number 2 :rofl:), and I were very much in (toxic) love. And I still remember how amazing the visit was when we were mid bd and he asked me to stop taking bc because he wanted to make a baby with me. And how great the rest of that visit was and his next visit (he was Canadian long story lol) was because there is nothing hotter than when you love someone and want to be a mom and they’re telling you how much they want to make a baby with you. It’s like top three sex I’ve had :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but thank goodness I had no idea how it worked. I still thought you just had sex and turned up pregnant :rofl: long story short, I know you want it now but it will come and when it does it will be beautiful. This cycle was not for nothing, it’s put you so much closer to ttc with SO. Don’t know if any of that was as comforting as I hoped it to be. I’m more of a let me make you some tea and hold you while you vent kind of comforter.
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Happy New Year!

Welcome tdog! Love that you have such a big family ❤️ I would love to have the same, but think we met too late/got started too late. I love their names, too- Heidi has always been on my girl name list. I've known three in my life, and they've all been ridiculously lovely people. Do you want to have another? Would your OH be on board?

I saw a fertility Dr after my last loss just to see if they had any insights. I definitely have pcos- but he seemed to suggest there's a pretty big range of how that impacts fertility. :shrug: it also seems like he thinks weight plays a big part into how it all turns out. Who knows. I know so many people who have been diagnosed with PCOS. I kind of think it is one of those things that a) they don't fully understand and b) may or may not even be meaningful! Our grandmothers would never have had any idea if they had it! Glad to see it hasn't impacted you growing your family :)

So sorry about your loss, Dobby. I hope that you get to say goodbye in a beautiful way, that reflects how wanted and loved she was. ❤️

I'm sorry your test isn't what you wanted, Shae. :hugs: I'm going to give it to you straight: I think you should take a big step back from all the fertility tracking, early testing etc. It seems to just be a bit of a source of torture for you. To want something so bad, but not be able to have it is hard... And it seems like all your fertility knowledge is just making it harder for you. If you're pregnant, you're going to find out. The beta and everything has just created this huge rollercoaster. :sad2: I hope that your OH does propose and you can get excited about wedding planning. I'd love for you to get the baby you yearn for first, but if you have the right man- enjoy him and starting a life together, the baby will come. Basically, i would say stop the charting, and not test again unless your period doesn't show up. It just seems to be causing heartbreak, relationship issues etc for no gain. :hugs:you know so much about your body, and your fertility. That will come in handy when you guys do ttc, but I would really suggest a break until you're closer to that point. Start up again a few months before y'all want to try. :hugs:i know covid has messed a lot of things up: but go out, travel, be young until the time comes when you're both on board for a baby. i hope he proposes, and you will be a huge step closer to that point. :hugs:

Nothing too exciting going on here! LO could finally eat a little bit of food last night, which was a relief. Not so worried about the appendix any more. The whole thing is still weird and mysterious. Have never had or seen a tummy virus come on after a week. :shrug: Hoping he will be much improved today (still sleeping). My OH was a grump, so we didn't do anything special for NYE. He's mad that I said I don't want to fool around until after my scan. I am worried I'll get the stomach bug and not be able to go :dohh: I can be really logical and clever, and then I can be very panicky and worried. I'm the panicky and worried (and illogical) version of myself right now.

Did anyone actually do anything for New Year's? I've never had a good time trying to go out for it :rofl: OH and I did have a lovely one when we were dating. He had been to see his family for Christmas, and we hadn't seen each other for a couple of weeks- so we met up at a bnb to have a little trip away. We were chatting all night and didn't even realize that midnight had come and gone :cloud9: ahhh to be young and in love!

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