Dobby omg when I was pregnant with Erika. I had a hard time finding FRER at Walmart. I was unwilling to pay Walgreens cost for FRER lol
Oh man, I hate that those CB are giving those wonky lines. I thought the new ones were better as well.
Well i hope you get a resolution one way or the other with your talk with OA next weekend.
Is work going any better? Why is A about to get kicked out?1
Winter if you have multiple embryos available are you wanting to implant 2 or just want to try one?
I agree that it is worth trying because you may regret never trying. Glad the shots haven't given you issues. Lots of positive vibes for rainbow baby or babies.
AFM Returned to work this week, my dad returned home at the end of the week. Girls are good. S wanted E to sleep with her in her room. So we tried that last night and it went well. V and S had been sharing a room cause S doesn't want to be alone at night but they definitely butt heads so bedtime was hard. Hoping this works out. V is doing pretty well with school. They have a field trip next month and it happens to be a day I had already requested off
We bought a tractor! It's nicer than the one we considered back in June. It is a but more expensive but I made a good down payment and DH is going to pay the monthly payments.
No change in weight from last weekend but I am okay with that. Thinking of going clothes shopping for more fall/winter outfits in the near future.