Flueky, right?! Why is walgreens so expensive?! I’ve always defaulted to CVS because that’s where my parents’ shopped, but I assumed that Walgreens would be the same pricing. It’s basically the same inventory and they’re always like a block away from CVS. It’s nuts!
Oh nice! Are you going to be able to chaperone the field trip? Or could you go even if it’s not as an official chaperone? We had that for some trips where I’d have too many volunteers, so I’d tell parents if they found their own ride and paid for their own ticket then they could come lol. Obviously better if you can get there on the school’s transport/ dime though ehehe, FXed the new sleeping arrangements for the girls work long term. And yay new clothes! It’s still hot af here. Summer did not get the memo. Kudos on the new tractor!
A is hitting his peers. The school is now full day, so I’m less worried about it LOL. They’ll have a hard time kicking him out of gen ed. The Y staff was ok with him hitting his BT, the Y Staff, and even the older kids. It’s just that he had hit a fellow kinder, and that did not go over well. Obviously lol. But now it’s like all he does is eat his yogurt and go pee and by the time he’s done that, I’m there to pick him up.
Work is better in a way because we’re doing curriculum now, and I can prep that a week out. I rubbed my teammate the wrong way though because, frankly, I’m a more efficient teacher than her and I assess better. So that came up in our last meeting. Little bit awkward LOL.
Winter so interesting how methodologies change. I remember with my mom it’s was all let’s implant a bunch because most of them won’t take! But I guess tech really has come a long way. HAHA great minds, you wrote the same thing

. Sorry to hear LO isn’t loving school yet.

I agree, hopefully he’ll enjoy it more and time goes on. When do you get the results from the blood test? FXed you’re adjusting as hoped for with the injections.
Ty you all for being my place to vent. I had a sharp stabbing pain today followed by spotting. Then it went away as quickly as it came on. So I’m sure I’ll get a full flow tonight or tomorrow. There’s a part of me that’s disappointed, but it’s really better this way. I know I’ve seen a few posts on here of ladies getting wonky lines on CB then getting af, so I guess they’ve just decided to join the indent club with the rest of the brands haha. I’m exhausted emotionally and physically. Did a lot of weeding this weekend and still can’t shake this headache. My fantasy team lost by 2 points! I’m so mad. I wanted to play one rookie, but everything online said don’t play him! And then the guy I played instead tanked hard. UGH. I should have won. It was supposed to be an easy win