General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Will catch up drowned my sorrow in a canned mai tai and I’ve thrown up three times already and hugging my toilet like it’s my bff I haven’t seen in ages so idek but something is either wrong with me, I’m pregnant, or something isn’t ok with this Mai tai can
I think that years ago they were putting back lots of embryos and hoping one or two would stick. But I guess as the technology improved, they were having too many women with higher order multiples. I think they only consider putting two back if you've had at least one unsuccessful transfer. I go in tomorrow for a blood test, and then get new instructions. Everyone starts out on a typical dosage of the medications, and then they tweak it for you once they see how you react. Not sure when the next scan is.

Glad that V is mostly liking school! And who likes to get up early, anyway?! ;) I think he will settle in over time, it's just sad to know that he isn't comfortable.

Hope that you're feeling better today, Dobby. Take the next few days to really think about what you want to say to OA, and what your feelings really are. I hope everything this week goes how you want it to. :flower:
Sorry been miserable and puking all day. I had some gardening to do last night and had a couple cans of pre made cocktail. I was hammered and horribly hungover all day, which didn’t match how much I had to drink. I know when I’m pregnant, this has always happened 1-2 days before my bfps. So tested again. Indents. Indents. But now it’s like idk maybe they’re not indents? Idk. My head hurts. If I missed anything will catch up later. 1st is 15m and 2nd was like 5m. I threw the other tests away partially not to torture myself and partially because my mom came over :rofl: I can’t tell if it’s pink or not my head is still splitting. One minute I swear it’s pink then I swear it’s grey then I swear it’s colorless :rofl:

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I’m either not pregnant or it’s not viable. These vvvfl that aren’t lines are killing me. The twofer is last night above this morning’s

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I definitely see a line on the test that is on top of the two. I just think it is too early to tell anything definitively.
Flueky, right?! Why is walgreens so expensive?! I’ve always defaulted to CVS because that’s where my parents’ shopped, but I assumed that Walgreens would be the same pricing. It’s basically the same inventory and they’re always like a block away from CVS. It’s nuts!

Oh nice! Are you going to be able to chaperone the field trip? Or could you go even if it’s not as an official chaperone? We had that for some trips where I’d have too many volunteers, so I’d tell parents if they found their own ride and paid for their own ticket then they could come lol. Obviously better if you can get there on the school’s transport/ dime though ehehe, FXed the new sleeping arrangements for the girls work long term. And yay new clothes! It’s still hot af here. Summer did not get the memo. Kudos on the new tractor!

A is hitting his peers. The school is now full day, so I’m less worried about it LOL. They’ll have a hard time kicking him out of gen ed. The Y staff was ok with him hitting his BT, the Y Staff, and even the older kids. It’s just that he had hit a fellow kinder, and that did not go over well. Obviously lol. But now it’s like all he does is eat his yogurt and go pee and by the time he’s done that, I’m there to pick him up.

Work is better in a way because we’re doing curriculum now, and I can prep that a week out. I rubbed my teammate the wrong way though because, frankly, I’m a more efficient teacher than her and I assess better. So that came up in our last meeting. Little bit awkward LOL.

Winter so interesting how methodologies change. I remember with my mom it’s was all let’s implant a bunch because most of them won’t take! But I guess tech really has come a long way. HAHA great minds, you wrote the same thing <3. Sorry to hear LO isn’t loving school yet. :( I agree, hopefully he’ll enjoy it more and time goes on. When do you get the results from the blood test? FXed you’re adjusting as hoped for with the injections.

Ty you all for being my place to vent. I had a sharp stabbing pain today followed by spotting. Then it went away as quickly as it came on. So I’m sure I’ll get a full flow tonight or tomorrow. There’s a part of me that’s disappointed, but it’s really better this way. I know I’ve seen a few posts on here of ladies getting wonky lines on CB then getting af, so I guess they’ve just decided to join the indent club with the rest of the brands haha. I’m exhausted emotionally and physically. Did a lot of weeding this weekend and still can’t shake this headache. My fantasy team lost by 2 points! I’m so mad. I wanted to play one rookie, but everything online said don’t play him! And then the guy I played instead tanked hard. UGH. I should have won. It was supposed to be an easy win :rofl:
Dobby sorry that he's having a tough time in school. Oh man I bet that was awkward having it pointed out in a meeting.

I *think* our local CVS and Walgreens have the same prices. It's been awhile since I've bought hpts. But definitely crazy how much more. Also, at least at Walmart I could do self checkout and be judgement free or avoid any good luck comments LOL.

It's understandable to have mixed feelings about not being pregnant. I am starting to lose that slight envy with pregnancy announcements and more happy It's not me starting all over again. I guess coming more to terms with my new chapter in life.

As for the field trip, we are supposed to get more details later. I would rather just be there with V. However, I'd agree to chaperone.

Winter I'm sure it is hard knowing he is uncomfortable :hugs:
Im sorry about the hitting, Dobby. Difficult for all involved :( I hope that his teachers are able to manage it, and guide things the right way. And I totally get being conflicted about the potential of a BFP. I hope that you get to have another baby when the time is "right". Have you thought about what you want to say to OA when y'all talk? Do you think you know what he's thinking?

I hope that lots of parents go on the field trip, flueky, so you can just enjoy it with V. After lots of years around babies and pregnancy, im sure that it is weird to be transitioning out of that phase. I keep telling myself that even if I had like 10 kids, eventually there would've been a last baby. A friend's Dad also told me years ago how exciting it is when your kids are tweens and get into things (books, hobbies, sports etc). And as much as I'm not quite ready, that phase will be fun, too. :)

I feel bloated/heavy tonight. The blood tests results are same day, and I got my new instructions. I will get a scan on Wednesday and learn more then. Hoping all is going ok, as this is the one and only try at this. Amazing how things change with the tech, Dobby! So glad that your Mom had success, and at a time when it wasn't as finessed :) I really, really hope it all works out for me, too. It has taken a lot to reach this point. I think OH just doesn't get how I feel, and it's very frustrating.
Dobs sorry I missed all this craziness. It would be reasonable to say it could be a non viable pregnancy with all this vomiting, and those latest tests having faint lines, no squinting. Let us know if AF shows up.

We’ve had a pretty bad last few days here. SO’s childhood dog was put down on Sunday (it was planned, he was old and sick, it was at home so he was at peace). The same day his grandmother ended up in the ICU and transferred to a big Boston hospital. Last night I left work early so I could drive to Boston to the hospital she was at so I could be there for SO when they took her off life support. She went from feeling fine to dead in 4 days. Turns out she got a scratch from a lobster claw while carrying a bag of them (something she does regularly) and it got infected. She didn’t notice the cut was infected for like 2-3 weeks. She went septic and all her organs failed. It’s the most ridiculous thing ever. She was only 75 and had been talking about picking out a dress to wear to our wedding. Her sister said she really thought she would pull through to see us get married next year. But the infection just caused everything to fail so fast. We never would have expected something like this to happen. His grandfather has mild dementia, his grandmother took care of everything, and I have no idea how he’s going to manage without her. He’s a mess, the poor thing. Watching him say goodbye to her was heartbreaking. So yeah, everyone is kinda reeling right now. I can’t believe we’re never going to see her again. SO is so upset that she won’t be at the wedding. We’re saving her a seat, I just ordered a sign for her in remembrance for her chair.
Oh, shae- I'm so sorry. That's awful. So unexpected on top of everything else :( I hope everyone is doing ok, all things considered.
Winter hope you get good news with your scan today!

Shae I'm sorry for you the loss. I think that is a wonderful idea with saving her a seat. Prayers for comfort for you all.
Dobby I agree with shae on multiple points, the opinion on OA as well as the test potentially being early NV. It didn’t matter though, line or not, it stirs up the same emotions and I’m sorry you are going through it. We’re always cheering for that second line just a little bit, aren’t we? Even if it’s a terrible idea. #guilty

goodness shae, I am so deeply sorry! My heart is heavy for you and SO and the family. I feel terribly for your grandfather. I’m not sure there’s much worse in life than losing a spouse. What an unexpected way to go out, too. Makes me worry for my Mom’s who has just hit her 70’s.

winter good luck with everything! If all goes well when is the transfer and when will you start testing?
Thank you, ladies! My scan seemed to go well for the most part. I had fewer follicles than I expected, but at the same time, they have me on low doses to go for quality over quantity and avoid the worst risks. So, just trusting all is being handled as it should be... Now just continuing to stimulate, and started a new injection to prevent ovulation. I messed up one injection tonight, so have to look at reordering. :(

I will do a transfer in October or November, depending on how fast the genetic test results come back/what my cycle does post-retrieval. Just a few more days to go, and have been fairly cool, calm and collected thus far (to my surprise). Just starting to worry that something is going to go wrong. So much money, time, heartache etc.
Shae I am so sorry for the losses. Individually, those are devastating. I hope that everyone is doing alright under the circumstances and has time to grieve and heal. That’s very sweet of you to do a special remembering for her at the wedding.

winter sorry about the botched injection but FXed that the follicles are definitely quality over quantity. I have a lot of faith in this science. So I’m hoping it all is worth it in the end. Oct/Nov is a lovely time to transfer.

Sorry work is a lot this week and then my dog ate cat poop and has been up all night for several nights with the rubs ffs.

I did end up getting my period. I felt very pregnant until I woke up either Sat or Sun. I haven’t felt it since then. I did have nausea this morning but I’m guessing the bloat was just poor diet, the backache from cosleeping or sleeping on A’s soft mattress, the headache and nausea from stress, and the sex drive from watching too many shows with sex.

OA cancelled this weekend. I didn’t ask why. I know he’ll tell me later. I’ll get into my thoughts when I’m not tired.
Thank you for the pep talk, Dobby! Other than being pregnant when it is hot, I'd love a summer baby :) I'm feeling a lot of new side effects from the botched injection (it's new to my regimen), so I'm choosing to believe that means that it worked well enough. [-o&lt; I really can't believe that they let us administer these medications ourselves ;)

Sorry about AF, Dobby. I know you said it would be for the best not to be pg, but i get the mixed feelings feeling :hugs:do you mind that OA cancelled? You made me lol with "the sex drive from watching too many shows with sex." What have you been watching?! ;) I wasn't expecting it, but I have so many fertile signs. My body is like "yes! Make 10 babies at once, this is a great idea!" :dohh:
I did my next round of the problematic injection, and it went better. Though I feel now I'm going to be a bit nervous until the retrieval is all done... And on that note: I have a million dollar business idea for you, Flueky/Shae- as nurses, you go to people's homes and do their injectable medications for them. Being medically trained, it would be so easy for you, and I'm sure people (like me!) would pay so they don't have to stress about doing it right themselves! Or set up a clinic where they get their meds delivered to you, and then drive in in the evening and you just administer them. I really shouldn't have been trusted to do this to myself!!
Winter home IV therapy nurses are already a thing, but yeah not home injections as far as I know. I’m pretty sure stuff like the birth control shot gets done in a clinic, but daily injections they send you home with the supplies. I see people doing their own injections at home all the time. It’s easier if it’s just an insulin needle because it’s a small subcutaneous needle, but having to do an intramuscular injection on yourself sounds terrible. I would have such a hard time stabbing myself with a 1-1.5 inch needle. That’s a lot of needle. It’s easy to do it on other people because you aren’t feeling it, the needle goes in easy, you aren’t fighting any instinct to avoid pain. Are they having you do it in your thigh muscle or gluteal muscle? I imagine it would be very hard to do your own gluteal muscle injection unless you’re quite flexible.
Unrelated, my wedding dress came in! I think I’m going to not do the opaque liner so all the bodice details are still visible, because you can’t really see them with the liner. I had a liner in for the original trying on back in May but these pics I don’t have one in, just the sparkle tulle layer I ordered to be put in. I was worried about it being risqué but my mom said it looks totally fine, and she’d tell me if it looked inappropriate. I also got clip in extensions so I can have a half up half down style without looking bald at the wedding because I have such fine hair, and I wore it to try on the dress when I picked it up. I tried a million samples of hair and nothing matched, so I ended up buying a set that was like 1-2 shades too light and toning it to match my hair. It worked perfectly!
Train properly laid out
ignore the smooshed train lol
Someone is going to need to remind my to take the hairtie off my wrist on my wedding day :haha:
You look stunning, Shae! There won't be a dry eye in the house!!! ❤️ That dress is also perfect for beautiful wedding photos

All the injections so far have been sub cutaneous. Though I think I accidentally used a huge needle when I could've used a little one for one of the injections :shock: It isn't that complicated, but is super nerve wracking. I would LOVE to pay someone to do them for me!! I will have to do the trigger shot into my butt muscle. Not looking forward to that, but will be so happy to have reached that point that I think it will be fine when the time comes.

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