UK mom ditto we don’t have anyone in the thread with teens that are ttc. Sorry! Good to have you though! Hoping you find camaraderie soon!
Fluek for sure. Usually they do announcements at BTSN. But also I will not judge if you don’t join haha. I’ve just joined every year as a teacher and give all my professional info, cut the $15 check, and never speak of it again.

And frankly I just do it to save face

Hoping your surgery went well and the recovery even better!
Gigs don’t forget to update! How did the school space turn out? have you officially started kinder? DS2 is def gonna rock it! He’s got the best teacher
Winter lol it’s all good. Our salaries are inflated af so end of day it evens out. I’ve seen teachers on tv from other states say their salaries, and I’m like WHAT! It’s all relative. Like I make 107, granted I’m on my 11th year and I have a MS so I get paid the highest salary per year plus a stipend. But I hear we’re getting a retro raise of about 6% for this school year. It’s just not signed yet. And gas is finally down to like 5.40

I hope all goes well with he ivf! Time really has gone by. Gosh, on my end it feels like we were just talking about it and now it’s here. So excited for you!
AFM not much. A has his semi private sped swim lessons every saturday locked in now, and it’s only $300/month! It’s technically a private lesson but it’s like 4 private lessons run at the same time, all SPED and frankly he’s the most mild of the group. But since he can do the lesson with the other kids in other lanes and stay in his lane, I’m paying the semi private rate vs private rate. School is going well but he’s struggling at his after school, but the district said they are looking to find a BT to go with him since the after care is on campus so they can fudge it to be covered by the public school vs me going through my insurance! Woot! My friend is coming over in two hours to Marie Kondo my new place lol. A loves it. It has enough familiar things and new things he loves (insane INSANE magical bridges playground nearby, like I’ve seen them before but this one is on steroids) and he loves having the backyard. He loves school. He loves being closer to grandma and grandpa. My mom is in Thailand, and I knew how much I relied on hr but not to this degree. I’m struggling without her here. Contractor has been hard to get to come by. I’m thankful to be moved in, but I’d love that backyard to be done so I can order furniture and work outside while A plays. Called the cops on my neighbor last night as a mandated reporter: they were beating on their SPED kid at 2am. I get it, and I’ll be the first to say like I understand firsthand why SPED kids are more prone to abuse because sometimes, honestly, I want to hit A. But I have enough professional training, therapy, supports, and patience/mindfulness to stop myself. But yeah as soon as I heard the first slap, I was over it and called 911. Things are stressful but good. My teammate at work is incredible. She’s saved my a** repeatedly. I’d be screwed with anybody else.
As for OA. I finally put my foot down. He’s traveling for a month and a half. Basically, I said wtf is going on with us. He said the same thing like do you honestly think you can date someone with my schedule? I’ve never met anyone who could. And we left it at when he gets back, we’ll go to dinner and have a long conversation about what we both want and what we both expect. Then we’ll make a decision about whether or not we’re dating and moving forward or we’re done. I can’t keep sleeping with him though, and idk what his decision is. It’s not about whether he wants to date. I have questions and things I need to see, and I want to make that choice on my own. Like even if we did decide to date, I cannot commit to having his child at this point. I know he said he wants at least 2 more, but honestly if this is his level of support and I have A and then his/who would be our daughter… you want to leave me alone 99% of the time with 3-4 kids? Hard. Pass. I'd rather stay single and just keep pouring all my energy into A.