General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I hope everyone is feeling better at your house, Flueky! My son has strep throat :-( I've never had it myself! But he suddenly had a 102 fever yesterday with no other symptoms. Woke up in the night saying his throat hurt and had stomach issues. (That was fun!) Went to Urgent Care today and he tested positive for strep. Does it go around this time of year?! FX the antibiotics work for him! Have your girls been continually sick, or just cycling through different things? Either way- I feel for you, and hope everyone is fit and healthy for a while!

Twice a week for the dishwasher sounds like a dream! There's a cascade ad where they insist you should run it every day even if it's a small load. Not as if they have any ulterior motives, there... :-k

Do you mean to spoke at a school board meeting? Good for you! What did you say?

Do you think you're definitely done with babies now, Pretty? This is 100% the end for us, and I feel surprisingly good with that. I'd always wanted a bigger family, but I can't do this again. Quite content with this one being the end of this chapter of my life :)

I hope your OH can get on top of the A1C. There's a medication ad here that instantly came to mind "A1C down with Rybelsus!". It sucks getting older and finding things at we've been chugging along with are actually causing real issues. FX the sleep study comes back with good results, too.

AFM- just dealing with the strep throat issue, and waiting it out for my scan. Turns out it is on Thursday- not sure how it totally escaped me that this is Easter week. Glad they called to confirm the appt :shock: OH won't come with as he's watching LO/working from home. Kind of good to go alone as I get less nervous/just have to suck it up. But obviously super crappy to be alone if there's an issue like last time. I feel deep down that she's healthy. But :shrug:
Oh no! I'm so sorry about DS. :( Hopefully everyone got some rest after the UC visit and FXed last night was the worst of it. Thank goodness for the call to confirm! I'm glad it works out that you prefer to go alone and he'll be home. It's so hard not to worry, even with all of the selection and testing. Hopefully she cooperates and they get all their measurements and everything looks fantastic.

Yes, went to speak at the board meeting since it's two weeks and still no report card. I basically said my experience as a parent in the district does not reflect the experience I had as a kid and what I wanted for my own child. Said I couldn't begin to tell them what the district has put my family through, but I wanted to speak on the report card issue. Explained why report cards are important and what education means to my family (coming from slaves and SE Asian immigrants). That report cards are kept in my family and report card day is celebrated and a huge deal. But my son did not get a report card. When I pressed, I got one that said "insufficient data for grades" yet my son was in the class for two months, I have a daily behavior/academic log, and we just had his annual IEP where he was assessed on all his academics. When I hold the IEP notes side by side to the standards breakdown from his teacher, the team has the data. I asked them to look into this issue but also to look into how the SpEd department is treating families with children with special needs in general. And reminded them that as hurt and confused as I am as a parent, the most important thing is that my 5 year old is hurt and confused. A lot of the stuff is confidential and can't be discussed, and I can't disparage the district. So I have to watch my words very carefully esp on something that is recorded and public broadcast lol.
Winter - Ya, I know that commercial. lol. He's due to get some blood work done any day now, so we'll see if his meds are working.
So true about aging. I've been waking up every morning with back pain, but that's more than likely a weight thing. I remember having the same issue a few years ago when I was heavier. Once I lost some weight, it went away. Hopefully it'll be a simple fix again.
As for more babies, we're technically done. Like, it would be better if we didn't have more financially and based on the size of our house, etc. I'm also kinda looking forward to getting rid of all our baby stuff and clearing up space, but I also love babies and could probably make it work if we had one more. SO finally got his junk issue pretty much resolved, so we only just got back to DTD. I've only had 2 pp AFs and the 3rd is noticeably late. I've taken 4 tests in the last few weeks, but they've all been negative. Mind you, 2 of them were expired ICs. lol. I was just at Walmart tonight and they had a sale on FRER, so I picked up 4. Gonna treat myself by taking one on Saturday; my BDay.
Sorry to hear about DS's strep. That's the worst. I can deal with fever and aches and a stuffed nose, but as soon as my throat hurts, I'm done. -.-
FX everything goes well with your scan.

Dobby - Good for you. Sounds like you were prepared enough for the meeting. Hopefully you'll finally get A's report card soon. FX.

Re: Dishwasher. We probably run ours 5-7 times a week. lol
WTH PRETTY!!! :rofl: you’re just casually holding out on us that your period is late?!?! That’s exactly the kind of BNB drama I live for!!!!

Oh yeah dishwasher the Californian in me can’t do that. Drought life lol. You don’t run the dishwasher or washing machine unless it’s full. Full stop. :rofl: You use the same cup all day. Only plates and utensils are single use. I barely cook and when I do, it’s usually single pan or if it’s baked I’ll use foil. The only reason I even run it twice a week is I have to wash my blender bottles (I only had 3 just bought two more) and A goes through plates galore.

Lol I decided last minute to go. I looked a hot mess. Was a hot mess. But persuasive (specifically focusing on emotional appeals) speaking and public speaking impromptu have always been my strengths. Luckily some kids (from his school) were presenting so bought me time to figure out where I wanted to go with it.
Yep, getting old sucks! And weight definitely plays a role :shock: I had diastasis after birth, and my belly button would get sore sometimes because something just was not right. When I started going on the elliptical regularly, that all went away. I assume that motion just slowly pulled it all back into place. Wondering what will happen this time around?! And if it happens again, I really hope the elliptical would fix it again!

A possible pregnancy... This is very exciting!!! Hope you get whichever outcome you're going for. :)

Your speech sounds amazing, Dobby! If you got 50% of what you wrote across, I bet it was great. Plus, withholding a 5yo's report card is simply ridiculous. Good for you for going, and for speaking up! Did the board react at all? Or they just listen and then seemingly debate later behind closed doors?

Yeah, strep is really unpleasant. :x I didn't realize that it could involve GI issues, too. I won't gross you out with the details, but that was grim at 4am. Also amazing how quickly antibiotics kick in! He's three doses in now, and acting his normal self. Yesterday morning he was just laying on the floor. Things seem so awful sometimes with the general state of the world... But really, we're incredibly lucky with a lot of what we have today!
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Dobby - Well, everytime we've done it, he's worn a condom. And I figure my cycles trying to figure itself out since I'm 10m pp, but still sorta producing milk. When there's news, I'll share it. lol
Hopefully the board will view your "hot mess" and being a mother who's at her wits end with the incompetence of the situation.

Winter - Ya, I have diastasis too. Hoping weight loss will make it better.
Glad DS is already feeling much better. Always so hard when they're sick and you wish you could go through it for them, but you can't.
ok sorry I'm totally going to forget stuff!!
A bit exhausted over here; my SIL called me in a slight panic last week and asked if I could watch her kids; I agreed, what am I going to say, no?? My MIL is out of town. SIL said she tried around to other people and some church members, but wasn't hearing back so she asked me....feel a little butt hurt that I was a last resort! Maybe because she knew it'd be a handfull. 6 kids, 5 under 5, and one of those is a baby! I'll be honest, I was anxious about it but all and all it was much better than I was anticipating. Back no not being sure about a baby; they just require sooooooo much attention, and I'm not sure it's fair to my current kids. I told hubby I still feel like I have for years; if I could skip infants and have a toddler, I'd be all in!

Other than that still dealing with covid. The strangest symptom I have now is a perpetual sweet taste in my mouth and it's driving me mad. I've heard of the "metal mouth" but this is definitely more a sweet taste; the closest thing it makes me think of is artificial orange flavor. I got a little freaked reading the internet about it, but it is almost certainly covid related as it started when I was still sick and when I still couldn't smell anything. I can now faintly smell things but not nearly as much as I could. Otherwise still coughing up junk (sputum!) but recovered otherwise (no more fatigue, muscle weakness/soreness, fever, etc.). But man, I sure will be happy when this taste goes away! If it's not gone in month or two (I've read the strange taste can last 60 days) I might seek medical advice. In the meantime, just keeping my eyes on any new symptoms that might indicate something else....but, covid's a weird one y'all.

On the plus side, everyone else is totally fine. I'm the only one with weird lingering issues....actually I take that back, hubby is still coughing here and there too.

PRETTY, did you change your name???? Or did I just read it as "pretty in pink" all this time? Anyway nice to see you and welcome back! What a beautiful family and holy moly, your little lady is HUGE NOW!! 10 months?!!! That's wild! I was going to ask about #4 but just read your above comment. Do you think there's a scenario where you'd want one more? I feel ya though, it's nice having everything cleared out. Even just the pack & play in here yesterday for my niece was, right, babies come with big equipment lol.

Winter that is so scary about the guy breaking into cars! wtf?!! Is it typically a safe area? We are seeing more crime in our local city too. Hopefully this isn't an ongoing trend. OK somehow I missed your comment about shell sinks! That's too funny. Hey at least they're functional with the soap dish! It reminds me of our weird ceilings; they are textured and the texture looks like pot leaves all over the ceiling. It's the strangest thing. Like who mad that design choice?? We don't even notice it anymore but it was the very first thing I noticed when we walked in to view the house the first time. Oh no not strep!!! I was so prone to it as a kid, how miserable! I hope he's on the mend now <3 lots of popsicles! I hope your scan goes well as I'm sure it will.

OH THE DISHWASHER COMMERCIAL ----- read the fine print!! It says it saves water compared to hand washing dishes :rofl: it's the worst! I run mine only if full, but I hand wash all the big things anyway.

Shae I hope you had a fun party!! I know we can't have pictures but I want one of at least your outfit!

Fluek oh nooooooooo not more sickness going around! I swear it just never feels like it stops sometimes! I hope all are on the mend by the time you read this. Aww you're sweet to remember new mom friend; yes we've actually hung out a lot! ds1 just had his 11th birthday and mom friend + whole family came. They hung out after everyone else left and it was great. The kids get along, we get along, and the husbands also get along! It's a unicorn family!!! We actually have a double date planned in a couple of weeks -- playing disc golf!!! It's the relationship I've wanted my whole married life, lol!!! They are still kicking around the idea of moving though, which would be unsurprising to me really....but more likely they're going to build a house here on property they already own, but then travel a lot. So we'll see. For now it's lovely!

Dobs good on your for getting all mama bear at the meeting. Someone had to speak up! Maybe you're also being a voice for parents who don't know how to voice their concerns. I hope it has a favorable result. hmmmm OA meet up you say? I hope it's fun! ;)
Gigs - Hey! Ya, I've always been Pretty In INK. Just a play on words since I have a bunch of tattoos and I'm not too ugly. lol
I mean, I think I'll always want one more. Like I said, I love babies and just being a mom. That being said, I'm already imaging the day that they're all sitting around the dinner table, feeding themselves, and the only diapers in the house are for Zoey at night. Just trying to enjoy all these last firsts right now though.
Sorry to hear about your Covid and lingering symptoms. But at least you're getting better.
Yay for mom friends. I wish I had more. Or at least ones who live closer. SO has a coworker that has 3 kids as well (2 girls and a boy) and the kids are so close in age. It's perfect, but they live 45 mins away. C'est la vie. At least we have guaranteed play dates cuz of all those kids' BDays. lol
Dobs go you for speaking to the school board. It takes guts, but hell hath no fury like the mother of a child being screwed over by grown ass adults.

Flueks sorry the girls have been sick. I had a pt with adenovirus like 10 days ago so it’s going around, at least in New England.

Pretty I can’t believe Zoey is 10 months already! So crazy.

Winter sorry about the strep. Praying your appt tomorrow goes perfectly!

Gigs that’s so odd about the sweet taste. I definitely don’t have that. I am also still coughing up junk and most of it is coming from my nose. I actually coughed so hard I vomited last night. That was unpleasant (but more because I had food stuck on my tonsil and I tried to fish it out and caused a coughing retching fit). As for photos, I actually don’t have any, someone else took them and hasn’t sent them to me yet. I was wearing the same dress as in my engagement photos though, nothing new.

AFM I run the dishwasher like 4-5 times a week lol.
Hectic days will catch up this weekend

gigs and Shae sorry you’ve got lingering Covid symptoms :( hope you all feel 100% soon

pretty I did the same thing as gigs lol. And ok fair but still keep us posted! Any plans for your bday aside from hpt?

winter hope the scan goes well today!

yes OA shenanigans is tonight. Feeling a little annoyed about it. He said Sunday. I said Sunday was Easter, gave him two days to back out, made arrangements with my mom. Then over the weekend (like a week later) he says his family is in town (as I suspected because they typically fly down here to spend Easter with their only granddaughter/child). Asked to move it to after 5 on Thursday. Wasn’t thrilled about it being a school night but my mom picks up A on Thursday’s anyway. She said fine. Then two days ago he asks how long he has me. He knows A usually goes to bed at 7. I told him we’re sleeping at my mom’s, so we didn’t have to rush. Next thing I know it’s not 5 it’s 8. So I was like no going out to dinner? He said no. I was like hard no or negotiable no because that’s disappointing and we went over this already during boundary setting. He said he would have taken me if his family wasn’t already here. When I told him I was free all night, he told his family he’d go to dinner with them. Whatever. Just blah about it. I did tell him last weekend when he said reschedule for family I was butthurt because even though I know, asked for, and consented to this type of relationship it’s like… we’ve been d*ing around for 15 months. I wanted to meet his family before he dropped me like a hot potato. So long story short I’m hella salty.
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So, not a good day over here. They did an early anatomy scan today at my appointment and looks like baby has a major heart defect. Won't have a proper diagnosis for a few weeks, but essentially she has two upper chambers of the heart, and one big one on the botton where there should be two. Just heartbroken.
Oh, Winter. I'm so sorry to hear that. Did they give you any other info? Like best and worst case scenarios?
They thought there was a problem with my 12 week NT scan (neck measurement looked high), but that had resolved a week later, so everyone thought it was just a bad scan or irrelevant as it resolved so fast. Seems now that it really was there, and it really was showing an issue. Worst case is something that is untreatable, best case is that it is less serious than it seems right now. The suspicion is that it is Hyperplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and she'd need three surgeries in her first four years. We can handle surgery, just so long as she would have a full and happy life. This has been an unfun roller coaster... I was also naive about IVF solving all issues. :cry:
Winter - Keeping everything crossed that it's very treatable or resolves itself before birth. So sorry that you have to be dealing with this right now. *hugs*

Dobby - Shenanigans indeed. Jesus. That's annoying.

Re: BDay/weekend plans. Taking the boys to see the Super Mario movie. They dunno yet. Zoey's gonna stay with my mom, so we can actually enjoy it. Going to an egg hunt at a local rec centre on Saturday. Then having some friend and their kids over for a little shindig in the afternoon. Despite it being Easter Sunday, the boys apparently still have soccer class. After that, going to a Chinese buffet for a late lunch. Gonna catch our breath on Monday, hopefully. lol

Also, just heard back about SO's sleep study. They need 300 mins of sleep for a successful study. In that span, SO went without oxygen for 44% of it. At one point, he stopped breathing 120 separate times in ONE hour. The Dr used the word "severe". He's being prescribed a CPAP machine "urgently", so ya. Hopefully he'll finally get a proper night's sleep now.
Just popping on quick to say, Winter I'm sorry you are dealing with baby girl having a heart issue. I hope that it will be less severe. When will you find out more from your Dr? Prayers for you and baby girl.
Winter hugs I’m so sorry about the news. I’ll be praying that it’s on the much less severe side. Sending all my hugs, love, and positive vibes.
Oh winter, I’m sending you so much love. I think I mentioned my daughter had two open heart surgeries. Please message me if you ever want to chat. It was a tough road but her heart is corrected now and she has no limitations. She was born with interrupted aortic arch and a large VSD/ASD. I follow a lot of fellow moms in the heart community and @cortneygiven on Instagram has a little girl who had HSLS and her daughter is amazing! She’s a great follow for encouragement. Praying for you and your girl.
Ok, ladies, I dunno. Evap or super faint positive? I've taken this damn thing apart. lol
There's also a perfectly straight "scratch" on the shiny plastic that's messing with me. There's definitely something when I invert the colours. 20230408_075134.jpg 20230408_075028.jpg 20230408_075047.jpg 20230408_075039.jpg
Thank all so much for the support. :hugs:i really wasn't expecting bad news, so am still just mostly shocked. There's also not enough info now, so we need to wait for further scans to actually know what we're dealing with.

Thank you for the offer of messaging, Future Mrs. I may well take you up on that in the weeks ahead. Amazing that your little girl is thriving now- that gives me a lot of hope. ❤️

I can see the line, Pretty. But I'm not great at interpreting them! Dobby also had an awful indent recently- I was convinced that was positive. Hard to say on the line alone, but with the condom use I'd be more confident it isn't a true positive. :shrug:
Winter hugs hugs.

Pretty I see what you mean but you know how I feel about frers being opened and frers lately. I’ve gotten pregnant using a condom properly and a condom breaking, so I’m definitely the “you know they’re only 97% effective” scene from Friends kind of person :rofl: but given the crack and the downhill of frer I’m gonna go with bad test but please retest cuz I’ve also seen bad tests end up being bfps lol. So long story short I’m not helpful

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