Winter I forgot to say, SO is not sick (yet). He’s not even trying to avoid me because you’re contagious before symptoms show up, and obviously we sleep together lol, so knowing I have COVID he is continuing to kiss and cuddle me like usual. I hope he doesn’t get it bad. My bridal shower is Sunday (can’t remember if I mentioned that) and it’ll be exactly the 5 days the CDC recommends to isolate so if my symptoms are getting better I’m still going to go, but if he gets symptomatic in a few days, he really shouldn’t.
Oo I missed Iris, I like that as well. Eve and Vera are also growing on me.
Where are you from? Are you from an area that doesn’t get much snow? We’ve had a good number of storms giving us 6-12 inches this winter. The snow is pretty melted now (but I guarantee it’s not the end of snow, it likes to snow in April to be mean) but if those pics were taken just 2 weeks ago it makes sense.
Re: house poor, I definitely agree. We want to keep our monthly payments as low as possible while still having a solid safe house that will serve us well. Once I have a baby I do worry about how we’ll pay for the rent or mortgage without my income, so it would be incredibly dumb for us to get a house with a mortgage that’s higher than our current rent, especially since our roommate pays 1/3 of it.
Dobs SO is not a planner, he likes to do everything on the fly, but with major things like this he does recognize that it shouldn’t be done on the fly. Lol that you thought it was an HPT. Honestly timing wise I kinda would rather it be COVID than an HPT, I don’t want to be puking at my wedding or on my honeymoon.
Lol I figure the Bay Area doesn’t get much in terms of snow

this is New England, snow is just a normal part of life. We won’t cancel school for an inch or two, only when the prediction is like 6 inches or more. Sometimes they’ll just do a delay if it’ll snow overnight but stop early morning so they can plow and then send the kids to school 2 hours late. They’ve also done early release for afternoon storms.
I’d love two bathrooms. When I searched the options were very slim, really nothing in our price range with two

I figure we can always do an addition or upgrade to a more expensive house in the future, but I do want whatever we pick to be something we wouldn’t be devastated to stay in forever.
It’s so funny that A is reacting the same way you did. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, huh?