General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Quick post cuz busy on honeymoon!

The wedding was wonderful, it went smoothly and we had so much fun! I only wish it was longer, it went by in a flash! I don’t have the photos from the photographer back yet but we forgot to tell people to put away their phones and honestly I’m happy about it because we have some photos already from family! Funny thing is after the ceremony I realized my veil was a true white (dress was a light ivory) and in natural light it literally looked blue so I’ve had to edit the photos outside that I got from family so it doesn’t look neon blue :rofl: inside it just looked like white against ivory, not blue, so I didn’t notice beforehand. Oh well, it’s a funny story, and it still looked lovely. SO absolutely loved my dress. We were too tired and drunk to fully consummate that night hahahaha so we did so the next morning. It also rained a tiny bit when I was on the way to the ceremony and then stopped by the time we got there, and no rain during the ceremony itself, so we got the good luck without losing our outdoor ceremony!
Okay, here’s some photos!

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Shae I’m so glad it didn’t rain during the ceremony! Sounds like you had an amazing time. The pictures are stunning. I’m glad you got some from family and hopefully the photographer gets those to you on the sooner end of things. Enjoy Italy!

Gigs oh catch all corner sounds so much nicer than “my messy corner” which is what I call mine lol

Re RS we talk here and there but he’s starting to annoy me. He’s like I need space still. I’m not in the headspace to move forward. All fair but it’s been over a week. And like he wants to text and talk and laugh and share but then the second I say I want answers he clams up. It is the most annoying situationship because at least the other guys are upfront about it. He’s just focusing on what could go wrong versus actually dating to find out if we’re compatible. He goes to Italy for like two weeks soon. He’ll be there on or near his birthday, which I think he said is 7/2. And like idk if we matched 4/11 and by our July birthdays we’re not doing a meal or small gifts then that seems dumb to me.

OA and Old Dude are still lurking around and I might pity party myself into sleeping with one or both of them lol
I wrote a long post and BnB refreshed when I exited safari for 2 minutes to take some pictures so that’s great lmao. This rewrite is actually way longer than the original, oops.

Dobs sorry things aren’t going well with RS. Dating as an adult sounds incredibly annoying. It’s like the dating pool is just all the men who aren’t mentally stable enough for a long term relationship, the ones who are have already committed. I’m sure there are a few who just had bad luck and are able to commit, but they’re probably unicorns :(

AFM DH’s dad sent us some awesome photos from the wedding:
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It went by so fast, I wish we could do it again so I could experience it more.

I had a not so lovely surprise today at lunch when my body decided to start another period at CD11. I went to the bathroom and suddenly had red blood and big clots coming out of me. I wonder if the 8 hour plane ride across the world and the 3 hours of sleep on the plane made my body decide it needed to reset and try again from the beginning. My hormone levels support that hypothesis, as they’re way lower than my normal around this time. Last cycle my CD10 estrogen was 153 and my progesterone was 2.8, today my estrogen was 63 and my progesterone was 0.7. That’s start of period kind of levels. Not sure if I’ll even be fertile during the honeymoon at this point. However DH does not seem willing to make a honeymoon baby so it probably wouldn’t happen anyway. I’m just praying that God decides to make me ovulate in a lucky way that causes an oopsie honeymoon baby lol. We’ll see. Not the end of the world if it doesn’t happen.

Regarding the trip so far, we just completed our 2 nights in Naples, which I would describe as the Detroit of Italy, it’s honestly sketchy as hell, the streets have literal shit on them, and traffic is pure chaos, we saw a total of 3 traffic lights the entire time. Our taxi drivers were literally driving manual through chaos while texting and we didn’t get in an accident, which is crazy, but almost every car had dents in it from the number of accidents that happen, it’s just every man for himself on the road. Pedestrians just have to find a tiny gap and make a run for it, and motorcyclists go crazy speeds, I’m surprised we didn’t get run over by one. Despite this, we had a great time on our tours. The culture was also very full of idolatry, there’s a soccer player from like 50 years ago that they’re obsessed with, his face is all over the city and they literally call him a God, they write D10S next to pictures of him, I assume he was number 10. They also wear little peppers on necklaces as a symbol of good luck, which according to our Pompeii tour guide originated from a pagan symbol which was literally just a penis, they changed it to a pepper because the Catholic Church told them they couldn’t wear pagan symbols anymore. I’m surprised the church just ignores all the idolatry going on there. There’s more pictures of the soccer player than religious symbols/displays in Naples. It’s funny to me because in the USA most people don’t give a crap about soccer, half the time I forget we even have a national soccer team. As for the food, we did a food tour and it was great. Highly recommend fried pizza. Apparently they have it in New York. Buffalo mozzarella is to die for, it’s super juicy unlike cow milk mozzarella, if you cut the ball open milk comes flowing out, and apparently you’re not supposed to put it in the fridge (but in the US you have to, it comes refrigerated). Not a fan of the aperol spritz, it’s a bit bitter. The wine is better here for sure, we did a wine tasting at the base of Vesuvius and the wines were all very drinkable even though they weren’t sweet, and I can’t stand dry wine in the USA. The guided tour of Pompeii was great, our guide was young but had an insane amount of knowledge, he was an archeologist so he knew a ton.

Anyway, we’re currently on the ferry to Amalfi. We have a boat tour of the Amalfi coast with snorkeling tomorrow, which we’re very excited for.
Quick post just to say I LOOOOOOOVE those photos!!!!!

And that he’s DH now! Took me a second to put it together haha
Boat tour was amazing. Currently nursing my sunburnt knee with lukewarm water, I put sunblock on my face, neck, arms, and shoulders, but nowhere else because I was wearing a dress at the time. I really only seem to have burned my right knee and a tiny bit on my left shoulder. DH wants to go back to the town center to explore after a short nap. I am sitting on the shower floor very unwilling to get up to wash the salt off of the rest of me, so I won’t be getting much of a nap, I’m being too slow lol.
Shae hope the burn healed quickly and you’re having fun!

AFM just busy keeping A busy. We went to a cute little “farm” in half moon bay for Juneteenth. All good fun: bouncy houses, pony rides, train ride, hay ride, feeding goats.

He starts his horsemanship lessons today. The horse therapy lady never got back to me to schedule, and I’m too tired to hunt her down. This other stable is significantly closer (25min/12miles vs 45m/43miles), so I could potentially continue with them once school starts. It’s also only 15min from A’s school, and I know they do lessons as late as 4. Just a matter of space. I’m sure everyone wants that 3-4 slot.

Re guys. OA said he’s happy to take me out to dinner for my birthday next month and sleepover. Seeing him Monday. RS is still talking and said we can start hanging out again “as long as there’s no expectations or pressure”. And I wanted to call him out because he was the one putting those on himself not me plus I already have a situationship lol. I don’t need more. I’m just so looking forward to ten years from now when A is a teenager and we can just live our best lives.
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Dobs yikes re: RS. I change my mind, I don’t like him lol. I take back my defense of his manliness :rofl:
Horse lessons for A sound great. I’m glad you found a place closer and more responsive. The farm sounds fun too, I love me a farm that lets you feed the goats :) I liked it as a kid too.

AFM the burn on my leg healed but I then got sunburns on my posterior forearms that turned into sun rash, which I’d never had before. It’s literally itchy (though only mildly). I also managed to get a bunch of mosquito bites on my lower legs/feet while in Amalfi that are still bugging me, and we’ve since completed 3 days in Rome and just arrived in Florence lol. All that complaining aside, we really are having a wonderful time. The burns and bites have not had a large impact on the trip, they’re really just small annoyances. In Rome we went to a gorgeous art gallery, a castle, a food tour, the Vatican (including St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican museums, and the Sistine Chapel), and the Colosseum. I’d say my favorite was walking around St. Peter’s Basilica, even though I’m not Catholic (I’m Protestant) and joked to family that if I saw the pope I would argue with him over his theology :rofl: but it was absolutely gorgeous.
Sounds beautiful! Take lots of scenic pictures! You can print them and make gallery walls when you get home. :). I’m glad the burns and bugs aren’t getting the best of your honeymoon. Enjoy enjoy!

Definitely they also do goat yoga. My friend goes once a month haha. But ong its $2/cup to feed the goats and they stay hungry all day. I spent more letting him feed the goats than tickets to get in lol.

yeah idk RS isn’t really endgame to me anymore now that my initial hunch is true. Plus we never actually settled the issue just put a rug over it.
Hello ladies! Mind if I join in? I've seen this thread pop up numerous times and I always get a chuckle from the title.
Quick post cuz busy on honeymoon!

The wedding was wonderful, it went smoothly and we had so much fun! I only wish it was longer, it went by in a flash! I don’t have the photos from the photographer back yet but we forgot to tell people to put away their phones and honestly I’m happy about it because we have some photos already from family! Funny thing is after the ceremony I realized my veil was a true white (dress was a light ivory) and in natural light it literally looked blue so I’ve had to edit the photos outside that I got from family so it doesn’t look neon blue :rofl: inside it just looked like white against ivory, not blue, so I didn’t notice beforehand. Oh well, it’s a funny story, and it still looked lovely. SO absolutely loved my dress. We were too tired and drunk to fully consummate that night hahahaha so we did so the next morning. It also rained a tiny bit when I was on the way to the ceremony and then stopped by the time we got there, and no rain during the ceremony itself, so we got the good luck without losing our outdoor ceremony!
Okay, here’s some photos!

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What beautiful pictures and wedding!! I can't wait to have a wedding and get married, we're thinking this year!
Kiwi welcome! We basically just share what’s going on in our lives even if it’s not actually TWW related anymore lol, but sometimes we have someone actually in a TWW. Hopefully I’ll be in one soon!

Dobs oh yeah those cups of feed add up for sure. Idk if my iPhone photos are high enough quality for prints but I suppose I can check?
Kiwi welcome! We basically just share what’s going on in our lives even if it’s not actually TWW related anymore lol, but sometimes we have someone actually in a TWW. Hopefully I’ll be in one soon!

Dobs oh yeah those cups of feed add up for sure. Idk if my iPhone photos are high enough quality for prints but I suppose I can check?
Well perfect, I'm in the TWW right now lol, 2 DPO.
Hey @Kiwiberry I used to post here back yeeaaaaaars ago but didn't come on bnb for absolutely ages and then there was just absolutely no way of catching up on it so I left these girls to it haha. I'm sure i was one of the reasons the 'pull out method' bit got tagged on the end cos there was a few of us using it as 'contraception' but hoping for a bfp :haha:
Hey @Kiwiberry I used to post here back yeeaaaaaars ago but didn't come on bnb for absolutely ages and then there was just absolutely no way of catching up on it so I left these girls to it haha. I'm sure i was one of the reasons the 'pull out method' bit got tagged on the end cos there was a few of us using it as 'contraception' but hoping for a bfp :haha:
:haha: I've so been there
Hey @Kiwiberry I used to post here back yeeaaaaaars ago but didn't come on bnb for absolutely ages and then there was just absolutely no way of catching up on it so I left these girls to it haha. I'm sure i was one of the reasons the 'pull out method' bit got tagged on the end cos there was a few of us using it as 'contraception' but hoping for a bfp :haha:
Hahaha I believe it was actually due to Gigglebox (Gigs), she had a CP due to the pullout method at the very beginning of the thread I think.

:haha: I've so been there
Currently me :rofl: my cycle has been super weird this month, I had a second period with bright red blood and clots at CD11 so I restarted the cycle clock at CD1. I’m really hoping I ovulate early so it’s just an oops, but my cervix is still low and my natural cycles app (which my DH insists on using) only gives me another 3 “safe” days, so we’ll see.
Hahaha I believe it was actually due to Gigglebox (Gigs), she had a CP due to the pullout method at the very beginning of the thread I think.

Currently me :rofl: my cycle has been super weird this month, I had a second period with bright red blood and clots at CD11 so I restarted the cycle clock at CD1. I’m really hoping I ovulate early so it’s just an oops, but my cervix is still low and my natural cycles app (which my DH insists on using) only gives me another 3 “safe” days, so we’ll see.
How long are you Cycles normally? Cd7, you're probably getting pretty close to ovulating! Have you tried using those opk sticks?
How long are you Cycles normally? Cd7, you're probably getting pretty close to ovulating! Have you tried using those opk sticks?

I usually ovulate CD16-22, most often CD18-20. My cycles are 30-34 days. I only have like 3 OPKs right now because I’m in Italy on my honeymoon and I planned poorly lol so I’m saving them until my cervix is aggressively high.
I usually ovulate CD16-22, most often CD18-20. My cycles are 30-34 days. I only have like 3 OPKs right now because I’m in Italy on my honeymoon and I planned poorly lol so I’m saving them until my cervix is aggressively high.
You could check the local stores in Italy for them? :) but yeah, good idea to save them. I got lucky and got my peak this cycle on the last OPK that I had. I was so nervous that I wouldn't catch it because ordering more online would have taken way too long and I didn't want to spend the money for the digis in stores.

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