General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hey everyone, just checking in! I hope you’ve all been having a good week!
I'm doing okay. Just a bit busy. Been stressing about my milk supply so I'm not going to track, just try to make better choices and see how that goes. I actually stepped on the scales and have lost more so I think I just needed a little help to make better choices MOST of the time. I still have sweet cravings like crazy. Non scale victory is pants are fitting better. I still wear the maternity jeans, mainly because I don't have time to get in the storage container and find my others. Sadly before I was trying to lose weight the maternity jeans were getting awfully tight so the fact that they fit better is nice.

Girls are good. V is fully potty trained, yay! So happy to have 2 in diapers and not 3. I can't wait for just one in diapers. S is doing well and E is pretty good baby. She is my unicorn sleeper, minus the bedsharing part. She has been going to bed around 9ish and wakes around 4 for first feed. I am able to put her in swing to sleep at 9ish and then just bring her to bed with me once I'm ready.

Sad about going back to work in just under a month now. I also found out that a coworker in my department, her son committed suicide at the start of the week. I feel so awful for her. I don't know about losing a child but I know how it feels to lose someone you love dearly to suicide. It is a different kind of grief, not saying it's worse than others but there are other factors of guilt added to the grieving process. Anyways, I text her to let her know I'm here if she needs someone to talk to.
Long week of playing work catch up + boy (not really drama) drama + tired. I need a vacation
Fluek I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going as smoothly as you like with your milk. I wish there was something I could say other than I'll be sending positive vibes. I went through a lot with A and my ex, but I think the worst of it was dealing with my poor supply/ poor nutrition in what little milk I did produce. So I feel you.

Congrats on the weight loss/body change! Always such a great feeling when your clothes start to fit you better/feel looser. And big congrats on being fully potty trained!!!! So exciting! Almost as exciting as consistent night's sleep! Woot! You go super mom!

That is so hard. I'm sure she appreciates the text. Sorry about having to go back to work. I hope the transition goes well both in the mom sense and the work sense. Big hugs!

Shae how are you doing/ feeling? I see your ticker says you're 13 dpo. Have you been testing? Not gonna lie I haven't read anything not on this page. This week has kicked my ass.

AFM the work week was crazy because I Was sick all weekend and did none of my usual prep. So I was just struggling to stay afloat every day. Parents sent a handyman over yesterday to fix a bunch of stuff in my house. There's still a bunch of stuff left, but I'm really pleased with everything he got done because it was just sad to have my kid around all this broken barely functioning stuff.

Re boys: oh damn. Long story short so much damn drama
The Boy: Is now on my shit list. We had a great date Thursday and made plans for V-day, but since then he's been weird. His texts are farther in between. Yesterday he missed both good morning and good night. So I finally told him that I noticed a change and if i'm overanalyzing then fine but if I'm not then he needs to communicate with me. But at this point, there's not valid reason for him to go cold fish on me so I don't know that I'd take any apology. I was sad about it. Almost cried but oh well. I won't be surprised if he goes full ghost. Luckily we hadn't BD yet so at least I don't feel like a complete blow up.
New Boy: My friend and I had happy hour, and she was not having a good week either so she came over to my place and drank a little too much more. So she decides to play matchmaker because "wouldn't it be great if my best girl friend and my best guy friend got together!" He's a single dad and seems to have it together in life. True to my friend's description he is acting like a genuinely nice guy. But I am hesitant because he lives farther east and I'm trying to creep my way back west, shallow but his job and education isn't really in line with the expectations of my family, and he has a 9 year old son and you know how I feel about coming into something with a kid older than A let alone another boy. I'm not writing him off just yet. We are going out on Tuesday.
Hot Boy: This one is just for fun. So dunno if I told you about how my boss joked about hiring a hot guy for me because he met his wife at work? Lol. Well I went to work the other day but I forgot my class keys. I didn't have time to go home/ who wants to drive 30m over keys. So I went to find the custodian. Well, our day custodian just retired and I knew we had hired a new female custodian. I saw her and she ignored me. Eye roll. So I was about to give up when I hear another custodian in the MPR who I know will let me in my room. I'm about to ask him then all of a sudden this guy pops up next to me waiting the floors and is like hey can I help you. I tell him I need to get in my room and he's about to stop waxing but the other guy is like nah I'll do it. So this hot guy says my name is _ and I'm the new custodian. And I turn into a freaking giggling, can't form sentences idiot. And then later I had to go do some stuff in the material pick up area and he sees me and waves and I nearly died inside. So I text my boss "I see we have a new custodian" and he's like oh yeah he's a great kid. Working really hard and really stepping up. He's local and his family has a long history in the area. And I'm like yup seems super nice. So while I know I shouldn't shit where I eat, I am gonna ask for his number. Which, to be fair, I had the last guy's number because sometimes you need them and it's easier to text them than call the office to walkie them. But yeah. Anyway. I have to go in tomorrow so needless to say, I'll be looking extra cute. I was thinking about it logistically, I'm PRETTY sure because we are in different unions that if I diiiiiid do anything as long as nothing bleeds into the professional realm than I'd be ok. But I said that once and got pink slipped for it hahaha so maybe not. But my boss at the time had a crush on the guy I was dating and was jealous so I think it was more that than the actual relationship being an issue.
Flueks sorry about the milk supply, but I’m glad your pants are fitting better! Yay for V being potty trained! Sorry about your coworker, that’s really awful. I know you’ve experienced that kind of loss before so I imagine it’s hitting you a bit harder. Sending love <3

Dobs oh boy (literally) :rofl: hopefully the boy drama gets resolved one way or another.
Technically I’m 12dpo because I ovulated overnight, just a few hours before I woke up, so technically the day my temp spiked was O day, not the day before. But either way, all BFNs. I know it’s technically possible to get a BFP after 12dpo but I don’t have high hopes, I’m pretty sure AF will be arriving by Wednesday. I’ll be testing with cheapies in the meantime just in case.
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Yeah well to add to the drama I asked New Boy what his plans are... he’s having people over for Super Bowl. Like I know I’m not the perfect social distancer and I just had my best friend over, but for him to just casually be like oh yeah my boys are coming over. Like omfg I just went nearly a year without seeing my parents. My county is about to start vaccinating teachers. Like I’m not trying to hang out with someone who had a super bowl party.
No she's gaining and peeing fine. I just basically have ptsd from my low milk supply with my 1st and that my baby's aren't really chunky. I weigh her essentially everyday because it worries me. I try to remind myself she's following her curve but she started gaining a little less per week when trying to lose weight.

Dobby sorry for the boy drama. I hope that you get a wonderful man in your life. Also crazy the new guy was having a big super bowl party.

Shae sorry about bfn. I know it's not an ideal time to be pregnant but I know it's hard when you want it.
Dobs yikes. I haven’t seen my grandfather since COVID started. I’m definitely not perfect either but parties are a bad idea unless he at least knows every single one of his friends hasn’t left their house unmasked prior. Speaking of COVID, did I mention SO’s (diabetic) mom tested positive a week ago? Well, she did. Luckily I stayed at school that weekend so I didn’t have to quarantine myself. None of them have symptoms and his dad and brother tested negative. SO hasn’t gotten tested yet. It’s always possible it was a false positive, but better safe than sorry. I’m dropping off some groceries for them with my medical grade test fitted N95 tomorrow (my school did test fittings and gave us 2 each for clinical).

Flueks I’m sorry the supply issues with V are still causing you distress. Not all babies are chunky, and that’s okay. I was a tall skinny kid practically from birth. My mom also had supply issues due to returning to work and had to supplement with formula. I was a ravenous baby, so it was less about me gaining weight and more about me always having a bottle available when I demanded more milk :rofl: Anyway, I turned out fine. I know it must be frustrating if you aren’t producing as much as you want to be, though.

AFM, I officially started spotting this evening. I thought I saw a speck of red earlier today but wasn’t sure. Now I can confirm that it was indeed what I saw, it’s super light spotting but definitely legit. My cervix wasn’t even low today, so that’s weird, but :shrug: Now I get to find out what my period is going to be like without birth control :help:
Hey strangers! I can't believe this thread is still active! I was thinking about you all yesterday and thought I'd pop in for a hello :)
I can't remember what the last thing I posted was, or when I posted it. It looks like b&b has deleted post history so when I try to look, it shows nothing *eye roll*
I had so much going on at the start of 2020 that I just got really anxious and overwhelmed and couldn't come on here, a place where I'd have to talk about it! Nope!
And still, national news/issues (*cough* covid *cough*) are things I super duper don't want to discuss, so you won't see me touching on that here :p

Instead I'll just update a little, and hope y'all don't mind!
Like I said, I don't remember when I last wrote so sorry if I repeat myself!
My Dad was diagnosed with a rare form of super aggressive renal cancer back in Oct. 2019. He died from it in January 2020. He was only 68...died just a few days shy of his 69th birthday. My Mom is holding up OK but I worry about her a lot; she seems OK but of course we all miss my Dad, and I just can't imagine being in her shoes. I mean they were about to build a new house together to live out the rest of their lives they were literally going to break ground I think within a month from when my dad was diagnosed, so they held off.
Anywho after that, n February, my cat disappeared. I thought he may have been eaten by a predator...
Fast forward to April, and our dog died. It was pretty sudden, and the vet's best guess is he had an internal tumor that may have ruptured. Prior to his death, he was having days here in there (like 5 total over two months) where he just wasn't himself...was really lethargic and lost his appetite, but then would be fine the next day. I did notice shortly before his death that he was starting to lose weight. I took him to the vet but he was 12 years old and they wanted to do extensive diagnostics on him to figure things out -- I did do bloodwork and it came back normal, so we just played the "keep an eye on him" game....but the next time he had one of his "episodes", that was it. We sure miss him!

So this is where the tragedy stops! The cat actually returned! I couldn't believe it. It was after the dog died, maybe a few weeks later. He was gone a total of 15 weeks and just showed up one day. He was pretty thin, had some healing wounds, and was really shy, but he kept coming back and eventually returned to his people-loving self. Well this winter he started vanishing again for days at a time when it got cold out. NO idea where he went, and we have a heated cat house set up for him but I guess he preferred wherever he goes....but for about 3 weeks, he's been gone again. We have a whole system of holes dug in the woods from animals, and they're plenty big enough for the cat (I've seen him go in one before), so I suspect he's hanging out until it warms up again. I guess we'll see, but since he did this last year I'm unconcerned at this point.

Now for other big news -- my brother and SIL are expecting! And they're having a girl!!! She's actually due pretty soon, end of March. I am excited although a little sad they live so far away...but happy for them. They were about to start fertility treatments when she found out, go figure! It had been almost 2 years of actively trying, and at least one confirmed miscarriage and 2 suspected m/c's.

I myself am doing OK :) the kids are all doing great. We are continuing to homeschool kid 1, and he really enjoys it. Kid2 is now potty trained! woohoo! kid 3 is starting to talk up a storm! he just had his 2nd bday.
Also, we are planning to get a puppy at the end of the month. It took me awhile to warm up to that idea...after losing our dog on the heels of my Dad, I just did not want to go through losing a pet again, even if it is usually years down the road...but I really miss having a dog, and kid1 has been asking for another dog. So we put a deposit down on an adorable little girl puppy -- the first girl I have ever had. I've grown up with all boy dogs, so this will be an interesting new experience.

PL, so sorry to hear your attempt to get a pup has been put off. How frustrating...and it seems now if you want a puppy, you have to wait quite awhile if you have a specific breed in mind. Litters get claimed so fast!!! I bet it's like babies though, when the timing is right you'll get the dog you are meant to have. So sorry it's not coming to fruition the way you had hoped, though.

Dobs, happy to see your dating life is as entertaining as always, lol! I JOKE you know. I do enjoy reading about it though, if I'm honest. Glad to hear overall things are going well with you and little A. And girrrrrrrrrrrrl look at your weight loss! Hell yeah!

Shae, have you set a wedding date yet? Is this THE year? Or am I remembering wrong...? Now I'm thinking you had agreed to wait a little longer than usual but I can't recall...ha, girl, you need a change of perspective on your body. You are cute as a button, and the only person in the world who takes issue with your hips is you. As a matter of fact, I bet there are women out there who wishes they had those dips. And I guarantee there are people who would take your figure over their own any day. I know this, because I am one of those people, lol.

Fluek, sorry you have been a bit traumatized from the milk situation, but it's good you seem to keep things in perspective. Woohoo! double high five for our potty trained littles! I would say it's one of the things I dread most about parenting little ones. Man my guy was stubborn...but he got it pretty darn quick. Now kid1, he was another story. He potty trained with peeing really fast, but pooping....oh lawd that was another ball game. Had accidents at school a lot. But he did grow out of that, thank God!

Sorry, I know I'm not saying HI to a ton of people but I admittedly only read back a couple of pages :p don't hate me! My time is spread so thin right now...I have a new side hustle, lol, which is selling crystals! I sell crystals and stones on youtube. It has seriously been a ton of fun and I've met a lot of resellers that are just fun, good people. I also have amazing customers and make a decent side income :) I rarely post on the farming channel now. My oldest kiddo has taken over the farm chores, and he loves the ducks. He actually helped raise ducklings last year.

and lastly....ugh I think I may be in an unexpected 2ww. NOT. MY. PLAN. I am DONE with kids, honestly....3 has been a fun and wild ride, but I feel like I am maxed out here, lol! If it's God's plan than it is what it is...but I'm hoping not! What happened was my hubby and I hooked up a couple days before ov. He was pretty drunk...I don't know. That night he says he didn't O, but he never finished either...and I think he may have had like a halvsie finish and kept going or something? IDK hopefully I'm just wrong and crazy. But starting about 2 days ago I've been getting those familiar af cramps here and there, but not due for another 6 days. Sex was o-3, i'm currently 6dpo. Cramping has been pretty noticeable today...and actually I haven't given much thought to this until the cramping today...odds aren't on my side which is a GOOD thing, but I can't help but wonder, you know?!

ok i'm shutting it down, haha. I've written a novel here. Hope y'all can get through it :p
HOLY SHIT FLUEK HAD ANOTHER GIRL?!!!! omg you had an entire pregnancy while I was away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIND BLOWN. now i'm going to have to go back and find out about that!
Gosh i'm sitting here like an idiot reading about 3 in diapers and i'm like....wait....i thought she had 2 kids...tra la la. !!!
Gigs girl you had me so worried! Also lol yeah you missed a looooot. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I'm glad to hear that you are working towards healing and yay for new puppy! And congrats to your brother and sil! That's so exciting for them! And we'll be eagerly awaiting those tests. Are you thinking of testing or just going to wait it out?

Flueky yeah it's hard not to carry those memories, but it sounds like she's growing well. It's tough when it slows down, but as long as she keeps on that good growth trajectory try not to worry. Easier said than done. A wasn't chunky either, so I feel you there.

Shae I second Flueks. I know the timing works out for the better, but still stinks to get AF when you're emotionally ready. Hope the period doesn't give you any grief or any more grief than usual. Are you going to talk to SO tomorrow from a distance or just doing the dropoff? Hopefully everyone is recovering smoothly and SO continues to be healthy or at least asymptomatic if he does have it.

AFM just drained. Work is great, A is great, life is great. But I feel like I'm back to square one of dating aka I'm better off alone I give up on men.
The Boy: texted twice yesterday. Basically said it's not fair to me with the timing because he's working so much. Then he texted me goodnight later. But nothing today. I'm not going to sit here and chase someone who clearly doesn't want to be chased, but it does suck. Lots of almost tears. Lots of eating my feelings. I really tried to act like I wasn't invested, but I was honestly starting to catch real feelings for him. Like I obviously felt something if I got back on my bcp when you all know how I feel about hormonal bcp/ actually wanted to be intimate with him when I haven't wanted anybody in four years. My brother and mom think I'm completely overreacting to his sudden need for space. I don't even know if he still wants to see me at all or this weekend. I don't want to ask because I'm pretty sure the answer is no.
New Boy: The more I talked to him, the less compatible I realize we are. So I cancelled the date tomorrow. I'm also just not up for going on a date with someone I'm not enthused about when I'm literally crying over someone else. Not really fair to him. I also just feel like with him I would live in my trauma. There's not growth and healing. He pulls me backward and not forward.
Hot Boy: Got his number. Granted under the guise of work pretense lol. Boss greenlit me to hit on him though, so I shot him a flirty text. He is waaaaay too young anyway, but I like to flirt. So shame on me.
Other Boys: Reopened my dating app. Thusly not impressed.

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hmmmmmm well if hot boy is too young, is there a possible future anything there? or is he just fun to look at/flirt with? :p
That sounds like a very healthy attitude to have regarding cutting things off if they don't seem like they'll be going anywhere positive. That is a bummer though....hmm if I had to guess I'd say "The Boy" has something else on the side or another interest he might be going after. The "it's not fair to you" excuse is total bs if you ask me. It's also belittling, like you can't make that decision on your own. If he's going to end up being a crappy mate, I suppose it's better it happens early on before you get too invested. I am sorry, that always sucks when the feelings aren't quite mutual. The right guy will come though! Especially now that it seems you are being receptive again towards some possible mates. Don't be too disheartened! Lots of fish out there. You've only sampled a few :p

Ughhhh I don't know if I'm going to test early. Maybe? Eh, who knows, might be fun to pee on a stick. You know, for old times sake. I really wish I knew how to access my old tww threads to compare symptoms...hell, I don't even remember the website I used to track on but that'd be pretty useful right now. Or not. Or it'd just make me obsess and I don't think I want to do that.
Gigs, omg, soo happy to hear from you! I have often wondered about you. I'm so sorry about your father. That must be hard and then to have a pet pass away too. I hope 2021 is a better year for you.

Yes the thread is still active, just not to the extent it was before. BnB in general has slowed down a lot.

Huge congrats to your bro and SIL. I'm so happy they are finally having their rainbow!

You'll have to send pics of the puppy :)

Well I hope that you get a BFN. I totally feel you about being done! I actually conceived dd3 with only having sex either a few hours after O day or right at O. DH couldn't resist before work and I had an almost positive opk that afternoon. I had this hunch though from that afternoon that we conceived, as insane as that sounds. DH actually had a vasectomy in November so if some miracle happens then we'll accept it but we do not wish to ttc anymore.

Yay for potty training! S actually said she needs to pee a few times and has peed in the potty so maybe I can have 1 in diapers soon! V was very stubborn as she is in general. Ugh she gets it from me, she is my mini me but she does have a big heart underneath it all.

Pretty cool about the crystal side business :) glad it's lucrative too!

Oh and yes. Had a surprise pregnancy right at the start of the pandemic. I definitely had mixed feelings but I'm happy it happened. She is so sweet and timing was good. We sold our house and have bought a little over 6 acres and a manufactured home. It's not ready yet, but hoping we can move in sometime in April. I cannot wait! We have been blessed to stay rent free and my FILs office in his workshop, but we want a bigger space!

Shae yeah I try to remind myself of that, I need to remember that comparison is the their of joy and the highest percentile doesn't mean they are healthier. I have 132 oz of milk I mean I obviously am doing fine even though I worry at times.

Dobby, just echo what gigs said as far as dating/boys. She always has good advice :) oh and yes it can be hard when you don't have a chunkster. V was chunky but I think it was from the formula.
RIIIIIIIIIP the new guy at work has a gf! Omg thank goodness we are at distance learning cuz I can never show my face at work again hahahaha
And yup the boy just pulled the old it’s not you it’s me so double rip.
ahhh Dobbbyyyy booo!!! Well if nothing else at least hot guy is still nice to look at. And good riddance to the boy.
Fluek that is so awesome!!! I am very happy for your and where your family is at in life right now. How wonderful. When is the build expected to be done? Oooh 6 acres! Welcome to farm life baby! Are you planning on any fun pets once you have all the space? I mean you HAVE to at least get some chickens!

Thank you for the sympathies, y'all. It was definitely a hard start to the year, but we have so much to be thankful for! I am working really hard at trying to count my blessings, of which there are many.

I will try not to be a stranger here, it's just quite difficult to make time between everything! I spend most of my freetime on youtube projects. I would really like to build up my following there as I want this side business to be profitable long term. I mean, I have several good customers right now, but like honestly, how many rocks can one person buy? So I really have to build the customer base on an on-going basis. I mean I sell jewelry too but same concept.

So on that note if any of you want my youtube channel, pm me, especially if you want to buy crystals and jewelry, LOL! But for real I do live sales on Sundays and interact with people in the chat and it can be a lot of fun. Plus you get to see me being a total goofball, and nerd out on crystals, if that appeals to you lmao
Gigs, it’s so great to hear from you!!!! I’m so sorry to hear about your dad and your dog. Big congrats to your SIL though, and I’m glad your cat was safe all along! The crystal business sounds interesting, I think crystals are quite pretty and I’ve looked into the metaphysical properties a bit. Not sure if it’s legit but it definitely can’t hurt to manifest the vibes you want! So definitely send me your YT channel name, I’d love to check it out!

Re: the wedding, we honestly don’t have an official plan right now. Due to the pandemic, SO’s last semester of college was thrown for a loop and the networking that was supposed to happen didn’t. Unfortunately this means that he hasn’t been able to get a job in his field (3D modeling). He’s been working on building his portfolio and he’s visibly improved over the past year with his skills, he’s really very good. But the industry went downhill in general apparently. He was working a minimum wage job previously but he quit over the summer due to health issues, he slipped a disc and was having serious GI issues. He’s since been diagnosed with IBS-D and he had a 2 week course of antibiotics prescribed by his GI doc, it recently was approved for treating IBS, and it actually seems to have much improved his symptoms! He’s been applying to multiple jobs in his field every week, but no luck so far.

He feels very strongly that he doesn’t want to propose until he has a job that will allow him to have his own apartment, he doesn’t want to be living with his parents and engaged. It’s funny cuz traditionally you don’t move in together until you’re married anyway, but I understand and somewhat agree with him on that. At this point, it’s possible that I’ll get an apartment before he will and he’ll just move in with me rather than the other way around. My mom is encouraging me to continue to live at my parents’ house for at least a few months after I get a nursing job to save up money, which I do agree is a smart move. I’ll need to start paying off my loans soon enough (depending on the federal extensions) and having savings is important. So basically, when we actually get engaged will depend on when one of us finally gets an apartment and the other moves in. I expect that will happen towards the end of this year. Considering finances, at this point I told him I’m down for a CZ ring, I really don’t care as long as it’s pretty.

Birth control update since you’ve been gone, I got my IUD out (well, technically I took it out myself because my GYN cancelled my appt and I was frustrated because I’d timed my appt with my cycle, but that’s besides the point). I switched to a non hormonal method, the diaphragm (with spermicide) plus cycle tracking/OPKs. This was my first cycle using it, and based on the fact that AF started yesterday and I BD’d in the fertile period, it appears to be effective! Honestly a little disappointed because you know I want to be pregnant, but I know it’s for the best with the current financial situation.

Dobs yikes, I’m sorry about the boy. That really sucks. I’m glad it ended sooner rather than later though, so that you didn’t do it with him just to have him do this. And that’s wild about the new boy, oops.
The weather has decided to be wild this year and it’s snowing *again* today so the shopping is delayed a day. I was going to talk from a distance for a few minutes with my N95 on. I don’t want to wear it for too long because it’s a legit fitted one, it’s tight on my face and will leave marks if I keep it on for a long time, so I’m not going to be hanging around. None of them have symptoms so far so it’s looking good. With the CDC recommendations now being 10 days if asymptomatic, I may be able to see him next weekend. We’ll see if he (or any of his family members) develops symptoms in the meantime.

Flueks :hugs: comparison is indeed the thief of joy. You’re doing great <3
I’m going to disappear for a bit. Just a lot to process. I feel like I got punched in the stomach and want to throw up.
I'm just kind of casually clicking through old posts to see who is still around!
Pink -- wow, looking to have a 3rd?! how's that coming along? looks like you were trying to convince hubby. Have you talked about it yet? If you're in a good position to have a 3rd, just remind him how good baby making sex is, lol!

PL, oh gosh, I am so sorry, just read of your loss. How far along were you? So sorry to read that, my heart breaks for you, and now knowing about the dog, ugh.....Will they hold it for you until restrictions are lifted?

Shae, omg, the wedding dress -- my SIL literally had that dress!!! I'm not sure if it was the same designer and all that but to a T, it was that dress, beaded strapless top with the poofy tulle skirt. Hers bodice may have come down to a point in the front, kind of more princess-y, but overall looked like that. I really liked it. I love tulle skirts but hubby isn't a fan.....but I still had a tulle skirt on my wedding dress :p It was an organza bodice, tulle skirt, and had black lace detailing on the top and at the bottom. Definitely....different, lol. I'd probably would not pick that dress again now though!

DOBS OMG A IS SO CUTE!!! Wow he's a little boy now! that hair! That smile!!!! *melting*

J--not sure if you'll be back on the thread but if you are, hope you're doing OK! So you're remarried?! We need to hear more about that, obviously.
I did stalk your chart after I saw your positive tests...looks like it sadly ended in a m/c :( So sorry to see that. Biggest hugs to you.

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