General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs yeah I had a lot of back and forth about a prefab but we don't have the money to build what we need and finding a house wasn't going well. It is such a seller's market here right now. Well at least it was. Interest rates are low but we just weren't finding what we wanted, where we wanted, and in our budget. Thankfully tornados are very rare here. Only one occurrence during my lifetime and that was in 2011.

Fireplace we decided not to because we have an entertainment center with one and don't plan to hook up gas line if that was even an option. We have a kerosene heater if need be but we haven't had many power outages.

S has been walking since like 10 months but she is awfully clumsy when playing with her sister and the floor can be slick. She has busted her lip many times too :( she is tough though thankfully. Just hoping we can be moved before E starts crawling. I think we will.

Lol on getting pregnant 1st try. If it makes you feel any better. Even after trying for 18 months for V, DH kind of had an "oh shit" moment when I showed him the test. That's cute you had a plan in mind for your dress in case you conceived.
Fluek remind me where you are, if you don't mind sharing. Gotcha on the fireplace. I wish we had one! We were saving up for one but it ain't happening.

Haha yeah poor Dads. Babies are probably pretty scary until they're like 6 months. I mean pregnancy is freaky and babies are demanding and fragile...
Oh also Shae I might test again tomorrow afternoon
Gigs I'm in NE part of TN. Very close to VA, KY, or NC. Yeah I think we finally got ours in 2019, we had been wanting one for a few years. It was our Christmas gift to ourselves lol

Looking forward to your test tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing someone actively ttc in here again.
hold the phone, "actively ttc"? me? nah ah, no way girlie!!! You hold your tongue!!!
now actively peeing on tests and obsessing on when to pee on the next one.....check.

That reminds me, walmart was stocked with cheapie test, but the name has changed...? The cassettes looks the same but the test brand is now equate. Are those the same ones? I probably should have grabbed those instead of a frer 3 pack. Old habits die hard I guess. But I looked back (too late) at old photos and the cheapies were actually giving me as good as or better lines with my last pregnancy. Oh well....I've also noticed frer price is way down. I think it used to be 16-19 for a 3 pack, now it's 13.

Oh yes I thought I remember you living somewhat near me, at least near the same coast. I think we had this conversation...but hubby and I actually seriously considered moving near Knoxville. We love that city! The surrounding locations didn't quite suit us though.
No sorry I meant your testing will fill the void of someone not ttc and look forward to someone else *cough* Shae ttc. I know you aren't and aren't planning. Sorry it didn't come out right.

Yes I think I remember that conversation before too. It would have been funny if you had moved down this way.
Omg I love you ladies.

I’m still cycling through the five stages of grief. Solidly in bargaining :rofl:

fluek I agree I don’t recall the purchase! What a fab piece of land!!!!

gigs omg girl I love you. I love that you tested.

Shae hugs. Hang in there. Your time is on the horizon

re keeps agreed I kind of forgot she was pregnant =\. Hope she’s good.
haha fluek got cha ;) Glad I can make a temporary contribution.

I know I'm out of my mind with bothering to test, I'm just having some odd symptoms that I associate with when I've been pregnant. My two telltale signs are 1, being hungry but having no desire to eat anything, and two, having some gastro issues (haven't had that but definitely the strange appetite). Also, I've had a dream about a positive pregnancy test with each kid and that hasn't happened, so though it's silly, I'm counting that towards a "no".
But that ain't gonna stop me from using those fere's :p

aww Dobs :hugs: have you heard from any of your suitors?
I’d be testing too lol. You’re in good company. End of day, better to know one way or the other. And it’s kind of terrifying and fun. Like a roller coaster lol.

Well I’m down to no suitors. Have a few gonna lead nowhere match conversations going online but nobody I’d agree to give my number to/date. So my bff was like girl if you want to DTD with that guy NSA just tell him. Other bff said that’s stupid don’t chase dumba**es. So naturally I texted him and how quick did his a** text back that he’s game. I’m honestly okay with a NSA situation but he has to agree to some boundaries. Like you can’t hint at all about feelings/dating or l get invested. I don’t want dinner. Don’t text me about your day/my day. Just hit it and gtfo
hubby came home so i had to cut my last post short, but what i was going to say is I got pregnant from my m/c in the exact same way as our whatever-that-was the other night...
But also we had full on bd w several days before 0 with the m/c so who knows...

Oooh dobs I totally misread your message, thought it said, "i'm testing, too" -- I was like WAIT WHAT.

Hey girl hey we all have our needs. Just be safe about it. Give him boundaries but realize you are a chick, you gotta check your own feelings, too. Also no surprised he's're a cutie ;)
Gigs I’m so invested. Also what is this about new channel? I was checking your FMG channel every single often to see if you were ok. Do you have a dif one now? Sorry I didn’t read the last page

Lol honestly I might test if I start being active. I’m on the pill now going on 5 weeks, but idk. I’m too tired to try and track my temps to confirm I’m not Oing. I trust it though. Good thing I don’t live near a Wally anymore haha

yeah I’ve done NSA before. Just gets murky when they start saying romantic things because they think it’s what I want to hear but like nah dude. I really can do this without emotions lol. I will say most NSAs blow up in my face. I think only 3 stuck to the boundaries
Yup, new channel all about crystals and jewelry. I can shoot you the link if you want :)
How's the pill treating you? Were you off of it before because you weren't dating or because of side effects?
Ooo yes please!

I was off because both. Mostly just had been on it ten years and felt my body needed a break. But the other options were harder on me. The gyn gave me the wrong combination at first and I lost my damn mind. Like I was seriously depressed, crazy extreme mood swings, out of body experiences, anxiety to the extreme. Now that I’m back on my old combo, it’s great! Weight loss is back on track, face is clearing up, My mood is incredible. I’m wouldn’t be thrilled with adding hormones, but my pcos was acting up again so at least two birds one stone.
Ok, 9dpo. Probably in the clear but also will probably use last test tomorrow. I did see the test line very clearly for the first 1-2 minutes and had a minor freak but that subsided when the test kept developing and the line vanished :shrug:

ok sent it over Dobs :)
ugh I do not miss bc at all. To be fair it didn't work on me anyway but wow the emotions!!! Glad this type is working for you and helping the pcos as well.
Also what have you do toward the weight loss? Anything other than just eating right?
Dobby, hope it works out for you. Also glad the bc you are one now is working better for you.

Gigs glad it's bfn. Will you test tomorrow or Saturday?
Gigs I hate that line. I see the test line indent but not a line so fxed you’re out of the woods. I’ll check out the link later when I get home. I actually walk my dogs now!

I started with keto which worked but was awful for my heart. So I don’t recommend it. I got the peloton app and was cycling 45m 3x a week then slowed to just 20m every other day. But once I went back to work that became unsustainable. Now I’m on the DASH diet for my heart, but basically it’s just eating clean and little to no sodium. I’m also walking my dogs every day from 20-45m but we walk at a fast pace so it works out to 1.5-2.5 miles. I eat 6x a day (3 meals and 3 light snacks) and only eat from 8am to 5pm. No junk, no soda, and I keep my cheat meals to no more than one a week if I even cheat. I’m happy with where I am right now but I do wish I was more tone or lean in the stomach to thighs region. But all in all I’m starting to enjoy looking at myself again. Enough to buy some cute teddies :rofl: this poor kid had no idea what he’s signing up for. I’m gonna ruin him ;)

Omg and my libido is out of control again hence my openness to some NSA action. The drive + 3.5 years of not dtd is like torture at this point lol
I will most likely test tomorrow. I can't really get away with testing on the weekends because hubby is home, and I don't want him to know. No need to give him unnecessary worry. The irony is he was just telling me how he would want a 4th kid if he wasn't so afraid it would kill me, lol! I feel pretty maxed out here though. Every once in awhile another sounds like a good idea, but I know it wouldn't be....and anyway we're trying to do the dog thing here so a puppy is plenty to take on, haha.
I really wish I could get a partial hysterectomy, just have the possibility of an "oopsie" eliminated, and also get rid of my long drawn out periods. They're quite annoying, they drag out for over 10 days. I envy those people who are over and done in 4.
woah, really? 3.5 years??? girrrrl get you some tail! Yes, I remember you were in a slump and even the task of dog walking was ....well, a task. Glad to see all is better there! That's my struggle now, getting back into exercise. I actually used to cycle on a bike here at home but then I blew it up :( Accidentally plugged i a power cord that didn't belong to the bike and fried the electronics inside of it. (You'd think I'd learn but I did the same thing with a camera not too long ago).
Dobby that does sound d like it'd be torture. I'm sure you look great!

Gigs sorry you are stuck with long AFs.

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