Gestational Diabetes Group - Us vs. the Carbs

The main reason I would question it is Christina is towards the end of your pregnancy you may be surprised by pressure that could be put on you to have baby via induction because of GD - which to me it seems unlikely you have.

Also you are going to potentially find yourself labelled for all future pregnanies.

Lots of people have fab inductions and all is great. But really if you have a choice you don't want to be directed down that route in my opinion.
The fact that I may have to be induced soon if this baby doesn't come on her own makes me SO MAD. Even though I definitely do have GD since I can't walk past a bowl of fruit, but still. I went into this pregnancy all geared up with doctors agreeing to let me go for a VBAC and letting me go to 41 weeks, to now being on a timeline for an induction that may or may not work at 38 weeks. I'm happy to get pregnancy over and done with but I am NOT happy about this whole situation. I'm feeling a ton of anger towards GD today.

Also, I can't stop eating and I'm going to have to take like 15 unit of insulin to cover this. I am so hungry. So FREAKING hungry. I want to eat the cupboards out of this house.
:hugs: Northern. Induction or otherwise I am thankful for my natural births, even though they weren't easy.

In the UK it is a real fight to avoid induction and lots of people think I am lucky to have a free pass to avoid going overdue... I don't feel like that at all.

I had my 32 week scan today and hospital appointment. Baby is 3lb 11oz and on 14th centile. Fluid is now at a more normal level at just under the 50th centile rather than 80th +.

Sugars really good. They are keeping an eye on baby's size but they are happy she is following her curve which she has been on since 20 weeks.

Scan at 36 weeks, no induction before 41 of all is well and maybe even 40+12 which is the UK standard for induction in low risk pregnancies.
I am being induced next week!!! EEEEPS!

Nothing is wrong or anything but my MFM doctor always induces women at 39 weeks with GD. They called my OB today and let them know and I should know by Wednesday next week what day exactly it will be... will be any day after Wednesday.
So exciting for you Amythyst! Soon you will meet your little one :)

My dr doesn't want to induce at all if he can help it. As long as everything keeps going well, they want to go straight to the due date (which is still based on my 7week scan where they put me back a week, ever since hub has been measuring a week ahead). I hope I take after the women in my moms family. All have been at least 5 days early and have been 5 hrs total or less in labor.
The main reason I would question it is Christina is towards the end of your pregnancy you may be surprised by pressure that could be put on you to have baby via induction because of GD - which to me it seems unlikely you have.

Also you are going to potentially find yourself labelled for all future pregnanies.

Lots of people have fab inductions and all is great. But really if you have a choice you don't want to be directed down that route in my opinion.

My dr. has never brought up induction. Is it something she'd bring up at 31 weeks though? I go back on the 9th and I will be 33 weeks then.

We went to the pizza place for dinner tonight. I had a slice of pizza (I have no idea how many carbs but I never eat more than a slice of pizza anyway bc it's just too much for me), a breadstick and salad. I ended up testing at an hour and a half because we were doing something and I was at 111. :shrug:
They generally don't let you go past 39 weeks if you have GD unless you are severely diet controlled. I knew I was going to be induced weeks ago.
They might not discuss it at 31 weeks, I'd ask when you see your doctor again what the plan would be at present when you reach term.

My hospital are bending their policy because I've had bad inductions before - so it is about balancing risk.
I am being induced next week!!! EEEEPS!

Nothing is wrong or anything but my MFM doctor always induces women at 39 weeks with GD. They called my OB today and let them know and I should know by Wednesday next week what day exactly it will be... will be any day after Wednesday.

Eeeek, exciting!

Will they do a stretch and sweep for you before then? That really helped with my 2nd baby x
Congrats Amythyst! I will meet my DS2 on Monday and you will meet your DS1 after Wednesday :)
Exciting week.
They might not discuss it at 31 weeks, I'd ask when you see your doctor again what the plan would be at present when you reach term.

My hospital are bending their policy because I've had bad inductions before - so it is about balancing risk.

Mine is balancing the risk too. Being in China, certain tests and things aren't available that are in the US or other western countries/medicine. They want to let me get as close to 40 weeks as possible, which they are saying is April 26. LO has been measuring at April 20 due date since the 20 week scan though, so that may change.
Yeah I'll have to find out my Drs thoughts at the next appointment

My due date from u/s is April 26th. I am afraid to go before that because of school- I just want to finish everything. Lol
I didn't know they like to induce you if you have gd! I will check with my midwife on Monday to see if that's the case for me too. I hope not. I had my follow up appointment with the nutritionist today. She said I've been doing really well so far, but I need to try to add in more exercise. (I don't do much, besides shopping lol) it's so cold here that it makes me want to stay in the house all day. She also said I may need to be put on glyberide if I can't keep my numbers good. But she's not recommending it just yet. So mostly good news today.
I am being induced next week!!! EEEEPS!

Nothing is wrong or anything but my MFM doctor always induces women at 39 weeks with GD. They called my OB today and let them know and I should know by Wednesday next week what day exactly it will be... will be any day after Wednesday.

Eeeek, exciting!

Will they do a stretch and sweep for you before then? That really helped with my 2nd baby x

Say what? I have no idea what those things are..... lol. I don't think they do those very often here in the states?

The only reason they actually gave me an induction date is because I broke down in the office the other day and started crying. My body must be going nuts because of my hormones because I cannot control my emotions the past few days.

I went to my OB appointment on Wednesday and they asked me "so, do you have a birth plan?" I'm like... um what? And they were asking me if the high risk doctors had put together a plan for me.... I said no... I'm just kinda floating in the breeze hanging out with the baby in me and nobody really tells me anything. So, I go to the high risk doctor appointment later that day and they ask me if my OB's office has given me a birth plan. At that point, I flipped my lid. I have some other things going on in my personal life that weren't going well and I was already emotional... so, I flipped out and started crying and was like ranting and raving about how both doctors offices are finger pointing at the other one and I'm the poor pregnant woman in the middle who has no clue what's going on. :)

I guess because I am so "severely controlled" with diet, my BP is always good and nothing is "wrong" or the baby doesn't look like he weighs 15 pounds they were just letting me casually fly along without much direction. Hell, my high risk appointments were even scheduled on days when the doctors were not actually at the office because they didn't need to see me since I'm doing so well.

So, needless to say, nobody likes a hysterical pregnant woman so the nurse agreed to call the doctor and see what they recommended and what they wanted to do with me. The doctor said yup lets induce her at 39 weeks and we'll even call your OB's office for you and let them know and we'll get everything squared away. They even moved my next appointment to Tuesday instead of Wednesday next week for my high risk appointment and told me the doctors would actually be in that office that day.

After we left, not even 15 minutes later, my OB's office called me to let me know that the high risk doctors called them and I will be being induced next week bla bla bla.... all it took was some ranting and a bunch of tears. :)
Hehe, a stretch and sweep is just when the doctor runs their finger around the inside of your cervix, it strips your membranes and can prompt labour within 48 hrs - or at least help.

Your doctor may well do one if they check your dilation and what not before.

I had one done with dd1 before they put the pessary in to start the induction.

DD2 I had 2 in the week before. Neither started labour but I think they helped.
Well I just had some pinkish red discharge and have some mild period like pains so maybe I won't have to wait until Monday to have this baby. I am going to the hospital soon. Wish me luck!!
Ahh good luck! How exciting!

Sweeps are very common here as well.
So has anyone's sugar been really low despite eating? I was at 112 2hrs after breakfast. I then ate rice cakes and chocolate and finished class. Went home and had an egg salad sandwich. Tested 2hrs later and I was at 62! I am actually shaky. I just ate some cheese and tomatoes with salt and pepper. I have had so far 120oz of water today plus a glass of diet snapple. I've had low sugar before but never that low.

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