Gestational Diabetes Group - Us vs. the Carbs

Okay I'm having issues now. I'm spiking after food, taking my usual insulin and bottoming out around 3. Advice? My doctor said if I have to start reducing insulin I need to let her know ASAP because it could mean my placenta isn't functioning well. What do I do? Her office isn't even open till Tuesday.
Not sure that I have any good advice Nothern. Does the office have an answering machine that the on call doctor checks over the weekends and calls back for non-emergencies?

Amelie, you are so good to resist! I probably would have ended up with a very small bite to satisfy the craving.

My fasting reading this morning was the lowest it has been n a week and a half (4.9) so my after sugar crash must be pretty spectacular. I am not getting extra ultrasounds yet, but I do have one on Friday this week. See what they say then. I wouldn't survive 2 a week tho! I work full time and every doctor visit takes 3.5 hours by the time my driver gets me there and back plus waiting and appointment.
I had a can of (I thought) caffeine free diet Pepsi. And my 2 hr reading was 9.4 EEEK! Turns out what I thought was diet.... Was not :( I just hope my body processes it well enough over night that it doesn't totally screw up my fasting number too.

I'm in the same boat tonight :/. Wanted something fizzy to go with my soft taco and took the last can of Sprite Zero over the ginger ale since it had no calories. Instead, after a 202 reading I checked and can only think it must be the aspartame in the drink. Now sad and sipping water but too full and sloshy get much in to flush the sugar out. And tired! Ugh. Hope your morning numbers are back on track.
I am always fine with evil fake sugar diet drinks but can't do fake sweets and cake for some reason :rofl:

I have been sugar 'poisened' a few times across the pregnancies. Once in a bar where the barman just didn't care and gave me full sugar pepsi. Because I mainly drink coke I didn't recognise the different taste and my sugar went to 13 or 14. I felt awful.

Drive thru restaurants are bad for mixing up drinks - I get my DH to check now.

The very worst place is Ikea!!! 3 x now I have been there and they have dispensers and they have connected it up the wrong way. That was once last pregnancy and twice this time. I made a complaint the last time about it. Grrrr.

Northern, are you spiking just as high or less so? Is anything else different with you? More sleep, got over an illness, less stressed?
Amythyst, you were right too I think. I had some leftovers for lunch and then went out for a 1.5 hour walk and was still at 7.7. Guess that was my last pizza for the next several weeks!
Amythyst, you were right too I think. I had some leftovers for lunch and then went out for a 1.5 hour walk and was still at 7.7. Guess that was my last pizza for the next several weeks!

Yea I'm willing to bet it was more the pizza than the soda. Fake sugar *shouldn't* really mess with your blood sure unless you intake a ton of it.

Yesterday was my birthday and made myself a sugar free Pillsbury yellow cake with sugar free frosting. Its yummers. :) I can't even really tell that it has sugar alcohols and splenda instead of real sugar. Doesn't mess with me.

Tonight we are going to Japanese steakhouse for my late b-day dinner since it was too nasty out yesterday.

I also stopped my nightly insulin again LOL... I'm like on again off again. And my numbers have been in the 80's. It seems like whether I use the insulin or not the numbers are fairly consistent. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my insulin resistance or not.

Its comforting and scary to know I won't have to worry about this stuff for much longer. The closer I get to my doctor appointment this coming week the more scared I get. :D
Good luck, I'm sure all will go well! I'm ready for this little guy to be out. He kicks me constantly and I swear has bruised me from inside out.

I don't have problems with diet pop, but when you accidentally drink a whole can of the fully leaded sugar version with pizza, it does bad things! I haven't tried any of the sugar-free stuff because it is really hard to find here.
Oh I thought you had said you were drinking diet soda when you ate the pizza. My bad. :)

Heh, at 33 weeks you already want it over? ;) You got a little bit more ways to go!! :)
I wouldn't be so nervous if this wasn't my first kid but I am such a control freak, I hate not knowing what to expect and if I can really handle it without drugs.
Oh I thought you had said you were drinking diet soda when you ate the pizza. My bad. :)

Heh, at 33 weeks you already want it over? ;) You got a little bit more ways to go!! :)
I wouldn't be so nervous if this wasn't my first kid but I am such a control freak, I hate not knowing what to expect and if I can really handle it without drugs.

You'll be fine :flower: As soon as DD1 was born I wanted to sign up to having another one straight away :haha:
Yeah, I thought it was diet until I tested so high and went back to look :(

I know I have forever left! He is just sooooo active all the time and it really hurts when he kicks/stretches in to the same place; I truly feel bruised. I'm sure once he is born, I will be ready to sign up again though :)

This is my first too and I am starting to get nervous because my doctor is so laid back about things that i don't feel like I have a clue! I'm not going any more often than normal, I have no high risk appts because he is the top OB and is essentially the high risk doc, didn't have an ultrasound at the last appointment and haven't even had a tour of the maternity area of the hospital at all yet! Granted you are much closer than me...

I am so excited to hear about how it all went when your LO is here!
LOL your docs sound like mine... they have been nonchalant the whole time and like "Oh you're doing great!" and never tell me anything or offer up any info unless I ask. :)

Trust me, the kicking and the stretching will only get worse. ;) I have times when he squirms around so much it makes me want to vomit cause he's doing cartwheels on my stomach. I know a lot of women love being pregnant and bond with the baby in their tummies. But there is NO WAY I'm going to miss this. I mean its been pretty easy and I am super excited for when he gets here, but I have felt like an alien this whole time and something unnatural was going on in my belly. I do not like the feeling of stuff moving around inside me... lol.
I thought I was done at 33 weeks. Now I'm 36 and I'm really done. I'm a horrible pregnant woman and haven't enjoyed either of my pregnancies.
Northern, did your numbers level back out or did you hear from the doctor's office yet?

Oneway, how did everything go? I think you said you were getting induced on Monday?
Hey ladies!

eventerjj! Thanks for remembering me darling! :flower:

I was just going to post an update. I gave birth on the 28th of Feb, not on the 2nd of March as scheduled. In fact, the little guy decided that he did not want to wait at all and I had a very quick natural birth, no time for pain killers and out he came weighing just 3.5 kilos. He is doing well and his blood sugar was a bit low for the first couple of tests but then he quickly stabilized. Luckily my milk came in full force on day 2 so there is plenty of food for him. I will write a longer birth story if you guys are interested but for now I thought I would give you all an update.

My blood sugar is back to normal and I have been bingeing on .... oatmeal :wacko:I guess I have been healthy so long I don't feel like the old treats anymore. Did enjoy a slice of chocolate cake though. Gotta go, baby's crying. More later!
Wow congrats!! I can't believe we are all heading to the baby point already!

My numbers are just totally out of control. Sometimes they're spiking even with insulin and sometimes they're low. I'm seeing the OB at 1:30pm today.

I'm asking her to book an induction date today so we will see what happens! OH needs to book time off work.
Congratulations oneway!! That is awesome that he came early and quick for you :)

Good luck Northern. I hope they can figure out how to get you stabilized.
Wow that's great news oneway! You had your baby on my birthday! What a great day. ;)

I'm still pregnant.... LOL. I had my high risk appointment today and everything is going super great. However, they estimate the baby to be 9 FRICKEN POUNDS! He has a big head and a big belly but supposedly is "symmetrically" big. Meaning I didn't make him fat from diabetes, he's just "big".

I'm not thrilled and really want this little buggar out of me! My BP and everything is still good... sugars are fine. He's moving around just fine.

I have my OB appointment tomorrow ... so hopefully he will be out either tomorrow or the day after or something.
Wow, lovely cuddley baby! The estimates at this stage can be way out, don't worry.

Surely at that size they won't want you going wayyyyyyyy overdue at all?
Hooray for Oneway! I'd be up for some oatmeal too. Nice steaming bowl with milk and blueberries and cinnamon and pinch of brown sugar... That was my go to before pregnancy.

Is that the first baby in this thread? Will Amythyst be the second, or is someone going to try to take the honor? I've got at least 8 weeks to keep score here...

My numbers have been pretty abysmal for days now. I am trying to mentally prepare to be put on insulin after my next monitoring appt on Friday. We start traveling the next day to visit family for a week and do the baby shower my mom and friends are throwing. I am very curious to see if my numbers are better away from work, when I can eat and test at somewhat more regular intervals rather than trying to decide which snack break I managed was the closest thing to a lunch and should be the testing point. Doesn't explain the craptastic fasting number climb or the dinner spikes though. I'm so glad some of you mentioned week 32 as being the start of some number craziness. If nothing else, that reassured DH.

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