Cupcake, where are you located? It's been super hot and humid here too.
Sorry, swimmy
IRYM-Hope your levels drop quickly, mine took there sweet time even though they only got up to the 1800s....
AFM-I realized I have been doing a crappy job with keeping up with reporting my weights lol, but I lost 4 pounds this week!!!!!I'm Really liking Calorie counting so far! Hoping to see a steady decline this week too. In other news it's HOT here! Like 105 heat index....I did get half the front yard push mowed, but am now for a mandatory cool down lol Goint to the gym Tues, Thurs & Sat. this week....
Mine only got up to 220. lol... It's been over a week and my levels still aren't at zero. I don't know how long that's supposed to take!
Hot weather is the WORST. We hit 115° over Independence Day weekend and I got the worst sunburn of my life, even WITH sunblock (and reapplying every two hours!). It's currently at the 'peeling' stage and driving me bonkers. Everything itches! lol
I hope things cool down for you soon! I always feel like I can't get ANYTHING done in that kind of heat.
Hi girls!
I'm taking another cycle "off" ttc after a disaster of a last cycle. I am refocusing on dieting and exercising which had turned out to be quite difficult the past few weeks.... middle of winter and all *sigh*.I also had a hectic, stressful past few months (grandfather passed away really tragically, my sister had her twins prematurely, lots of unpleasant issues with the current owners of our new house) so I admit I have been comfort eating.
Jealous of the hot weather you all have been having! We are moving @ end July to our first OWN house (renting a flat atm) and the house has a swimming pool so I have to be bikini-ready for summer in December!!!
Good job cupcake! You will have to post some before and after pics. I read something you said in another post and realized we're almost the same age!
Swimmy and IRYM - don't know how true this is but I've read that ladies are more fertile after m/c. And that statistically it's more likely to fall pregnant if you have been pregnant before. I sincerely hope that's true in both your cases. xx
Have a good, healthy week ladies!
Iread, is there a particular reason your ob wants you to wait? I only ask because it's outdated advice to wait after a miscarriage unless there's a very specific medical reason for you. Specialists typically tell you there's no need to wait, it just makes dating easier for obs if you do.
Not sure I asked you guys or not but do u think there is anyway I acutally ovulated cd 21 instead of 16? AF still is a no show and I havnt tested yet but I don't feel pregnant at all. I just want her to show up so I can start clomid and stuff lol
But good news got on the scale this morning down 5 lbs in 2 weeks yay!!!