Getting Fit Before Baby

I feel you ladies on the water front. I drink 100 oz a day and I pee constantly. It's so annoying to wake up multiple times in the night to pee!

Cupcake, you had me rolling with aroma of "old lady" bit. Maybe we should call it something fancy... eu de old lady? :p Sorry your body hasn't been cooperating as much. I've been getting a lot of knee and foot pain since I've started exercising so consistently.

ireadyermind-- love the art work. How impressive! I can draw trees. That's the extent of my artistic ability and I'm always so envious of people like you who have such talent!

Wow, there are SO MANY nurses on this thread. Love it. I'm a pediatric psychologist in a children's hospital, so my days are immersed in healthcare too. It's a mixed bag how many patients I see a day... if they're inpatient I get lots of steps, if they're outpatients I'm pretty stationary in one clinic. I do a lot of walking in place in my office while notewriting, lol.

I've done pretty well this past week. Lost a bit more weight. I've cut out as many artificial sweeteners and additives as possible... no diet sodas of any sort, no carbonated flavored waters, no sweetened coffee creamers, no "sugar-free" anything, etc. I've been trying to eat more organic, whole food options where possible. Been exercising 5-6x per week. Trying to lose a lb-ish a week. It's going fairly well. Sometimes the scale reflects my efforts, sometimes not. I'm in the home stretch. 8-10 more lbs before I'm at my ideal weight. That feels great! But this last bit feels like it's dragging.

Hope you all are having a great week!
Hi ladies

IRYM - I also sit down all day to do my job (I am a private tutor and sit at a desk with my students literally all day long). The nice thing however is that most days I have 30 min to an hour time off here and there, so I do have some time to exercise most days except when it's exam time! I just don't always have the self-discipline tbh. Diet is going OKish; I'm so stressed with the Big House Move this weekend that I don't really WANT to eat a lot. But now that all my kitchenware will be packed away, I will most probably be eating takeaways this weekend. I did make a lot of diet soup for the freezer so that the takeaways and paper plates stage doesn't have to last for more than a day or two!

Will be doing an hsg next cycle. Hoping to get some answers then.

Oh btw I've found that exercising in front of the TV while watching "my 600 lb life" is really motivating. Just seeing the people with those problems be so brave regarding weight loss, exercise and dieting as well as scary surgery, is really inspiring!

Hugs to all you awesome chicks. We all have a "down" day/week every now and then. As long as the overall picture for this year is healthy living, that's really great. We shouldn't let the few bad times ruin the bigger picture for us - I believe we are all trying hard and doing a good job! :) xx
Good to hear from you all! Congrats on being so close to your goal, MissDoc! That's got to feel so empowering!

My week's been good in an off and on sort of way. My nephews came over for the weekend, so it was difficult to stick to diet plans since we had to make or buy food that everyone could eat, not just DH and I. The boys are aged 6 and 3 (both with birthdays coming up in the next couple of months) and the 3 year old is at a picky eating stage, where even foods he generally loves to eat, he will turn down just to be contrary. That is, until his brother says HE wants some. Then the 3 year old is all over it. lol

Anyway, those guys kept me super active all weekend.. chasing them around my house, up and down the stairs. We took them to a miniature golf/arcade/go cart park on Saturday evening and walked all over the place with 'em there. My feet just about died from all the walking. Haha.

Sunday, DH and I ran errands all over town after the boys and my mother went home - but then we purchased and shared a giant slice of pepperoni pizza and some ice cream. On the plus side, we shared those things instead of each getting our own, so it was half the calories it could have been!

By Monday it was back to the regular diet food with some leftovers from the weekend thrown in (I hate to waste ANYTHING!) and now today I'm back to the good routine. My only issue is that I don't really have the energy to exercise lately. I even put some small weights by my couch so that I have them there to work on my arms when DH and I are watching Netflix together after dinner, but lately I've just been eyeing them without actually using them. lol!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) marks the first official week of dieting with the new foods we bought (if you don't count the stuff we ate over the weekend, that is) and so I'll be weighing in then to see what I've officially lost this week. The thought of stepping on the scale tomorrow is really helping me to stick to the diet TODAY. I don't want to go off plan and end up all bloaty and heavy tomorrow morning, you know? lol!

Anyway, good job to you ladies for sticking with it!

Cupcake, I can relate to joint pain and other issues. I was born with a spinal problem that makes lots of different things painful, like using the elliptical trainer, standing or sitting too long, laying on my back in bed, etc. so I can understand the urge to just take it easy when you're aching all day. On days your hip is bothering you, what if you stuck to doing easy upper body workouts from home?
Thanks for the encouragement gals!

IRYM-Excited for your new plan/food! Hope you get some seriously great results! Sounds like a visit from your nephews is just what you needed! Kudos for halfing the goods! If I REALLY want something, I've found its easier to eat a small amount. If I don't then I find other stuff to try to satisfy my craving, but then up caving & eating what I originally wanted in the end AFTER the other stuff....lolI do try to keep busy & do upper body when I don't gym, but its not the same as getting my sweat on.....But better than nothing I guess?

Fern-Goodluck on your HSG! I have watched that show a few times. I feel bad for those folks, but honestly it makes me feel somehow small if that makes sense.....

Doc- LMBO @ eu de old lady! Its definitely a dh deterrent! Which I may have to remember when I want to be left alone! lol Your job sounds fascinating, but I'm not sure how I could deal....We all have our callings though ;)

AFM-I am a bad patient lol I found some Meloxicam in the cabinet from dh's shoulder issues & decided to try it, along with some stretching suggestions from one of our PTA's at work & the old hip feels a little better, even after a call out with our VFD to fight a hayfield fire today! Yes I'm "that" firefighter chick too lol Well dh is coming to bother me, so I'll check in later!
First official weigh-in shows that I lost a pound last week. It should have been more (DH lost 6 pounds even given what we ate over the weekend!), but I only have myself to blame for that! I won't be indulging like that this weekend, that's for sure! We'll see what next Wednesday brings. :)
Hello gals! :)
I'd love to join you if you don't mind. I have started my weight loss journey as of this past Monday. I'm on a relaxed form of "Atkin's Diet" as I have PCOS and carbs are really bad for it. My new healthy eating involves eating low carbs but I can eat lots of protein and veggies and such (thus why the "relaxed" version). WTT for Baby #1!

Height: 5'8 (173cm)
Starting Weight: 375+
(Last time I weighed I was 375 although I know I got heavier than that)
Goal Weight: 180...

Things I did well this month: As for the month of July I figure I did well deciding to finally get my weight under control.

Things that need improving: My exercise routine.

Weight: 380.
Goal Weight 1: 330

Things I did well this month: This month I did well with deciding to make the change again and sticking to that decision. Getting back on track.

Things that need improving: I've been working on getting my nutrients through healthier choices. Waiting to get the ok to exercise after being sick for 2 months.
Welcome, Ursaula!

We're happy to have you, and glad you decided to join us. :)

I've done the Atkins diet before. It usually did wonders for me, but this last time around I couldn't hack it. Haha. I kept cheating and eating too many carbs.

I bet you'll melt away the pounds though!
Welcome Ursula! Good luck on your Journey!

Made the mistake of hopping on the scales this morning to estimate the damage of my week off :( Holy Geez! Up 5 pounds! Gawd, stupid af is due in 4 days I think too so I KNOW its some fluid, but I also know my eating plan fell by the wayside.....again! I have GOT to buckle down!
Thanks for the welcomes! :)

I can't wait for my first weigh in, I feel really great so far. I've gotten in the habit of weighing too much (multiple times a day) so I'm trying to break that habit now-sooner than later.

ireadyermind, did you feel light headed at all? I found at the start I was getting really dizzy and fell over a few times even. I've figured out now how to avoid that but that was one of my biggest issues.

cupcakestoy, I hear ya! I feel like whenever af is due to arrive soon the weight just creeps back on. :(
ireadyermind, did you feel light headed at all? I found at the start I was getting really dizzy and fell over a few times even. I've figured out now how to avoid that but that was one of my biggest issues.

No, I didn't feel light headed. For me, the biggest issues were sugar cravings/withdrawal and lack of energy. I had read that it's only the first two weeks that you're supposed to stay under 40g carbs per day, and then you gradually add more back into the diet until you're right at the point where you can still lose weight, but your carb intake is more like 60g - 80g per day. Following that rule really helped me make sure I wasn't shorting myself on food.

Also picking healthier meats to eat did me wonders. The first couple of times, I included things like bacon and hot dogs. Those always left me feeling bloated, cranky, tired and miserable the day after!

The diet I'm on now gets me something like 80g of carbs per day, but NONE of it comes from added sugar. It's all natural carbohydrates from vegetables, and a smidge from my morning cup of coffee, of course! So I guess it's a lot like the low carb diet, but my starting numbers are much higher than what the Atkins diet recommended.
Ursaula welcome :) so nice to have more women on the weight loss train.

Sorry i haven't been on for a few days I was just going to do 20 miles of kayaking but when I got to my out point felt like I still needed to keep going and ended up doing 153 miles! took me 4 days but it felt great! I got on the scale though and I'm up 4lbs :( i'm hoping its muscle and water sense I don't feel like I did a lot of over eating on my trip.

cupcakestoy - i tend not to weigh myself the week before up to the week after AF sometimes i've noticed i'm up as much as 8lbs!!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

I hope you are all well :hugs: I missed you!

I've been away from the boards for awhile, but everything's OK over here. I spent a lot of time the last few months traveling (mostly for work, a bit of vacation), so my weight loss slowed -- I basically just maintained. But now that I'm back home for a few weeks, I'm pushing it more and I'm on my way again :happydance:

This week I'm down to 102,2 kg, for a total of 48,2 kg lost since I started. I have 12,2 kg to go. My follow-up appointment with the gyno is October 19th, so I'm trying to lose as much as I can before that.

I've started working out semi-regularly, so my current goal is to stick with my low-gi eating plan and push myself to keep up with the workouts.

The weight loss doesn't seem to have had any positive effect on my cycles, but I've basically just accepted that so it's not getting me down anymore. :shrug:

Hi Ladies :flower:

I hope you are all well :hugs: I missed you!

I've been away from the boards for awhile, but everything's OK over here. I spent a lot of time the last few months traveling (mostly for work, a bit of vacation), so my weight loss slowed -- I basically just maintained. But now that I'm back home for a few weeks, I'm pushing it more and I'm on my way again :happydance:

This week I'm down to 102,2 kg, for a total of 48,2 kg lost since I started. I have 12,2 kg to go. My follow-up appointment with the gyno is October 19th, so I'm trying to lose as much as I can before that.

I've started working out semi-regularly, so my current goal is to stick with my low-gi eating plan and push myself to keep up with the workouts.

The weight loss doesn't seem to have had any positive effect on my cycles, but I've basically just accepted that so it's not getting me down anymore. :shrug:


Wow, good job! You've lost so much weight, I bet you feel amazing! :happydance:
Way to go Mrs. Tigger! Thanks swimmyj1 :).

I decided to have a cheat day yesterday but weighed in prior at 16lbs down in one week! I was feeling good other than the dizzy spells. Today I weighed in at 5lbs down from my starting weight (after my cheat day). I felt so ill and tried to start back up with the diet again but it ended in fainting. I think I'm going to adapt an eating style like yours, ireadyermind, where I allow more carbs than how many I'm suppose to consume on Atkins. My s/o suggested I have an eating plan made seeing I have allergies. We'll see though! :p
cutting carbs completely can be dangerous so giving yourself a few isn't a bad idea. I hope that makes you feel less dizzy.

Tigger - CONGRATS that is a huge weight loss! you should be very proud :)
Way to go Mrs. Tigger! Thanks swimmyj1 :).

I decided to have a cheat day yesterday but weighed in prior at 16lbs down in one week! I was feeling good other than the dizzy spells. Today I weighed in at 5lbs down from my starting weight (after my cheat day). I felt so ill and tried to start back up with the diet again but it ended in fainting. I think I'm going to adapt an eating style like yours, ireadyermind, where I allow more carbs than how many I'm suppose to consume on Atkins. My s/o suggested I have an eating plan made seeing I have allergies. We'll see though! :p

I would definitely look into adding a few carbs into your plan, then! It sounds like you were too low to have enough carbs for fuel during the day. Also your blood sugar could have been dropping from the drastic change, OR you could have been getting too few calories for what your body needs just to exist from day to day.

Have you looked into calculating your BMR? I found it was really helpful for determining how much I needed to eat to lose weight. <-- that's a good site. It gives a basic explanation of what BMR is, and then gives you a calculator so you can see what your BMR is based on varying factors.

For example, my BMR is about 1800 calories per day. With my desk job, I don't get much exercise. So to maintain my weight, I could eat about 1800 cals per day. To lose weight, I can cut down to 1300 - 1600 and then work out at least 30 mins and I'd ideally lose a couple pounds a week. But the longer you diet, the harder it gets because your body gets accustomed to operating at the lower calorie rate.

Right now I'm at about 1100 - 1200 and exercise 3x a week and I'm losing MAYBE two pounds a week if I'm really strict on what I eat, drink at least 3 liters of water a day and get plenty of sleep. I have found that if even one of those things is off by a little bit, my weight loss stalls out. It's rough!
Today is my new weigh-in day (since that's the day of the week the new diet foods arrived when we started this thing.. lol) and I'm down 2 pounds over last week's weigh in. Huzzah!

This is the first time I've lost more than 1/4lb/month in what feels like ages. I will definitely be sticking with this weight loss plan. :D
Hi all

Yay IRYM I hope it keeps dropping!! 2 pounds a week is totally healthy :).

Wow Ursaula that's so hectic to pass out from a diet. Do you have blood pressure or blood sugar issues? Poor you! Hope you manage to find an eating plan that works for your metabolism x

MrsTigger- such an inspiration with that weight loss! Keep up the good work :)

Swimmy - urgh I hate the 2 up-2 down game... wish that weight loss didn't consist of muscle & water weight fluctuations. Good luck with the tww ahead ;) just keep being healthy!

AFM - I guess AF will be here in a week or so. Then onto an hsg (hoping to get some answers!) and possibly back to ttc next cycle. I have NOT been dieting at all this past week. The house move was/is really hectic and frustrating because the previous occupants left it in an unbelievable state. I literally can't believe that people can live like that and just leave all their filth and mess for the new owners. Disgusting pigs, really. Anyway so I've had very little time for unpacking my kitchenware, much less cooking, since most of our time spent in the house so far was wasted on cleaning, scrubbing, disinfecting and clearing out rubbish! Fast food, bread etc have been my staple I'm afraid. Have picked up all the weight I've lost and grown back my tummy. :cry::cry::cry:
The only consolation is that it's still freezing cold winter here so no-one can see my body. (ATM I sleep with pj's, a thick robe over that, mittens, long thick socks and a woolly hat/beanie; under 2 blankets with 2 hot water bottles lol!).... and from all the cold and shivering I must surely be burning a few kilojoules.

Once we've settled in I will have to restart my diet from scratch. Oh yeah and we have a whole room devoted to a gym, right next to my office (since I work mostly from home). Yay so now I have somewhere "official" to work out. And a BIG pool so I can swim laps in the summer! :happydance:

Watch this space ladies.... I WILL look good in a bikini this summer, come hell or high water. :thumbup:

GL and hugs to you all x
Ladies!!! I am over the moon & terrified all at the same time! I got a BFP today!!!! Worried my lines were too light for 15-16 dpo, but I got a + Digi!!!! Starting Progesterone tonight & had HCG drawn today...Praying this is our sticky bean!!!!!

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