So sorry to hear that, cupcake!

It's got to be really rough -- but try not to be too hard on yourself. I know that's easier said than done, but at least you know you still CAN get pregnant without IVF! It's just a matter of working out what will make one stick.
Swimmy -- I understand where you're coming from. For me, I told 2 close friends and my Mom about the pregnancy and left it at that. I knew that announcing a pregnancy at 5 weeks was WAY too early, because an MC was still a big risk. Turns out I was right, since I MC'd not even a week later. It's so hard to have to tell all those people that you miscarried after the pregnancy is announced. I hope your DH realizes that soon.
AFM -- A friend of mine just delivered her baby two days ago. I'm happy for her, but also bitter.
And THEN -- warning, this is a rant coming! --
My middle sister is pregnant AGAIN, with an unplanned 4th child (FYI, all of her pregnancies were unplanned ones)... I've mentioned this before, but now my mother tells me that my sister is refusing any and all prenatal care. She has never had so much as a physical exam from a midwife. The only thing she did at all was to get an official pregnancy test from a clinic so that she can add this child to her welfare/gov't aid plan for the extra money that provides her.
She doesn't know the gender, she doesn't know if it will be a healthy pregnancy, nothing. I'm not sure how she does it; I'd be terrified not knowing! My mom and I were discussing it and we wondered: what if there was some terrible birth defect that they could have detected via ultrasound or blood test, and she is completely unaware of it? Not that she would love a disabled child any less, but she would be able to mentally prepare for it, prepare her home if needs be (for example, if her child was born without a limb?), if she knew about it in advance. Or what if there was a problem that would not allow the child to live without being hooked up to machines, or without major surgery almost immediately after birth? What if it has a problem severe enough that it can't survive after birth, period?
Not to mention, the state of California considers this complete lack of prenatal care to be akin to child neglect/abuse. The last time she had a child without any prenatal care, child protection services was called. Her home and current children were examined/questioned, her friends and family were interrogated, she was added to some kind of watch list... That's all going to happen again this time. It makes me sick.
All of us on this board want children so badly, and we're doing everything we can to better ourselves, ensure we're the healthiest we can be when we do get our BFP... and then there are people like my sister, who are so unconcerned with their unborn child, so neglectful, so thoughtless over it that they don't even make the time to walk into the free clinic for an ultrasound, or bother to even confirm a pregnancy after months of absent periods until she could actually FEEL the baby moving in her womb.
She currently has her 3 boys crammed into a single bedroom in a tiny mobile home, and now she has to make room for a fourth: what if it's a girl? As an infant, it might be okay for the girl to share a room with her brothers, but as she gets older?
At present, she isn't taking any steps toward readying her home (she's due in November), she isn't purchasing baby clothes because she doesn't know the gender...
I just can't wrap my mind around it. I can't!
I'm sorry for the rant, ladies, but it just blows my mind to think about the way she's handling this -- like having one more child isn't any more important than a stray cat living in the crawl space under the house.