Ty irym. Sorry that you have to deal with your sister's crap. I'd likely disown her myself, but I would worry about her kids....
Yeah irym I know I wont find out the gender if I have a child, but no one in my family does. We just end up buying a lot of nutural colors. But no prenatal care is crazy! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that. It's not fair that people keep getting pregnant when they shouldn't have kids and all of us are dying to have one and would be wonderful parents.
First of all Ireadyermind I've been meaning to reply on the post that you wrote on your sister's situation... Hun I totally get how ragingly unfair it is and I WISH with all my heart that it was you rather than her! I know saying that won't make it better though.

I believe that there is a reason for everything (even if that reason is to learn and grow), however having said that, a lot of the time I don't understand the world and I don't understand why women who should clearly not have more children just keep having one after another and, well, the rest of us don't always have that privilege.
Unfortunately, cutting my sister off means cutting those boys off, and their visits to my house are just about the only time they can get away from that environment. My mother (their grandmother) loads 'em up into her car and they come here for a weekend (I live a good 2.5hrs away). We go to the park, take walks, I let them help with cooking and little things like that. We don't do anything spectacular. It's not like I feed them ice cream, cookies and cake the whole weekend. We don't go to amusement parks and I don't buy them high-priced toys or anything. We just pay attention to them and do little things, like coloring or assembling puzzles.
The middle child just turned 4 last month and he constantly asks my mom when they're going to come back to my house to visit, and when I show up at HIS house he hugs me SO tightly, like there's no tomorrow. It breaks my heart!
My sister does not give those boys the time of day. She makes the 6 year old walk himself to the bus stop for school (on the days he actually goes, which aren't many because she can't be bothered to make sure they consistently have clean clothes and shoes that fit), she failed to get the 4 y/o enrolled for pre-K this year... all he needed was 1 booster shot and a copy of his birth certificate and he'd have been good to go. But he'd have to get a ride to school every morning and she didn't want to deal with that.
The littlest boy is turning two and you never see him with any clothes on. He has zero supervision, he's constantly breaking things, getting into cabinets, and he once ate rat poison that the landlord's extermination company left out where they shouldn't have.
CPS has been called on her numerous times, but every time they come out to investigate, they claim that there aren't any problems.
I am just SO sad for those boys. The 6 year old is essentially the 'dad' of the house, makes sure his brothers are taken care of. He helps them get dressed, he basically potty trained the 4 year old himself, and he's the one who tries to keep an eye on the toddler -- but he's six years old!
How can you carry a child in your womb for 9 mos and give birth to it and then just... not care? I can't wrap my mind around that!
As far as weight loss goes... ever since AF showed up two weeks ago I've been puffy, bloated and loaded up on water weight that just will NOT leave. I am heavier than I was when I even started this diet, and even though I'm still ON the diet, weight is just not coming off. I'm at my wits' end here!
I finally thought I had found a combination of carbs/protein/water/exercise that worked, and now this.... It's so frustrating and I'm starting to feel desperate.
My second blood draw for testosterone went completely the opposite direction. Now instead of high levels I have low levels, and my physician doesn't think there's anything wrong with me any more. I really do not know what to do at this point. CLEARLY there is a problem, but no one I talk to is willing to believe that there is one.
I was telling DH: I think I can understand why some girls become anorexic, now.
Not that I ever would choose that option, but after everything I've tried? I can see where the temptation to just avoid food altogether comes from.