Getting Fit Before Baby

ooohhh you gals are making me want to eat some yummy food i should avoid. My scale broke a few weeks ago so I haven't been on to assess my damages.

Ursaula - sorry hun i also don't see anything

IRYM - i feel super accomplished when i get the timing down lol. My cycle we got pregnant it was a prefect every other day for a week and a half i was super proud, and dh thought i was nuts.

I'm meeting with a fertility therapist this week and next I really hope it helps I just have not been in a good place and have been making some stupid reckless decisions lately that I'm not proud of. 11dpo and still bfn going to test again tomorrow and if nothing then im gonna stop the progestone and on to trying next month with the higher dose of clomid. With more eggs hopefully we can get a healthy embryo that wants to grow (or i'm gonna end up with 5 babies and can start a tv show lol)
IRYM - i feel super accomplished when i get the timing down lol. My cycle we got pregnant it was a prefect every other day for a week and a half i was super proud, and dh thought i was nuts.

Oh good, I'm glad it's not just me! :haha:

(or i'm gonna end up with 5 babies and can start a tv show lol)

lol! You crack me up. Starting a TV show might not be a bad idea!

I hope the counseling helps. I'm sorry you're feeling so badly over TTC. :hugs:
Hi everyone

My ovaries are reaaaaallllly painful, both sides! Uterus too. EWCM has started. I decided to start tracking my cycle today; I suddenly realized I have no idea which CD I'm on and I have to stop taking black cohosh sometime! BD plan is ed CD14-17, 24 hours apart like my dr advised me for previous cycles.

The more I read up about IVF and especially ICSI, the less I want to do it! I really want to stop trying and just accept that it will never happen. I really really want a baby but at the same time IVF is sooooooo expensive and I feel so conflicted about the IVF/ICSI laboratory procedures. If it was just my decision I would have stopped trying already but of course it is DH's decision too... This is such an emotional journey and I guess none of this ever gets any easier. (I don't want to discuss on here what my issue with IVF/ICSI is but if anyone is interested I would be happy to discuss it in a private message.)

Cupcakestoy - pleeeeeease pm me the message for the cheesecake! It sounds divine. Thanks so much for your support & prayers hun. Yes I keep praying for peace too and I must say I have moments & days where I'm very depressed but most of the time I can cope with the idea of not having kids (not liking it, but at least I don't want to gouge out my eyes and die). DH and I have a good life for the most part. Not having kids will not remove anything we already have in life nor take away any of the people I already have to love. BTW Good job with working out so hard on the farm! Do you still have cows? :)

IRYM - have a happy tww!:happydance:

Swimmy - All the best with the therapy, that really is a brave step and I hope it makes a huge difference in both your and your husband's lives.

Ursaula - Any news?

Drjo - so happy that everything is still going well for you!

Eesh I have so many good intentions but not following through! My strict diet plan went great for a week and then I cheated so much on the weekend! The thing I struggled with most this year was self control and that's definitely something I need to work on. I have all the perfect plans for my diet & lifestyle in place and I try to follow it but slip up too often (emotional eating & laziness)! Well I can't let it get me down, just have to keep trying, right.
Fern~The concept of IVF is TERRIFYING to me! Just so many unknowns & so much hormonal manipulation. Guess it doesn't help as I am a bit of a control freak :/ Just trying to cross 1 bridge at a time, so to speak....

Yes I still have cows lol actually the blind calf, Moses, went to live back with his owner a couple months back. Was sad to hear that he had gotten hurt by another cow & died! :cry:Apparently it twisted his stomach...Poor guy!

AFM, well so far so good this week.....I did get my flu shot yesterday & yikes! My arm is SO sore! Needless to say, I didn't sleep well :/ Also working extra this week, as 1 of the other nurses is off for a family emergency.....

How is everyone today?
Thanks, Fern!

Cupcake - Oh man, so sad what happened to the calf! We raised a steer for beef, once. He was so lovey. Mom and sisters made the mistake of getting attached to him, so when the time came for slaughter, they were SO upset. You don't really think of cows as the friendly, cuddly sort until you're up close and personal with calves like that!

AFM, FF finally put cross hairs on my chart. I think the cover line is a little high, but other than that it looks to be spot on. DH and I tried to BD the day of ovulation, but he was exhausted and stressed from work and we just couldn't manage it. We did get the two days before O, though, so that's a plus. :)

I have ridiculously sore BBs still, and sore lower abdomen too. It was hard trying to get to sleep last night because no matter which way I lay, something was twinging and making me uncomfortable. Bah!

I'm already ready for this TWW to be over! Haha
Hello gals!

Long story cut short. My s/o told me he no longer loved me so we split up. The past few days have been very hard for me and it wasn't until today we finally had a chance to sit down and talk about everything. We're still going to remain good friends but he has to work on himself for a while before we can continue on our journey together.

I had a blood test taken at the hospital at 13dpo and it came back negative, so I'm assuming I'm not pregnant, what do you gals think? How long before a blood test would be positive? I've taken my last FRER since and it looks to have a faint line when tweaked maybe - it's kind of like the last one I posted so I'm not hopeful. I have started metformin to get things going...with that said though, I'm not sure if we'll still be ttc seeing as we are "apart", so until we figure things out I'll come on here to give you gals support. :)

In regards to weight loss, I have dropped a bit of weight over the weekend, I am down from 380 to 377, so I'm happy about that 3lbs.

Praying everyone else is doing well! :)
Ursaula - I'm so sorry about your separation :( that is so hard to go through. I'm glad that you can remain friends though. As for a blood test by 13dpo it should be showing hcg for sure. Usually by 9 they get a + blood. Congrats on the further weight loss!!! keep up the good work I know its so hard with the holidays coming up

Fern - we are on the same page, I thought I really wanted to do IVF with genetic testing but the more I look at it the more doubt and concern I have. I think we are just going to try with clomid for a while and see what happens. Maybe actually get a donor.

IRYM - Hope this TTW goes by quickly.

AFM - I also got my flu shot (ouch!) I think this year was worse than lasts (what do you think cupcake?) Still waiting on AF kind of wish she would hurry up lol. curious to see how many follicles I get with the 100mg this time. Still waiting to hear back about an appointment from the genetic specialist which is driving me crazy. I really like the therapist I met with, she has also been through a few losses. So I felt like it was easy to talk with her about what i'm feeling.
Urs~So sorry to hear about your split....It's hard, but usually it all works out the way its supposed too! Your Mr. Right may be right in front of you & you just don't see it yet! Give yourself time to grieve & love yourself!:hugs:
Congrats on 3#!!! That's Super!
I agree with Swimmy, if your O date is right, you should have a positive blood test by this time...:(

Swimmy~My arm STILL hurts! lol I'm really not a big whiny baby either, but geez! It is worse this year for sure! Are you still doing monitored cycles with the clomid or just going at it blind? lol
Hi ladies

Ursaula - I'm so sorry that you are going through such a stressful & hurtful situation. I hope you meet a lovely man who will truly love you and with whom you can fully share this journey of ttc. Many hugs! xx. Taking metformin I believe is a good idea even if you are not necessarily going to ttc right now. PCOS negatively affects insulin metabolism, hormones etc, all of which influence the whole body & general health... so if it is treated then your whole metabolism and many organ systems function better. My sister takes it as chronic medicine even though she is done having kids.

If you are taking some time off from ttc, please stay on the group if you want to (I'm hoping you will)! We all will still support you on the weight loss journey before you start ttc again. After this cycle I'll be back on bcp but will still post here for weight loss support for sure. New years resolutions and all ;)! Congrats on 3 pounds lost!

IRYM - why oh why is ttc so full of cramping, pains and aches? I've got lots of sympathy for you. I've been having the worst uterus, ovary and lower back pain the past few days and not even O'd yet, it's getting progressively worse. I have even cancelled a ladies night out tonight. (Hoping it's MANY follies getting ready, but with my luck it's probably rampant endo lol.) FX for you!! One of us HAS to get a bfp for Christmas :).

Cupcake - oh so sorry to hear about Moses! And your sucky flu shot! Where are you in your cycle, aren't you far along on the tww somewhere? x

Swimmy - Sorry about the bfn. Will you be testing again or just wait for AF? I hope you do well on the 100mg. Also, so glad you found a therapist with whom you connected. :hugs:

I can't WAIT for this cycle to be over! I'm in soooooo much pain. I feel more and more like not going through with IVF. We can do so much more with that money. Maybe it's time to stop throwing away money, energy and time on the one thing we can't have, and just focus on everything else life has to offer! Since last year I've been working so hard on focusing on everything DH and I already have, and on finding peace. Every day that goes by I feel like I'm more ready to let go. I tried to discuss it with my husband again last night but he just ignored me and played clash of clans grrrrrrrrrrrrr! Hope I ovulate soon and get rid of some pressure/pain.
Wow, so much happened last night while I was away from the forum!

Ursaula - Man, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad you were able to sit down with him and talk things through. At least things ended on civil terms rather than in some kind of horrible fight or something. :hugs: for you, and we're always here if you need some shoulders to cry on!

Fern - So you're feeling aches and misery too, eh? I've been getting the back aches from hell lately, and the pain is driving me nuts! And since I'm allergic to tylenol, and motrin & aleve aren't safe for pregnancy, I'm not taking ANYTHING since I'm in the TWW and I don't want to jeopardize a potential BFP. It's been rough. It makes basic housework feel like I've been running a 3 day endurance competition or something. Oye.

No real news for me today. My BBT shot way up this morning and now it looks like a "proper" post-O temperature. Everything else seems to be the same so far.
I really appreciate you gals being here and plan to stay for the weight loss portion and cheer each of you on with weight loss and future ttc plans and BFPs! :)

Swimmy: Thanks for your input on the blood test. I'm just confused why I haven't seen af when my doctor gave me the shot to make it come. Do you mind if I ask you why you have second thoughts on IVF? Super happy you found a therapist that you can connect with, sometimes that's half the battle.

I too had my flu shot in between my illnesses but found it only gave me a little bump and I had no pain at all. Also, thanks for encouraging my weight loss! :)

Cupcake: Thank you as well for your input in regards to the blood test. As I said, I'm not too sure why af didn't start, but I see my doctor tomorrow (Friday) and will hopefully have answers by then.

Thank you too for the encouragement.

What cd are you on?

Fern: Both doctors I have seen also agreed that taking Metformin is going to be a very good idea whether ttc or not. I just hate the side effects but I'm excited to have things regulated throughout my body.

I do plan on staying on the forums and cheering everyone on weight loss and ttc. My New Years resolution is focusing on me and my health problems, which will only get better with this weight loss. By the way, thank you for the congratulations on my weight loss. I'm feeling pretty good even though it wasn't a lot. Every pound counts!

Fx'd for those follies!!

Have you taken anything for the ovaries and back pain? I also wasn't sure if you had mentioned previously if you had looked into adoption or if it's something you would maybe consider?

IRYM: Thank you so much :) I can't remember all of the medications in the United States but I use Advil (ibuprofen) when I have severe pain, not sure if you're allergic though. I agree with not taking anything incase of jeopardizing something but it was just a thought.

AFM: I'm living in my parents basement so I get to see their new puppy a lot. My puppy ADORES him and mothers him, too cute!

I'm planning on doing one final test on Sunday because I love poas. I see my doctor on Friday still to talk about everything that's been going on. I received a phone call from the other doctor I had seen mentioning something about diabetes so I'm really concerned now.

Praying for all of you :)
CD 23 here, somewhere around 10dpo....usually have an 11-12 day luteal, but since I took the soy iso. I'm not sure if it will delay AF or not. It didn't last cycle, but I'm not getting excited unless AF isn't here by Monday!
Ursaula - Motrin is just another brand name of Ibuprofen here in the states. I've been told not to take any of it during pregnancy, so I figure I will err on the side of caution and not take any in the TWW since my and DH's timing was so good this month.

Same goes for liquor, caffeine.. I have my one cup of coffee a day, but I'm really trying not to overdo it. Just in case!
Well Poo! Af flew in this morning, out of nowhere! Leaving me with a 10 day luteal.....sigh Oh well, no more Soy for me! Starting Clomid on Monday! Fx'd for next cycle!

Today is when we are taking our Sr. Youth to the Hearts on Fire conference in Gatlinburg! Not sure how I got talked into chaperoning, but I have been assured its because I am the "cool mom" lmbo! I think I'm in charge of TEN teenage girls :/ God help me!!!!
Guess what!! My husband said last night that he is also tired of this black cloud of ttc hanging over us and that we can stop trying! Whoop whoop! I guess I will definitely still be going onto the new medical insurance plan to at least get a proper endometriosis removal done, and then ivf is OPTIONAL, IF we feel up to it.

Ursaula you sound so positive. GL with your dr's appointment! I hope you get some answers. Keep us updated!

Cupcake - enjoy the conference hun x

IRYM - only 9 or so days before poas :happydance: hehe!
Well Poo! Af flew in this morning, out of nowhere! Leaving me with a 10 day luteal.....sigh Oh well, no more Soy for me! Starting Clomid on Monday! Fx'd for next cycle!

Today is when we are taking our Sr. Youth to the Hearts on Fire conference in Gatlinburg! Not sure how I got talked into chaperoning, but I have been assured its because I am the "cool mom" lmbo! I think I'm in charge of TEN teenage girls :/ God help me!!!!

Oh no... Just try to avoid pulling out all your hair while you're there. haha

Guess what!! My husband said last night that he is also tired of this black cloud of ttc hanging over us and that we can stop trying! Whoop whoop! I guess I will definitely still be going onto the new medical insurance plan to at least get a proper endometriosis removal done, and then ivf is OPTIONAL, IF we feel up to it.

Ursaula you sound so positive. GL with your dr's appointment! I hope you get some answers. Keep us updated!

Cupcake - enjoy the conference hun x

IRYM - only 9 or so days before poas :happydance: hehe!

That has got to feel like such a relief! You both agree that IVF is optional instead of "mandatory". That's going to do wonders for both of your guys' moods and everything. I'm happy you guys are both on the same page, so to speak.

And yeah, only 9-10 more days! IF I can wait that long. I keep having strange baby dreams every night, which I never get. I didn't get them last month when AF was two days late, either! It's making me want to get up first thing every morning and POAS. It's getting harder and harder not to! haha
Ursaula I realized I never answered your question; nope we are not considering adoption. I've been taking pain tablets daily for a few days now and I wonder if it will interfere with ovulation..... no anti-inflammatories but still. Atm I don't even care! :)

IRYM will you test before AF is due?

Cupcake- boo for a 10 day lp.... at least it's not that way every cycle right. Gl for your Clomid cycle.
IRYM will you test before AF is due?

I'm going to have to. Wednesday of this coming week at the latest, because holiday festivities always means alcoholic beverages at my family's. I'll need to know if I'm pregnant or not so that I know whether or not I can have any alcohol.

If it comes up BFN, I will likely only drink one or two drinks that night just to be on the safe side. Sometimes it's just a steady stream of booze all day, starting with mimosas at breakfast. Haha!

I feel like, having said that, I need to point out that aside from holidays, I only drink once or twice a month, and then only one drink with dinner. So not to worry that I'm a raging alcoholic or anything. :blush:

Wednesday is 10dpo and I only have internet cheapies to test with, but if I see even the barest hint of a line on there, you can bet I'll be running out to grab FRERs!
IRYM: Good plan in regards to limiting yourself on certain things (caffeine). Good luck not poas sooner!! It's funny how addicting it gets...also sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun! :)

Cupcake: Boo for af! Praying for your next cycle though :)

Fern: I'm happy the both of you have agreed upon it being an option. Only the future knows what will happen. Fxd for you it turns out just how you want it.

AFM: I had my doctor appointment and it shows my sugars are in the perfectly normal range so no diabetes...confused now so my usual doctor is going to recheck them.

How many mg of Metformin is the usual amount before cycles begin to regulate? I know I have a long way to go as I'm only taking 250mg right now...side effects are finally letting up.

I have also officially decided I will become a crazy cat lady and look quite forward to the future with my cats.
Fern~So glad to hear you & dh are on the same page so you can be less stressed!

Urs~Yay for NO DIABETES!!! That's great news! All of labs always come back good! People are amazed you can be over weight & not be diabetic or have high cholesterol lol We have 5 cats here...of course 4 of the 5 are strays who ended up adopting us! lol

IRYM~"Raging Alcoholic" made me chuckle! Good luck when testing starts! I'm no longer a drinker, socially or otherwise, unless once every couple of years counts lol, but I used to partake more than I should have......:shrug:

AFM~Conference was great, until I had to deal with a 13 & 14 y/o "couple" who were making out at every chance they got!:dohh: Lots of drama & rudeness...I really wanted to slap them, but thankfully I refrained! I did have a convo with each of their parents & I think they go slapped anyways!:happydance: Both apologized to me at church yesterday, so onward we go! Other than those 2, no problems with the others. Great music and great food! I figured with af here & our trip this weekend, that this week was a bust, BUT I lost 2 pounds!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

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