Getting Fit Before Baby

My cholesterol and blood sugar levels are excellent, too. It's upsetting to see how many people assume you're big because you're unhealthy. Sigh.

Anyway I've been ridiculously sick these past couple of days with some kind of stomach flu. Had a fever of 100.44, vomiting, body aches... Yesterday all I could keep down was about 1/4 cup of apple sauce and some Gatorade. All day. And I slept and slept and slept....

Still have a low fever today. I'm at 99.5ish, so it's improving but not great. I'm worried that this is going to cause problems with possible implantation, since I'm 8DPO today. I hope not!
Hi all

I had a post typed out and my cat deleted it lol. Let's try again.

Ursaula - great news regarding your labs!! I am so happy to see that so many of you ladies also love pets especially rescue babies :). Yay for being a fellow crazy cat lady! :happydance::happydance:

IRYM - stomach flu SUCKS! Well it's normal to have a lowered immune system in the tww (apparently to reduce the chances of the body rejecting the blastocyst). I hope it doesn't affect you chances of implantation.x

Cupcake - your weight loss is going great! 39 lost, wow. I need to see before and after pics already! Lol I remember being the age when all you want to do is sneak off and kiss the bf.... good old days sigh!

Swimmy - sorry AF got you! Hope 100mg does the trick. x

AFM - well I didn't really get a lot of CM this time around, which was very weird as I usually get lots & quite obviously EWCM. I also had so much constant pain that I'm not sure which day I ovulated... Am thinking it might have been very late last night as I felt the most pain & pressure then. Not too bothered to be honest.

As for the drinking.... I've started drinking too much the past few months (like, every weekend & sometimes I'd get very drunk!). It just crept up on me; this weekend I decided to stop drinking completely for at least a year. I don't drink much usually, months can go by without me having any alcohol. It's just healthier and less expensive! So to realize that I have started indulging in this type of reckless behavior on a regular basis (maybe as a coping mechanism?) is not something I want to allow in my life anymore. Speaking about alcohol. :winkwink:. And it's full of empty calories & NOT actually allowed on my list of healthies! So, there!
I think I'm in the tww? 1 or 2 dpo... my temps are not rising however. Will see what happens in 2 weeks.

In the meantime: This week is my last week of work for the year, also my birthday, whoop whoop! Going to relax and enjoy the rest of the week. I've been eating better and swimming a lot. Feeling quite healthy!

Thinking of you all x
Fern - Happy Birthday!

My birthday's in a few weeks. Wondering if I'll get a BFP as a birthday present. :p

My fever broke yesterday, finally, and this morning's temp was VERY low, almost to the cover line. In previous charts I always have a dip at 6 or 7DPO, but this month it's looking like a dip at 9dpo. Implantation dip? Who knows! But I hope that's what it is.

I will be testing tomorrow with a FRER using FMU so that I know whether or not I can have a few drinks over the holiday. FXd!
Thanks everyone for being thrilled with me not having diabetes, I'm SO glad that isn't the case.

Cupcake: YAY 2lbs!! That had to make you feel great after all that teenage drama, I'm happy they at least apologized to you.

IRYM: It really upsets me that people assume I'm unhealthy because I'm overweight. You CAN be in SHAPE when you're overweight or obese. Most of my issues aren't even from my weight either. I can only think of one that IS from my weight. Phooey on them!

I'm glad to hear your fever has disappeared and I'm praying it's an implantation drop. I'll be watching your chart.

Fern: Happy Birthday! :)

My pets are definitely the reason I'm still alive, they're my babies!

Very cool to hear about the lowered immune system, I wasn't aware that during the tww it changed. Praying for your tww to end up as an excellent surprise!

I'm also glad you were able to notice the drinking had increased a little and be able to do something before it had gone a lot further. My "ex"s mother is an alcoholic (not saying you or anyone on the forum is even close to that) but she doesn't even realize or admit when she is drinking from the moment she wakes up, all through work, until she passes out back at home.

AFM: My temperatures are still higher than normal so I feel like I'm still in the tww even though I'd be on 21dpo. I haven't tested since 15dpo because I kind of had given up so I bought the last 3 tests at dollar tree and have used two of them and plan to use the last one up on 23dpo or later if my temps don't change.

Metformin was sitting a little better with me but my doctor wanted me to start increasing the amount. Side effects galore again.

For those of you who are celebrating their Thanksgiving this Thursday, what are your plans? :)
Happy Birthday Fern! I am SO jealous that your done working for the YEAR!!!!!! Good job on getting in more swimming & eating better! I'm jealous of the swimming part too! :/ It's freezing cold here at night now, 50's during the day though....Actually had snow flurries Sunday on the way into church....ugh

Good luck on testing IRYM!!! Glad your getting over the crud!

Urs-I didn't have many s/e when I took 500mg twice a day, but since I've been on it 3 times a day the only thing I have noticed is that I tend to have looser bm's(TMI) Hope you get some answers soon on this cycle!

AFM-Well I made it to the gym today & am going tomorrow too! It was tough but it felt great to be at it again....Going to try my best to get back in the habit at least 3 times a week for sure. I've started Thanksgiving prep! Just got a yummy cheesecake out of the oven. This one is just a plain one with a sugar cookie crust ;) Also got my dressing & broccoli casserole made and in the fridge! Turkey's thawing as we speak lol Just having dinner for our family, though my parents & dh grandma may come too. Working on Black Friday, which is fine since I'm not going shopping in that mess! I am excited for saturday though! We are taking the kids to our 1st ever UT football game!!!! DH used to go with his G-pa, so not new to him, but still excited though!
Sorry gals I've been a little MIA this week. Glad to see everyone is doing good :) I was taking a little time away for me. I made some very rash decisions over the last few weeks and have been having to deal with the consequences. I almost slept with someone else with the purpose of getting pregnant .... I was just so fed up with the red tape of using a donor or that my fertility clinic won't even let us get a plan in order without talking to the genetic specialists first. Thank god I came to my senses and told my DH that I had been talking with someone and I know its going to take time to get his trust back. I'm just so grateful I didn't do it ... I didn't want to sleep with someone else I just hate that we will be coming up on 3 years of ttc and we more than likely have a lot of MC in our future. I actually started seeing a therapist and am feeling a lot better. I forgot how nice it is to be able to vent everything out and know that it will never get back to anyone I know hahaha.

Finally got an appointment in with the genetic specialists on the 18th. Unfortunately its 3 hours from our house so its gonna be a long day, but hopefully we get some more answers and can keep going from there.
:hugs:Swimmy! I'm so sorry that you've been having ir so hard, but I am glad that you are getting in some therapy :) I'm sure guilty of that thought running through my head at times, well I was during the nitty gritty of ttc, especially when dh wouldn't bd! LMBO, I was never really "talking" to someone though.....just daydreaming about some random Ginger stranger I guess! I'm horrible at lying though, so it never would have worked! I do commend you for coming clean with dh! Its always good to clear the air! Much love & Prayers sister!
swimmy - That sounds so tough. :( I'm glad you didn't go through with it and came clean. :hugs:

Ursaula - Same here. I don't have any health issues that are strictly related to my weight. Shouldn't that mean that the weight is hormone induced and not due to crappy eating, poor lifestyle choices, etc? Why can't physicians connect the dots like that?

AFM -- Tested this morning after having BFP dreams all night and got BFN. Boo. But I'm still feeling a little off from that flu bug and will be telling the fam that I'm taking it easy because the last thing I need is to make myself even more sick, you know? So a couple of drinks, but I don't intend to get drunk.

Besides, 10DPO is still early and I wouldn't normally be testing this early if it wasn't for the fact I planned on having alcohol this holiday. So!

It ain't over until AF shows her ugly face, and I have to wait all the way til Monday for that, at the earliest. I'm glad I'll have some distraction in the form of this family get-together.

EDIT: Oh! And my temp spiked back up to 98.46 today. Hmmmmmmm, interesting!
Cupcake: Thanks for your input. I decided to check in with my doctor via phone call today to ask about them because I was concerned. He said as long as I am ok with having them then there isn't anything to be concerned about. I'm use to most of them as I have irritable bowel syndrome. The only different one is nausea which I get regularly anyway when starting or ending a medication.

Super happy you're able to get in the gym! That has to make you feel great! :) Your Thanksgiving already sounds delicious and have a lot of fun at the game!

Swimmy: I'm really glad you were able to talk the idea down and speak to your hubby about it. Therapy is really an AWESOME way just to vent out some of the angry energy. I'm also grateful you were able to share this with us. I pray for you and your hubby to get through this together. I hope you get the answers you're looking for on the 18th.

IRYM: I had a physician tell me a few months ago I'm "not allowed" to have children yet because of my weight. I was furious leaving because apparently we need "permission" from strangers to tell us how and when we can have children. I hate people sometimes, haha!

I agree 10dpo is still really early but glad you tested anyway just incase before the holiday! I'm loving your temp increase and praying Monday and afterwards lead to NO af!

AFM: Doing one last test tomorrow morning and feeling a little heartbroken over it. I'm not very hopeful for it as I would be 23dpo tomorrow and what are the chances?

Also having a rough day as I gained 6 pounds (I know why). Planning to see a dietitian soon to really help me with this emotional eating thing.

I'm confused as "s/o" and I have decided to remain friends but the past couple times we've seen each other we ended up in bed. Is this normal, what should I do about it?
Urs-in my opinion I would tell your s/o, that it can't be both ways. Either you work at your relationship, romantically or you remain friends. Either way sex would be off the table for a good while for me. My ex husband did the same thing the 1st month we were separated, or tried to. With us it was a matter of familiarity. He thought he would use me for sex, but that plan wasn't working with me....good luck testing today! As for the weight gain.....hugs! I've had that happen too a few times.. Very discouraging, but its usually mostly water retention. Hang in there!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are eating around 1:00, then driving a plate & some necessities to a patient of mine who is all alone in this world & struggles to make ends meet. So sad as her dh & dd have long ago passed. Hoping to make her smile today & realizing how greatly we are blessed!!!
Happy thanksgiving!!!! Even though it's not a South African tradition, I want DH and I to also focus on what makes us thankful especially today. Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Thanks girls I had a lovely birthday. Still eating birthday cake but I'm swimming and eating loads of salads & veg too... as soon as all the birthday food is finished I'll attempt to go back on the healthy eating plan. :)

Calling 4 dpo; I think I ovulated very late Sunday night, going on O pains. We'll see.

Out of all the cycles that we've "tried", I think we have the smallest chance this cycle. Even though I had such good intentions to eat well etc, I didn't do as well as I had planned and had a few too many drinks in the beginning of the cycle. I also ate more junk food than I had planned (like I said earlier, I guess due to emotional eating & feeling angry and skeptical). So obviously my health, while not bad, was not optimal. I had barely any EWCM and we didn't bother using preseed or anything similar. We also dtd in the mornings so I would have to get up right away after and most of the *important stuff* would run out (sorry if TMI). I definitely didn't have time to lay down with my legs in the air for 30min each time. On top of all that my temps aren't really rising like they should so I'm guessing my progesterone levels aren't optimal/estrogen is too high OR my body is not responding to the progesterone properly.

I think I really have given up, I didn't have any energy to try this cycle (not trying to sound bitter, I'm really doing OKish). On my birthday my husband gave me a card "from the cats", saying "happy birthday MOMMY". It made me so sad to think that I will ever only be mommy to my pets. It was such a poignant card. But I didn't cry about it and felt better thinking that at least my rescue kitties DO have a "mom" even if I don't have a human baby.

I won't be using clomid again next cycle even though I still have a pack left. I will go back on bcp and see what happens from there. I'm hoping that if I'm only concentrating on on slimming and fitness and NOT on ttc, I go back to losing weight and being healthy (it worked for me last cycle when I was on bcp!). Hopefully I won't have the anger and cynicism next cycle, because I won't be focused on ttc which I know won't work... and that should mean less emotional eating & bad decisions. 10 days until AF arrives, then I can start working out harder etc. I'm so happy that I've decided to cut out all alcohol, just going to aid in the slimming process.

Swimmy - Lady I just have so much respect for you for coming clean to your husband and not going through with your desperate thoughts. We are ALL human and all have so many weaknesses and failings but you actually had the guts to fix something that could potentially have ruined your life/marriage. STANDING OVATION chicka. I'm praying for you, that you might find peace. Sending you a whole heap of hugs. You are so strong. xxxx

IRYM - awwww I was keeping my fingers crossed for a bfp!! Hoping it's just too early!

Cupcake - good job on getting back in the gym! All those consistent lifestyle changes are very inspiring. x

Ursaula - that is really a though situation with your ex. After I got divorced 10 years ago at a young age, my ex and I used to see each other and I'm sorry to admit we also ended up in bed a few times. I couldn't get any emotional distance from him and the breakup dragged on for a number of extremely painful months. Even today the thought of him causes me pain and I don't have 100% closure. It really messed with my emotional health and after going through that, I personally think a clean break is best. Sending you positive thoughts. I hope the two of you manage to decide on what your boundaries are. We all deserve to be happy and feel safe in a relationship whether it be friendship or a romantic involvement.
Fern- I'm so wishing I could just hug you! I honestly don't feel like your just going to end up being a mom to just your cats! I think God has a special plan & purpose for you & dh. Not sure how it will all play out of course, but I do believe in happy endings! Much love to you!
Hope everyone had a fab feasting day. Cupcake that's so nice of you to share with a less fortunate acquaintance. It just makes the festivities so much more special and meaningful. Supermarkets here sell large buckets filled with necessities like nonperishable foods and toiletries, and also a few sweet treats. The bucket is large and strong enough to be used around the house after it's been emptied, too. We plan on handing out a few to a number of less fortunate families, it's so affordable and I think it's a great holiday gift.

IRYM - any updates? Holding my breath over here....!

Well I started running again today, whoop whoop! My knee was fine :) but that might have been because I was taking things really slowly and walking more than running! I am in the tww after all hehe. And I swam a few lengths too. Getting really tanned already from all the swimming & sunshine. I must say it's sooooo much easier to exercise now that I'm on holiday. I must just find a way to get fit and get a routine going that will still work when the teaching madness starts again in January.

Something else - today I've suddenly started thinking of the other cycle I had such slowly creeping temps (June cycle of this year). I had a 7 dpo progesterone test and my levels were quite high even though I was super cynical! Also, that was the month I had 2 tests turn positive (well after the time limit though)... and AF was 2/3 days late. Maybe I had a chemical pregnancy? That in itself would be astonishing and it would mean that I do still have egg cells. Just musing.:blush:
Anyone there? Or are you all still recovering from thanksgiving and black Friday shopping :)
Thanks gals for your input in regards to the relationship with him. We had a talk a few days ago and discussed boundaries that need to be put in place and both agreed no sex and a few other boundaries were set. We both had plans to go on a trip together this weekend and decided to go on it anyway. It was a hard trip as I watched him fall back into a past drug addiction when he met up with one of his old druggy buddies to "catch up". My heart aches for him yet I know this was a good move as he needs to get his s**t together and I still have a few things I'd like to work on.

I know something positive will come your way Fern, just hold in there! :) Glad to hear you've started running too, and swimming! I love swimming but it snows here about 9 months of the year and the closest indoor pool is in the city and it would cost too much to go daily. I agree it does sound like a chemical pregnancy...fx'd for those eggs!

How was everyones Thanksgiving?
Sorry gals, been a BUSY weekend! Thanksgiving was great! Just us 4 here, but very nice & I'm a darn good cook! lol I AM happy to report I didn't gain! I didn't lose either, but I figured I would gain after all the junk we ate! lol No Black Friday shopping for me! Not going to fight the crowds of obnoxious folks to save a few bucks :/ We did go to the UT Game & it was absolutley awesome! Will for sure be going back in the future!!!!

I finished my Clomid & today is cd 11, so I will start Opks today, as well as increasing bd, in hopes of a long awaited Miracle! We started a marriage class last Sunday, with 8 other couples from our church and had our 2nd meeting last night. It was the official 1st class. It was really awesome, some in tears, letting go of old hurts, discussing issues. I believe its going to set a new tone for lots of us! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
thank you so much for being so supportive ladies. i'm still so embarrassed that I almost slept with someone else.
Cupcake im also on cd11 fingers crossed for both of us! My follicle scan is on Wednesday but i think i need to go back on metformin. I felt like my ovulation signs were much more clear then (not holding too much hope for this cycle honeslty) and if we don't get a bfp I think im going to take a month off from ttc just to work on my marriage a little.

Also the holidays are killing me on losing weight (this time of year is so hard!!)
Hi ladies

Glad to hear from you all, I'm going a bit crazy in my last (for now) tww so I need to chat :). 7/8 dpo today and I'm super tired and dizzy. That in itself is not unusual for me in the latter part of the tww and I know it's just due to progesterone (my temps have increased a bit so I know the CL is pumping out some!). It's also very hot here and I went for a run at 10h00 AM in the sun (Crazy) so that could also have made me dizzy. I'm fed up with my husband who just ignores me & our cats and plays games on his tablet every single second that he can. Clash of clans is truly a relationship wrecker!!!! I need to talk to my husband tonight and try to make peace but honestly it feels like I'm the only one making an effort. When we talk, we fight about the restoration work in the house (he hates all my ideas) and the rest of the time he just ignores me and doesn't take part in anything to do with the house or our families etc. If he doesn't change his attitude I'm not going to ttc just to please him next year. What for? So he can ignore his possible baby too? Idiot.

Rant over! At the same time I'm so grateful to be on holiday. I'm spring cleaning a small bit of the house daily, working in the garden, reading a lot.... Loving it. I wish I could be a housewife :).

Swimmy - I am such a believer in metformin after my sister conceived on it twice (drs predicted that she would reeeeeaaalllly struggle but metformin was a game changer). Were you using metformin with your bfp cycles? Urgh hun clomid does mess with your hormones and ovulation signs can be a bit wonky on clomid cycles. FX for your follicle scan, hope there is at least 1 big one, hopefully more! I think we all will have a few tough days diet wise during the holidays. Too bad. Let's just try to eat as healthy as POSSIBLE. :hugs:

Ursaula - great that you had that chat with your ex. When are you seeing your dr again? Still no AF for you? I can't imagine living in such a cold country. It gets cold here in winter but 5-6 months of the year at least are warm enough for shorts and t-shirts & swimming in our outdoor pools. I love Africa's climate, let me know if you want to visit! :winkwink:

Cupcakestoy - FX for this cycle! Good for you for being so positive! This was the first year that most South African stores had a black Friday sale. I stayed away too! RSA is just adopting more and more American and European holidays and festivals.

IRYM - neeeeeewwwwwssss!!! Eeek I am really hoping for you; temps still up etc.??

Last night I had a dream about seeing my family in a year's time. I saw my sister's kids all a year older. Another lady in my family was pregnant. And I was thin, childless and had a super flat tummy. It was a bittersweet dream - my flat toned tummy and my 1 year older niece & nephews were the sweet parts. Well, whatever happens will be good, I will MAKE it good! :thumbup:
Sorry gals, I was out of town and didn't have access to wifi, and anyway I felt it would have been rude to browse the internet when I was supposed to be spending time with my family for the holiday. Haha

Temps are still up, but BFN today (15dpo). AF due tomorrow morning-ish. The only AF symptom I have today is some slight cramping. We'll see what happens tomorrow!

Last time I got a BFP, it wasn't until I was 3 days late, soooo it's possible I'm a late implanter. :)

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