Getting Fit Before Baby

Glad everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Cupcake: The marriage class sounds excellent for everyone who has ever had a relationship. I wish my church had those sort of groups but our congregation is 8 people max. Great job not gaining weight too!

Swimmy: Do what works for you. If you feel Metformin was better for you then do it! It's your body and you know what's best. Happy to hear from you. :)

Fern: My dad is the one addicted to the iPad checking his emails through family events. We hardly talk to him because he just ignores us. It's frustrating. Fx'd for you and what gives you happiness :)

I see my doctor on Dec. 15 and still no af or BFP...I can't tell if I feel pregnant because I am or if it's because I started metformin. I've been having a lot of pregnancy dreams lately too...I can't wait to see my doctor again to figure things out as to why af hasn't shown.

We get almost 2 months of shorts and swimming weather. It sucks but I call it home :)

IRYM: Fx'd!! I'm loving the look of your chart!

AFM: I'm hoping to move into my own place in the next little while. I just have to find a roommate...I'd love to buy my own little house but I just can't afford it right now :(
Okay now I think I'm caught up on everything that happened while I was away!

Fern - Don't consider it "giving up", that has such a negative connotation! You're not giving up, you're coming to terms with things and choosing to move on. :)

Ursaula - Thanks! I was really hoping to see a temp spike today, but I'll take an "almost the same as yesterday" temp too, I guess! :haha:

As for me, I just wanted to say: Holy moly, I have been suffering from the worst case of itchy nipples I've ever had in the history of my life. Slathering lotion on them only works for an hour, tops, and sometimes not even that. I can't for the life of me figure out what's causing this.

Google gives mixed results. Some say it's a pregnancy symptom (even this early? I doubt that), some gals have this every TWW, some gals never experience it... I haven't changed laundry detergents, I'm not wearing anything with a new fabric, I haven't switched lotions, perfumes, deodorants, or anything else that might come into contact with my chest. It's driving me nuts!

Any of you gals get this sort of thing in your TWW? It's new to me, so I'm not sure if it's hormonal, or if I somehow managed to get the skin on my breasts all dried out, or if it's some kind of allergic reaction. Ack.
IRYM: I'm just waiting to see what this cycle turns into for you. Fx'd! The only time I've had itchy breasts (between them, not nipple area) is when I exercise. The sweat causes them to itch like crazy, not sure if that helps or not but it's the only case I have found for me. Might be a good note though as I've never had a BFP, so could be a positive sign!

In the discussion of boobs, mine are ACHING!! I kind of wish I didn't start metformin because I don't know if the "early pregnancy symptoms" are being caused by the drug or that I'm pregnant. I'm driving myself crazy with BFNs but some of the things I'm feeling aren't written as a side effect for metformin. Hurry up af or BFP! Urgh!
Wellll my temp dropped to below coverline today. :( I guess that means I'm out! But as I'm writing this, AF still hasn't showed. I even did a Q-tip test this morning to check for traces of blood, and it came back clean.

I'm feeling some mild cramping this morning, though, so it's probably just AF on the way.

If that's the case, then this morning I need to call and make an appointment for the HSG. Then it's a flurry of driving around town once I make that appointment, because I have to go take a urine pregnancy test at one of their labs (AF isn't enough, I guess), I have to go pick up antibiotics and start taking them, etc. And the only place that does the HSGs for my provider is waaaaaaay on the other side of town. I was kinda hoping it was at the offices near me, since that's where the appt setting and initial testing for infertility was done.
OMW my computer keeps deleting my long posts!!!! I'm just going to do a shortened version.

I'm nauseous and very tired but I think I have a tummy bug. 9ish dpo, 5 more days then these progesterone symptoms will subside so if I'm not pregnant there's that to look forward to at least.

IRYM - hope your temps rise again! And if not, all those tedious and uncomfortable procedures will at least hopefully bring you closer to an answer. Hugs!

You are so right; I certainly don't feel like I am "giving up in anguish". Infertility is horrible and devastating but I believe we have a choice whether we let it destroy our lives or whether we are positive and keep on living a full life. I choose the latter. And have updated my signature as per your suggestion. :)

Cupcakestoy - are you tracking ovulation? Hoping the course brings so many blessings to your marriage. x

Swimmy - how are those OPKs? GL for tomorrow!

Ursaula - only 2 weeks until you see the dr again, hope you also get some more info & more tests done! So exciting to be looking out for a new place to live - fresh start. :)

Drjo and MrsTigger - thinking of you and also of the other ladies who haven't posted in a while.
Fern - Ick, I hope you're feeling better! I had the worst case of stomach flu last weekend and I know how much it sucks!

DH submitted his SA sample this morning, and the lab says they usually have results back within a day. I'm wondering if that means we'll get the results back by the end of today's business day, or some time tomorrow? Hmmm. I'm excited to see what comes up!

Is it easier to resolve male fertility issues than female ones? I feel like it ought to be, but I don't know for sure. Hmmm.
Hey ladies, I'm still around rooting for all of you, just don't usually post!

Had a midwife appointment today...their scale reads 2.5 pounds more than mine! Ack! According to my home scale, I've gained 6 pounds so far in 18 weeks so im still ok. Admittedly I haven't eaten very healthy foods due to continued nausea, but I don't feel like I'm eating more than usual despite the additional calorie requirements. Trying not to gain more than 25 pounds the whole pregnancy. Then I'll be back on the weight loss track, and fortunately I'll be on maternity leave during the summer so I'll be able to get outside and be active. I'll be needing to lose baby weight, plus since I was overweight before, I probably should lose an additional 50ish pounds to be in a healthy range. As of now we're not planning to prevent any pregnancy after delivery, since it took a good chunk of time this time around.

Anyway, I like reading everyone's updates!
Good to hear from you, Drjo! Sounds like you've got it all planned out! We like hearing your updates! :)

AFM --- Ugh. AF showed up and these cramps are RIDICULOUS! They're so bad they're making me sick to my stomach. That'll teach me to get my hopes up, won't it? :dohh:
Sorry IRYM :(

I'm using Opks & CM checks...Should O soon....I'm guessing Thursday (CD 14), but Opks - so far. I use the CBD digi's with the smiley face, as I despise line judging lol

Sorry I'm not doing is kicking my tail this week...UGH
Drjo - nice to hear from you! Glad everything is still going well. Do you know if you are having a boy/girl or are you keeping it a surprise? After LO's arrival please feel free to come back for support to lose weight while ttc #2. xx

Ireadyermind - boo for AF! I hope you feel better soon. With this sucky endometriosis I know all too well how terrible and debilitating P cramps can be. Thinking of you and fx for your husband's results.

Cupcakestoy - GL for O this week! Hope you are not too busy to get some bd in ;). Will you be taking any leave from work for December holidays? It's easy for me; I don't have anything to do in Dec since our school year is from early Jan- early Dec, I have nobody to teach until next year. But how does it work in the home nursing profession?

Hi everyone else!

AFM - I feel so much better than yesterday. Loads of energy today. I caught up on 2 days worth of spring cleaning, exercised a lot and did loads of gardening. Thank heavens it didn't turn into a full blown stomach flu. I took a chance on some dodgy-looking salad on Monday; guess it made me ill. I only have a lingering headache but that's OK.
Just a tongue-in-cheek, tmi side story: 2 years ago when we got married DH and I had stomach flu for the first 3 days of our honeymoon and took turns running to the bathroom... then we got better, had 1 perfect day at the beach, had dinner at a seafood restaurant where I ate spoiled prawns and instantly got sick to death AGAIN. Horrible and so embarrassing; we didn't live together before we got married and our first part of living together consisted of being sick and him holding a bucket for me to throw up in, WTH. We laugh about it now.... (him more than me)! :haha::blush::wacko::dohh:

TTC wise- I honestly don't feel like I could be pregnant. My boobs are not sore at all (SO WEIRD!), where I normally have really sore bbs in the tww. I don't have many pregnancy symptoms today (which I would have blamed on clomid in any case lol) so my previous remark on progesterone symptoms seems moot. I wanted to poas this morning but I had to get up to urinate 6 times during the night!!! and so didn't think I had enough concentrated FMU for a test. Maybe tomorrow.

May I just say again... I'm so grateful to be on holiday. :cloud9:

Sending you all :hugs:
IRYM - darn i really had my fingers crossed for you!

Cupcake - Fingers crossed we get solid smilies soon!! Mine are still super super light :(

AFM - my scan shows 2 mature follicles but because I'm still not even getting highs on my monitor there is a 3rd that might mature before I ovulate. Not gonna lie it made me a little nervous (I know we are shooting for multiple eggs with my DH's genetic issue) but when she said "have you and your husband talked about multiples because there is always a chance they would all be good" idk alls i could think of were 3 babies which my DH is all for (shocker lol). My temps are super off I think my batteries are going bad and I need to get a new one. Still getting lows on my monitor :(

Sorry long rant ladies. Do any of you do any winter sports? We don't have snow here and i'm starting to get a little stir crazy
Thanks, gals. Sorry to disappoint! Heh

Fern -- Is getting up to pee SIX TIMES in one night a typical part of your TWW? If it isn't, that may just be a good sign for you! The urge to pee more often started up for me almost immediately on my BFP cycle. At 5wks (so basically, having just confirmed pregnancy) I had the urge to pee every hour, even if there was virtually nothing in my bladder. Apparently HCG irritates the lining of your bladder and makes it spasm, and that's what causes the urge to go all the time in early pregnancy. FX'd and baby dust!

AFM --

DH's SA results are amazing. High sperm count, excellent motility and morphology, and all of his other results were either normal or above average. So it's just me that's broken, I guess. I was both relieved and sad about that. I was hoping there wasn't something ELSE wrong with me, you know? :(

On the other hand, my mother struggled with infertility while TTC me. She and my dad tried for over a year without luck, started seeing a specialist, and they finally conceived me after mom had air blown into her uterus and tubes to ensure that they were all open. I suppose she had a blocked tube or somesuch. So I'm hoping that forcing the dye through MY tubes will open them up wide and allow sperm and eggs to travel freely.

My appt for the HSG is December 11th. Eep!
Fern- Thanks! We're finding out boy or girl on the 16th!
We're going to have a small gender reveal party with our parents that evening and then will tell other family and friends.
Enjoy your party Drjo. What a great way to start the holiday festivities xx

IRYM - Glad all is well with your DH's SA. One less thing to worry about. All the best for your hsg!

Swimmy and cupcake - Hope you ladies have healthy eggies this cycle, would be awesome if you can actually be bump buddies!

BFN today 11dpo on an early detection test. No line, no evap, no shadow, not even when I take the test apart. I'm out. My boobs are still not sore at all, temps are low this cycle. Dunno if I screwed up my hormones by taking black cohosh. DH and I had a hug & cuddle this morning after the negative, not that we expected anything else. He has at least been much more attentive since our talk the other night. I guess tonight we will make a final decision re changing our medical aid fund and me having the lap done to remove endo next year. We need to make that decision before 10 December (cut-off date). Back on the Pill in 2 days and one good thing is some weight will drop off again. At this stage we're thinking of not doing IVF. I think more and more that God must have a reason & purpose for not giving us kids. I'm going for a run now to try and get some of this sadness out of my head. Have to keep on living positively right.
Oh bugger... I glanced at the test again 2 hrs later and now there is a clear line, I KNOW I shouldn't have looked but we do that, right. Test is not dry yet and the line remains after I did a water rinse. Hey, blame it on the fact that I'm a scientist, natural curiosity lol. Difficult to see if it is pink or gray. Probably an evap but I'll test again tomorrow morning and just do light exercise for a day or two more.
Fern -- 11DPO is still very early for an accurate result on a test! Avg implantation is 9DPO and you can implant as late as 12!

So it's not really over until AF shows up! Keep us posted on that mystery line, and post pics if you like! I can do some tweaking in Photoshop so we can see if there's really color there, or if it's a true evap. :D
Hey gals. I'm thinking I may have missed my surge :/ another negative BBS are a little tender & my cm is dried up??? I always have ewcm, even on clomid, so I'm in the dark so far.....I'll keep testing until Sunday tho. We have been bding every other day though, so if I did miss it we are covered either way. Sure am hoping to see some exciting news on hear very soon from you gals!!!!
Hey gals. I'm thinking I may have missed my surge :/ another negative BBS are a little tender & my cm is dried up??? I always have ewcm, even on clomid, so I'm in the dark so far.....I'll keep testing until Sunday tho. We have been bding every other day though, so if I did miss it we are covered either way. Sure am hoping to see some exciting news on hear very soon from you gals!!!!

What cycle day are you on? I don't ovulate until CD20 or even later. If you're BDing every other day, I'm sure you got your bases covered! :) GL!

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