Just got back from the test. I arrived at the office early (which I try to do, because you never know what sort of paperwork they'll make you fill out) only to hear that one of their two machines was down and everything was delayed. Ended up waiting 45mins before anyone saw me. Oye!
That little snag aside, the HSG test is normal. Both tubes open, no internal scarring, no growths, normally-shaped and -sized uterus.
So it's looking more and more like my issue is with hormones, like I've been saying all along.

You'd think they'd take your symptoms into account when determining what to test, right?
Oh well. At least now we know there aren't any physical issues causing my infertility. DH and I are more than likely going to be able to TTC naturally this month too, since it's so close to Christmas.
Additionally, my BBT thermometer is missing. I swear up and down that I put it back into my bag after staying with family over the weekend of the 5th, but when we got home and I went to get it from the suitcase, it wasn't there. We all had checked the room we stayed in multiple times, too, so it might've fallen to the floor, or in between the mattress and head board, or something random. Now I have to buy a new one and I've been using a regular fever thermometer in the interim, which isn't very accurate at ALL.
Charting temps this cycle is going to be a pain in the neck. Walmart and Target don't carry BBT thermometers around here and I have to make a special trip to a Rite Aid somewhere around town. Hmm.
Ursaula - Glad to hear you got your deposit back! I was worried that if the landlord was shady enough to lease you a place that already had people IN it, that he'd be shady enough to keep all your money, too!
Swimmy - How successful are you at NOT testing this TWW? I always say that "THIS TIME" I'm going to wait it out, and then I end up testing like 7DPO. Haha