Getting Fit Before Baby

Iread- glad to hear everything is normal. What's the next step for testing? I also wonder how some people can't handle certain procedures that cause mild discomfort. Like how some ladies crawl up the bed and lose their minds during a cervical exam for labor eval. I have to wonder how they got pregnant (I know thru sex due to prenatal records)...because I'm pretty sure my finger is smaller than a penis lol. And in there far less time.

lol! You crack me up. But I have to agree! How'd they get pregnant if they're losing their minds over having a finger put in there? Oh man. It makes me think of women in the early 1900s who'd faint at the drop of a hat. I always wondered just how was it they were fainting over such dumb things. I've fainted before, and it was because of heat stroke! Not seeing a mouse, or something. Haha.

IRYM - glad everything looked ok, mine friend said hers really hurt but she had both tubes blocked and it opened one of them. I wonder if that is why it hurts for some. But mine wasn't bad at all lol. Hoping you guys will be able to get pregnant with some hormone meds :) Also I have totally stunk at the not testing I took on on 6dpo hahahaha. Felt bad for my DH i've been super moapy and whinny this cycle. I've cried at the stupidest things ugh really hoping for that bfp!!!

This was painful, but in the "man this is a really bad cramp" sort of way. I can't imagine what it'd feel like if this procedure opened up a tube, though. I bet it hurts a LOT! Those people get a pass if they feel woozy afterwards. Haha

Glad all is good IRYM! One less thing to stress about. What's next?

Thanks! I don't know for sure what's next. I have to wait for the fertility doctor to review all my previous tests and then let me know where we go from here. I personally believe that it will be hormone testing for things like estrogen, progesterone, etc.
Cupcake - I'm right there with you lately I've been so hungry, too many holiday snacks. Doesn't help my DH found this ice cream that is a ben and jerrys that has peanut butter and chocolate cookie dough with chocolate fudge .... I could eat that all day long lol.

So I took a test today before work and didn't see anything but then I got a text from my dh about an hour later asking why I didn't tell him I had gotten a + test .... I'm thinking its probably an evap line but it has my hopes way to high. (he didn't understand the whole evap line thing and of course took the trash out :dohh:)
Guess it wasn't an evap??? Congrats, if that is indeed a bfp!

I have been a mess this week. DS has been giving us problems, so I've spent a lot of time crying & upset over that....And found out over the weekend the girl at our fire dept is having a girl.....been sad as I should be reaching these milestones before her :( not bothered to weigh this morning. PMS & lack of discipline=failure!!!!
Hoping this gets better before Christmas! Can't take much more before I lose my mind!
I took another test at work at it doesn't look like an evap. Very light but after 3 of different brands I figure probably not imagining it lol. Not super excited just waiting to see what happens.

I'm horrible with diet this time of year. Too many yummy cookies. I'm sorry you have someone so close to milestones with you :( that makes it so hard
Hi gals

Swimmy- I'm going to go ahead & congratulate you! I believe that is a bfp! I saw your test pics on another thread that I've been reading along on. Those all look legit! Keep us updated re your tests tomorrow with fmu- I'm genuinely happy for you and keeping everything crossed.

Irym, cupcake, urs, drjo, mrstigger.... thinking of you ladies.

Irym I'm glad the hsg went smoothly and showed no issues hun. At least you don't need surgery to unblock or cut out something. Fx the drs find out what is wrong. X

Cupcake I'm sorry that you're going through such a though time right now especially with the pregnant colleague. My heart goes out to you. X

My 11dpo line last cycle was even darker than your tests swimmy so I'm guessing it was a chemical.... since no tests on subsequent days showed evap lines. Atm I'm really depressed, so much so I don't want to get out of bed. Feel like I have nothing to say to my friends and couldn't enjoy our early family Christmas yesterday, just sat there and tried to breathe. That's not like me! I always try my best &succeed at coping so idk what's going on. I have no-one to talk to & my husband is being such a dick I'm considering leaving him. He keeps screaming at me like a psychopath & hurling insults if I tell him I'm not feeling well (and just whenever else). Today is our wedding anniversary and I was going to take HIM out for dinner but he insulted and emotionally abused me so much for not giving him a good enough birthday gift (I really tried!) and for not knowing an alternative route to the restaurant (I don't know that area of town very well and only know ONE route to get to the restaurant; NOT GOOD ENOUGH!) that I just couldn't go on with it & went home instead. I'm just sitting crying in bed, how can I go to dinner with such an *$$hole?

Sorry for venting here but I really have nowhere else to turn. Can't talk to anyone else about this. I'm depressed beyond my skills to help myself and my husband seems to hate me for it. Idk what to do anymore.
I have been a mess this week. DS has been giving us problems, so I've spent a lot of time crying & upset over that....And found out over the weekend the girl at our fire dept is having a girl.....been sad as I should be reaching these milestones before her :( not bothered to weigh this morning. PMS & lack of discipline=failure!!!!
Hoping this gets better before Christmas! Can't take much more before I lose my mind!

You're not a failure, cupcake! This is just a temporary setback. :hugs:

I took another test at work at it doesn't look like an evap. Very light but after 3 of different brands I figure probably not imagining it lol. Not super excited just waiting to see what happens.

I'm horrible with diet this time of year. Too many yummy cookies. I'm sorry you have someone so close to milestones with you :( that makes it so hard

Post pics! :headspin: I checked the test gallery for a thread from you, but I didn't find one. I'm super excited for you!

Irym I'm glad the hsg went smoothly and showed no issues hun. At least you don't need surgery to unblock or cut out something. Fx the drs find out what is wrong. X

My 11dpo line last cycle was even darker than your tests swimmy so I'm guessing it was a chemical.... since no tests on subsequent days showed evap lines. Atm I'm really depressed, so much so I don't want to get out of bed. Feel like I have nothing to say to my friends and couldn't enjoy our early family Christmas yesterday, just sat there and tried to breathe. That's not like me! I always try my best &succeed at coping so idk what's going on. I have no-one to talk to & my husband is being such a dick I'm considering leaving him. He keeps screaming at me like a psychopath & hurling insults if I tell him I'm not feeling well (and just whenever else). Today is our wedding anniversary and I was going to take HIM out for dinner but he insulted and emotionally abused me so much for not giving him a good enough birthday gift (I really tried!) and for not knowing an alternative route to the restaurant (I don't know that area of town very well and only know ONE route to get to the restaurant; NOT GOOD ENOUGH!) that I just couldn't go on with it & went home instead. I'm just sitting crying in bed, how can I go to dinner with such an *$$hole?

Sorry for venting here but I really have nowhere else to turn. Can't talk to anyone else about this. I'm depressed beyond my skills to help myself and my husband seems to hate me for it. Idk what to do anymore.

Thanks. :) It was such a relief. I expected there to be internal scarring or something from having an IUD for over 5 years. But thankfully there's nothing. Phew!

And I'm really sorry to hear about your DH. :( The things he's flipping out over seem to be really shallow. Not getting him a good enough gift? How ridiculous! Is there something going on with him that he hasn't been talking about? Some kind of stress or other problem that would make him blow up over tiny things? Like maybe he is fretting over something but doesn't want to talk about it for fear of being viewed as weak -- and then because he's bottled it all up, he explodes for no real reason about other things.

I hope you find or make peace with the situation. I can't blame you for not wanting to spend time with someone who is behaving in that manner. :hugs:
Fern81 - I'm sorry about your DH I agree with IRYM, you need to do what is right for you. being talked to that way isn't fair to you even if he might be upset about something else.

Got a blood test and it was only 18 today, fertility specialist said that's fine for only being 10dpo but it makes me nervous, guess nothing i can do but wait:coffee:. This is a picture of a clear blue i took this morning can you guys see anything?


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Swimmy-It's got to start somewhere! Hope this one is your keeper!

Fern-Must be something in the air! DH has been a douche this last few days as well, Hates the whole world! lol Sorry & hope you guys can get past this, but this is totally unacceptable! I would probably belt him a good 1!

UGH....Between clomid bloat, bad eating habits for almost 2 weeks & impending af, I'm sure....scales are up 6 pounds as of tonight :( Of course I'll have to weigh in the A.m. to be accurate! lol
cupcake - Glad it wasn't as bad as you thought it was! That has to make for a better start to the day, right? Getting a somewhat pleasant surprise like that. :)

swimmy - I think I see something, but then every time I focus on it, I don't see it any more. :/ I plunked the image down in Photoshop and tweaked it some, inverted it, etc. and I can just barely make out a hint of a line on the bottom half of the test window, but not the top. Oye. Is that a common problem that blue dye tests have? I hear lots of bad things about them, but the only blue dyes I've used were digital ones.
Tests today are way darker so I feel a little better. Also I won a 2 year free membership at a gym today yay!!! Time to get back on track! I've been such a lump on the couch lately, and eating way too much pasta.
Tests today are way darker so I feel a little better. Also I won a 2 year free membership at a gym today yay!!! Time to get back on track! I've been such a lump on the couch lately, and eating way too much pasta.

Yay! Congrats! What an excellent way to ring in the new year..! :happydance:
Swimmy I'm so happy things are going so well for you! How are your tests& betas looking today? Sticky sticky vibes for you hun!!

I wish this happiness for everyone of you girls. Xx

Irym looks like it's O time again? Will you be carrying on with the next batch of tests next year then? One can only hope you don't need them, right. Fx!

Cupcake - are you doing a bit better hun? Thinking of you!

I'm just carrying on. I instantly gained an astonishing amount of weight last cycle around AF time and I haven't been able to lose it? So weird, my hormones are all over the place, having spotting & acne & all kinds of weird breast pains. I'm also really sick with the flu (including a rash around my mouth, eye infection and sores in my mouth). Husband's irritating drug addict brother is staying with us for a week, he has to be babied 24/7.... urgh can this week just fly by?
The wheel has to turn and things just HAVE to start looking up soon.
Swimmy I'm so happy things are going so well for you! How are your tests& betas looking today? Sticky sticky vibes for you hun!!

I wish this happiness for everyone of you girls. Xx

Irym looks like it's O time again? Will you be carrying on with the next batch of tests next year then? One can only hope you don't need them, right. Fx!

Cupcake - are you doing a bit better hun? Thinking of you!

I'm just carrying on. I instantly gained an astonishing amount of weight last cycle around AF time and I haven't been able to lose it? So weird, my hormones are all over the place, having spotting & acne & all kinds of weird breast pains. I'm also really sick with the flu (including a rash around my mouth, eye infection and sores in my mouth). Husband's irritating drug addict brother is staying with us for a week, he has to be babied 24/7.... urgh can this week just fly by?
The wheel has to turn and things just HAVE to start looking up soon.

Yes, it's O time! Got a +OPK and a temp spike today, which totally blind-sided me. My average O date is CD 21, but today is only CD17! Since I wasn't allowed to BD for 48hrs after the HSG, and DH was too tired Monday and Tuesday, the earliest we could BD was Wednesday morning and it looks like that wasn't a moment too soon!

But now I'm worried that we cut it too close and maybe missed our window... That procedure kinda messed things up, didn't it? Right in my fertile window. Oye.

AND all my temps are out of whack after losing my BBT thermometer and having to search several stores for a new one. This month's chart is crazy! :dohh:

I hope you get to feeling better. It sounds a little like you have more than one illness at the same time. I've had that happen before, and it's complete misery! :hugs: If DH wanted his drug-addled brother to stay with you, DH needs to be the one to care for him while you're sick! Man. Anyway, get well soon!
Hey everyone, just thought I'd update I found out we're having a girl! I'm still rooting for all of you, both for ttc and weight loss. :)
I'm ok, still sucking at behaving myself, but have decided that after a blaring BFN this morning, that I'm not going to be really hard on myself! Not been in a great place emotionally this last few weeks...Decided to step back & I'm going to attempt enjoy the Holidays, then get back on the wagon lol Just not motivated & pms-ing, so I'm not even going to set myself up to fail! Too many dinners, parties & socials coming up in the next 2 weeks! Merry Christmas ladies....
Fern - tests slowly getting darker. Not gonna lie im kind of kicking myself for testing so early lol. It just has me a little on edge that it will end badly again. First beta was 13 (10dpo) next was 46 (12dpo). Dr said I don't have to do beta's anymore but left me the option ... just because I'm crazy I probably will lol. Sorry your brother in law is such a handful I know about dealing with drug addict family members ... no fun at all. Hopefully you start feeling better and the week will fly by.

IRYM - FINGERS CROSSED!!! lol My thermometer was dying pre O so all my temps were weird too. drove me crazy.

drjo - Congrats on a girl!! thats so exciting I bet you can't wait until she's here

cupcake - I say take the 2 weeks and then get back on the wagon. You're right no sense in setting yourself up to fail. Have a wonderful holiday!
drjo -- Aww, congrats! That's awesome!

Swimmy - Thanks! My temp didn't stay up so I think I might O tonight or tomorrow. Will be sure to keep BDing EOD until everything's confirmed!

Cupcake - I hear you on that one. It's really difficult to stay on track over Christmas, especially if you're the only one trying to do so. Dieting is always easier when you have a bunch of people in on it too so that you can ALL keep each other in line. Don't let it stress you! Enjoy your holiday and just remember to eat the sweets and junk in moderation instead of pigging out, and don't forget to drink plenty of water. :)
Yay Swimmy for a BFP! Praying for you :)

I have been sucking diet wise and emotionally. Sounds like a lot of us are struggling emotionally through this time. Thinking of you all!

I decided to force a new chart on ff so I have been charting again. My doctor wants to only keep me on 500mg of metformin for some reason.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Forgot to add I will be seeing a dietitian in the new year.
Ursaula - A dietician might be really helpful! I always thought it'd be useful to have a professional to go over my daily calorie goals and nutrients and whatnot. I'm excited to hear how that works for you! :)

AFM -- Saturday & Sunday I got to celebrate my birthday with my mom and sisters. We made it a girls' night out (except DH was the designated driver) and had drinks, went to the local casino, and danced at their little dance club too. DH went off and enjoyed himself at the Black Jack tables while we danced.

I even actually got a birthday present this year, which never happens. lol.

Mom bought me a little counter top espresso machine, and my sisters chipped in and got the espresso, some flavored syrups, a variety of biscotti and a small container of creamer. Oh, AND they got me a stacking set of espresso cups for on the counter. I was pretty stoked! lol

I'm making myself a cup of espresso as we speak! This is probably the start of an espresso addiction. lol.

FF finally gave me cross hairs on Dec 18th. I'm not too hopeful this month because of how that HSG test blocked us from BDing for a couple of days earlier that week, but I guess anything's possible! I keep thinking that maybe the dye from the HSG opened up my tubes wider or something. Cleaned them out so that the egg can travel better, or the sperm can, or both. I suppose we'll know in 15 days, one way or another. lol

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