Getting Fit Before Baby

Krissie - Aww, what a cutie! So sorry to hear you were so sick, that's awful. :( Is everything back to normal now? No residual problems?
So far my bp has remained slightly elevated but not enough to medicate. My blood sugar has been average since I started the keto diet a month ago. And I've lost 17 lbs down to my pre pregnancy weight. I'm hoping my bp will follow as I lose more weight.
So far my bp has remained slightly elevated but not enough to medicate. My blood sugar has been average since I started the keto diet a month ago. And I've lost 17 lbs down to my pre pregnancy weight. I'm hoping my bp will follow as I lose more weight.

Ooo, I've been wanting to do the Keto diet! Is it really hard to stick to? My doctor said not even to bother with the supposed "PCOS Diet" and to just stick to a low carb one, as that would work best for me. The problem is that I get such horrible carb withdrawal, I find it really difficult to stick to the program!

Metformin REALLY helped with those carb cravings, knocked them almost down to nothing, but it also caused me to develop an erratic heartbeat, complete with breathlessness. Sooo unfortunately I had to stop taking that. What a bummer, I felt like a whole new person while I was on it!

And, thinking "out loud" here, I just remembered that I had been taking Myo-inositol a few weeks before I got pregnant. I had lost 5lbs while I was on it, so maybe I should get back to it since I'm not breastfeeding any more!
I found once I got past the first week I had almost no carb cravings. And I had some serious sugar addiction going on before starting. I did just go straight to less than 20g carbs and it has been great. I have can honestly say I have not felt this good in ages. I sleep deeper and need less sleep to function clearly. I would highly recommend it. The first week I drank a lot of smart water to keep my electrolytes up. I have only had one episode where I felt like total hell but I think I was dehydrated after spending all day in a hot office and running around. My biggest piece of advice would be to keep it simple. I do a lot of meat with a veggie for my meals. One of my favorites was a "bourbon chicken" with cauliflower rice. It was so good but it totally tasted like general taos. :haha: The best thing you can do is track everything for awhile. I use an app called cronometer which breaks down net carbs. There is so many hidden carbs in stuff so it is good to get use to knowing what is in your food. I plan to track for a couple months and then if I want the break see if I can keep it up without tracking.

The best websites for recipes that I like are Two Sleevers and I breath, I'm hungry. I think they use a lot of real ingredients that are easy to find. I also shop sales on meat and freeze a lot because it can be spendy. But overall I would recommend it, especially to help sort through hormonal issues of PCOS and insulin sensitivity. I currently have normal blood sugars all day except fasting which is running 101-115 still. I swear that number is never going to down. :growlmad:

When I started keto I joined reddit and have found some great subs that are very helpful and encouraging to see such great progress. I lost 17 lbs in my first month and I have decided to not weigh in this month since it was starting to stress me out. Hopefully I can see some great results this month too.

I loved Myo-inositol when I have taken it.
Krissie - she is sooooo cute!!! can't believe she is already 6 months.

I can't wait to get back to dieting and exercising honestly lol, I'm just soooo hungry this pregnancy. I've tried to do some yoga and low energy work outs but i end up getting so dizzy and nauseous after it didn't feel worth it. I had to break out my maternity scrubs today for work booo I wasn't quite ready to make that change lol. I really need to stop eating like crap though :( I think i'm gonna get back to using myfitness pal and just watch my intake.

Have a wonderful rainbow baby story to share. my BFF found out in july that she was pregnant. Went to her OB and they pretty much told her to expect a new miscarriage due to her HCG levels being low and no fetal poll found. However she ovulates like 1-2 weeks later than normal. I insisted that she wait, ask for a follow up hcg test (we all know 1 means NOTHING!) and another scan in 2 weeks if no bleeding. HCG more than doubled in 48 hours. today her scan showed a beautiful wiggly 7 week 2 day baby with a strong heart beat! I'm sooooo excited for her! After her horrible ex husband left her "for not being able to have kids" she has wanted this sooo bad.
Krissie - she is sooooo cute!!! can't believe she is already 6 months.

I can't wait to get back to dieting and exercising honestly lol, I'm just soooo hungry this pregnancy. I've tried to do some yoga and low energy work outs but i end up getting so dizzy and nauseous after it didn't feel worth it. I had to break out my maternity scrubs today for work booo I wasn't quite ready to make that change lol. I really need to stop eating like crap though :( I think i'm gonna get back to using myfitness pal and just watch my intake.

Have a wonderful rainbow baby story to share. my BFF found out in july that she was pregnant. Went to her OB and they pretty much told her to expect a new miscarriage due to her HCG levels being low and no fetal poll found. However she ovulates like 1-2 weeks later than normal. I insisted that she wait, ask for a follow up hcg test (we all know 1 means NOTHING!) and another scan in 2 weeks if no bleeding. HCG more than doubled in 48 hours. today her scan showed a beautiful wiggly 7 week 2 day baby with a strong heart beat! I'm sooooo excited for her! After her horrible ex husband left her "for not being able to have kids" she has wanted this sooo bad.

Ooo, Swimmy, I didn't know you were pregnant again! Congrats!

Also, what wonderful news for your BFF! I hate when doctors immediately jump to the miscarriage diagnosis, that's what they told me about Gwen, even with healthy HCG levels. Turns out it was just their crappy ultrasound machines. When I went elsewhere for a second opinion, there she was, a little bean with a heartbeat! So glad your friend didn't lose hope after that misdiagnosis.

AFM - We're going to my little nephew's birthday party tomorrow. He turns 7 and specifically asked that I attend. <3 He's my little buddy. For a long time, I was the only one who gave him any real attention. I'd sit down with him one on one and play, ask him about his day, things he likes, etc. It means a lot to me that the first thing he asked about for his birthday was if I would be able to make it. It's a 3.5 hour drive, but worth it!

His mom has basically just flaked out on his party. She's putting in the bare minimum in terms of effort, which also made me really sad. Benjamin is the middle son and she acts like she just can't be bothered to try. Her only plans were to serve some PB&Js and a cake.

You guys might remember me saying so, but I have always been overlooked on birthdays because it's so close to Christmas. I remember feeling absolutely worthless when I was little, because no one remembered me or went to any effort.

SO when I heard how little my sister was planning, I decided to do something about it. My youngest sister is planning some games (musical chairs, limbo, etc), and I went out and bought a face painting kit with some easy stencils so all the kids could get their faces painted. My mom (Ben's grandma) got party decor and toys.

I don't know if my sister had planned it like this in the hopes that everyone else would handle the party, but we weren't about to let her drop the ball on this one! But I'm going to be so exhausted wrangling 9 first-graders. lol!
IRYM - way to go!! that is so wonderful that you are going to make his party special. you are a great aunt. It sounds maybe a little silly but I feel really bad this next baby is going to be born so close to Christmas. I think as they get older I'm going to actually have them celebrate their 1/2 birthday. That way if they want to have an outdoor party they can. Or we would do an indoor water park or something if they want to keep their birthday in the winter. It's not fair that December babies get skipped over because of the holidays.
Thanks for the congrats! this one caught me a little off guard we were looking into ivf or a donor. I would have liked a little bigger age gap but I'm not gonna complain lol super thankful. Def will be done after #2 though
i scanned myself at work last night, soooo I think the 1% chance of having another girl is gone lol.
Aww, that's like what happened to us with Gwen. I was actually on BC to regulate my ovaries before IVF when we got pregnant with Gwen! :) How exciting!


Okay, I have to vent. We're at my mother's house, visiting with mom and my sisters. Gwen got hungry, so I asked DH to feed her. Now, bear in mind, DH went to bed an hour earlier than everyone. He slept through the night, even when Gwen woke up crying at 5am and wouldn't go back to sleep for 45 minutes. He took a nap yesterday, too. He was served food, we went out to breakfast, and basically had a vacation day despite me wanting to visit with the family we're here to see.

But how dare I make DH feed Gwen, he's tired! Why can't the poor man take a nap? Why aren't I caring for the baby myself? Poor DH WORKS all week!

As if being a SAHM isn't work. And as if I don't do any work!

I said, uh - he gets 8+ hours solid sleep a night, wakes up and has a leisurely breakfast alone, showers without interruptions, spends 30mins on the toilet. Then he goes to work where he's being PAID for the stuff he does, gets an hour long lunch - again, uninterrupted - which is sometimes followed up by a nap in the car. Then he comes home, I fix dinner, do laundry, dishes, all the housework, care for the animals, etc and he plays with Gwen maybe 2hrs tops before she's in bed for the night. I think he can handle sometimes caring for HIS child on weekends!

My youngest sister said, "But then he doesn't get a break!" What about me? When do I get a break? Is asking DH to help care for his kid 2 out of 7 days a week that horrible? Especially when I still handle naps, bath time, bedtime, etc? And when I end up spending my whole weekend running errands or doing house maintenance?

I'm pretty peeved right now. My husband sees Gwen so infrequently that she's beginning to treat him like he's a stranger!

If he wanted weekends off and zero responsibility for a baby, he shouldn't have agreed to have one. And how dare my sisters insinuate that I ask too much of him.
Swimmy-- Such sweet news about your friend. I hope the rest of her pregnancy goes oh so smoothly. Congrats also on your little girl being 2 years old now! Man, time flies. It does feel like you just had her a couple months ago. Lol. And here you are expecting her little brother!

Krissie-- Oh my gosh, she is such an adorable little chunk. Love the photo! And love hearing that her big brother is getting along well with her. That stresses me out about the idea of having a second (if we even can)... how will my son take it. He can't even tolerate the cat sleeping on my lap... he climbs up and sits on top of the cat. Lol. Definitely a mama's boy. Dad's great and all and he's crazy about him, but he wants to be on me non-stop.

IRYM--- Oh my goodness! Look at you and that little girl! Such a beautiful duo. Congratulations on getting her here safely and soundly. I'm sorry things didn't go as you hoped. Not that it helps you feel any better, but I had a 4th degree tear with my natural delivery of a big baby, and healing from that was oh so awful. Most women do an elective c section for subsequent children when they tear that badly, so if we have a second baby, there's a good chance a cesarean is in my future, due to risks of repeat tearing. And that stresses me out and makes me sad, but the idea of tearing like that again majorly scares me. Not sure it was worth it, even though it went perfectly otherwise. I still don't feel "right" down there post tearing... over a year later and I still have pain. :-( So perhaps it's good your 9 pounder didn't come out vaginally! And breastfeeding, I'm still nursing my 15 month old and for me, it was DETERRENT to weight loss, not a helper. Up until about 10 months of age, I felt non stop ravenous due to breastfeeding... couldn't eat at a deficit at all. Like at all. Now that my milk supply is super low I can finally restrict my eating a bit and am finally starting to lose the baby weight... from 15 months ago (can I even call it baby weight anymore, lol?). With Krissie saying she thinks formula feeding contributed to not getting PPD with her second, I can totally see that. Breastfeeding was such a hard fought journey for us. Painful, he nursed every 45 mins, I had back to back clogged ducts and mastitis, off and on undersupply where I had to pump every 2 hrs plus constant nursing to get it back up each time, he had a tongue tie that had to be repaired. Just, whew. It was not easy. We trialed formulas and I kept a canister of the one that worked best for him in case we ever needed, but surprisingly we made it through. But if we have a second, I think I'd be less nutty about it, and more willing to just use the darn formula. I bet that process is much smoother, once you stop mom-guilting yourself.

Your body made and carried that beautiful perfect baby, so it's definitely doing plenty right!!

About your nephew, that's really sweet that you're making his bday special. What a disappointment that his mom isn't. It's nice he'll have you there to celebrate with him.

And the comments about your husband... screw that. And those stupid comments. I hate the idea that anything a dad does is automatically deserving of accolades, but it's the default expectation that mom does those things. I hear all the time how lucky I am that my husband cares for our son as an involved parent, but that's because he's his freaking father. And I set that expectation. That both of us are parents. I of course do more of the work because we nurse, and when there's a problem, little one wants mama, but I totally think dads should be dads and not "bonus" parents. So silly that you got flack for asking him to feed HIS child. And I don't even know your husband but I'm mad at him that he botched your first mother's day and didn't think of it as important, yet made his mother have a special day. That's pretty clueless of him.
Congrats to you on not strangling your husband, and for doing nearly all of the baby care on your own. Those first months are so hard.

As for me, I ovulate tonight or tomorrow. I'd say this is the first month since we've been trying that we've had good timing with intercourse. The past cycles we've only BD'd once in the fertile window, at the very end of the window. So maybe we'll get lucky this time. But if we don't it'll give me time to lose a few more lbs hopefully before trying again the next cycle. Still about 6ish lbs away from being at pre-pregnancy weight. Getting close though!
heey ladies, wow you guys are still here am happy to have found you again. i disappeared its been two years and a half now. Alot has happened after all this time, i hope you guys are all doing fine.
MiracleWorker - Wow, welcome back! It's been so long! :) You'll have to update us on everything that's happened while you were away!

MissDoc - I owe you about half a dozen thanks for all your responses to my various posts!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's BS that DH screwed up my Mother's Day. I'm also glad that you agree with me on the subject of expecting my husband to be a parent even if he has a day job. It's like my mom and sisters are living in the 1950s instead of here in 2018. I flat out told DH in the car on the way home that I do not appreciate being made to feel like sh!t for asking him to help me out, and that raising a baby and managing a household every day by myself is hard work too! He said he agrees with me... but then I wonder why he didn't tell my family that? Instead, he let them guilt me into taking Gwen from him and then he went and took a nap! So instead of spending time with my family, I had to spend the afternoon alone in the back of the house feeding and caring for Gwen so she could nap... which was made all the more difficult because DH was snoring loudly enough to shake the house down, and I didn't have any other place I could put her to sleep.

ANYWAY... So your DS is jealous of the cats, eh? I think that's simultaneously cute and an "uh oh" moment. :haha: Doesn't it make you feel so loved that he doesn't want to share you with anyone else? And at the same time, you do need him to be a little more independent. It'll come, though, I'm sure! My youngest sister's boy was a total mama's boy. Then as soon as he started preschool/daycare at age three... poof! A whole new boy. He made friends and everything!
Just wanted to share! My sister, her daughter, and Gwen all together at my nephew's birthday party. <3


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IRYM- I definitely think your feelings are justified re mother's day. Especially after everything you guys had gone through to get your DD. I hope he has learned his lesson for next year.

I would not tolerate that kind of behavior and old fashioned thinking that women should always be the caregiver. I was like that a little bit with my first but finally it was too much and my DH had to suck it up and deal. I think it really takes a team to raise a child and it is exhausting. I work outside of the home but have summers off and I tell you what it is way more difficult to stay at home than go to work. I think men get off easy with that because they have a paying job, but really they get way more breaks than a SAHM. That is good your DH agreed so hopefully he can set a good example next time.

That was such a great thing you did for your nephew. It can be so heartbreaking when parents do that. Hopefully he had a special day and made some great memories.

AFM, My Ds starting preschool today. He was so excited and didn't even stop to say goodbye. I am really optimistic this will be a good year of growth for him. I like the program he is in so hopefully they deliver what they say.

I am also back to work and it has been a struggle. I am finding managing two kids is a lot more challenging than just one. I am exhausted and I never seem to have any break times until the kids go to bed and by then either DH wants attention or I am just so exhausted I crash. Hopefully this improves soon as we get into a better routine.
Miracle worker - welcome back!! Can’t wait to hear an update :)

Irym - I can’t stand when women make those sort of comments about Dads taking care of their kids. Even if you are a SAHM that doesn’t mean you don’t get help and a break. Plus he should want to spend time with her and help you relax a little. I’m not a SAHM but to heck if I was gonna do all the house work child rearing and all that jazz while my dh does nothing lol. (I will say that comment about 30 minutes bathroom breaks cracks me up! Lizzy started opening the door on my dh while he’s going sooo those stopped real fast hahahaha). That picture is sooo cute!

Krissie - can’t believe he’s already in preschool! I’m glad he handled it so well. Hopefully once your DD starts sleeping better you will have more energy. I think that’s my biggest worry with a second baby, having even less energy than I do now Hahahaha.
Swimmy- yea I think it's a bit more of a struggle with two. But to be fair I'm just getting back to work the last two weeks after having 9 off and I'm having a beast of an af. I'm hoping once she's out I'll perk up a bit. Last night I was up at least every two hours because it was that heavy. I heard that can happen on keto so hopefully it mellows down.

Plus DD likes to wake up to eat about an hour before my alarm so it's not really worth trying to go back to sleep. But I won't complain since she's a way better sleeper than DS.
Aww, Krissie, so sweet that your little guy started preschool with such enthusiasm. That must make you feel good. My little one has been in a very "school" type daycare since infancy, and it absolutely blows my mind how much he knows and learns there. Like, at 15 months he can do the handmotions to lots of songs (twinkle twinkle, BINGO (he claps his little thighs for the letters), itsy bitsy spider, and wheels on the bus), and I didn't teach him any of that, so it's delightful to see how much they learn in those settings. He also knows lots of signs and other cool things that are above and beyond what we do at home. i bet you'll be delighted with the stuff Christian comes home doing! (just not delighted at all the cold bugs that preschool means, bleh!)

IRYM, I totally agree that days I've stayed home are harder work than the days I'm at work. I don't get why people think that stay at home mom or work at home mom also equals single parent. That's so silly. Like if both of you work outside the home would it mean that neither of you should care for your baby when you get home or on the weekends? Of course not, but for some reason when the dad works out side of the home he needs a "break" when he's home. Let me tell you, being at work IS the break. Lol. When I'm at work I can eat, check email, surf the web for a bit, have lunch with a coworker, pee in peace, and have a cup of coffee that I can drink at my leisure while it's actually hot. Those are luxuries that are rare when you are with your tiny human all day, although it's getting a little easier as my velcro baby turns into a sweet silly toddler who can entertain himself at least a LITTLE. Anywho, off my soapbox. That photo is ADORABLE!

Swimmy, that's my fear too... how in the hell does anyone parent two little ones and have any energy or sanity? I guess you'll find out soon. LOL. Hopefully I will as well.

I'm 5 dpo right now, which is that annoying part of the cycle because it's too early for anything whatsoever, and just waiting waiting. I implanted really early with my son and got a bfp on 8dpo, so around that time is when I start getting really antsy and impatient.
Thank you all ....
Well i think i disappeared when i got pregnant, and it started with lots of complications, i was so confused. Reaching 20 weeks i had placenta previa so i was put into bed rest for a month and the i had high blood pressure which made my doctor to put me into a total rest, so no work or anything of such matter i was depressed as am so used to moving around. Stay on bed rest until delivery which was 37 weeks, i got to hold DD for the first time. I was over the moon and then postpartum depression got me, it was crazy. I really had to work on my metal health to get back on my feet.
Due to long bed rest and the high blood pressure condition i gained a lot of weight, I had to do something. So i tried to eat health and workout and i lost all the baby weight and 10lbs more, but boom i was pregnant again and here i am, 8 weeks pregnant.
This pregnancy came by surprise i didn't plan and we where not trying to conceive, I guess God decided to bless us with another one.
when i was in week 5 i had bleeding in which they had to put me into 10 days bed rest and by then they couldnt see yolk sac and fetal pole so they told me to go back after two weeks which i did and there was a strong heartbeat.
I have been through a lot emotionally, and am still adjusting as alot has to change. The morning sickness is killing me, i decided to opt for medicine to easy things up but its not working so am hanging in there.
Am also worried to end up on bed rest again as i would really like to keep on working. My boss is kinda of a workerholic and he will talk all the way for not being able to make it to work, he will make my pregnancy even harder.
well that's more like it, on what happened to me.
Well i also wish i could eat the healthier choice to avoid gaining too much weight but looks like its carbs mainly that my stomach can at least stand.

its so good to see you Swimmy and Irym
Gosh Miracle, that sounds incredibly stressful. I'm so sorry! Congratulations on your pregnancy though. I really hope this one goes much more smoothly the further along you get.
Swimmy, that's my fear too... how in the hell does anyone parent two little ones and have any energy or sanity? I guess you'll find out soon. LOL. Hopefully I will as well.

I don't think this is possible!! I felt like I was doing okay over the summer but since going back to work 2 weeks ago I am barely coping. I kinda lost it yesterday from all the stress. I think part of it is actually stemming from the fact DS's behavior has been very challenging lately. His first day of preschool the teacher said he basically would not listen and kept running off. I felt like such a crap parent after that meeting. She kept saying you need to talk to him.. like I haven't been doing that for weeks already!!! So I am just frustrated and sad things are rough to start. At least he has been very excited to go to school.

My daughter is also getting her first two teeth and is not a good teether like my son. So she has been very whiney the last week or so. Now that they are through I am hoping she will settle down some.

Miracle- That does sound like a stressful end to your pregnancy. Hopefully this one will be better. Congratulations.

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