Wow, so much to catch up on!
MissDoc - Aww, so sorry to see that chemical!

I was so excited seeing those faint lines!
Miracle - Wow, what a hectic pregnancy! I hope this one is much better for you! With my morning sickness, for a long time all I could stomach was fruit popsicles. I lost quite a bit of weight due to the severity of it, even with medication! I hope yours passes soon!
Krissie - Not sure how a preschool could expect a kid to behave perfectly without any prior group schooling experiences. I'm sure things will improve as he gets accustomed to the new setting!
AFM - Been a busy week. DD is taking better naps once in a while, which means I'm able to get more done around the house. It makes me feel better about myself because beforehand, the place was a disaster, and DH would come home from work and add to the mess! Ugh. So I've been spending most of my free time cleaning, rearranging, painting, etc. whenever possible. We finally have new blinds up in my kitchen (the old ones were original to the house, brown, see-through, ugly pieces of junk!), I'm getting my living room in order, etc. We've been in the house about a year now, and it's finally starting to look like some adults live here, instead of a college dorm with the bare minimum of furniture and bare white walls. haha
In terms of weight loss... I started the Keto diet a week ago. I was already doing low carb, but this diet adds healthy fats to the meal plan to help you feel full rather than making you starve the whole time. So far it's going well. I seem to have lost one pound of body weight, which I'm happy about! I'd like to bump that up to 2lbs a week if possible, but I'll take what I can get right now. After this next week of the diet plan, I'm going to add in a little bit of a workout. Some cardio to start (dancing around the house with DD, doing some Mommy & Me videos or something), and then strength training later. FX'd it works! It's going to take me a couple of years to reach my goal at this rate, but better late than never!
EDIT: P.S. Gwen has outgrown her bassinet, so we've started trying 1 or 2 naps in the Pack & Play next to my bed instead. It takes her a while to get to sleep, but improving every day! I'm waiting til she's at least 6mos old AND can easily roll from tummy to back (she can do it, but struggles sometimes) before I move her to her crib in her room. So the Pack & Play is a perfect transitional bed for her right now.