Getting pregnant right after a MC or MMC...

Well now my spotting has turned brown like and it's just a tinge... DH is sure we are pregnant again. We both want to test and at the same time think if we can hold out just a little longer it would be great... Also today the sacroiliac joint pain I suffer in my front has returned :-/ I know for certain that this had disappeared and I get it every pregnancy- it's how I knew I was pregnant with my dd. It happens as my body produces extra hCG.
Anyway fingers crossed, I'm not sure how long I will be able to wait to test but I feel like if I'm wrong I'll be shattered.

Have other ladies had this, similar with spotting (no liner required) to brown within 24hrs?
If so what has been your outcome?

Soanxious- I haven't charted... If we are not pregnant and I get a follow up visit from af in a day I will begin. I will be asking for all the info on what to do as I have never charted before.
I kinda feel like I couldn't be so lucky to be pregnant again so soon and I think that is what is stopping us from testing. I hope that makes sense :) lol

Always hopeful xo
Bushmumma how many dpo are you? I got pregnant straight after chemical feb and had another chemical, 2 started off brown then bleed.. I had had a week of positive tests first.

AS for charting there is a lot of us here that chart just click on our charts to take you to fertility friend and it explains everything you need to know there even videos on what to do and what you will see etc plus we will always answer questions, if you are thinking of charting buy a good basal thermometer online. :)

Good luck.. hopefully you are having implantation shows.
Soanxious- I don't know, pretty pathictic I guess :/.
I have not ever taken notice of this so even after 3 babies I hadn't had to know ( sorry if that sounds rude) DH and I just fell pregnant and they were sticky!

This was my first mc and it's only now I'm learning all of the things that can assist in so many ways :). I feel rather bad that I was so ingnorant to this with my previous pregnancies although being part of this site and with mates made I feel blessed now and take my hat off to everyone of you precious ladies that continue to remain so strong. My mum always told me that 'there's always someone worse off than you' she was right! There are manus mums on here that have been dealt a really shitty hand but each time they smile when a new deck is dealt, that's strength, that's amazing and that's incredible!

Anyway I don't know, I read about cm four days ago and only then was I seeing what mine was like. Four days ago it was creamy/sticky and has gotten kinda thick.. Shit, I think I got the explanation of that right :/. Please help me if I'm wrong in my description of the correct use of words.

If this is not IB and af comes, I will no longer be an illiterate to ttc.
I will be asking a millions questions and annoying the heck outta you all.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone this was not my intention, I am only expressing myself.

Always hopeful xo
Bushmumma here is a link of abbreviations. for the forum

AS for the cm they are Dry - Sticky - Creamy - Watery - Eggwhite :)

I was always very fertile and caught straight away with my children when I was younger, but only since I have been trying for the last 2 years with my OH that we have had problems :( I am also 41 now so I think the main problem is that... my age :( xx
Bushmumma, don't feel bad that you don't know these things. Sometimes I wish I was oblivious to it all. The threads and people here are a great help.
They are wonderful people on here for sure! Feeling a little less rotten today lol..
Going to buy a box of tests and test tonight I think fx it's a BFP!!

I'll keep you all up dated for sure :)... I'm praying I'm not jumping the gun hereby testing :/... Hmmm... Oh well here goes nothing!!
Soanxious- I posted but it didn't post :/.

Thanks for the link, guess I'm not doing to bad with the shorthand lol..

All my blessings for you and OH to make you mini you!!
I love that xo
Ooooookay ladies I really couldn't wait so I POAS at 3:18pm and it's a faint BFP!

I'll do another in the morning I hope I get a darker line.

Always hopeful xo
How exciting Bushmumma! Hope this is your sticky bean!
Button darling so do I, hopeful as always but not allowing my self any excitement yet... I'm scared it's going to be a replay of the last so think I'll get happy if I at least get to see a heartbeat.. Until then fx :) thank you though sweetheart xo
Ohhhhh Bushmamma how exciting... FX it's a lot darker with FMU!!!!!! :happydance: x

I just got me a Pos Opk by the looks of it.


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Ahhhh, want to share my picture so bad just not sure how to.
Ok I did it but in the other room.. I'll do it in here too yes?
yes as others can see here too if you want... runs over to other page lol x
This is my faint squinter BFP ladies fx it's a sticky one!!
Thought I'd share with you all xo


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Thanks slowloris, I'll POAS first thing in the morning and let you know and see the outcome fx it's noticeable (well at least more noticeable) :)
Been casually stalking for the past few days and just logged on to see the start of your BFP - Congratulations Bush!! Praying this is your sticky bean and that line gets darker for you :)

Soanxious - yey for the pos OPK !! Time for the :spermy: to catch that egg! TONS of sticky :dust: sent your way.

I still haven't been having many preg symptoms as yet and it's really starting to worry me. I was thinking I wasn't going to accept an early scan this time as last time it broke my heart all the more after having the scan at 8+ weeks and seeing our little bean and the heartbeat only to go on and loose anyway. But now I'm thinking of having the scan but then will I be torturing myself again?? :shrug: Aghh I don't know what to do for the best.

Had a bit of a bad day yesterday and had a complete freak out....I need to get a grip as I have a long wait...I'm only 6+4 :cry: my hormones are all over! xxxx
Yay for positive OPK Soanxious!

I'm sure everything's fine Louby, try and think positive.

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